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Kuilvoer. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 7.

Kuilvoer. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 7.

25,00 €
Sampson, E. W: Die finansiele kant van melkboedery, dele I-V. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 12.

Sampson, E. W: Die finansiele kant van melkboedery, dele I V. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van..

25,00 €
Chippindall, L. K. A: The common names of grasses in South Africa = Gewone name van grassoorte in Suid-Afrika. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 265 = Botany & plant pathology series 7.

Chippindall, L. K. A: The common names of grasses in South Africa = Gewone name van grassoorte in..

25,00 €
Oberholzer, P. C. J.; Mathews, I.; Stiemie, S. F: The decline of grapefruit trees in South Africa. A preliminary report on so-called "stem pitting.". Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 297.

Oberholzer, P. C. J.; Mathews, I.; Stiemie, S. F: The decline of grapefruit trees in South Africa..

25,00 €
Wyk, H.P.D. van; S.A. Oosthuizen; J.D. Basson: The Nutritive Value of South African Feeds. II. Hay and pasture crops. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 298 = Agricultural Education and research Science series 8.

Wyk, H.P.D. van; S.A. Oosthuizen; J.D. Basson: The Nutritive Value of South African Feeds. II. Hay..

25,00 €
Louw, A. J: Spraying experiments against apple scab [Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.] in the winter-rainfall area of the Cape Province. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 315 = Fruit research science series 28.

Louw, A. J: Spraying experiments against apple scab [Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.] in the..

25,00 €
Tomlinson, F. R: Bedryfstudie van boerdery in die Limburgstreek, Noord-Transvaal. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 197 = Ekonomiese reeks 28.

Tomlinson, F. R: Bedryfstudie van boerdery in die Limburgstreek, Noord Transvaal. Pamflet (Suid..

25,00 €
Lombard, E. F: Turkeys. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 264 = Extension Series 43.

Lombard, E. F: Turkeys. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 264 = Extension Series 43.

25,00 €
Tooke, F. G. C: Beetles injurious to timber in South Africa : a study of their biology, prevention and control. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 293 = Entomology series 28.

Tooke, F. G. C: Beetles injurious to timber in South Africa : a study of their biology, prevention..

25,00 €
Pienaar, W. J.; Lotz, E. v. d. S.; Piaget, J. E. H: A few observations in connection with the flame photometric determination of potassium, calcium and sodium in plant material with the aid of the Beckman flame spectrophotometer. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Dep

Pienaar, W. J.; Lotz, E. v. d. S.; Piaget, J. E. H: A few observations in connection with the flame..

25,00 €
Prinsloo, A. L: An economic survey of citrus growing in the Union. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 221 = Economic Series 30.

Prinsloo, A. L: An economic survey of citrus growing in the Union. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Smit, Bernard: Bestryding van huisinsekte in Suid-Afrika. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 192 = Insekekundige reeks 35.

Smit, Bernard: Bestryding van huisinsekte in Suid Afrika. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van..

25,00 €
Tomlinson, F. R: Winsgewendheid van besproeiingsboerdery in die Westelike Transvaal. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 201 = Ekonomiese reeks 29.

Tomlinson, F. R: Winsgewendheid van besproeiingsboerdery in die Westelike Transvaal. Pamflet (Suid..

25,00 €
Fruit Production in the Union, Report 24: The 1938 Citrus Export Season. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 200 = Plantenywerheid-reeks 47.

Fruit Production in the Union, Report 24: The 1938 Citrus Export Season. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Neethling, J. C: A comparative study of wheat-farming in four sub-areas in the winter-rainfall crop districts, crop year 1938-1939. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 227 = Economical Series 31.

Neethling, J. C: A comparative study of wheat farming in four sub areas in the winter rainfall crop..

25,00 €
Merwe, W van der; Wessels, D G; Pretorius, T P: Agronomy experiments at the Vaalhartz Agricultural Research Station, 1946-1950.. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 350 = Agricultural Education and Research Series 11.

