New York

6.582 Artikel gefunden


AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Twin-Towers

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Twin-Towers

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Twin-Towers

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Twin-Towers

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Twin-Towers

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Twin-Towers

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Long_Island_City_New_York_USA Zachs Bay Bathing Beach and Marine Theater

AK / Ansichtskarte Long_Island_City_New_York_USA Zachs Bay Bathing Beach and Marine Theater

4,00 €
[Ansichtskarte] Etats-Unis - New York City /

[Ansichtskarte] Etats-Unis - New York City / USA.

0,45 €
[Ansichtskarte] Etats-Unis - New York City /

[Ansichtskarte] Etats-Unis - New York City / USA.

0,75 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Kiamesha_Lake_New_York_USA The Concord Hotel aerial view

AK / Ansichtskarte Kiamesha_Lake_New_York_USA The Concord Hotel aerial view

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Brighton_Beach_N_Y Panorama Strand

AK / Ansichtskarte Brighton_Beach_N_Y Panorama Strand

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Buffalo_New_York_USA City Hall and McKinley Monument

AK / Ansichtskarte Buffalo_New_York_USA City Hall and McKinley Monument

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NIAGARA_FALLS_New_York_USA Maidof the Mist

AK / Ansichtskarte NIAGARA_FALLS_New_York_USA Maidof the Mist

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Buffalo_New_York_USA Skating Scene on Lake in Delaware Park

AK / Ansichtskarte Buffalo_New_York_USA Skating Scene on Lake in Delaware Park

28,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Gen Grand Tomb Riverside Drive

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Gen Grand Tomb Riverside Drive

4,00 €
Empire Stade Building - New York von 1962 (AK6012)

Empire Stade Building - New York von 1962 (AK6012)

3,75 €
Midtown and Downtown - New York  von 1962  (AK6009)

Midtown and Downtown - New York von 1962 (AK6009)

4,75 €
AK Thousand Islands, NY, Zavikon, the House is in Canada and the island with the Flagpole in the United States

AK Thousand Islands, NY, Zavikon, the House is in Canada and the island with the Flagpole in the..

5,00 €
General View and Rainbow Bridge - Niagara Falls  von 1950 (AK5915-2)

General View and Rainbow Bridge - Niagara Falls von 1950 (AK5915-2)

3,75 €
Horseshoe - Falls from Goat Island - Niagara Falls  von 1950 (AK5915-1)

Horseshoe - Falls from Goat Island - Niagara Falls von 1950 (AK5915-1)

3,75 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Albany_New_York_USA The Empire State Plaza is shown overlooking the Majestic Hudson River Fliegeraufnahme

AK / Ansichtskarte Albany_New_York_USA The Empire State Plaza is shown overlooking the Majestic..

4,00 €
USA - NEW YORK - MANHATTAN, Abordnung des Kath. Gesellen Vereins New York vor dem Kolping Denkmal in Köln

USA NEW YORK MANHATTAN, Abordnung des Kath. Gesellen Vereins New York vor dem Kolping Denkmal..

25,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Aerial view showing parts of Lower Manhattan Brooklyn and New Jersey

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Aerial view showing parts of Lower Manhattan Brooklyn and New..

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Hotel Edison

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Hotel Edison

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Aerial View showing the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan crossing over the East River

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Aerial View showing the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan..

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Aerial view of East River showing housing project and Bellevue Hospital

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Aerial view of East River showing housing project and..

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Gasho of Japan Farmhouse Japanese Gardens

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Gasho of Japan Farmhouse Japanese Gardens

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Fish_Creek_New_York_USA Angler am Fluss Portraits

AK / Ansichtskarte Fish_Creek_New_York_USA Angler am Fluss Portraits

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Park Row Building

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Park Row Building

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Whitehall Building

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Whitehall Building

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Hotel St. Regis

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Hotel St. Regis

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA St. Paul Church

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA St. Paul Church

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW_YORK_City_USA Menagerie

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW_YORK_City_USA Menagerie

9,80 €
USA - NEW YORK CITY - MANHATTAN, Kolping Haus, Heim des kath. Gesellenvereins, 1917

USA - NEW YORK CITY - MANHATTAN, Kolping Haus, Heim des kath. Gesellenvereins, 1917

22,00 €
AK Jamaica, NY, Old Town Hall

AK Jamaica, NY, Old Town Hall

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Rigg`s Restaurant, 43-47 West 33rd St, main and upstairs dining rooms

AK New York, NY, Rigg`s Restaurant, 43-47 West 33rd St, main and upstairs dining rooms

7,00 €
AK Troy, NY, Trojan Hooks at their Quarters, Franklin Square

AK Troy, NY, Trojan Hooks at their Quarters, Franklin Square

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Park Row Building

AK New York, NY, Park Row Building

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Rupert Huber`s Restaurant and Bad, Austrian Hall, 145 East and 82nd Street

AK New York, NY, Rupert Huber`s Restaurant and Bad, Austrian Hall, 145 East and 82nd Street

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Restaurant of the Austrian Hall, 245 East 82nd Street

AK New York, NY, Restaurant of the Austrian Hall, 245 East 82nd Street

7,00 €
AK Buffalo, NY, Temple of Music, Scene of the Assassination of Wm. McKinley

AK Buffalo, NY, Temple of Music, Scene of the Assassination of Wm. McKinley

7,00 €
AK Troy, NY, Rensselaer Park

AK Troy, NY, Rensselaer Park

7,00 €
AK Cliff Haven, NY, Buffalo College, Catholic Summer School

AK Cliff Haven, NY, Buffalo College, Catholic Summer School

7,00 €
AK Westchester, NY, Woodmansten Inn

AK Westchester, NY, Woodmansten Inn

7,00 €
AK Gloversville, NY, Main Street, Looking South

AK Gloversville, NY, Main Street, Looking South

7,00 €
AK Highmount, NY, Holly Wood Lodge

AK Highmount, NY, Holly Wood Lodge

7,00 €
AK Johnstown, NY, High School

AK Johnstown, NY, High School

7,00 €
AK Ithaca, NY, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity

AK Ithaca, NY, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Metropolitan Opera House

AK New York, NY, Metropolitan Opera House

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Hotel Astor, Ladies and Gentlemen`s Restaurant

AK New York, NY, Hotel Astor, Ladies and Gentlemen`s Restaurant

7,00 €