1917 Italia posta aerea 25c. su 40c. varietà MNH Sassone n. 2ac

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Italien - 16.547 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie


1917 Italia regno di vittorio Emanuele III francobollo per espresso urgente non emesso 40c. violetto soprastampato " IDROVOLANTE NAPOLI-PALERMO-NAPOLI " e nuovo valore 25 CENT. 25 in nero, varietà soprastampa fortemente spostata a destra. 1 valore nuovo, perfetto senza linguella . Catalogo Sassone posta aerea n. 2ac, Euro 675,00.
1917 Italy kingdom of vittorio Emanuele III unissued urgent express stamp 40c. violet overprinted " HYDROVOLANTE NAPLES-PALERMO-NAPLES " and new value 25 CENT. 25 in black, variety overprinted strongly shifted to the right. 1 value, perfect, mint and never hinged. Sassone Catalogue airmail no. 2ac, Euro 675.00.

ID: 21931

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oldthing-Nummer: 53310889
| Lagernummer: 21931

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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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