
1.927 Artikel gefunden


AK Hongkong, Race Course

AK Hongkong, Race Course

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, French park

AK Tientsin, French park

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, View of Peak Tramway and the Harbour from Bowen Road

AK Hongkong, View of Peak Tramway and the Harbour from Bowen Road

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, French park

AK Tientsin, French park

13,00 €
AK Shanghai, Workers Sanatorium

AK Shanghai, Workers Sanatorium

13,00 €
AK Shanghai, The Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

AK Shanghai, The Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Strassenpartie im Ort

AK Harbin, Strassenpartie im Ort

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Strassenpartie mit Amtsgebäude

AK Harbin, Strassenpartie mit Amtsgebäude

13,00 €
AK Dairen, View of the Suburbs

AK Dairen, View of the Suburbs

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Strassenpartie im Winter

AK Harbin, Strassenpartie im Winter

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Strasse an der Handelsschule

AK Harbin, Strasse an der Handelsschule

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Bahnhofsprospekt

AK Harbin, Bahnhofsprospekt

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, St. John`s Cathedral

AK Hongkong, St. John`s Cathedral

13,00 €
AK Shanghai, Night Scene in Nanking Road

AK Shanghai, Night Scene in Nanking Road

13,00 €
AK Shanghai, Nanking Road night scene

AK Shanghai, Nanking Road night scene

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, The Peak Hotel and the Engine House at the terminus of the Peak Tramway

AK Hongkong, The Peak Hotel and the Engine House at the terminus of the Peak Tramway

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Tientsin Shrine

AK Tientsin, The Tientsin Shrine

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Yamato Park

AK Tientsin, The Yamato Park

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The French Park

AK Tientsin, The French Park

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Victoria Park

AK Tientsin, The Victoria Park

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, Monument of european war

AK Tientsin, Monument of european war

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Russiche Kirche

AK Harbin, Russiche Kirche

13,00 €
AK Tsingtau, Blick auf ein grosses Gebäude

AK Tsingtau, Blick auf ein grosses Gebäude

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Quarters of Jijiko, Despicable View taken in Barrack

AK Dairen, Quarters of Jijiko, Despicable View taken in Barrack

13,00 €
AK Dairen, The Waiting-Room fro Travellers on the Pier

AK Dairen, The Waiting-Room fro Travellers on the Pier

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Peak Tramway

AK Hongkong, Peak Tramway

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Tramway Station Peak, Bergbahn

AK Hongkong, Tramway Station Peak, Bergbahn

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Peak Tramway

AK Hongkong, Peak Tramway

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Military Hospital

AK Hongkong, Military Hospital

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Princes Building

AK Hongkong, Princes Building

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Military Hospital

AK Hongkong, Military Hospital

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, View of the Peak Hotel and the engine house at the terminus of the Peak Tramway

AK Hongkong, View of the Peak Hotel and the engine house at the terminus of the Peak Tramway

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, General View from the Harbour

AK Hongkong, General View from the Harbour

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, New Buildings on the Praya Reclamation

AK Hongkong, New Buildings on the Praya Reclamation

13,00 €
AK Port Arthur, 1. Compagnie 10. Regiment

AK Port Arthur, 1. Compagnie 10. Regiment

13,00 €
AK Dairen, The Grand Sight of Dairen City Office

AK Dairen, The Grand Sight of Dairen City Office

13,00 €
AK Dairen, View of Oyama-Dori

AK Dairen, View of Oyama-Dori

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Whole View

AK Dairen, Whole View

13,00 €
AK Paiyushan, Whole View, Panorama

AK Paiyushan, Whole View, Panorama

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Coolie Quarters, Jiji-Ko

AK Dairen, Coolie Quarters, Jiji-Ko

13,00 €
AK Manchuri, A Street

AK Manchuri, A Street

13,00 €
AK Port Arthur, Official Residence of Governor General

AK Port Arthur, Official Residence of Governor General

13,00 €
AK Port Arthur, The side view of the Civil Administration Office

AK Port Arthur, The side view of the Civil Administration Office

13,00 €
AK Changchun, The Prefectural Office

AK Changchun, The Prefectural Office

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Building of District Coust-House

AK Dairen, Building of District Coust-House

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Kikuya Department Store at Naniwa-Cho

AK Dairen, Kikuya Department Store at Naniwa-Cho

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Ohiroba of Dairen

AK Dairen, Ohiroba of Dairen

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Interior of Passenger Waiting House Building take Pride in Orient

AK Dairen, Interior of Passenger Waiting House Building take Pride in Orient

13,00 €
AK Dairen, The Yamato Hotel

AK Dairen, The Yamato Hotel

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Water Reservoir in Hill District

AK Hongkong, Water Reservoir in Hill District

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, The Water Reservoir and the Residences at Kennedy and Medonell Road

