Anderson, Mac: The essence of leadership.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch - 1.091 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Anderson, Mac: The essence of leadership.
Seitenaufrufe: 5


Naperville, IL, Simple Truths, 2005, 119.

beiliegende DVD noch nicht ausgepackt - colour illustrations - Inhalt: Learn from Southwest Airlines -- Reward the gift of imagination -- Love what you do -- Take the inch by inch approach -- Focus on your priorities -- Make your brand stand for something -- Embrace humor, hope & optimism -- Understand the 'soft stuff' -- Make good habits -- Develop a 'refuse to lose' attitude -- Aim for the heart -- Think change -- Strive for authenticity -- Hire great people -- Reinforce core values -- Except the unexpected -- Create an attitude of ownership -- Manage your energy -- The most important leader -- Pull the weeds -- Lead with values -- Develop a service attitude -- Take action -- Your customers must come second -- Lead with integrity -- Walk a mile in their shoes. - leicht berieben und bestoßen, a little bit worn, - intern575-814.


siehe Beschreibung

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Anderson, Mac

Titel: The essence of leadership

Verlagsort: Naperville, IL

Verlagsname: Simple Truths

Jahr: 2005

Seitenanzahl: 119

Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren

Freie Beschreibung: beiliegende DVD noch nicht ausgepackt - colour illustrations - Inhalt: Learn from Southwest Airlines -- Reward the gift of imagination -- Love what you do -- Take the inch by inch approach -- Focus on your priorities -- Make your brand stand for something -- Embrace humor, hope & optimism -- Understand the 'soft stuff' -- Make good habits -- Develop a 'refuse to lose' attitude -- Aim for the heart -- Think change -- Strive for authenticity -- Hire great people -- Reinforce core values -- Except the unexpected -- Create an attitude of ownership -- Manage your energy -- The most important leader -- Pull the weeds -- Lead with values -- Develop a service attitude -- Take action -- Your customers must come second -- Lead with integrity -- Walk a mile in their shoes. - leicht berieben und bestoßen, a little bit worn, - intern575-814

Sprache: Englisch

Länge x Breite: 18 cm x 17 cm

ISBN: 9781608100354

Händler-Kategorie: englischsprachig - printed in english

oldthing-Nummer: 43772981
| Lagernummer: 22168

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