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275 Artikel gefunden


Saunier, Charles: A. Lepère 1849-1918. Peintre et graveur. Décorateur de livres.

Saunier, Charles: A. Lepère 1849-1918. Peintre et graveur. Décorateur de livres.

110,00 €
Lambirth, Andrew: Nigel Hall. Sculpture and works on Paper. Dedication Copy.

Lambirth, Andrew: Nigel Hall. Sculpture and works on Paper. Dedication Copy.

50,00 €
Album Koller.

Album Koller.

300,00 €
Kitaj, R. B: Sandra Two. [Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition of new work by R. B. Kitaj at FIAC / Paris, 2-7 October 1996].

Kitaj, R. B: Sandra Two. [Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition of new work by R..

45,00 €
Tatsuo Kawaguchi. [Exhibition].

Tatsuo Kawaguchi. [Exhibition].

80,00 €
Katz, Alex: Marine. Poems by Max Blagg. [Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, february 29 - April 26, 2008, Jablonka Galerie, Berlin].

Katz, Alex: Marine. Poems by Max Blagg. [Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same..

35,00 €
Joza Uprka. Vázáná Sátku. Slovem Doprovází Frant. Kretz. Díl I.

Joza Uprka. Vázáná Sátku. Slovem Doprovází Frant. Kretz. Díl I.

180,00 €
Jouffroy, Alain (Introduction): Max Ernst. Paintings, Sculptures, Works on Paper. Inaugural Exhibition. 4 Nov. 1988 - II Feb. 1989.

Jouffroy, Alain (Introduction): Max Ernst. Paintings, Sculptures, Works on Paper. Inaugural..

30,00 €
Birtwistle, Graham: Living Art. Asger Jorn`s comprehensive theory of art between Helhesten and Cobra. (1946-1949).

Birtwistle, Graham: Living Art. Asger Jorn`s comprehensive theory of art between Helhesten and..

70,00 €
Easton, Malcolm and Michael Holroyd: The Art of Augustus John.

Easton, Malcolm and Michael Holroyd: The Art of Augustus John.

35,00 €
Jenkins, Alan, Karen Wilkin and Isabel Fonseca: Bruno Fonseca. The Secret Life of Painting.

Jenkins, Alan, Karen Wilkin and Isabel Fonseca: Bruno Fonseca. The Secret Life of Painting.

35,00 €
Robson, Albert H: A. Y. Jackson. (Canadien Artists Series).

Robson, Albert H: A. Y. Jackson. (Canadien Artists Series).

25,00 €
Ivan Mestrovic. A Monograph.

Ivan Mestrovic. A Monograph.

90,00 €
Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

120,00 €
Haftmann, Werner: Jorge Castillo. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen. Vorzugsausgabe mit einer beiliegendenvom Künstler signierten und nummerierten Originalradierung.

Haftmann, Werner: Jorge Castillo. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen. Vorzugsausgabe mit einer..

120,00 €
Sir Francis Seymour Haden. Exhibition: 24 May to 25 June 1982. Catalogue.

Sir Francis Seymour Haden. Exhibition: 24 May to 25 June 1982. Catalogue.

35,00 €
Gupta, Satish: Inner Spaces. Graphic and Words. Viridian Gallery, New York September 18th - October 6th 1979.

Gupta, Satish: Inner Spaces. Graphic and Words. Viridian Gallery, New York September 18th October..

35,00 €
Bottario, S. u. a: Omaggio al Guercino. Mostra di dipinti restaurati e dei disegnidella collezione Denis Mahon di Londra. Ausstellungskatalog.

Bottario, S. u. a: Omaggio al Guercino. Mostra di dipinti restaurati e dei disegnidella collezione..

40,00 €
Growe, Ulrike, Heinz Liesbrock, Markus Weckesser u. a: Giorgio Morandi: Landschaft.

Growe, Ulrike, Heinz Liesbrock, Markus Weckesser u. a: Giorgio Morandi: Landschaft.

60,00 €
Gronau, Hans Dietrich: A dispered Florentine altarpiece and its possible origin.

Gronau, Hans Dietrich: A dispered Florentine altarpiece and its possible origin.

30,00 €
Greig, James: Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A. His Life and Works. With a Catalogue of his Pictures.

Greig, James: Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A. His Life and Works. With a Catalogue of his Pictures.

40,00 €
Gregory Maurovsky.

Gregory Maurovsky.

30,00 €
Rizzo, Anna Padoa: Benozzo Gozzoli. Pittore Fiorentino.

Rizzo, Anna Padoa: Benozzo Gozzoli. Pittore Fiorentino.

20,00 €
Colombier, Pierre du: Jean Goujon.

Colombier, Pierre du: Jean Goujon.

50,00 €
Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró: Joan Miró, son abrines i son boter. Olis, Dibuixos i Graffiti.

Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró: Joan Miró, son abrines i son boter. Olis, Dibuixos i Graffiti.

145,00 €
Fuchs, R. H: Discordance / Cohérence. A book by (Un livre de) R.H. Fuchs with the collaboration of (avec la collaboration de) Daniel Buren and..

