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45.707 Artikel gefunden


R7661701 P S Royal Sovereign RP PM St John Wood 1926

R7661701 P S Royal Sovereign RP PM St John Wood 1926

9,35 €
R756961 Aberavon Port Talbot St Mary Church H W Thomas Cigar Box Station Road

R756961 Aberavon Port Talbot St Mary Church H W Thomas Cigar Box Station Road

9,35 €
R762825 St Ives Houghton Mill Frith Serie

R762825 St Ives Houghton Mill Frith Serie

9,35 €
R761684 Hastings The Front From White Rock Hastings and St Leonards Tuck Gold Fr

R761684 Hastings The Front From White Rock Hastings and St Leonards Tuck Gold Fr

9,35 €
R756947 St Catherine Baglan Chancel J Nicholas Serie RP 1916

R756947 St Catherine Baglan Chancel J Nicholas Serie RP 1916

9,35 €
R756945 Arundel Sussex Kathedrale Unserer Lieben Frau und St. Philip Das Heiligtum von St Phil

R756945 Arundel Sussex Kathedrale Unserer Lieben Frau und St. Philip Das Heiligtum von St Phil

9,35 €
R756943 St Michaels Abbey Wood Molyneux Bros

R756943 St Michaels Abbey Wood Molyneux Bros

9,35 €
R761672 St Nazaire La Place du Bassin et le Pont Roulant Collection Morel

R761672 St Nazaire La Place du Bassin et le Pont Roulant Collection Morel

9,35 €
R761671 La Cathedrale de Rouen Vieilles Maisons au Pied de la Tour St Romain

R761671 La Cathedrale de Rouen Vieilles Maisons au Pied de la Tour St Romain

9,35 €
R761664 Galston St Sophia Chapel W R and S Reliable Series 1917

R761664 Galston St Sophia Chapel W R and S Reliable Series 1917

9,35 €
R761660 Chertsey St Peter Church Frank E Taylor Frith Serie Nr 73367

R761660 Chertsey St Peter Church Frank E Taylor Frith Serie Nr 73367

9,35 €
R762797 Tiverton St Peter Church F Frith Reigate PM Exeter Devon 1948

R762797 Tiverton St Peter Church F Frith Reigate PM Exeter Devon 1948

9,35 €
R756913 Cannes St Honorat Entree de l Abbaye PM Bournemouth 1908

R756913 Cannes St Honorat Entree de l Abbaye PM Bournemouth 1908

9,35 €
R756911 St Annes on Sea The Promenade Valentine Serie 1912

R756911 St Annes on Sea The Promenade Valentine Serie 1912

9,35 €
R761646 Guildford St Nicholas Church Nave West F Frith Reigate No 57419

R761646 Guildford St Nicholas Church Nave West F Frith Reigate No 57419

9,35 €
R761645 Knottingley St Botolphs W Bramley The Electric Printing Works Echtfoto

R761645 Knottingley St Botolphs W Bramley The Electric Printing Works Echtfoto

9,35 €
R756908 Cornwall St Michaels Mount Marazion Photochrom London Tunbridge Wells

R756908 Cornwall St Michaels Mount Marazion Photochrom London Tunbridge Wells

9,35 €
R761644 Plymouth St Andrews Church Valentine Serie

R761644 Plymouth St Andrews Church Valentine Serie

9,35 €
R761643 St Martha Church Near Guildford F Frith Reigate No 53361

R761643 St Martha Church Near Guildford F Frith Reigate No 53361

9,35 €
R761637 Loughton St John Church Postkarte

R761637 Loughton St John Church Postkarte

9,35 €
R761631 Kartause St Hugh Postkarte

R761631 Kartause St Hugh Postkarte

9,35 €
R761630 Droitwich Church of the Sacred Heart and St Catherine British Made

