Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

5.868 Artikel gefunden


Barr, Knut August: Olof Broman, författaren till vår första roman. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Svenska Literatursällskapets tidskrift 18.

Barr, Knut August: Olof Broman, författaren till vår första roman. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

25,00 €
Gulick, Sidney L: A Chesterfield bibliography to 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 29.

Gulick, Sidney L: A Chesterfield bibliography to 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The papers of..

20,00 €
Petitpierre, Fernand: Heinse in den Jugendschriften der Jungdeutschen. Dissertation.

Petitpierre, Fernand: Heinse in den Jugendschriften der Jungdeutschen. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Jones, Florence Nightingale: Beaumarchais and Plautus : the sources of the Barbier de Séville. Dissertation.

Jones, Florence Nightingale: Beaumarchais and Plautus : the sources of the Barbier de Séville..

20,00 €
Prahl, Augustus J: Gerstäcker und die Probleme seiner Zeit. Dissertation.

Prahl, Augustus J: Gerstäcker und die Probleme seiner Zeit. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Heidel, William Arthur: Pseudo-platonica. Dissertation.

Heidel, William Arthur: Pseudo-platonica. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Loftman, Karl: Kritisk undersökning af den masoretiska texten till Profeten Hoseas bok. Dissertation.

Loftman, Karl: Kritisk undersökning af den masoretiska texten till Profeten Hoseas bok..

35,00 €
Söderberg, Erik Natanael: Samuel Johan Hedborn: hans lif och diktning ; ett bidrag till nya skolans häfder. Dissertation.

Söderberg, Erik Natanael: Samuel Johan Hedborn: hans lif och diktning ; ett bidrag till nya..

30,00 €
Wolf, Leo Hans: Die ästhetische Grundlage der Literaturrevolution der achtziger Jahre (Die "Kritischen Waffengänge" der Brüder Hart), eine literargeschichtliche Studie. Dissertation.

Wolf, Leo Hans: Die ästhetische Grundlage der Literaturrevolution der achtziger Jahre (Die..

20,00 €
Reynolds, Myra: The treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and Wordsworth. Dissertation.

Reynolds, Myra: The treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and Wordsworth..

20,00 €
Harper, Carrie Anna: The sources of the British chronicle history in Spenser's Faerie Queene. Dissertation.

Harper, Carrie Anna: The sources of the British chronicle history in Spenser's Faerie Queene..

20,00 €
MacMechan, Archibald: The relation of Hans Sachs to the Decameron as shown in an examination of the thirteen shrovetide plays drawn from that source. Dissertation.

MacMechan, Archibald: The relation of Hans Sachs to the Decameron as shown in an examination of the..

75,00 €
Coulter, Cornelia Catlin: Retractatio in the Ambrosian and Palatine recensions of Plautus : a study of the Persa, Poenulus, Pseudolus, Stichus and Trinummus. Dissertation.

Coulter, Cornelia Catlin: Retractatio in the Ambrosian and Palatine recensions of Plautus : a study..

40,00 €
Casanowicz, Immanuel M: Paronomasia in the Old Testament Dissertation.

Casanowicz, Immanuel M: Paronomasia in the Old Testament Dissertation.

75,00 €
Rini, Anthony: Petronius in Italy : from the thirteenth century to the present time. Dissertation.

Rini, Anthony: Petronius in Italy : from the thirteenth century to the present time. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Spalding, Mary Caroline: The Middle English charters of Christ. Dissertation.

Spalding, Mary Caroline: The Middle English charters of Christ. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Ogden, Ellen Seton: The origin of the Gunu-Signs in Babylonian. Dissertation.

Ogden, Ellen Seton: The origin of the Gunu-Signs in Babylonian. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Holt, Ivan Lee: Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson Collection in Haskell Oriental Museum. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 27, S. 193-232.

Holt, Ivan Lee: Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson Collection in Haskell Oriental Museum..

15,00 €
Klint, Axel Henri: Le Miracle de Théopile (Théophile) de Rutebeuf : revu sur les manuscrits, traduit et accompagné de notes. Dissertation.

Klint, Axel Henri: Le Miracle de Théopile (Théophile) de Rutebeuf : revu sur les manuscrits..

50,00 €
Foster, Frances A: A study of the Middle English poem known as The Northern passion and its relation to the cycle plays. Dissertation.

Foster, Frances A: A study of the Middle English poem known as The Northern passion and its..

30,00 €
Nichols, Helen Hawley: The composition of the Elihu Speeches Job, Chaps. 32-37. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 27.

Nichols, Helen Hawley: The composition of the Elihu Speeches Job, Chaps. 32 37. Dissertation..

75,00 €
Åzelius, Johan Erik: De assimilatione syntactica apud Sophoclem. Dissertation.

Åzelius, Johan Erik: De assimilatione syntactica apud Sophoclem. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Widmann, Max: Albrecht von Hallers Staatsromane und Hallers Bedeutung als politischer Schriftsteller. Dissertation.

Widmann, Max: Albrecht von Hallers Staatsromane und Hallers Bedeutung als politischer..

20,00 €
Marti, Paul: Fletcher's Play: The Night-Walker and Shadwell's Comedy: The Woman-Captain. Dissertation.

Marti, Paul: Fletcher's Play: The Night Walker and Shadwell's Comedy: The Woman Captain..

