1969 San Marino cartoline postali Definitive L. 40 US Filagrano C39B

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken San Marino - 1.903 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Neu eingestellt: 26.02.2025


1969 Repubblica di San Marino, cartoline postali serie definitiva formato gigante, Lire 40 celeste e bruno prestampata e senza numerazione. 1 cartolina postale annullata e ben conservata (canceled and well preserved). Catalogo Filagrano n. C39B.
1969 Republic of San Marino, postcards definitive series giant size, Lire 40 light blue and brown pre-printed and without numbering. 1 postcard cancelled and well preserved. Filagrano catalogue no. C39B.

ID: 882

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oldthing-Nummer: 53473906
| Lagernummer: 882

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