Merwe, W van der; Wessels, D G; Pretorius, T P: Agronomy experiments at the Vaalhartz Agricultural..

25,00 €
Haylett, D. G.; Theron, J. J: Studies on the fertilisation of a grass ley. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 351 = Research Institute Series 26.

Haylett, D. G.; Theron, J. J: Studies on the fertilisation of a grass ley. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Georgala, M. B: The biology of orchard mites in the Western Cape Province. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 360 = Fruit Research Technical Series 42.

Georgala, M. B: The biology of orchard mites in the Western Cape Province. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
De Villiers, G. D. B: Soil temperature data for Stellenbosch and Groot Drakenstein. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 309 = Fruit Research Technical Series 27.

De Villiers, G. D. B: Soil temperature data for Stellenbosch and Groot Drakenstein. Pamflet (Suid..

25,00 €
Villiers, G. D. B. de: A ten-year summary of the climatological data recorded at the Agro-Meteorological Observatory, Groot Drakenstein, 1941 to 1950.. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 349 = Fruit Research Technical Series 36.

Villiers, G. D. B. de: A ten year summary of the climatological data recorded at the Agro..

25,00 €
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (Hg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch über Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1972.

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (Hg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch über..

9,25 €
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (Hg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch über Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1958.

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (Hg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch über..

8,75 €
Münch, Ernst: Pflanzliche Schädlinge im Walde. (Forst und Holzwirtschaft in Bayern (Viertes Heft) (apart). Das Bayerland. Illustrierte Halbmonatsschrift für Bayerns Land und Volk. 48. Jg., Nr.3).

Münch, Ernst: Pflanzliche Schädlinge im Walde. (Forst und Holzwirtschaft in Bayern (Viertes Heft)..

10,00 €
Hoek, T: Eggs and Poultry in Cookery. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 237 = Extension Series 35.

Hoek, T: Eggs and Poultry in Cookery. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 237 =..

25,00 €
Matthée, J. J: The structure and physiology of the egg of Locustana pardalina (Walk). Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 316 = Locust research series 13.

Matthée, J. J: The structure and physiology of the egg of Locustana pardalina (Walk). Pamflet..

25,00 €
Lochner, E. H. W: The control of the red spider (Tetranychus bimaculatus Harvey), a description of the red spider and of experiments carried out with certain of the newer insecticidal materials as miticides and ovicides under controlled temperature and hu

Lochner, E. H. W: The control of the red spider (Tetranychus bimaculatus Harvey), a description of..

25,00 €
Lea, A: Studies on the behaviour of adult brown locusts in the Karoo. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 344 = Locust research series 15.

Lea, A: Studies on the behaviour of adult brown locusts in the Karoo. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Wager, Vincent A: The black spot disease of citrus in South Africa. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 303 = Botany and plant pathology series 14.

Wager, Vincent A: The black spot disease of citrus in South Africa. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Smit, C. J. B: Field and laboratory experiments with insecticides against locust hoppers. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 304 = Locust research series 12.

Smit, C. J. B: Field and laboratory experiments with insecticides against locust hoppers. Pamflet..

25,00 €
Naude, C. P. ; Pretorius, T. P. ; Nothling, I. J: Fertiliser and irrigation experiments at the Upington agricultural research station : 1942-1952. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 359 = Chemistry series 202.

Naude, C. P. ; Pretorius, T. P. ; Nothling, I. J: Fertiliser and irrigation experiments at the..

25,00 €
Henrici, M: Further nutrition studies on Tribulus terrestris. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 348 = Botany and plant pathology series 15.

Henrici, M: Further nutrition studies on Tribulus terrestris. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van..

25,00 €
Du Plessis, S. J.; J A Truter: Brown spot disease of lupins caused by pleiochaeta setosa. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 347 = Stellenbosch-Elsenburg series 52.

Du Plessis, S. J.; J A Truter: Brown spot disease of lupins caused by pleiochaeta setosa. Pamflet..

25,00 €
Doidge, E. M. et al: A revised list of plant diseases occurring in South Africa. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 346 = Botany and Plant Pathology Series 16.

