Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch

1.076 Artikel gefunden


The Dove of Death / The Chalice of Blood / Behold a Pale Horse / The Seventh Trumpet / Atonement of Blood / The Devil?s Seal / The Second Death / Penance of the Damned / Night of the Lightbringer / Bloodmoon (mixed lot of 10 Fidelma books)

The Dove of Death / The Chalice of Blood / Behold a Pale Horse / The Seventh Trumpet / Atonement of..

40,00 €
Profane Earth

Profane Earth

40,00 €
Ackroyd, Stephen / Batt, Rosemary / Thompson, Paul / Tolbert, Pamela S: The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization.

Ackroyd, Stephen / Batt, Rosemary / Thompson, Paul / Tolbert, Pamela S: The Oxford Handbook of Work..

40,00 €
Eden, Anthony (Earl of Avon): Foreign affairs.

Eden, Anthony (Earl of Avon): Foreign affairs.

42,00 €
O'Toole, Fintan: Tom Murphy - the politics of magic.

O'Toole, Fintan: Tom Murphy - the politics of magic.

42,00 €
Peter F. Drucker: The End of Economic Man. A Study of the New Totalitarianism.

Peter F. Drucker: The End of Economic Man. A Study of the New Totalitarianism.

43,00 €
Svoboda, Robert E: Lessons and Lectures on Ayurveda.

Svoboda, Robert E: Lessons and Lectures on Ayurveda.

43,90 €
Nick Vrajich: Against The Odds & Common Sense : A True Story ; signed copy.

Nick Vrajich: Against The Odds & Common Sense : A True Story ; signed copy.

44,00 €
Len Deighton: Only When I Larf.

Len Deighton: Only When I Larf.

44,00 €
The New Division of Labour : Emerging Forms of Work Organization in International Perspective (De Gruyter Studies in Organization)

The New Division of Labour : Emerging Forms of Work Organization in International Perspective (De..

45,00 €
The Joys of Wine

The Joys of Wine

45,00 €
Naum Gabo and the Competition for the Palace of Soviets Moscow 1931-1933

Naum Gabo and the Competition for the Palace of Soviets Moscow 1931-1933

45,00 €
Creative Black Book 1988 - Print - Photography - Illustration - TV

Creative Black Book 1988 - Print - Photography - Illustration - TV

45,00 €
Women's Health - Hormones, Emotions and Behavior

Women's Health - Hormones, Emotions and Behavior

45,00 €
Semiotic Foundations of Drug Therapy - The Placebo Problem in a New Perspective [Approaches to Semiotics No.112]

Semiotic Foundations of Drug Therapy The Placebo Problem in a New Perspective [Approaches to..

45,00 €
CREATIVE SOURCE Sixth Annual Edition

CREATIVE SOURCE Sixth Annual Edition

45,00 €
Out of the Shadows - The Henson Festivals and Their Impact on Contemporary Puppet Theater

Out of the Shadows - The Henson Festivals and Their Impact on Contemporary Puppet Theater

46,00 €
Malet, Léo: Dynamite Versus QED.

Malet, Léo: Dynamite Versus QED.

46,00 €
Paris, John: Matsu.

Paris, John: Matsu.

48,00 €
Meaning and Geography - The Social Conception of the Region in Northern Greece

Meaning and Geography - The Social Conception of the Region in Northern Greece

48,00 €
Industrial life in Denmark - The Faroe Islands and Greenland - a survey of economic development and production

Industrial life in Denmark The Faroe Islands and Greenland a survey of economic development and..

48,00 €
The 42nd October Salon - Belgrade, 1. - 28. October 2001

The 42nd October Salon - Belgrade, 1. - 28. October 2001

49,00 €


49,00 €
Longevity - The Tao of Eating and Healing

Longevity - The Tao of Eating and Healing

49,00 €
49er's Yellow Hammer 1949 presented by the seniors - Reflections of the year in the diggings of Briarcliff Junior College

49er's Yellow Hammer 1949 presented by the seniors Reflections of the year in the diggings of..

49,00 €
Liberal Perspectives

Liberal Perspectives

50,00 €
Theodorson, George A: Urban Patterns - studies in human ecology.

