Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch

1.076 Artikel gefunden


Vihma, Susann (edited): Form and vision - Articles and writings from the international UIAH'87 conference at the University of Industrial Arts in Helsinki 6-9.1.1987 - aus der Reihe: Publication of the University of Industrial Arts - Band: B 7.

Vihma, Susann (edited): Form and vision Articles and writings from the international UIAH'87..

14,90 €
The Water Babies

The Water Babies

15,00 €
Green Lantern 80 Page Giant No. 1 and 2

Green Lantern 80 Page Giant No. 1 and 2

15,00 €
Green Lantern - The Third Law - Conclusion # 35 / JAN 93

Green Lantern - The Third Law - Conclusion # 35 / JAN 93

15,00 €
Seton, Ernest Thompson: The Trail of the Sandhill Stag.

Seton, Ernest Thompson: The Trail of the Sandhill Stag.

15,00 €
Women For Peace

Women For Peace

15,00 €
Trickster's Touch

Trickster's Touch

15,00 €
Tough as Steele - Steele Guardians - Book 1

Tough as Steele - Steele Guardians - Book 1

15,00 €
The Water-Babies

The Water-Babies

15,00 €
The Skilled Helper - A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping

The Skilled Helper - A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping

15,00 €
The House at the Bridge - A Story of Modern Germany

The House at the Bridge - A Story of Modern Germany

15,00 €
The Company of Women

The Company of Women

15,00 €
The Book of Kells - Official Guide

The Book of Kells - Official Guide

15,00 €
The Adolescent Passage - Developmantal Issues

The Adolescent Passage - Developmantal Issues

15,00 €
Renal Transport and Diuretics - Renaler Transport und Diuretica

Renal Transport and Diuretics - Renaler Transport und Diuretica

15,00 €
Radio Telephony for Amateurs

Radio Telephony for Amateurs

15,00 €
On Becoming a Counselor - A Basic Guide for Nonprofessional Counselors and Other Helpers

On Becoming a Counselor - A Basic Guide for Nonprofessional Counselors and Other Helpers

15,00 €
Nationalities Papers (Special Issue) Ethnopolitics in Poland - Supplement No 1 Volume XXII

Nationalities Papers (Special Issue) Ethnopolitics in Poland - Supplement No 1 Volume XXII

15,00 €
Melbourne's Tramways in 1974

Melbourne's Tramways in 1974

15,00 €


15,00 €
Macrovascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus - Pathogenesis and Prevention

Macrovascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus - Pathogenesis and Prevention

15,00 €
I Am the Story - The Art of Puppetry in Education and Therapy (Human Horizons)

I Am the Story - The Art of Puppetry in Education and Therapy (Human Horizons)

15,00 €
GREAT SOUL - Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India

GREAT SOUL - Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India

15,00 €
Graft Architecture Activism

Graft Architecture Activism

15,00 €
Gia and the One Hundred Dollars Worth of Bubblegum

Gia and the One Hundred Dollars Worth of Bubblegum

15,00 €
Frontiers of Hormone Research / The Entero-Insular Axis

Frontiers of Hormone Research / The Entero-Insular Axis

15,00 €
Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen (Retold an translated Dr. L. Sohr with Original drawings by Gertraude Hecht-Appelmann)

Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen (Retold an translated Dr. L. Sohr with Original drawings by..

15,00 €
Easy-to-build - Wooden Chairs for Children - Measured Drawings and Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions for five Traditional Chairs

Easy to build Wooden Chairs for Children Measured Drawings and Illustrated Step by Step..

15,00 €
Decorating with Tiles

Decorating with Tiles

15,00 €
Carnivorous Plants of the World

Carnivorous Plants of the World

15,00 €
Campaigning Online and Winning - How LabourStart's ActNOW campaigns are making unions stronger

Campaigning Online and Winning - How LabourStart's ActNOW campaigns are making unions stronger

15,00 €


15,00 €
Ash - Hive Trilogy Book 1

Ash - Hive Trilogy Book 1

15,00 €
Anarchy - Hive Trilogy Book 2

Anarchy - Hive Trilogy Book 2

15,00 €
Sundahl, Deborah: Female ejaculation & the G-spot, not your mother's orgasm book!.

