1901 Italia VE III Lire 2 Aquila Sabauda in argento qBB

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Münzen Altertum - 102 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

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1901 Italia, regno di Vittorio Emanuele III, moneta da Lire 2 Aquila Sabauda in argento, peso gr. 10, al diritto Vittorio / Emanuele III testa nuda a destra sotto il collo SPERANZA ed al rovescio REGNO / D'ITALIA // L 2 * R * (data) e aquila coronata ad ali spiegate con scudo sabaudo a cuore caricato in petto. 1 moneta originale e molto rara, certificato Raffaele Negrini, in conservazione qBB.
1901 Italy, kingdom of Victor Emmanuel III, Silver coin Lire 2 Sabauda Eagle, weight 10 gr, on obverse Victor / Emmanuel III bare head right under the neck SPERANZA and on reverse REGNO / D'ITALIA // L 2 * R * (date) and crowned eagle with spread wings with Savoy heart-shaped shield charged on the breast. 1 original and very rare coin, certified by Raffaele Negrini, in almost good conservation.

ID: 12043

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oldthing-Nummer: 53553465
| Lagernummer: 12043

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100 % Positiv
52 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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