Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch

1.075 Artikel gefunden


The 10 Rules of Rock and Roll

The 10 Rules of Rock and Roll

22,00 €
Tess of the D'Urbervilles - A pure Woman

Tess of the D'Urbervilles - A pure Woman

8,00 €
Tender is the Night

Tender is the Night

10,00 €
Technology and Social Inclusion - Rethinking the Digital Divide

Technology and Social Inclusion - Rethinking the Digital Divide

16,00 €
Tamara Walks On Water

Tamara Walks On Water

6,00 €
Strictly English - The Correct Way To Write ... And Why It Matters

Strictly English - The Correct Way To Write ... And Why It Matters

7,00 €
Streetwise German - Speaking and Understanding Colloquial German

Streetwise German - Speaking and Understanding Colloquial German

5,00 €
Steam in South Africa and Rhodesia

Steam in South Africa and Rhodesia

30,00 €
Sociological Poetics and Aesthetic Theory

Sociological Poetics and Aesthetic Theory

12,00 €
Sizzles Is Completely Not Here (Charlie and Lola)

Sizzles Is Completely Not Here (Charlie and Lola)

10,00 €
Shoah. A Review of Holocaust Studies and Commemorations.  Spring 1981/ Nisan 5741, Vol. 2, NO. 2

Shoah. A Review of Holocaust Studies and Commemorations. Spring 1981/ Nisan 5741, Vol. 2, NO. 2

9,00 €
Shadow of a Spy - The complete dossier on George Blake

Shadow of a Spy - The complete dossier on George Blake

12,00 €
Sex Pistols 90 Days at EMI

Sex Pistols 90 Days at EMI

10,00 €
Semiotic Foundations of Drug Therapy - The Placebo Problem in a New Perspective [Approaches to Semiotics No.112]

Semiotic Foundations of Drug Therapy The Placebo Problem in a New Perspective [Approaches to..

45,00 €
Seeking a Miracle - My Odyssey at a Romanian Health SPA

Seeking a Miracle - My Odyssey at a Romanian Health SPA

19,00 €
Sea of Poppies - A Novel

Sea of Poppies - A Novel

10,00 €
Say Again ?

Say Again ?

25,00 €
Sassparilla's New Shoes

Sassparilla's New Shoes

14,00 €
Respecting Human Rights in Romania: roma citizens of the state of law. Annual Report 2003

Respecting Human Rights in Romania: roma citizens of the state of law. Annual Report 2003

8,00 €
Report of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Academic Year 2011 - 2012

Report of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Academic Year 2011 - 2012

5,00 €
Report of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Academic Year 2008 - 2009

Report of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Academic Year 2008 - 2009

6,00 €
Renal Transport and Diuretics - Renaler Transport und Diuretica

Renal Transport and Diuretics - Renaler Transport und Diuretica

15,00 €
Recipes for an English Tea

Recipes for an English Tea

7,00 €
Railway Scene 2/70, 5/70, 1/71, 4/71, 4/72, 4/73, 5/73 (7 booklets)

Railway Scene 2/70, 5/70, 1/71, 4/71, 4/72, 4/73, 5/73 (7 booklets)

19,00 €
Rafiq Hariri and the fate of Lebanon

Rafiq Hariri and the fate of Lebanon

12,00 €
Radio Telephony for Amateurs

Radio Telephony for Amateurs

15,00 €


7,00 €
Progress Report 2000. Research

Progress Report 2000. Research

18,00 €
Profane Earth

Profane Earth

40,00 €
Premigration Legacies and Immigrant Social Mobility - The Afro-Surinamese and Indo-Surinamese in the Netherlands

Premigration Legacies and Immigrant Social Mobility The Afro Surinamese and Indo Surinamese in..

30,00 €
Postcard History Series - Austin

Postcard History Series - Austin

16,00 €
Possessing the Secret of Joy

Possessing the Secret of Joy

5,00 €
Positive Discipline

Positive Discipline

14,00 €
Pharmacological Reviews - Volume 31 + 32 - Issue I, II, III, IV 1979 and I, II, III, IV 1980

Pharmacological Reviews - Volume 31 + 32 - Issue I, II, III, IV 1979 and I, II, III, IV 1980

39,00 €
Phallic Frenzy - Ken Russell and his Films

Phallic Frenzy - Ken Russell and his Films

11,50 €
Perdita - Royal Mistress, Writer, Romantic

Perdita - Royal Mistress, Writer, Romantic

9,00 €
Peirce's Doctrine of Signs - Theory, Applications, and Connections [Approaches to Semiotics No. 123]

Peirce's Doctrine of Signs - Theory, Applications, and Connections [Approaches to Semiotics No. 123]

150,00 €
Peace and Friendship: Denmark's Official Relations with China 1674-2000

Peace and Friendship: Denmark's Official Relations with China 1674-2000

35,00 €
Paris for one

Paris for one

5,00 €
Paradise and Power

Paradise and Power

9,00 €
Our Revolution - A Future to Believe in

Our Revolution - A Future to Believe in

8,00 €
Origins of Semiosis - Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture [Approaches to Semiotics No.116]

Origins of Semiosis - Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture [Approaches to Semiotics No.116]

125,00 €
Only a Girl Like You (full signed by the author)

Only a Girl Like You (full signed by the author)

24,00 €
One Fifth Avenue

One Fifth Avenue

10,00 €
Once upon a Time in the North

Once upon a Time in the North

10,00 €
On Writing Well - The classic guide to writing nonfiction

On Writing Well - The classic guide to writing nonfiction

11,00 €
On Minds and Symbols - The Relevance of Cognitive Science for Semiotics [Approaches to Semiotics No. 117]

On Minds and Symbols The Relevance of Cognitive Science for Semiotics [Approaches to Semiotics..

95,00 €
On Becoming a Counselor - A Basic Guide for Nonprofessional Counselors and Other Helpers

On Becoming a Counselor - A Basic Guide for Nonprofessional Counselors and Other Helpers

15,00 €