1972 Dominica flora and fauna 4v. MNH SG. n. 352/55

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Neu eingestellt: 24.11.2024


1972 Dominica, colonie inglesi, regno di Elisabetta II, francobolli di posta ordinaria soggetto flora e fauna dell'isola commemorativi della conferenza della Nazioni Unite a Stoccolma "Human Environment". 4 valori nuovi, perfetti senza linguella. Catalogo Stanley Gibbons n. 352/55, £ 2,65.
1972 Dominica, British colonies, reign of Elisabeth II, ordinary postage stamps subject flora and fauna of the island commemorating the United Nations conference in Stockholm "Human Environment". 4 values new, perfect mint and never hinged. Stanley Gibbons Catalogue No. 352/55, £2.65.

ID: 27280

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oldthing-Nummer: 52313504
| Lagernummer: 27280

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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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