Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

3.999 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Lange, Petronella Jacoba de: Samuel Butler, critic and philosopher. Dissertation.

Lange, Petronella Jacoba de: Samuel Butler, critic and philosopher. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Philips, Franz Carl August: Friedrich Nicolais literarische Bestrebungen. Dissertation.

Philips, Franz Carl August: Friedrich Nicolais literarische Bestrebungen. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Paschall, Dorothy May: The vocabulary of mental aberration in Roman comedy and Petronius. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Language dissertations 27.

Paschall, Dorothy May: The vocabulary of mental aberration in Roman comedy and Petronius..

16,00 €
Thorén, Ivar: Studier över Själens tröst : bidrag till kännedomen om den litterära verksamheten i 1400-talets Vadstena. Dissertation Uppsala. Nordiska texter och undersökningar 14.

Thorén, Ivar: Studier över Själens tröst : bidrag till kännedomen om den litterära..

50,00 €
Liedholm, Astri: A phonological study of the Middle English romance 'Arthour and Merlin' (Ms Auchinleck). Dissertation.

Liedholm, Astri: A phonological study of the Middle English romance 'Arthour and Merlin' (Ms..

25,00 €
Wirth, Otto: Wilhelm Scherer, Josef Nadler and Wilhelm Dilthey as literary historians. Dissertation.

Wirth, Otto: Wilhelm Scherer, Josef Nadler and Wilhelm Dilthey as literary historians..

20,00 €
Zabel, Morton Dauwen: The romantic idealism of art, 1800-1848. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Zabel, Morton Dauwen: The romantic idealism of art, 1800-1848. Dissertation (Teildruck).

14,00 €
Lögdberg, Gunnar: In Macrobii Saturnalia adnotationes. Dissertation.

Lögdberg, Gunnar: In Macrobii Saturnalia adnotationes. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Schullian, Dorothy May: External stimuli to literary production in Rome 90 B.C.-27 B.C. Dissertation.

Schullian, Dorothy May: External stimuli to literary production in Rome 90 B.C. 27 B.C..

25,00 €
MacKinney, Mary Emma: The lexicography of Poetae Saxonis annales de gestis Caroli Magni imperatoris and Monachus sangallensis de Carolo Magno. Dissertation (Teildruck).

MacKinney, Mary Emma: The lexicography of Poetae Saxonis annales de gestis Caroli Magni imperatoris..

20,00 €
De Vooys, Sijna: The psychological element in the English sociological novel of the nineteenth century. Dissertation.

De Vooys, Sijna: The psychological element in the English sociological novel of the nineteenth..

20,00 €
Cohen, Emil: Mr. M. C. van Hall als letterkundige. Dissertation.

Cohen, Emil: Mr. M. C. van Hall als letterkundige. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Wildhaber, Arno: Das Bild der Reformation in der jungdeutschen Epoche. Dissertation.

Wildhaber, Arno: Das Bild der Reformation in der jungdeutschen Epoche. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Moser, Max: Richard Wagner in der englischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Dissertation.

Moser, Max: Richard Wagner in der englischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Oswald, Michael Matthias F: The use of the prepositions in Apollonius Rhodius, compared with their use in Homer. Dissertation.

Oswald, Michael Matthias F: The use of the prepositions in Apollonius Rhodius, compared with their..

24,00 €
Veldkamp, Jan: Samuel Butler, the Author of Hudibras. Dissertation.

Veldkamp, Jan: Samuel Butler, the Author of Hudibras. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Low Comedy as a structural element in English drama : From the beginnings to 1642. Dissertation.

Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Low Comedy as a structural element in English drama : From the beginnings..

35,00 €
Wilde, Justine Fredrika de: Christina Rossetti, poet and woman. Dissertation.

Wilde, Justine Fredrika de: Christina Rossetti, poet and woman. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Schumacher, Edgar: Thomas Otway. Dissertation.

Schumacher, Edgar: Thomas Otway. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Fisher, Alfred Young: An introduction to a study of Shakespearean comedy. Part one. Dissertation.

Fisher, Alfred Young: An introduction to a study of Shakespearean comedy. Part one. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Pfister, Karl: Das Prinzip der Gedichtanordnung in Schillers Musenalmanachen 1796 - 1800 Dissertation.

Pfister, Karl: Das Prinzip der Gedichtanordnung in Schillers Musenalmanachen 1796 1800..

19,00 €
Bachmann, Frederick William: Some German imitators of Walter Scott : an attempt to evaluate the influence of Scott on the subliterary novel of the early nineteenth century in Germany. Dissertation.

Bachmann, Frederick William: Some German imitators of Walter Scott : an attempt to evaluate the..

24,00 €
Wikström, Tage: In Firmicum Maternum studia critica. Dissertation.

Wikström, Tage: In Firmicum Maternum studia critica. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Vooys, Cornelis Jan: Lexicon Philodemeum, pars 1. Dissertation.

Vooys, Cornelis Jan: Lexicon Philodemeum, pars 1. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Heyde, K. van der: Composita en verbaal aspect bij Plautus. Dissertation.