Theodorson, George A: Urban Patterns - studies in human ecology.

53,00 €
Puer Aeternus - A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with the Paradise of Childhood

Puer Aeternus - A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with the Paradise of Childhood

55,00 €
150 IMPRESSIONS of the Faroe Island

150 IMPRESSIONS of the Faroe Island

55,00 €
Corbett, J. Martin; Baungaard Rasmussen, Lauge; Rauner, Felix: Crossing the Border - The Social and Engineering Design of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems.

Corbett, J. Martin; Baungaard Rasmussen, Lauge; Rauner, Felix: Crossing the Border The Social and..

55,00 €
Stewart, Bob: Breaking the Fetters - The memoirs of Bob Stewart.

Stewart, Bob: Breaking the Fetters - The memoirs of Bob Stewart.

56,90 €
Ollila, Mark (organizing chair): Rendering Techniques 2004. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering. Norrköping, Sweden, June 21-23, 2004.

Ollila, Mark (organizing chair): Rendering Techniques 2004. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering..

57,90 €
IVANHOE a Romance

IVANHOE a Romance

59,00 €
When East Met West - Sociolinguistics in the Former Socialist Bloc

When East Met West - Sociolinguistics in the Former Socialist Bloc

65,00 €
Tracing the Semiotic Boundaries of Politics [Approaches to Semiotics No. 111]

Tracing the Semiotic Boundaries of Politics [Approaches to Semiotics No. 111]

65,00 €
The New Sound of Indo-European - Essays in Phonological Reconstruction (Trends in Linguistics / Studies and Monographs 41)

The New Sound of Indo European Essays in Phonological Reconstruction (Trends in Linguistics /..

65,00 €
The Narrative Symbol in Childhood Literature - Explorations in the Construction of Text [Approaches to Semiotics No.93 ]

The Narrative Symbol in Childhood Literature Explorations in the Construction of Text [Approaches..

65,00 €
The Ethnomethodological Movement - Sociosemiotic Interpretations [Approaches to Semiotics No.95]

The Ethnomethodological Movement - Sociosemiotic Interpretations [Approaches to Semiotics No.95]

65,00 €
China Trade Handbook

China Trade Handbook

69,00 €
Towards a Semiotics of Ideology [Approaches to Semiotics No. 109]

Towards a Semiotics of Ideology [Approaches to Semiotics No. 109]

72,00 €
Bittner, Regina sowie Kathrin Rhomberg (Herausgeberinnen): The Bauhaus in Calcutta: An Encounter of Cosmopolitan Avant-Gardes - aus der Reihe: Edition Bauhaus - Band: 36.

Bittner, Regina sowie Kathrin Rhomberg (Herausgeberinnen): The Bauhaus in Calcutta: An Encounter of..

75,00 €
Mina Loy - Insel

Mina Loy - Insel

75,00 €
Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens): Roughing It. Fully Illustrated by Eminent Artists.

Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens): Roughing It. Fully Illustrated by Eminent Artists.

76,00 €
Willis,Peter; McKenzie, Stephen; Harris, Roger: Rethinking Work and Learning: Adult and Vocational Education for Social Sustainability.

Willis,Peter; McKenzie, Stephen; Harris, Roger: Rethinking Work and Learning: Adult and Vocational..

79,00 €
Simone R. Kirpal: Labour  Market Flexibility and Individual Careers -  A Comparative Study.

Simone R. Kirpal: Labour Market Flexibility and Individual Careers - A Comparative Study.

79,00 €
Boscaro, Adriana [Ed.]: 101  Letters of Hideyoshi; The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Boscaro, Adriana [Ed.]: 101 Letters of Hideyoshi; The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi..

80,00 €
Riser, John: Four socialist reformers of Socialism - Alexandra Kollontai, Andrej Platonow, Robert Havemann, and Stefan Heym.

Riser, John: Four socialist reformers of Socialism Alexandra Kollontai, Andrej Platonow, Robert..

82,90 €
Name, Hero, Icon - Semiotics of Nationalism through Heroic Biography [Approaches to Semiotics No. 105]

Name, Hero, Icon Semiotics of Nationalism through Heroic Biography [Approaches to Semiotics No..

85,00 €