R761630 Droitwich Church of the Sacred Heart and St Catherine British Made

9,35 €
R761616 Epsom St Martin Church The Premier Photo 1913

R761616 Epsom St Martin Church The Premier Photo 1913

9,35 €
R761615 Quarr St Mary Abbey South Cloister and Guest House

R761615 Quarr St Mary Abbey South Cloister and Guest House

9,35 €
R762754 Glastonbury Abbey St Joseph Chapel N E Valentine RP

R762754 Glastonbury Abbey St Joseph Chapel N E Valentine RP

9,35 €
R762751 Glastonbury Abbey St Edgar Chapel Valentine RP

R762751 Glastonbury Abbey St Edgar Chapel Valentine RP

9,35 €
R761592 Leigh on Sea Kirche Unserer Lieben Frau von Lourdes und St. Joseph

R761592 Leigh on Sea Kirche Unserer Lieben Frau von Lourdes und St. Joseph

9,35 €
R761591 St. Bartholomäus das große Rauhgrab geschützt vor Bomben

R761591 St. Bartholomäus das große Rauhgrab geschützt vor Bomben

9,35 €
R761590 Sandwich St Mary Church H Bros 1917

R761590 Sandwich St Mary Church H Bros 1917

9,35 €
R761587 Colchester St Botolph Priory W H

R761587 Colchester St Botolph Priory W H

9,35 €
R761584 Clacton on Sea St Osyth Priory Valentine Serie

R761584 Clacton on Sea St Osyth Priory Valentine Serie

9,35 €
R761579 Prittlewell St Mary S Hildesheimer No 601 1914

R761579 Prittlewell St Mary S Hildesheimer No 601 1914

9,35 €
R761578 Bonne Annee Pigs PM St Ives Cornwall

R761578 Bonne Annee Pigs PM St Ives Cornwall

9,35 €
R761574 Windsor Castle St Georges Chapel Choir West Frith Reigate 1909

R761574 Windsor Castle St Georges Chapel Choir West Frith Reigate 1909

9,35 €
R761569 Streatham Park St Alban Kirche Stengel

R761569 Streatham Park St Alban Kirche Stengel

9,35 €
R761568 Aberavon Port Talbot R C Church Interior St Josephs H W Thomas Zigarrenkiste

R761568 Aberavon Port Talbot R C Church Interior St Josephs H W Thomas Zigarrenkiste

9,35 €
R761563 Ely Place Holborn Circus St Etheldreda Kirche M Carroli

R761563 Ely Place Holborn Circus St Etheldreda Kirche M Carroli

9,35 €
R761560 Cornwall St Ives Harbour Photochrom London Tunbridge Wells

R761560 Cornwall St Ives Harbour Photochrom London Tunbridge Wells

9,35 €
R756804 St Mary the Virgin

R756804 St Mary the Virgin

9,35 €
R761542 Guildford St Mary Lloyd

R761542 Guildford St Mary Lloyd

9,35 €
R761534 London St Paul Cathedral From Bankside PM Guildford 1902

R761534 London St Paul Cathedral From Bankside PM Guildford 1902

9,35 €
R761532 Arundel St Philip Frith Serie

R761532 Arundel St Philip Frith Serie

9,35 €
R756789 Thanet St Nicholas Church T Pointer The Wells Series RP 1917

R756789 Thanet St Nicholas Church T Pointer The Wells Series RP 1917

9,35 €
R761519 Wilts Stapleford Church of St Mary PM Devizes 1959

R761519 Wilts Stapleford Church of St Mary PM Devizes 1959

9,35 €
R761517 Whitley Bay The Northern Promenade and St Mary Lighthouse M and L Nation

R761517 Whitley Bay The Northern Promenade and St Mary Lighthouse M and L Nation

9,35 €
R762649 Northampton St Matthews Church

R762649 Northampton St Matthews Church

9,35 €
R762628 St Albans Cathedral Shrine of St Albans Showing Watching Gallery Lilywhi

R762628 St Albans Cathedral Shrine of St Albans Showing Watching Gallery Lilywhi

9,35 €
R756750 Penarth St Mary Well Bay 1932

R756750 Penarth St Mary Well Bay 1932

9,35 €