1923 Somalia 60b. on Lire 1 on 110a. variety MNH Sassone n. 43da

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Italien - 16.551 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Neu eingestellt: 25.02.2025


1923 Somalia, Colonie italiane, francobollo del 1907 e nuova tiratura dei francobolli del 1906-7, soprastampati con valore in moneta somala e sbarrette sul valore precedente, 60b. su Lire 1 su 10a. varietà soprastampa fortemente spostata a destra. 1 valore, nuovo perfetto senza linguella. Catalogo Sassone n. 43da, Euro 480,00.
1923 Somalia, Italian Colonies, 1907 stamps and new run of 1906-7, stamps overprinted with Somali coin value and bars on the previous value, 60b. on Lire 1 on 110a variety, overprint strongly offset to the right. 1 value, perfect mint and never hinged. Sassone catalogue no. 43da, Euro 480.00.

ID: 34603

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oldthing-Nummer: 53466706
| Lagernummer: 34603

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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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