Heyde, K. van der: Composita en verbaal aspect bij Plautus. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Teerink, Herman: The History of John Bull for the first time faithfully re-issued from the original pamphlets, 1712, together with an investigation into its composition, publication and authorship. Dissertation.

Teerink, Herman: The History of John Bull for the first time faithfully re issued from the original..

20,00 €
Michelson, Hijman: The jew in Early English Literature. Dissertation.

Michelson, Hijman: The jew in Early English Literature. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Ammann, Ernst: Analysis of Thomas Shadwell's Lancashire Witches and Tegue O'Divelly the Irish Priest. Dissertation.

Ammann, Ernst: Analysis of Thomas Shadwell's Lancashire Witches and Tegue O'Divelly the Irish..

20,00 €
Skiles, Jonah W. D: The latinity of Arbeo's Vita Sancti Corbiniani and of the revised Vita et actus Beati Corbiniani episcope Frigisingensis aecclesiae. Dissertation.

Skiles, Jonah W. D: The latinity of Arbeo's Vita Sancti Corbiniani and of the revised Vita et actus..

30,00 €
Perdeck, Albert Adam: Theology in Augustan literature : being an inquiry into the extent of orthodox Protestant thought in the literature of Pope's time. Dissertation.

Perdeck, Albert Adam: Theology in Augustan literature : being an inquiry into the extent of..

30,00 €
Haeberli, Emma: The comedies of John Crowne. Dissertation.

Haeberli, Emma: The comedies of John Crowne. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Vriend, Joannes: The blessed Virgin Mary in the medieval drama of England with additional studies in middle English literature. Dissertation.

Vriend, Joannes: The blessed Virgin Mary in the medieval drama of England with additional studies..

20,00 €
Girardin, Paul: Robert Pearse Gillies and the propagation of German literature in England at the end of the XVIIIth and the beginning of the XIXth century. Dissertation.

Girardin, Paul: Robert Pearse Gillies and the propagation of German literature in England at the..

15,00 €
Kok, Bertha Louise de: Guibourc et quelques autres figures de femmes dans les plus anciennes chansons de geste. Dissertation.

Kok, Bertha Louise de: Guibourc et quelques autres figures de femmes dans les plus anciennes..

25,00 €
Vreese, Jacques de: Petron 39 und die Astrologie. Dissertation.

Vreese, Jacques de: Petron 39 und die Astrologie. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Popma, Tjeerd: Byron en het Byronisme in de Nederlandsche letterkunde. Dissertation.

Popma, Tjeerd: Byron en het Byronisme in de Nederlandsche letterkunde. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Maanen, W. van: Maarten Maartens, poet and novelist. Dissertation.

Maanen, W. van: Maarten Maartens, poet and novelist. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Bastiaenen, Johannes Adam: The moral Tone of Jacobean and Caroline drama. Dissertation.

Bastiaenen, Johannes Adam: The moral Tone of Jacobean and Caroline drama. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Postma, Jelle: Tennyson as seen by his parodists. Dissertation.

Postma, Jelle: Tennyson as seen by his parodists. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Dekker, Gerrit: Die invloed van Keats en Shelley in Nederland gedurende die negentiende eeu. Dissertation.

Dekker, Gerrit: Die invloed van Keats en Shelley in Nederland gedurende die negentiende eeu..

45,00 €
Makkink, Henri Jacob: Philip Massinger and John Fletcher : a comparison. Dissertation.

Makkink, Henri Jacob: Philip Massinger and John Fletcher : a comparison. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Tazelaar, Christiaan: De Jeugd van Groen 1801-1827. Dissertation.

Tazelaar, Christiaan: De Jeugd van Groen 1801-1827. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Presser, Jacob: Das Buch "De tribus impostoribus" (von den drei Betrügern). Dissertation.

Presser, Jacob: Das Buch "De tribus impostoribus" (von den drei Betrügern). Dissertation.

50,00 €
Duparc, Else Atie: Vrouwenfiguren in de werken van Menander. Dissertation.

Duparc, Else Atie: Vrouwenfiguren in de werken van Menander. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Heberle, Johannes Arnoldus: Hugo von Hofmannsthal : Beobachtungen über seinen Stil. Dissertation.

Heberle, Johannes Arnoldus: Hugo von Hofmannsthal : Beobachtungen über seinen Stil. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Harder, Johannes Hendrik: Observations on some tendencies of sentiment and ethics chiefly in minor poetry and essay in the eighteenth century until the execution of Dr. W. Dodd in 1777. Dissertation.

Harder, Johannes Hendrik: Observations on some tendencies of sentiment and ethics chiefly in minor..

20,00 €
Erdman Schmidt, Anna Johanna: Syr Tryamowre : a metrical romance ; with introduction, glossary and notes. Dissertation.

Erdman Schmidt, Anna Johanna: Syr Tryamowre : a metrical romance ; with introduction, glossary and..

25,00 €
Akkerman, Jan: Studien zum Karlmeinet : der dritte Abschnitt der Kompilation und sein Vehältnis zum ersten. Dissertation.

Akkerman, Jan: Studien zum Karlmeinet : der dritte Abschnitt der Kompilation und sein Vehältnis..

25,00 €