Sundahl, Deborah: Female ejaculation & the G-spot, not your mother's orgasm book!.

15,00 €
Didion, Joan: South and West - from a notebook.

Didion, Joan: South and West - from a notebook.

15,00 €
Treasures of Denmark from the Vikings to now

Treasures of Denmark from the Vikings to now

15,00 €
Fashion, Culture and Identity

Fashion, Culture and Identity

15,00 €
Vicki Hendricks: Miami Purity. A Novel.

Vicki Hendricks: Miami Purity. A Novel.

15,00 €
Trefusis, Violet: Broderie Anglaise.

Trefusis, Violet: Broderie Anglaise.

15,00 €
Edward Albee: Tiny Alice. A Play.

Edward Albee: Tiny Alice. A Play.

15,00 €
America the Beautiful In the Words of Henry David Thoreau

America the Beautiful In the Words of Henry David Thoreau

15,00 €
More Chinese Sayings with some Cantonese expressions

More Chinese Sayings with some Cantonese expressions

15,00 €
Sailor's Guide to the Windward Islands

Sailor's Guide to the Windward Islands

15,00 €
The Estate and Collection of Works by Charles Rennie Mackintosh at the Hunterian Art Gallery

The Estate and Collection of Works by Charles Rennie Mackintosh at the Hunterian Art Gallery

15,00 €
Ramsey Ullman, James: The day on fire - a novel - Suggested by the life of Arthur Rimbaud.

Ramsey Ullman, James: The day on fire - a novel - Suggested by the life of Arthur Rimbaud.

15,90 €
Hawley, Walter A: Oriental rugs - Antique and modern.

Hawley, Walter A: Oriental rugs - Antique and modern.

15,90 €
Carradice, Phil: Headlands School in Camera.

Carradice, Phil: Headlands School in Camera.

15,90 €
The Blue Veil - Moral Tales

The Blue Veil - Moral Tales

16,00 €
Technology and Social Inclusion - Rethinking the Digital Divide

Technology and Social Inclusion - Rethinking the Digital Divide

16,00 €
Postcard History Series - Austin

Postcard History Series - Austin

16,00 €
Chiron and the Healing Journey: An Astrological and Psychological Perspective

Chiron and the Healing Journey: An Astrological and Psychological Perspective

16,00 €
Life after Life - The Classic Bestseller That Offers Astonishing Proof of a Life After Physical Death

Life after Life The Classic Bestseller That Offers Astonishing Proof of a Life After Physical..

16,00 €
Caldwell, Erskine: Tobacco Road.

Caldwell, Erskine: Tobacco Road.

16,00 €
Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur; I+II.

Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur; I+II.

16,00 €
The Love of China

The Love of China

16,00 €
Memories of a German Childhood

Memories of a German Childhood

16,50 €
The case of the borrowed brunette / The case of the counterfeit eye / The case of the caretaker's cat / The case of the sleepwalker's niece (4 books)

The case of the borrowed brunette / The case of the counterfeit eye / The case of the caretaker's..

17,00 €
Because I am a Girl. The state of the world's girls 2008. Special Focus: In the Shadow of war

Because I am a Girl. The state of the world's girls 2008. Special Focus: In the Shadow of war

17,00 €
J.B. Priestley: Essays of Five Decades. Selected and with a preface by Susan Cooper.

J.B. Priestley: Essays of Five Decades. Selected and with a preface by Susan Cooper.

17,00 €
Bennett, Arnold: Hilda Lessways.

Bennett, Arnold: Hilda Lessways.

17,00 €
Stuart M. Kaminsky: The Melting Clock. A Toby Peters Mystery.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: The Melting Clock. A Toby Peters Mystery.

17,00 €
Marchand, Leslie A., [ed.]: The Selected Poetry of Lord Byron.

Marchand, Leslie A., [ed.]: The Selected Poetry of Lord Byron.

17,00 €
Manchester Unity of arts society: Voices. verse and prose. + 1983, No 28 + 29 (3 Hefte) - Verse and prose / Magazine of the federation of worker writers & community publishers.