Doidge, E. M. et al: A revised list of plant diseases occurring in South Africa. Pamflet (Suid..

25,00 €
Gorter, G. J. M. A: Studies on the spread and control of the streak disease of maize, Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 341 = Botany & plant pathology series 18.

Gorter, G. J. M. A: Studies on the spread and control of the streak disease of maize, Pamflet (Suid..

25,00 €
Dürr, H. J. R: The relative attractiveness of sucrose, invert sugar and saccharine to the Argentine ant. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 345 = Botany and Plant Pathology Series 21.

Dürr, H. J. R: The relative attractiveness of sucrose, invert sugar and saccharine to the..

25,00 €
Kotze, J. J. J: Sheep farming in the sour-grassveld area : (1) Influence of the lambing season ; (2) Mineral licks and dosing for internal parasites. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 294 = Agricultural education and research series 53.

Kotze, J. J. J: Sheep farming in the sour grassveld area : (1) Influence of the lambing season ;..

25,00 €
Theron , P. P. A: Studies on the Provision of Hosts for the Mass-Rearing of Codling Moth Parasites. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 262 = Fruit research technical Series 4.

Theron , P. P. A: Studies on the Provision of Hosts for the Mass Rearing of Codling Moth Parasites..

25,00 €
Fruit Production in the Union, Report 22: The 1937 Citrus Export Season. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 194.

Fruit Production in the Union, Report 22: The 1937 Citrus Export Season. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Beyleveld, G. P: 'N Metode van koninginteelt vir die kommersiele byeboer. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 193.

Beyleveld, G. P: 'N Metode van koninginteelt vir die kommersiele byeboer. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Tomlinson, F. R: Die Ekonomie van grondboontjie- en mielieproduksie op die Springbokvlakte. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 196 = Ekonomiese reeks 27.

Tomlinson, F. R: Die Ekonomie van grondboontjie en mielieproduksie op die Springbokvlakte. Pamflet..

25,00 €
Petty, B. K.; Lochner, E. H. W: The contact, fumigation and systemic actions on insects of certain new phosphorus compounds. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 343 = Entomology series 39.

Petty, B. K.; Lochner, E. H. W: The contact, fumigation and systemic actions on insects of certain..

25,00 €
Serfontein, P. J: Bloodmeal in Poultry Rations. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 280 = Agricultural Educations and research series 48.

Serfontein, P. J: Bloodmeal in Poultry Rations. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 280..

25,00 €
Naude, T. J: Termiete (rysmiere) in verband met veldvernietiging en grondverspoeling. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 134 = Plantenywergeud reeks 2.

Naude, T. J: Termiete (rysmiere) in verband met veldvernietiging en grondverspoeling. Pamflet (Suid..

25,00 €
Davel, H. B: Enige belangrike aspekte van die vervaardiging en bemarking van suiwelprodukte. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 135.

Davel, H. B: Enige belangrike aspekte van die vervaardiging en bemarking van suiwelprodukte..

25,00 €
Fruit Production in the Union, Report 16: The 1933 Citrus Export Season. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 137.

Fruit Production in the Union, Report 16: The 1933 Citrus Export Season. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Schutte, D. J: Vleisbees-teelt : rapport oor 'n ondersoek insake sekere aspekte van die vleisbeesboerdery in die Verenigde State van Amerika, en die toepassing daarvan op beesverbetering in die Unie. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 136 = Ui

Schutte, D. J: Vleisbees teelt : rapport oor 'n ondersoek insake sekere aspekte van die..

25,00 €
Adams, J. J.; Pretorius, W. J: Vervaardigingskoste, ens., van botter en kaas. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 138 = ekonomiese reeks 20.

Adams, J. J.; Pretorius, W. J: Vervaardigingskoste, ens., van botter en kaas. Pamflet (Suid Afrika..

25,00 €
Statistical wool and mohair bulletin. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 139 = Economic series 19.

Statistical wool and mohair bulletin. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 139 = Economic..

25,00 €