Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

4.005 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Fredén, Gustaf: Friedrich Menius und das Repertoire der englischen Komödianten in Deutschland. Dissertation.

Fredén, Gustaf: Friedrich Menius und das Repertoire der englischen Komödianten in Deutschland..

40,00 €
Hardaway, Richard Travis: The revision of C. F. Meyer's Novellen : an interpretation of the variants between the texts of the Deutsche Rundschau and of the book. Dissertation.

Hardaway, Richard Travis: The revision of C. F. Meyer's Novellen : an interpretation of the..

20,00 €
Hand, Wayland Debs: The Schnaderhüpfel : an Alpine folk lyrik. Dissertation.

Hand, Wayland Debs: The Schnaderhüpfel : an Alpine folk lyrik. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Stow, Harry Lloyd: The violation of the dramatic illusion in the comedies of Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Stow, Harry Lloyd: The violation of the dramatic illusion in the comedies of Aristophanes..

35,00 €
Colditz, Carl Otto: Wolfgang Menzel als Literaturkritiker. Dissertation.

Colditz, Carl Otto: Wolfgang Menzel als Literaturkritiker. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Haas, Cornelis E. de: Nature and the country in English poetry of the first half of the eighteenth century. Dissertation.

Haas, Cornelis E. de: Nature and the country in English poetry of the first half of the eighteenth..

25,00 €
Buckley, George T: Rationalism in sixteenth century English literature. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Buckley, George T: Rationalism in sixteenth century English literature. Dissertation (Teildruck).

20,00 €
Habbema, Diederikus Marius Elbertus: An appreciation of Colley Cibber, actor and dramatist together with a reprint of his play "The Careless Husband". Dissertation.

Habbema, Diederikus Marius Elbertus: An appreciation of Colley Cibber, actor and dramatist together..

15,00 €
Aliesch, Peter: Studien zu Thomas Hardy's Prosastil Dissertation.

Aliesch, Peter: Studien zu Thomas Hardy's Prosastil Dissertation.

11,00 €
Ferguson, Alice Catherine: The manuscripts of Propertius. Dissertation.

Ferguson, Alice Catherine: The manuscripts of Propertius. Dissertation.

30,00 €
d'Angremond, Thomas Hendrik: P. C. Hooft's Achilles en Polyxena : met inleiding, aantekeningen en woordenlijst. Dissertation.

d'Angremond, Thomas Hendrik: P. C. Hooft's Achilles en Polyxena : met inleiding, aantekeningen en..

15,00 €
Snijders, Zuster Cherubine: Het Latijn der brieven van Lupus van Ferrières, middeleeuws humanist. Dissertation.

Snijders, Zuster Cherubine: Het Latijn der brieven van Lupus van Ferrières, middeleeuws humanist..

15,00 €
Elden, Wallace Stedman: The conditional period in the writings of Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Dissertation.

Elden, Wallace Stedman: The conditional period in the writings of Quintus Horatius Flaccus..

25,00 €
O'Connor, Margaret Brown: Religion in the plays of Sophocles. Dissertation.

O'Connor, Margaret Brown: Religion in the plays of Sophocles. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Meulenbroek, Bernardus Lambertus: Metriek en rhythmiek in Augustinus' Cassiciacum-dialogen. Dissertation.

Meulenbroek, Bernardus Lambertus: Metriek en rhythmiek in Augustinus' Cassiciacum dialogen..

20,00 €
Brotherton, Blanche: The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Brotherton, Blanche: The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Sherburn, George Wiley: The early popularity of Milton's minor poems. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philogogy 17.

Sherburn, George Wiley: The early popularity of Milton's minor poems. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

15,00 €
Meader, Clarence Linton: A Study of the latin pronouns is and hic. Dissertation.

Meader, Clarence Linton: A Study of the latin pronouns is and hic. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Hoed, Petronella Maria den: Hemingsr??mur. Dissertation.

Hoed, Petronella Maria den: Hemingsr??mur. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Donker, Roelof Jan: Studiën over de Wielandsage. Dissertation.

Donker, Roelof Jan: Studiën over de Wielandsage. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Lessing, Otto Eduard: Schillers Einfluß auf Grillparzer : eine literarhistorische Studie. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin 54, 83-204.

Lessing, Otto Eduard: Schillers Einfluß auf Grillparzer : eine literarhistorische Studie..

30,00 €
Greiner, Trudi: Der literarische Verkehr zwischen der deutschen und welschen Schweiz seit 1848. Dissertation.

Greiner, Trudi: Der literarische Verkehr zwischen der deutschen und welschen Schweiz seit 1848..