Manchester Unity of arts society: Voices. verse and prose. + 1983, No 28 + 29 (3 Hefte) Verse and..

17,90 €
Webb, J.B: Naomi or The last Days of Jerusalem.

Webb, J.B: Naomi or The last Days of Jerusalem.

17,90 €
The Wind in the Willows

The Wind in the Willows

18,00 €
Your Good Health - How to Stay Well, and What to Do When You're Not

Your Good Health - How to Stay Well, and What to Do When You're Not

18,00 €
Progress Report 2000. Research

Progress Report 2000. Research

18,00 €
Infinite Spaces -The Art and Wisdom of the Japanese Garden

Infinite Spaces -The Art and Wisdom of the Japanese Garden

18,00 €


18,00 €
Fifty Years with Goethe 1901-1951 Collected studies

Fifty Years with Goethe 1901-1951 Collected studies

18,00 €


18,00 €
The Sound and the Silence - The Private Lives of Mabel and Alexander Graham Bell

The Sound and the Silence - The Private Lives of Mabel and Alexander Graham Bell

18,00 €
Magic and Mystics of Java

Magic and Mystics of Java

18,00 €
Return from Tomorrow

Return from Tomorrow

18,00 €
Lori Bard: Hello World.

Lori Bard: Hello World.

18,00 €
Ernstberger, Andreas [Verfasser]: A green home for Sophie and Henry : a short story about energy, carbon dioxide and architecture - aus der Reihe: Detail kids.

Ernstberger, Andreas [Verfasser]: A green home for Sophie and Henry : a short story about energy..

18,00 €
Isa Genzken - October Files 17

Isa Genzken - October Files 17

18,50 €
Kazimir Malevich - The Climax of Disclosure

Kazimir Malevich - The Climax of Disclosure

19,00 €
The Jewish Situation in the protectorate of Bohemia - Moravia

The Jewish Situation in the protectorate of Bohemia - Moravia

19,00 €
The Conversion Movement in Prussia during the first half of the 19th Century

The Conversion Movement in Prussia during the first half of the 19th Century

19,00 €
The Arabian Nightmare

The Arabian Nightmare

19,00 €
Seeking a Miracle - My Odyssey at a Romanian Health SPA

Seeking a Miracle - My Odyssey at a Romanian Health SPA

19,00 €
Railway Scene 2/70, 5/70, 1/71, 4/71, 4/72, 4/73, 5/73 (7 booklets)

Railway Scene 2/70, 5/70, 1/71, 4/71, 4/72, 4/73, 5/73 (7 booklets)

19,00 €
Nationality among Czechoslovak Jewry

Nationality among Czechoslovak Jewry

19,00 €
Linguistic Conditions among Czechoslovak Jewry

Linguistic Conditions among Czechoslovak Jewry

19,00 €
Jewish Communities in Germany from the Age of Enlightenment to their Destruction by the Nazis

Jewish Communities in Germany from the Age of Enlightenment to their Destruction by the Nazis

19,00 €
Intermarriage among Jews in Germany, U.S.S.R., and Switzerland

Intermarriage among Jews in Germany, U.S.S.R., and Switzerland

19,00 €
Celebrating Australia. Cairns & Beyond

Celebrating Australia. Cairns & Beyond

19,00 €
The Lair of the White Worm

The Lair of the White Worm

19,00 €
American Short Stories - Exercises in Reading and Writing

American Short Stories - Exercises in Reading and Writing

19,00 €
O'Brien, Flann: The Third Policeman.

O'Brien, Flann: The Third Policeman.

19,00 €
Rygg, Pernille: The Golden Section.

Rygg, Pernille: The Golden Section.

19,00 €
Hauser, Arnold: A Social History of Art: Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque;  v. 2.

Hauser, Arnold: A Social History of Art: Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque; v. 2.

19,00 €
Johann Wyss, Jenny J. Hunter: The Swiss Family Robinson. [Illustrated Calssics].

Johann Wyss, Jenny J. Hunter: The Swiss Family Robinson. [Illustrated Calssics].

19,00 €
James Pickles: To My Friends. Poems by James  Pickles.

James Pickles: To My Friends. Poems by James Pickles.

19,00 €
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