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132 Artikel gefunden


American Photography Ten.

American Photography Ten.

50,00 €
Banks, Iain: Classic Glamour Photography - Techniques of the top glamour photographers.

Banks, Iain: Classic Glamour Photography - Techniques of the top glamour photographers.

7,00 €
Aperture. NUMBER 108, Fall 1987: Witness to Crisis.

Aperture. NUMBER 108, Fall 1987: Witness to Crisis.

12,00 €
Frowein, Cordula: Emigriert. Grete Stern und Ellen Auerbach. Fotografien vor und nach 1933. Erschienen aus Anlass der Ausstellung in der Zentralbibliothek, Wuppertal, 25. Okt. - 29. Nov. 1988, u.a.O.

Frowein, Cordula: Emigriert. Grete Stern und Ellen Auerbach. Fotografien vor und nach 1933..

30,00 €
Behnken, Wolfgang und Roberta Armani: Esther Haase: Fashion in Motion. Mit Texten von Wolfgang Behnken und Roberta Armani. Aus dem Englischen von Thomas Bodmer. Widmungsexemplar.

Behnken, Wolfgang und Roberta Armani: Esther Haase: Fashion in Motion. Mit Texten von Wolfgang..

80,00 €
Smith, Eugene: Let truth be the prejudice. W. Eugene Smith - his life and photographs. (Illustr. biography by Ben Maddow).

Smith, Eugene: Let truth be the prejudice. W. Eugene Smith his life and photographs. (Illustr..

45,00 €
Smith, Eugene: W. Eugene Smith. His photographs and notes.

Smith, Eugene: W. Eugene Smith. His photographs and notes.

30,00 €
Smith, Eugene / Smith, Aileen S: Minamata. Words and photographs by W. Eugene Smith and Aileen M. Smith. (1. ed.).

Smith, Eugene / Smith, Aileen S: Minamata. Words and photographs by W. Eugene Smith and Aileen M..

145,00 €
Salgado, Sebastiao: Other Americas. (1. American ed).

Salgado, Sebastiao: Other Americas. (1. American ed).

59,00 €
McCullin, Don: An uncertain grace. Photographs by Sebastiao Salgado. Essays by Eduardo Galeano.

McCullin, Don: An uncertain grace. Photographs by Sebastiao Salgado. Essays by Eduardo Galeano.

50,00 €
Delpire, Robert (Ed.): Henri Cartier-Bresson. Fotografien 1932-1946.

Delpire, Robert (Ed.): Henri Cartier-Bresson. Fotografien 1932-1946.

12,00 €
Bowers, Faubion / Fieger, Erwin: Japan. Islands of the Rising Sun. Photography by Erwin Fieger, A note on the photographs by L. Fritz Gruber.

Bowers, Faubion / Fieger, Erwin: Japan. Islands of the Rising Sun. Photography by Erwin Fieger, A..

36,00 €
Blickle, Frieder: New York zu Fuß.

Blickle, Frieder: New York zu Fuß.

20,00 €
Friedlander, Lee: Factory valleys. Ohio & Pennsylvania.

Friedlander, Lee: Factory valleys. Ohio & Pennsylvania.

150,00 €
Evans, Walker: Walker Evans, photographs for the Farm Security Administration 1935-1938. A catalog of photographic prints available from the Farm Security Administration Collection in the Library of Congress. (2. paperback print).

Evans, Walker: Walker Evans, photographs for the Farm Security Administration 1935 1938. A catalog..

15,00 €
Feininger, Andreas: Das Antlitz der Natur.

Feininger, Andreas: Das Antlitz der Natur.

24,00 €
Helmut Newton`s Illustrated. Volume 1, Number 1: Sex and Power.

Helmut Newton`s Illustrated. Volume 1, Number 1: Sex and Power.

120,00 €
Johnson, William S. (Ed.): W. Eugene Smith. Master of the Photographic Essay. Edited with commentary by William S. Johnson. Foreword by James L. Enyeart.

Johnson, William S. (Ed.): W. Eugene Smith. Master of the Photographic Essay. Edited with..

70,00 €
Mailer, Norman: Of Women and their Elegance.

Mailer, Norman: Of Women and their Elegance.

22,00 €
Kalischer, Clemens: New-York - Photographien 1947 - 1959.

Kalischer, Clemens: New-York - Photographien 1947 - 1959.

49,00 €
S X - 70 Art Lustrum

S X - 70 Art Lustrum

15,00 €
Ratcliff, Carter; Robert Storr, Iwona Blazwick: Alex Katz.

Ratcliff, Carter; Robert Storr, Iwona Blazwick: Alex Katz.

32,00 €
New England Past. Photographs 1880-1915.

New England Past. Photographs 1880-1915.

7,90 €
Montebello, Philippe (Foreword): Richard Avedon Portraits. [Richard Avedon portraits accompanies an exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, september 26, 2002, to january 5, 2003].

Montebello, Philippe (Foreword): Richard Avedon Portraits. [Richard Avedon portraits accompanies an..

70,00 €
Stravinsky, Igor + Vera: Igor und Vera Strawinsky; Ein Fotoalbum 1921 bis 1971. Texte aus Interviews mit Strawinsky 1912 - 1963. Fotos und Faksimiles, ausgewählt von Vera Strawinsky und Rita McCaffrey. Bildlegenden von Robert Craft.

