Analysis of Non-Metals in Metals Proceedings of the International Conference Berlin (West) ... 1980.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.140 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

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guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Einbandkanten mit wenigen kleinen Druckstellen - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Vorsatz und Schmutztitel mit weiterem Stempel - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich, Non-metals in metals have the most varied effects on the properties of the metals. In most cases these are unfavourable; in special cases, however, they may well be favourable. The non-metals influence mechanical and metallurgical parameters such as corrosion resistance, hardness, dilation, conductivity, rollability, flowing property, nucleus forming property and sinterability, but also nuclear properties such as e. g. neutron capture cross-section. The concentrations in which the non-metals produce these interactions can be as low as 0.1 µg or even less, and extend up to 1 mg/g and more. Depending on the element and the concentration in which it is .present, reliable analytical determination is more or less difficult and requires the use of more or less extensive analytical apparatus. Conventional chemical methods prove sufficiently effective only in a minority of cases; more modern techniques, however, such as hot extraction processes, are now already permitting determination of 0 and N down to concentrations of a few µg /g. At the present state of our knowledge, the exact determination of concentrations lower than 1 µg /g is only possible, in the case of virtually all the non-metals in question, with the use of nuclear processes such as activation with 14 MeV neutrons, ɣ-photons and charged particles ... The symposium was divided into three parts: - Non-metals in iron and steel - Activation analysis - Non-metals in non-ferrous metalsEach subject was introduced by a paper given before the full audience. In all 33 talks with following discussion were given, and a panel discussion held on the topic Reference materials for non-metals in metals - technical need, commercial importance, preparation and standardization". All contributions were notable for their high standard and were followed by interested, exhaustive discussion. The participants were from eight european and two non-european countries. Unanimous agreement was expressed with the scope and content of the symposium, Leinen, ca. 17 x 24,5, 546 Seiten mit zahlreichen Grafiken

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Günther Kraft

Titel: Analysis of Non-Metals in Metals
Proceedings of the International Conference Berlin (West) ... 1980

Verlagsname: de Gruyter, Berlin-New York

Jahr: 1981

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN: 3110084430

oldthing-Nummer: 39052805
| Lagernummer: 317729


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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