Fuchs, R. H: Discordance / Cohérence. A book by (Un livre de) R.H. Fuchs with the collaboration of..

30,00 €
Franz von Stuck und die Münchner Akademie von Kandinsky bis Albers. - Franz von Stuck e l`Accademia di Monaco da Kandinsky ad Albers.

Franz von Stuck und die Münchner Akademie von Kandinsky bis Albers. Franz von Stuck e..

45,00 €
Catalogue of the Arthur Mitchell Collection of Drypoints by Sir William Russell Flint. Examples of all but one of Russell Flints drypoints, many in rare unfinished states and some unique proofs.

Catalogue of the Arthur Mitchell Collection of Drypoints by Sir William Russell Flint. Examples of..

40,00 €
Fischer, Wolfgang (Einleitung): Hommage to Kokoschka. Catalogue N° 83.

Fischer, Wolfgang (Einleitung): Hommage to Kokoschka. Catalogue N° 83.

35,00 €
Fiebig, Eberhard: Sculptur.

Fiebig, Eberhard: Sculptur.

35,00 €
Ernst, Max: Sculture - sculptures. A cura di Ida Gianelli.

Ernst, Max: Sculture - sculptures. A cura di Ida Gianelli.

50,00 €
Dumas, Marlene: Sweet Nothings. Notes and Texts edited by Mariska van den Berg.

Dumas, Marlene: Sweet Nothings. Notes and Texts edited by Mariska van den Berg.

120,00 €
Ziégler, Henri de: Frédéric Dufaux.

Ziégler, Henri de: Frédéric Dufaux.

80,00 €
R. A. Augustinci présente: Petites Statues de la Vie Précaire de Jean Dubuffet. Du 19 Octobre au 10 Novembre 1954.

R. A. Augustinci présente: Petites Statues de la Vie Précaire de Jean Dubuffet. Du 19 Octobre au..

95,00 €
Hunziker, Rudolf und Paul Schaffner: August Corrodi als Dichter und Maler. Gedenkbuch.

Hunziker, Rudolf und Paul Schaffner: August Corrodi als Dichter und Maler. Gedenkbuch.

20,00 €
Coen, Ester u. a: Boccioni a Venezia. Dagli anno romani alla mostra d`estate a Ca` Pesaro. Momenti della stagione futurista.

Coen, Ester u. a: Boccioni a Venezia. Dagli anno romani alla mostra d`estate a Ca` Pesaro. Momenti..

40,00 €
Ejler Bille. A pioner of Cobra Retrospective 1933-1996.

Ejler Bille. A pioner of Cobra Retrospective 1933-1996.

40,00 €
Clemente, Francesco and Robert Creeley: There. [Images by Francesco Clemente. Poems by Robert Creely].

Clemente, Francesco and Robert Creeley: There. [Images by Francesco Clemente. Poems by Robert..

45,00 €
Clemente, Francesco: Two Garlands. Catalogue of exhibition held at Sperone Westwater Gallery, 1986.

Clemente, Francesco: Two Garlands. Catalogue of exhibition held at Sperone Westwater Gallery, 1986.

150,00 €
Clark, Kenneth, Colin MacInnes and Bryan Robertson: Sidney Nolan.

Clark, Kenneth, Colin MacInnes and Bryan Robertson: Sidney Nolan.

70,00 €
Carlson,  Victor u. a: Prints and Drawings by Gabriel de Saint-Aubin.

Carlson, Victor u. a: Prints and Drawings by Gabriel de Saint-Aubin.

45,00 €
Campbell, M: Pietro da Cortona at the Pitti Palace. A Study of the Planetary Rooms and Related Projects.

Campbell, M: Pietro da Cortona at the Pitti Palace. A Study of the Planetary Rooms and Related..

60,00 €
Broodthaers, Marcel: Catalogue des Monnaies. (collection privée).

Broodthaers, Marcel: Catalogue des Monnaies. (collection privée).

180,00 €
Breuer, Karin: Mac Harshberger: Art Deco Américain. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach foundation for Graphic Arts 22 November 1986 - 15 Fbruary 1987. Honolulu Academy of Arts, 23 June -26 July 1987. Catlogue.

Breuer, Karin: Mac Harshberger: Art Deco Américain. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco..

70,00 €
Dubuisson, A: Bonington.

Dubuisson, A: Bonington.

30,00 €
Bommeli-Hainard, Claude u. a: Philippe et Eugénie Hainard 1879-1938 / 1882-1948.

Bommeli-Hainard, Claude u. a: Philippe et Eugénie Hainard 1879-1938 / 1882-1948.

80,00 €
Berman, Tosh, Colin Gardner Walter Hopps u. a: Wallace Berman: Support the Revolution. Includes text by Tosh Berman, Colin Gardner, Walter Hopps, Christopher Knight, Educardo Lipschutz-Villa, Michael McClure and David Meltzer.

Berman, Tosh, Colin Gardner Walter Hopps u. a: Wallace Berman: Support the Revolution. Includes..

65,00 €
Roy, Claude: Klee lui-meme. 20 oeuvres: 1907-1940.

Roy, Claude: Klee lui-meme. 20 oeuvres: 1907-1940.

130,00 €
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