12,00 €
Dennison, Walter: The epigraphic sources of the writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Archaelogy 2, S. 26 - 70.

Dennison, Walter: The epigraphic sources of the writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus..

15,00 €
Kidder, George Vincent: The description of characters in Vergil's Aeneid. Dissertation.

Kidder, George Vincent: The description of characters in Vergil's Aeneid. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Cumings, Edgar Crowther: Woman in the life and work of Theodor Mundt. Dissertation.

Cumings, Edgar Crowther: Woman in the life and work of Theodor Mundt. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Bennett, Kathryn Seymour: The motivation of exits in Greek and Latin comedy. Dissertation.

Bennett, Kathryn Seymour: The motivation of exits in Greek and Latin comedy. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Spek, Cornelis van der: The church and the churchman in English dramatic literature before 1642. Dissertation.

Spek, Cornelis van der: The church and the churchman in English dramatic literature before 1642..

20,00 €
Weter, Winifred Elberta: Encouragement of literary production in Greece from Homer to Alexander. Dissertation.

Weter, Winifred Elberta: Encouragement of literary production in Greece from Homer to Alexander..

25,00 €
Roggen, Emil: Die Motive in Auerbachs Dorfgeschichten. Dissertation.

Roggen, Emil: Die Motive in Auerbachs Dorfgeschichten. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Nutting, Herbert C: The form si sit ... Erit. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of California publications in classical philology 8,2, S. 187 - 217.

Nutting, Herbert C: The form si sit ... Erit. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of..

14,00 €
Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Dunkel, Harold Baker: Panhelleniem in Greek tragedy. Dissertation.

Dunkel, Harold Baker: Panhelleniem in Greek tragedy. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Avery, Mary Myrtle: The use of direct speech in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dissertation.

Avery, Mary Myrtle: The use of direct speech in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Broers, Bernarda Conradina: Mysticism in the neo-romanticists. Dissertation.

Broers, Bernarda Conradina: Mysticism in the neo-romanticists. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Clark, Roy Benjamin: William Gifford : Tory satirist, critic and editor. Dissertation.

Clark, Roy Benjamin: William Gifford : Tory satirist, critic and editor. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Lange, Stella Louise: Ethics and ethical religion in Greek literature and the Old Testament. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Lange, Stella Louise: Ethics and ethical religion in Greek literature and the Old Testament..

15,00 €
Miller, Perry Gilbert Eddy: The establishment of orthodoxy in Massachusetts. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Miller, Perry Gilbert Eddy: The establishment of orthodoxy in Massachusetts. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Leverton, Garrett Hasty: The production of later nineteenth century American drama : a basis for teaching. Dissertation.

Leverton, Garrett Hasty: The production of later nineteenth century American drama : a basis for..

30,00 €
Jenny, Erika: Die Heimatkunstbewegung : ein Beitrag zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte. Dissertation.

Jenny, Erika: Die Heimatkunstbewegung : ein Beitrag zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte..

15,00 €
Regenos, Graydon Wendell: The latinity of the epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

Regenos, Graydon Wendell: The latinity of the epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Matthew, John: Amiel et la solitude. Dissertation.

Matthew, John: Amiel et la solitude. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Deberre, Emile: Quid sit sentiendum de Philippi Destouches legatorii procuratoris necnon poetae moribus. Dissertation.

Deberre, Emile: Quid sit sentiendum de Philippi Destouches legatorii procuratoris necnon poetae..

35,00 €
Reinke, Edgar Carl: The latinity of the epistolae of Hrabanus Maurus. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Reinke, Edgar Carl: The latinity of the epistolae of Hrabanus Maurus. Dissertation (Teildruck).

35,00 €
Harsh, Philip Whaley: Studies in dramatic "preparation" in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Harsh, Philip Whaley: Studies in dramatic "preparation" in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Prior, Moody E: Joseph Glanvill, witchcraft, and seventeenth-century science. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 30, S. 167 - 193.

Prior, Moody E: Joseph Glanvill, witchcraft, and seventeenth century science. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Murphy, Agnes Genevieve: Banditry, chivalry, and terror in German fiction 1790 - 1830. Dissertation.

Murphy, Agnes Genevieve: Banditry, chivalry, and terror in German fiction 1790 1830..

25,00 €
Hassold, Ernest Christopher: American literary history before the civil war. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Hassold, Ernest Christopher: American literary history before the civil war. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Cargill, Oscar: Drama and liturgy. Dissertation.

Cargill, Oscar: Drama and liturgy. Dissertation.

15,00 €