Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

5.854 Artikel gefunden


Fehr, Bernhard: Die formelhaften Elemente in den alten englischen Balladen : I. Teil: Wortformeln. Dissertation.

Fehr, Bernhard: Die formelhaften Elemente in den alten englischen Balladen : I. Teil: Wortformeln..

35,00 €
Kinard, James Pinckney: A study of Wulfstan's Homilies : their style and sources. Dissertation.

Kinard, James Pinckney: A study of Wulfstan's Homilies : their style and sources. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Lenström, Carl Julius; Betzen, Alfred Gotthard v: Marlowe's Faustus. 6 Del. Dissertation.

Lenström, Carl Julius; Betzen, Alfred Gotthard v: Marlowe's Faustus. 6 Del. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Spanier, Moritz: Exegetische Beiträge zu Hieronymus' "Onomastikon". Dissertation.

Spanier, Moritz: Exegetische Beiträge zu Hieronymus' "Onomastikon". Dissertation.

35,00 €
Lenström, Carl Julius: Marlowe's Faustus. 2 + 3 Del. Dissertation.

Lenström, Carl Julius: Marlowe's Faustus. 2 + 3 Del. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Rüegg, August: Beiträge zur Erforschung der Quellenverhältnisse in der Alexandergeschichte des Curtius. Dissertation.

Rüegg, August: Beiträge zur Erforschung der Quellenverhältnisse in der Alexandergeschichte des..

35,00 €
Gillberg, Robert Wilhelm: Nio kapitel af Kristni Saga tolkade och upplysta samt med en kort historisk inledning försedda. Dissertation.

Gillberg, Robert Wilhelm: Nio kapitel af Kristni Saga tolkade och upplysta samt med en kort..

35,00 €
Söderstroem, Otto Gustaf Viktor: Páttr af Ragnars sonum Sagostycke om Ragnars söner från Islandskan öfversatt och belyst. Dissertation.

Söderstroem, Otto Gustaf Viktor: Páttr af Ragnars sonum Sagostycke om Ragnars söner från..

35,00 €
Englund, Yngve: Ad Quintiliani quae feruntur declamationes maiores adnotationes. Dissertation.

Englund, Yngve: Ad Quintiliani quae feruntur declamationes maiores adnotationes. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Sjöding, Allan Edvard: Leopold den gustavianske smakdomaren : hans utveckling till första upplagan av Samlade skrifter (1800 - 1802). Dissertation.

Sjöding, Allan Edvard: Leopold den gustavianske smakdomaren : hans utveckling till första..

35,00 €
Ehnmark, Erland: The Idea of God in Homer. Dissertation.

Ehnmark, Erland: The Idea of God in Homer. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Cohen, Emil: Mr. M. C. van Hall als letterkundige. Dissertation.

Cohen, Emil: Mr. M. C. van Hall als letterkundige. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Low Comedy as a structural element in English drama : From the beginnings to 1642. Dissertation.

Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Low Comedy as a structural element in English drama : From the beginnings..

35,00 €
Vooys, Cornelis Jan: Lexicon Philodemeum, pars 1. Dissertation.

Vooys, Cornelis Jan: Lexicon Philodemeum, pars 1. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Haar, Dirk van der: Richard Stanyhurst's Aeneis. Dissertation.

Haar, Dirk van der: Richard Stanyhurst's Aeneis. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Jenzer, Annemarie: Wandlungen in der Auffassung der Frau im ionischen Epos und in der attischen Tragödie bis auf Sophokles. Dissertation.

Jenzer, Annemarie: Wandlungen in der Auffassung der Frau im ionischen Epos und in der attischen..

35,00 €
Beardslee, John Walter: The use of physis in fifth-century Greek literature. Dissertation.

Beardslee, John Walter: The use of physis in fifth-century Greek literature. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Elliott, Robert Dale: Transition in the Attic orators. Dissertation.

Elliott, Robert Dale: Transition in the Attic orators. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Loth, Helen Edna: A study of the lexicography of the Casus Sancti Galli of Ekkehardus IV. Dissertation.

Loth, Helen Edna: A study of the lexicography of the Casus Sancti Galli of Ekkehardus IV..

35,00 €
Hutchins, Lucy: The position of demonstrative adjectives in Plautus and Terence. Dissertation.

Hutchins, Lucy: The position of demonstrative adjectives in Plautus and Terence. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Meagher, Luanne: The Gellius manuscript of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

Meagher, Luanne: The Gellius manuscript of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Stow, Harry Lloyd: The violation of the dramatic illusion in the comedies of Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Stow, Harry Lloyd: The violation of the dramatic illusion in the comedies of Aristophanes..

35,00 €
O'Connor, Margaret Brown: Religion in the plays of Sophocles. Dissertation.

O'Connor, Margaret Brown: Religion in the plays of Sophocles. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Regenos, Graydon Wendell: The latinity of the epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

Regenos, Graydon Wendell: The latinity of the epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Deberre, Emile: Quid sit sentiendum de Philippi Destouches legatorii procuratoris necnon poetae moribus. Dissertation.

