
326 Artikel im Shop AntiquariatStadtmauer gefunden


Bienkowski, Pierre: Les Celtes dans les arts mineurs gréco-romains aves des recherches iconographiques sur quelques autres peuples barbares.

Bienkowski, Pierre: Les Celtes dans les arts mineurs gréco romains aves des recherches..

195,00 €
Bienkowski, Petrus: De speculis etruscis et cista in museo principum czartoryski Cracoviae asservatis.

Bienkowski, Petrus: De speculis etruscis et cista in museo principum czartoryski Cracoviae..

95,00 €
Bernhard, Marie-Louise (Red.): Mélanges offerts à Kazimierz Michalowski.

Bernhard, Marie-Louise (Red.): Mélanges offerts à Kazimierz Michalowski.

60,00 €
Auguet, Roland: Kaligula czyli wladza w reku dwudziestolatka.

Auguet, Roland: Kaligula czyli wladza w reku dwudziestolatka.

5,00 €
Schaefer, Arnold: Abriss der Quellenkunde der griechischen Geschichte bis auf Polybios. (zusammengebunden mit:) Abriss der Quellenkunde der griechischen und römischen Geschichte. Zweite Abteilung: Römische Geschichte..

Schaefer, Arnold: Abriss der Quellenkunde der griechischen Geschichte bis auf Polybios..

20,00 €
Post, L. A: From Homer to Menander. Forces in Greek Poetic Fiction. [= Sather Classical Lectures, 23].

Post, L. A: From Homer to Menander. Forces in Greek Poetic Fiction. [= Sather Classical Lectures..

14,00 €
Yarrow, Liv Mariah: Historiography at the End of the Republic. Provincial Perspectives on Roman Rule. [= Oxford Classical Monographs].

Yarrow, Liv Mariah: Historiography at the End of the Republic. Provincial Perspectives on Roman..

95,00 €
Worthington, Ian (Hrsg.): Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action.

Worthington, Ian (Hrsg.): Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action.

25,00 €
Woodhead, A. Geoffrey: Inscriptions: The Decrees. [= The Athenian Agora, Vol. 16].

Woodhead, A. Geoffrey: Inscriptions: The Decrees. [= The Athenian Agora, Vol. 16].

110,00 €
Whitman, Cedric H: Sophocles. A Study of Heroic Humanism.

Whitman, Cedric H: Sophocles. A Study of Heroic Humanism.

30,00 €
Usher, Stephen: Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality.

Usher, Stephen: Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality.

40,00 €
Thomson, George: Aeschylus and Athens. A Study in the Social Origins of Drama.

Thomson, George: Aeschylus and Athens. A Study in the Social Origins of Drama.

22,00 €
Tatum, James (Hrsg.): The Search for the Ancient Novel.

Tatum, James (Hrsg.): The Search for the Ancient Novel.

25,00 €
Stärk, Ekkehard: Die Menaechmi des Plautus und kein griechisches Original. [= Scriptoralia, 11].

Stärk, Ekkehard: Die Menaechmi des Plautus und kein griechisches Original. [= Scriptoralia, 11].

18,00 €
Schindel, Ulrich: Der Mordfall Herodes: Zur 5. Rede Antiphons. [= Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, I. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Jg. 1979, Nr. 9].

Schindel, Ulrich: Der Mordfall Herodes: Zur 5. Rede Antiphons. [= Nachrichten der Akademie der..

15,00 €
Reid, Douglas Malcolm: Whose Pharaohs? Archaeology, Museums, and Egyptian National Identity from Napoleon to World War I.

Reid, Douglas Malcolm: Whose Pharaohs? Archaeology, Museums, and Egyptian National Identity from..

25,00 €
Reardon, B. P. (Hrsg.): Collected Ancient Greek Novels.

Reardon, B. P. (Hrsg.): Collected Ancient Greek Novels.

15,00 €
Plautus, Titus Maccius und Wallace M. Lindsay: T. Macci Plauti Comodiae. Tomus II: Miles Gloriosus, Mostellaria, Persa, Poenulus, Pseudolus, Rudens, Stichus, Trinummus, Truculentus, Vidularia, Fragmenta. [= Oxford Classical Texts].

Plautus, Titus Maccius und Wallace M. Lindsay: T. Macci Plauti Comodiae. Tomus II: Miles Gloriosus..

16,00 €
Osborn, E. F: The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandra.

Osborn, E. F: The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandra.

25,00 €
Newman, John Kevin and Frances Stickney Newman: Pindar`s Art: Its Tradition and Aims.

Newman, John Kevin and Frances Stickney Newman: Pindar`s Art: Its Tradition and Aims.

20,00 €
Newman, John Kevin: The Classical Epic Tradition. [= Wisconsin Studies in Classics].

Newman, John Kevin: The Classical Epic Tradition. [= Wisconsin Studies in Classics].

20,00 €
Nagy, Gregory: Pindar`s Homer. The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past.

Nagy, Gregory: Pindar`s Homer. The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past.

38,00 €
Nagy, Gregory: Greek Mythology and Poetics.

Nagy, Gregory: Greek Mythology and Poetics.

22,00 €
Munn, Mark: The School of History. Athens in the Age of Socrates.

