1945-46 Vaticano Small Medallions new values 10v. MNH Sassone n. 102/109+E

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Neu eingestellt: 24.11.2024


1945-46 Vaticano, serie di francobolli "Medaglioncini" del 1945, nn. 91-98+E5 e E6, soprastampati nuovo valore e sbarrette sul vecchio. 10 valori, nuovi perfetti senza linguella. Catalogo Sassone n. 102/109+E7/8, Euro 25,00.
1945-46 Vatican City, 1945 "Small Medallions" stamps series, nos. 91-98+E5 and E6, overprinted new values and bars on the old. 10 values, perfect mint and never hinged. Catalogue Sassone n. 102/109+E7/8, Euro 25,00.

ID: 22276

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oldthing-Nummer: 52313376
| Lagernummer: 22276

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31 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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