Acanthopterygiens. Sparoides 1. Pagel (Sparus Erythrinus) 2. Piearel (Sparus samaris) - Fisch Fische fishes /

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Sonstige weitere Sammelgebiete - 5.859 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Acanthopterygiens. Sparoides 1. Pagel (Sparus Erythrinus) 2. Piearel (Sparus samaris) - Fisch Fische fishes /


"Acanthopterygiens. Sparoides 1. Pagel (Sparus Erythrinus) 2. Piearel (Sparus samaris)" - Fisch Fische fishes / Zoologie zoology (Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle) von Orbigny, Charles d':

Orbigny, Charles d':
Verlag / Erscheinungsjahr
Paris 1817-1849.
ca. 10 g
Blatt-Maße: ca. 23,5 x 14,5 cm. -- Handkolorierter Stahlstich. -- leicht fleckig, ansonsten gut erhalten. || Hand colored engraving. -- slightly stained, otherwise in very good condition. -- Charles Henry Dessalines d’Orbigny (1806-1876) was a French botanist and geologist. His official botanical author abbreviation is “ He was the brother of the naturalist Alcide Dessalines d’Orbigny, went to school in La Rochelle and studied medicine in Paris. In 1834 he succeeded Louis Cordier (1777-1861) as assistant and preparator for geology at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle in Paris. When the Société Cuvierienne was founded in 1838, he was one of the 140 founding members of the society. D’Orbigny was editor of the natural history encyclopedia Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle, which appeared in 16 volumes from 1841 to 1849.

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