Munn, Mark: The School of History. Athens in the Age of Socrates.

22,00 €
Morrison, Clinton and David H. Barnes: New Testament Word Lists for Rapid Reading of the Greek Testament.

Morrison, Clinton and David H. Barnes: New Testament Word Lists for Rapid Reading of the Greek..

8,00 €
Meritt, Benjamin D. and John S. Traill: Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors. [= The Athenian Agora, Vol. 15].

Meritt, Benjamin D. and John S. Traill: Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors. [= The Athenian..

130,00 €
Lucretius Carus, Titus and Francis W. Kelsey: T. Lucreti Cari: De Rerum Natura, Libri Sex. With an Introduction and Notes to Books I, III, and V.

Lucretius Carus, Titus and Francis W. Kelsey: T. Lucreti Cari: De Rerum Natura, Libri Sex. With an..

25,00 €
Lamberton, Robert: Hesiod. [= Hermes Books].

Lamberton, Robert: Hesiod. [= Hermes Books].

14,00 €
Kovacs, David: The Heroic Muse. Studies in the Hippolytus and Hecuba of Euripides.

Kovacs, David: The Heroic Muse. Studies in the Hippolytus and Hecuba of Euripides.

32,00 €
Knox, Bernard M. W: The Heroic Temper. Studies in Sophoclean Tragedy. [= Sather Classical Lectures, vol. 35].

Knox, Bernard M. W: The Heroic Temper. Studies in Sophoclean Tragedy. [= Sather Classical Lectures..

25,00 €
Knox, Bernard M. W: Oedipus at Thebes. Sophocles` Tragic Hero and His Time.

Knox, Bernard M. W: Oedipus at Thebes. Sophocles` Tragic Hero and His Time.

18,00 €
Kirkwood, G. M: A Study of Sophoclean Drama. [= Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, 31] With a new preface and enlarged bibliographical note.

Kirkwood, G. M: A Study of Sophoclean Drama. [= Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, 31] With a..

18,00 €
Kaufmann, Walter: Tragedy and Philosophy.

Kaufmann, Walter: Tragedy and Philosophy.

20,00 €
Johnson, Rozelle Parker: Compositiones Variae, from Codex 490, Biblioteca Capitolare, Lucca, Italy. An Introductory Study. [= Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 23, No. 3].

Johnson, Rozelle Parker: Compositiones Variae, from Codex 490, Biblioteca Capitolare, Lucca, Italy..

75,00 €
Hude, Carolus: Lysiae Orationes.

Hude, Carolus: Lysiae Orationes.

10,00 €
Gundolf, Friedrich: George.

Gundolf, Friedrich: George.

12,00 €
Grube, G. M. A: The Drama of Euripides.

Grube, G. M. A: The Drama of Euripides.

25,00 €
Figueira, Thomas J. (Hrsg.) and Gregory (Hrsg.) Nagy: Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis.

Figueira, Thomas J. (Hrsg.) and Gregory (Hrsg.) Nagy: Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis.

120,00 €
Dante Alighieri: Le opere minori di Dante. [= Biblioteca Classica Italiana] Trascelte e commentate da Domenico Guerri.

Dante Alighieri: Le opere minori di Dante. [= Biblioteca Classica Italiana] Trascelte e commentate..

75,00 €
Damon, Cynthia: The Mask of the Parasite. A Pathology of Roman Patronage.

Damon, Cynthia: The Mask of the Parasite. A Pathology of Roman Patronage.

95,00 €
Commager, Steele: The Odes of Horace. A Critical Study.

Commager, Steele: The Odes of Horace. A Critical Study.

15,00 €
Burnett, Anne Pippin: Three Archaic Poets: Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho.

Burnett, Anne Pippin: Three Archaic Poets: Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho.

25,00 €
Burnett, Anne Pippin: Catastrophe Survived. Euripides` Plays of Mixed Reversal.

Burnett, Anne Pippin: Catastrophe Survived. Euripides` Plays of Mixed Reversal.

16,00 €
Blundell, Mary Whitlock: Helping Friends and Harming Enemies. A Study in Sophocles and Greek Ethics.

Blundell, Mary Whitlock: Helping Friends and Harming Enemies. A Study in Sophocles and Greek..

24,00 €
Beye, Charles Rowan: The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Epic Tradition.

Beye, Charles Rowan: The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Epic Tradition.

10,00 €
Bethe, Erich: Pollucis Onomasticon. (NUR Bde. 1+3) [= Lexicographi Graeci, Vol. IX] E codicibus ab ipso collatis denuo editit ed adnotavit Ericus Bethe.

Bethe, Erich: Pollucis Onomasticon. (NUR Bde. 1+3) [= Lexicographi Graeci, Vol. IX] E codicibus ab..

150,00 €
Aeneas Silvius and Wilfred P. Mustard: Aeneae Silvii: De Curialium Miseriis, Epistola. Edited, with introduction and notes, by Wilfred P. Mustard.

Aeneas Silvius and Wilfred P. Mustard: Aeneae Silvii: De Curialium Miseriis, Epistola. Edited, with..

75,00 €
Müller-Marsall, Margarete: Troja - Mythos und Wirklichkeit.

Müller-Marsall, Margarete: Troja - Mythos und Wirklichkeit.

5,00 €
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