1941 Italia VE III 10c. Impero II tipo in bronzital FDC

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Münzen Altertum - 104 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

1941 Italia VE III 10c. Impero II tipo in bronzital FDC


1941 Italia, regno di Vittorio Emanuele III, 10c. Impero II tipo in bronzital, contorno liscio, peso gr. 4,9. Al dritto effigie di Vittorio Emanuele III, Re d'Italia, testa nuda volta a sinistra mentre al retro stemma sabaudo su fascio littorio con spiga e foglie di quercia tra C. e 10 data e anno. 1 moneta originale in conservazione FDC.
1941 Italy, reign of Victor Emmanuel III, 10c. Empire II type in bronzital, smooth outline, weight gr. 4,9. On obverse effigy of Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, bare head turned to the left, on reverse Savoy coat of arms on lictorial fasces with ear of wheat and oak leaves between C. and 10 date and year. 1 original coin in BU conservation.

ID: 2718

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oldthing-Nummer: 51987162
| Lagernummer: 2718

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