1936 Vaticano stampa cattolica 8v. MNH Sass. n. 47/54

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Neu eingestellt: 21.11.2024


1936 Città del Vaticano, francobolli di posta ordinaria dedicati all'esposizione mondiale della Stampa Cattolica, stampa in rotocalco in fogli da 50. 8 valori nuovi, perfetti senza linguella. Catalogo Sassone n. 47/54, Euro 450,00.
1936 Vatican City, ordinary postage stamps dedicated to the World Exhibition of the Catholic Press, printed in rotogravure in sheets of 50. 8 new values, perfect, mint and never hinged. Catalogue Sassone n. 47/54, Euro 450,00.

ID: 22209

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oldthing-Nummer: 52286406
| Lagernummer: 22209

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31 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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