Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch

1.074 Artikel gefunden


Minnaert, Marcel: Light and Color in the Outdoors.

Minnaert, Marcel: Light and Color in the Outdoors.

89,00 €
Cochran, Judith: Educational Roots of Political Crisis in Egypt.

Cochran, Judith: Educational Roots of Political Crisis in Egypt.

90,00 €
Riser, John: Four socialist reformers of Socialism - Alexandra Kollontai, Andrej Platonow, Robert Havemann, and Stefan Heym.

Riser, John: Four socialist reformers of Socialism Alexandra Kollontai, Andrej Platonow, Robert..

92,10 €
Budevski, Evgeni B. / Staikov, Georg T. / Lorenz, Wolfgang  J: Electrochemical Phase Formation and Growth - An Introduction to the Initial Stages of Metal Deposition.

Budevski, Evgeni B. / Staikov, Georg T. / Lorenz, Wolfgang J: Electrochemical Phase Formation and..

95,00 €
Daddesio, Thomas C: On Minds and Symbols - The Relevance of Cognitive Science for Semiotics [Approaches to Semiotics No. 117].

Daddesio, Thomas C: On Minds and Symbols The Relevance of Cognitive Science for Semiotics..

95,00 €
Ponzio, Augusto: Man as a Sign - Essays on the Philosophy of Language  [Approaches to Semiotics No. 89].

Ponzio, Augusto: Man as a Sign Essays on the Philosophy of Language [Approaches to Semiotics No..

95,00 €
Yadav, Ramawatar: A Reference Grammar of Maithili (Trends in Linguistics Documentation 11).

Yadav, Ramawatar: A Reference Grammar of Maithili (Trends in Linguistics Documentation 11).

98,00 €
Hellinger, Marlis / Ammon, Ulrich: Contrastive Sociolinguistics.

Hellinger, Marlis / Ammon, Ulrich: Contrastive Sociolinguistics.

98,00 €
Nikolic, Milos: The Tragedy of Yougoslavia. The rise, the reign and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic.

Nikolic, Milos: The Tragedy of Yougoslavia. The rise, the reign and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic.

100,00 €
Popova, I. F: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century / Rossiiskie ekspeditsii v Tsentral'nuiu Aziiu v kontse XIX - nachale XX veka.

Popova, I. F: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century / Rossiiskie..

125,00 €
Bibeau, Gilles / Corin, Ellen (Ed.): Beyond Textuality - Asceticism and Violence in Anthropological Interpretation [Approaches to Semiotics No.120].

Bibeau, Gilles / Corin, Ellen (Ed.): Beyond Textuality Asceticism and Violence in Anthropological..

125,00 €
Eriksen, Roy (Ed.): Contexts of Pre-Novel Narrative - The European Tradition [Approaches to Semiotics No.114].

Eriksen, Roy (Ed.): Contexts of Pre Novel Narrative The European Tradition [Approaches to..

125,00 €
Nöth, Winfried (Ed.): Origins of Semiosis - Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture [Approaches to Semiotics No.116].

Nöth, Winfried (Ed.): Origins of Semiosis Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture [Approaches to..

125,00 €
Mallinson, Vernon: None can be called deformed.. Problems of the crippled adolescent.

Mallinson, Vernon: None can be called deformed.. Problems of the crippled adolescent.

142,00 €
Colapietro, Vincent M. / Olshewsky, Thomas M: Peirce's Doctrine of Signs - Theory, Applications, and Connections [Approaches to Semiotics No. 123].

Colapietro, Vincent M. / Olshewsky, Thomas M: Peirce's Doctrine of Signs Theory, Applications..

150,00 €
Pilsudski, Bronislaw: Bronislaw Pilsudski: The Collected Works of Bronislaw Pilsudski / Vol. 1:  The Aborigines of Sakhalin (Trends in Linguistics Documentation 15 - 1).

Pilsudski, Bronislaw: Bronislaw Pilsudski: The Collected Works of Bronislaw Pilsudski / Vol. 1:..

170,00 €
Alpher, Barry: Yir-Yoront Lexicon - Sketch and Dictionary of an Australian Language (Trends in Linguistics Documentation 6).

Alpher, Barry: Yir Yoront Lexicon Sketch and Dictionary of an Australian Language (Trends in..

179,00 €
Bothe, Michael: Legal Restraints on the Use of Military Force  - Collected Essays.

Bothe, Michael: Legal Restraints on the Use of Military Force - Collected Essays.

195,00 €