Stravinsky, Igor + Vera: Igor und Vera Strawinsky; Ein Fotoalbum 1921 bis 1971. Texte aus..

25,00 €
camera.- Alice Bucher (Ltg. / Hrsg.), R.E. Martinez, L.A. Mannheim: camera - 43. rd. Year Nr. 4, April 1964. International Magazine for Photography and Motion Picture. Contents: R.E. Martinez: Berenice Abbott - New York 1932 - 1938 / Photographic approach

camera. Alice Bucher (Ltg. / Hrsg.), R.E. Martinez, L.A. Mannheim: camera 43. rd. Year Nr. 4..

21,00 €
Haskell, Barbara / Ortrud Westheider (Red.): Modern Life. Edward Hopper und seine Zeit. Ausstellung und Katalog des Whitney Museum of American Art, New York - Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, Mai - Aug. 2009 - Kunsthal Rotterdam, Sept. 2009 - Jan. 2010.

Haskell, Barbara / Ortrud Westheider (Red.): Modern Life. Edward Hopper und seine Zeit. Ausstellung..

20,00 €
Goodspeed, M. Hill: Skylines. American Cities Yesterday and Today.

Goodspeed, M. Hill: Skylines. American Cities Yesterday and Today.

27,00 €
Ballerini, Julia (Hg.): Sequence (con)sequence. (sub) Versions of Photography in the 80s. [... accompanies an exhibition ... at the Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard College, February 10 - April 15, 1989]
 New York, Aperture, 1989.

Ballerini, Julia (Hg.): Sequence (con)sequence. (sub) Versions of Photography in the 80s. [..

12,00 €
Aperture 40 yrs. Number one hundred twenty-nine
 New York, Aperture Foundation, Fall 1992.

Aperture 40 yrs. Number one hundred twenty-nine New York, Aperture Foundation, Fall 1992.

10,00 €
Hamann, Horst. - Vorwort/preface: Volker Skierka, Roger Conover: New York vertical / Vertical New Yorkers - NYV / VNY.

Hamann, Horst. Vorwort/preface: Volker Skierka, Roger Conover: New York vertical / Vertical New..

62,00 €
George Grosz - Das Auge des Künstlers - Photographien New York 1932

George Grosz - Das Auge des Künstlers - Photographien New York 1932

10,00 €
Tourtellot, Arthur B.(Ed.): Life's picture history of World War II. Editor: Arthur B. Tourtellot. Picture Editor: Francis Brennan. Text: Robert Sherrod.

Tourtellot, Arthur B.(Ed.): Life's picture history of World War II. Editor: Arthur B. Tourtellot..

55,00 €
New York. (Album)

New York. (Album)

39,00 €
Gutman, Judith Mara: Lewis W. Hine and the American Social Conscience.

Gutman, Judith Mara: Lewis W. Hine and the American Social Conscience.

18,00 €
Bowen, Ezra (Text): Jacques-Henri Lartigue. (The Aperture history of photography series ; 5).

Bowen, Ezra (Text): Jacques-Henri Lartigue. (The Aperture history of photography series ; 5).

7,00 €
Kobal, John (edit.): Hollywood Glamor Portraits. 145 Photos of Stars 1926 - 1949.

Kobal, John (edit.): Hollywood Glamor Portraits. 145 Photos of Stars 1926 - 1949.

16,00 €
Stanton, Brandon: [Humans of New York]. Stories.

Stanton, Brandon: [Humans of New York]. Stories.

29,00 €
Davis, Harrie (Introduction): Souvenir of the Destruction of San Francisco by Earthquake and Fire as Seen through the Camera April 18th, 19th, 20th and 21th, 1906.

Davis, Harrie (Introduction): Souvenir of the Destruction of San Francisco by Earthquake and Fire..

160,00 €
Watters, James: Return Engagement; Faces to remember - then & now.

Watters, James: Return Engagement; Faces to remember - then & now.

47,30 €
Merritt, Natacha: Digital diaries.

Merritt, Natacha: Digital diaries.

21,00 €
Johnson, Lyndon Baines - Newman, Arnold: Pressefoto.

Johnson, Lyndon Baines - Newman, Arnold: Pressefoto.

30,00 €
Hoffmann, Heinrich (Fotos) + Herold, Emil (Text): Ein Jahr bayrische Revolution im Bilde; Herausgeber: Photobericht Hoffmann.

Hoffmann, Heinrich (Fotos) + Herold, Emil (Text): Ein Jahr bayrische Revolution im Bilde;..

380,00 €
Betters, Elmar: From the tip of the toes to the top of the hose; Herausgeber: Eric Kroll.

Betters, Elmar: From the tip of the toes to the top of the hose; Herausgeber: Eric Kroll.

30,00 €
Watson, Albert: The Lost Diary. Text - Plates - Index.

Watson, Albert: The Lost Diary. Text - Plates - Index.

80,00 €
Walker Evans.

Walker Evans.

60,00 €
Stern, Rudi: Let there be Neon.

Stern, Rudi: Let there be Neon.

38,00 €
Shirin Neshat.

Shirin Neshat.

200,00 €
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