1966 Gilbert and Ellice Islands new currency 15v. MNH SG n. 110/24

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken GB Großbritannien unsortiert - 4.349 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Neu eingestellt: heute


1966 Gilbert and Ellice Islands, colonie inglesi, regno di Elisabetta II, serie di francobolli di posta ordinaria soggetto costumi, tradizioni e stemma delle Isole Gilbert and Ellice, soprastampati nuovo valore in dollari australiani. 15 valori, nuovi perfetti senza linguella. Catalogo Stanley Gibbons n. 110/24, £ 13,00.
1966 Gilbert and Ellice Islands, British colonies, Kingdom of Elizabeth II, set of postage stamps subject customs, traditions and coat of arms of the Gilbert and Ellis Islands, overprinted new value in Australian dollars.. 15 values, perfect mint never hinged. Stanley Gibbons Catalogue No. 110/24, £13.00.

ID: 34544

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| Lagernummer: 34544

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