AK Hongkong, The Water Reservoir and the Residences at Kennedy and Medonell Road

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Teilansicht

AK Hongkong, Teilansicht

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Grant triumphal Arch

AK Hongkong, Grant triumphal Arch

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Monument of Victoria Park

AK Hongkong, Monument of Victoria Park

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Peak Tramway

AK Hongkong, Peak Tramway

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Residences about Midway between the Peak and the City

AK Hongkong, Residences about Midway between the Peak and the City

13,00 €
AK Peking, Street

AK Peking, Street

13,00 €
AK Dairen, View of Yoshino Street

AK Dairen, View of Yoshino Street

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Travelling in Rickshaw

AK Hongkong, Travelling in Rickshaw

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Palastgebäude mit Freitreppen

AK Harbin, Palastgebäude mit Freitreppen

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Central Harbour and View of Hongkong

AK Hongkong, Central Harbour and View of Hongkong

13,00 €
AK Port Arthur, Office of Governor General

AK Port Arthur, Office of Governor General

13,00 €
AK Port Arthur, The Redcross Hospital

AK Port Arthur, The Redcross Hospital

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Panorama

AK Harbin, Panorama

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Panorama

AK Harbin, Panorama

13,00 €
AK Harbin, Panorama

AK Harbin, Panorama

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Water Reservoir in Hill District

AK Hongkong, Water Reservoir in Hill District

13,00 €
AK Port Arthur, The Engineering Institution, Nr. 5

AK Port Arthur, The Engineering Institution, Nr. 5

13,00 €
AK Honkong, Viewof Peak Tramway, Harbour and Kowloon

AK Honkong, Viewof Peak Tramway, Harbour and Kowloon

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Roman Cathedral

AK Hongkong, Roman Cathedral

13,00 €
AK Hongkong, Cargo Junk

AK Hongkong, Cargo Junk

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Kodamacho-Dori Street

AK Dairen, Kodamacho-Dori Street

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Geschäftsstrasse im Stadtkern

AK Dairen, Geschäftsstrasse im Stadtkern

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Manmoshigenkan Exhibition, Building of Industry

AK Dairen, Manmoshigenkan Exhibition, Building of Industry

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Blick auf Park mit Gewächshaus

AK Dairen, Blick auf Park mit Gewächshaus

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Verwaltungsgebäude im Stadtkern

AK Dairen, Verwaltungsgebäude im Stadtkern

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Nippon bridge

AK Dairen, Nippon bridge

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Yamato Hotel mit Denkmal

AK Dairen, Yamato Hotel mit Denkmal

13,00 €
AK Hong-Hin, Blick auf die Ortschaft am Fluss

AK Hong-Hin, Blick auf die Ortschaft am Fluss

13,00 €
CHINA - SHANGHAI, Jade Buddha in Yufu Monastery

CHINA - SHANGHAI, Jade Buddha in Yufu Monastery

12,50 €
CHINA - Pots Merchant, Topfwaren-Verkäufer

CHINA - Pots Merchant, Topfwaren-Verkäufer

12,50 €
China -764552

China -764552

12,00 €
China - Great Wall -743528

China - Great Wall -743528

12,00 €
China - Great Wall -743510

China - Great Wall -743510

12,00 €
China - Great Wall -743512

China - Great Wall -743512

12,00 €
China - Great Wall -743526

China - Great Wall -743526

12,00 €
Hong-Kong - Chinese Sampan - Foto-Ansichtskarte

Hong-Kong - Chinese Sampan - Foto-Ansichtskarte

12,00 €
Honkong The Peak Residence o 2.7.1905

Honkong The Peak Residence o 2.7.1905

12,00 €
China - Die gelbe Gefahr -657620

China - Die gelbe Gefahr -657620

12,00 €
China - Missien van Scheut -485370

China - Missien van Scheut -485370

12,00 €
China - The North Park of Dalny -481566

China - The North Park of Dalny -481566

12,00 €
China - Hong-Hin -81454

China - Hong-Hin -81454

12,00 €
Canton - Temple of the 500 Genii -446620

Canton - Temple of the 500 Genii -446620

12,00 €
Dong-DAng - China Great wall -446622

Dong-DAng - China Great wall -446622

12,00 €
China - Hong-Hin -81456

China - Hong-Hin -81456

12,00 €
Jonque Chinoise -80516

Jonque Chinoise -80516

12,00 €
Manchuria - Memorial Tower to the Loyal Japanese Dead -425516

Manchuria - Memorial Tower to the Loyal Japanese Dead -425516

12,00 €
Doolies Taking Meal at Dairen -425510

Doolies Taking Meal at Dairen -425510

12,00 €
Yamato Hotel - Dairen - South Manchuria Railway -48236

Yamato Hotel - Dairen - South Manchuria Railway -48236

12,00 €
China -417670

China -417670

12,00 €