30,00 €
Risberg, Bernhard: De non nullis Locis Agamemnonis Aeschyleae scribendis et interpretandis. Dissertation.

Risberg, Bernhard: De non nullis Locis Agamemnonis Aeschyleae scribendis et interpretandis..

30,00 €
Gullberg, Hjalmar: Olafs drápa tryggvasonar : Fragmènt ur Bergsboken. Dissertation.

Gullberg, Hjalmar: Olafs drápa tryggvasonar : Fragmènt ur Bergsboken. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Borg, Harald: Sagan om Athis och Prophilias : en förberedande studie på vv. 1 - 2505 af en å kongl. biblioteket i Stockholm befintlig och förut ej publicerad handskrift från år 1299. Dissertation.

Borg, Harald: Sagan om Athis och Prophilias : en förberedande studie på vv. 1 2505 af en å..

24,00 €
Fahlcrantz, Christian Alfred: Augusti Guilielmi Schlegelii Roma : elegis latinis expressa Dissertation.

Fahlcrantz, Christian Alfred: Augusti Guilielmi Schlegelii Roma : elegis latinis expressa..

35,00 €
Ferguson, William Duncan: The legal terms common to the Macedonian inscriptions and the New Testament. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Historical and linguistic studies in literature related to the New Testament. Serie 2, Linguistic and exegetical studies

Ferguson, William Duncan: The legal terms common to the Macedonian inscriptions and the New..

25,00 €
Wickes, Dean Rockwell: The Sources of Luke's Perean section. Dissertation.

Wickes, Dean Rockwell: The Sources of Luke's Perean section. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Söderström, Gunnar: Epigraphica latina Africana de titulis sepulcralibus prosa oratione compositis provinciarum Byzacenae et proconsularis quaestiones selectae. Dissertation.

Söderström, Gunnar: Epigraphica latina Africana de titulis sepulcralibus prosa oratione..

19,00 €
Staudt, Calvin Klopp: The idea of the resurrection in the ante-Nicene period. Dissertation.

Staudt, Calvin Klopp: The idea of the resurrection in the ante-Nicene period. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Taylor, Marion Lee: A Study of the technique in Konrad Ferdinand Meyer's Novellen. Dissertation.

Taylor, Marion Lee: A Study of the technique in Konrad Ferdinand Meyer's Novellen. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Kueffner, Louise Mallinckrodt: The development of the historic drama, its theory and practice : a study based chiefly on the dramas of Elizabethan England and of Germany. Dissertation.

Kueffner, Louise Mallinckrodt: The development of the historic drama, its theory and practice : a..

25,00 €
Heinzelmann, Jacob Harold: The influence of the German Volkslied on Eichendorff's lyric. Dissertation.

Heinzelmann, Jacob Harold: The influence of the German Volkslied on Eichendorff's lyric..

20,00 €
Stark, Alonzo Rosecrans: The Christology in the Apostolic Fathers. Dissertation.

Stark, Alonzo Rosecrans: The Christology in the Apostolic Fathers. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Schravesande, Cornelis: Betrachtungen über pädagogische und ethische Tendenzen in Wielands Werken. Dissertation.

Schravesande, Cornelis: Betrachtungen über pädagogische und ethische Tendenzen in Wielands..

30,00 €
Gordon, William Clark: The social ideals of Alfred Tennyson as related to his time. Dissertation.

Gordon, William Clark: The social ideals of Alfred Tennyson as related to his time. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Williams, Charles Bray: The participle in the book of acts. Dissertation.

Williams, Charles Bray: The participle in the book of acts. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Waterman, Leroy: Some Kouyunjik letters and related texts. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 28, S. 1-36, S. 134-143.

Waterman, Leroy: Some Kouyunjik letters and related texts. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The..

20,00 €
Williamson, Edward John: Grillparzer's attitude toward romanticism. Dissertation.

Williamson, Edward John: Grillparzer's attitude toward romanticism. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Smart, Walter Kay: Some English and Latin sources and parallels for the morality of Wisdom. Dissertation.

Smart, Walter Kay: Some English and Latin sources and parallels for the morality of Wisdom..

30,00 €
Maulsby, David Lee: The Contribution of Emerson to Literature. Dissertation.

Maulsby, David Lee: The Contribution of Emerson to Literature. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Fleming, Herbert E: Magazines of a market-metropolis being a history of the literary periodicals and literary interests of Chicago. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: "The Literary Interests of Chicago" from The American Journal of Sociology 11 u. 12.

Fleming, Herbert E: Magazines of a market metropolis being a history of the literary periodicals..

25,00 €
Campbell, Charles Boyle: Concerning the pronominal antecedent and the form of the accompanying relative pronoun in modern German prose. Dissertation.

Campbell, Charles Boyle: Concerning the pronominal antecedent and the form of the accompanying..

20,00 €
Brown, Hazel Louise: Extemporary speech in antiquity. Dissertation.

Brown, Hazel Louise: Extemporary speech in antiquity. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Chamberlin, Willis Arden: Periodic and loose sentences in Schiller's historical works. Dissertation.

Chamberlin, Willis Arden: Periodic and loose sentences in Schiller's historical works..

24,00 €
Krapp, George Philip: The legend of Saint Patrick's purgatory : its later literary history. Dissertation.

Krapp, George Philip: The legend of Saint Patrick's purgatory : its later literary history..

30,00 €