Deberre, Emile: Quid sit sentiendum de Philippi Destouches legatorii procuratoris necnon poetae..

35,00 €
Reinke, Edgar Carl: The latinity of the epistolae of Hrabanus Maurus. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Reinke, Edgar Carl: The latinity of the epistolae of Hrabanus Maurus. Dissertation (Teildruck).

35,00 €
Seiler, Otto: The sources of Tho. Shadwell's comedy "Bury Fair". Dissertation.

Seiler, Otto: The sources of Tho. Shadwell's comedy "Bury Fair". Dissertation.

35,00 €
Helm, Rudolf: De P. Papinii Statii Thebaide. Dissertation.

Helm, Rudolf: De P. Papinii Statii Thebaide. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Wirth, Johann: Moscheroschs Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald : Verhältnis der Ausgaben zu einander und zur Quelle ; nebst einem biographischen Anhang. Dissertation.

Wirth, Johann: Moscheroschs Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald : Verhältnis der Ausgaben zu..

35,00 €
Lemmi, Charles William: The classic Deities in Bacon : a study in mythological symbolism. Dissertation.

Lemmi, Charles William: The classic Deities in Bacon : a study in mythological symbolism..

35,00 €
Canter, Howard Vernon: The infinitive construction in Livy. Dissertation.

Canter, Howard Vernon: The infinitive construction in Livy. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Allgöwer, Walther: Gemeinschaft, Vaterland und Staat im Werk Hölderlins. Dissertation.

Allgöwer, Walther: Gemeinschaft, Vaterland und Staat im Werk Hölderlins. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Tuve, Rosemond: Seasons and months : studies in a tradition of middle English poetry. Dissertation.

Tuve, Rosemond: Seasons and months : studies in a tradition of middle English poetry. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Gray, Charles Henry: Lodowick Carliell : his life, a discussion of his plays, and "The deserving favourite". Dissertation.

Gray, Charles Henry: Lodowick Carliell : his life, a discussion of his plays, and "The deserving..

35,00 €
Slater, John Rothwell: The sources of Tyndale's version of the Pentateuch. Dissertation.

Slater, John Rothwell: The sources of Tyndale's version of the Pentateuch. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Merwe Scholtz, Hendrik van der: The kenning in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse poetry. Dissertation.

Merwe Scholtz, Hendrik van der: The kenning in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse poetry. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Jessen, Myra Richards: Goethe als Kritiker der Lyrik : Beiträge zu seiner Ästhetik und seiner Theorie. Dissertation.

Jessen, Myra Richards: Goethe als Kritiker der Lyrik : Beiträge zu seiner Ästhetik und seiner..

35,00 €
Claflin, Edith Frances: The syntax of the Boeotian dialect inscriptions. Dissertation.

Claflin, Edith Frances: The syntax of the Boeotian dialect inscriptions. Dissertation.

35,00 €
DeGraff, Thelma B: Naevian Studies. Dissertation.

DeGraff, Thelma B: Naevian Studies. Dissertation.

35,00 €
MacBryde, John MacLaren: A study of Cowleys Davideis. Dissertation.

MacBryde, John MacLaren: A study of Cowleys Davideis. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Drabkin, Norma L: The Medea exul of Ennius. Dissertation.

Drabkin, Norma L: The Medea exul of Ennius. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Nordberg, Stig Olsson: Fornsvenskan i våra latinska originaldiplom före 1300 I. Dissertation.

Nordberg, Stig Olsson: Fornsvenskan i våra latinska originaldiplom före 1300 I. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Steiger, August: Thomas Shadwell's "Libertine" : a complementary study to the Don Juan-literature. Dissertation.

Steiger, August: Thomas Shadwell's "Libertine" : a complementary study to the Don Juan literature..

35,00 €
Tax, Petrus W.; Lawson, Richard H. [Hrsg.]: Arthur Schnitzler and his age : intellectual and artistic currents. Modern German studies No. 13.

Tax, Petrus W.; Lawson, Richard H. [Hrsg.]: Arthur Schnitzler and his age : intellectual and..

35,00 €
Garzya, Antonio (Ed.): Spirito e forme nella letteratura bizantina : XXe Congrès International des Études Byzantines, Paris 2001, 19-25 aout.

Garzya, Antonio (Ed.): Spirito e forme nella letteratura bizantina : XXe Congrès International des..

35,00 €
Jaumann, Herbert: Die deutsche Barockliteratur : Wertung - Umwertung ; eine wertungsgeschichtliche Studie in systematischer Absicht. Dissertation. Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft Bd. 181.

Jaumann, Herbert: Die deutsche Barockliteratur : Wertung Umwertung ; eine wertungsgeschichtliche..

35,00 €
Aptowitzer, Victor: Kain und Abel in der Agada: Den Apokryphen, Der Hellenistischen, Christlichen und Muhammedanischen Literatur.

Aptowitzer, Victor: Kain und Abel in der Agada: Den Apokryphen, Der Hellenistischen, Christlichen..

35,00 €