Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

5.849 Artikel gefunden


Murphy, Agnes Genevieve: Banditry, chivalry, and terror in German fiction 1790 - 1830. Dissertation.

Murphy, Agnes Genevieve: Banditry, chivalry, and terror in German fiction 1790 1830..

25,00 €
Prior, Moody E: Joseph Glanvill, witchcraft, and seventeenth-century science. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 30, S. 167 - 193.

Prior, Moody E: Joseph Glanvill, witchcraft, and seventeenth century science. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Harsh, Philip Whaley: Studies in dramatic "preparation" in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Harsh, Philip Whaley: Studies in dramatic "preparation" in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Reinke, Edgar Carl: The latinity of the epistolae of Hrabanus Maurus. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Reinke, Edgar Carl: The latinity of the epistolae of Hrabanus Maurus. Dissertation (Teildruck).

35,00 €
Deberre, Emile: Quid sit sentiendum de Philippi Destouches legatorii procuratoris necnon poetae moribus. Dissertation.

Deberre, Emile: Quid sit sentiendum de Philippi Destouches legatorii procuratoris necnon poetae..

35,00 €
Matthew, John: Amiel et la solitude. Dissertation.

Matthew, John: Amiel et la solitude. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Regenos, Graydon Wendell: The latinity of the epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

Regenos, Graydon Wendell: The latinity of the epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Jenny, Erika: Die Heimatkunstbewegung : ein Beitrag zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte. Dissertation.

Jenny, Erika: Die Heimatkunstbewegung : ein Beitrag zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte..

15,00 €
Leverton, Garrett Hasty: The production of later nineteenth century American drama : a basis for teaching. Dissertation.

Leverton, Garrett Hasty: The production of later nineteenth century American drama : a basis for..

30,00 €
Miller, Perry Gilbert Eddy: The establishment of orthodoxy in Massachusetts. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Miller, Perry Gilbert Eddy: The establishment of orthodoxy in Massachusetts. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Lange, Stella Louise: Ethics and ethical religion in Greek literature and the Old Testament. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Lange, Stella Louise: Ethics and ethical religion in Greek literature and the Old Testament..

15,00 €
Clark, Roy Benjamin: William Gifford : Tory satirist, critic and editor. Dissertation.

Clark, Roy Benjamin: William Gifford : Tory satirist, critic and editor. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Broers, Bernarda Conradina: Mysticism in the neo-romanticists. Dissertation.

Broers, Bernarda Conradina: Mysticism in the neo-romanticists. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Avery, Mary Myrtle: The use of direct speech in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dissertation.

Avery, Mary Myrtle: The use of direct speech in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Dunkel, Harold Baker: Panhelleniem in Greek tragedy. Dissertation.

Dunkel, Harold Baker: Panhelleniem in Greek tragedy. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Nutting, Herbert C: The form si sit ... Erit. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of California publications in classical philology 8,2, S. 187 - 217.

Nutting, Herbert C: The form si sit ... Erit. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of..

14,00 €
Roggen, Emil: Die Motive in Auerbachs Dorfgeschichten. Dissertation.

Roggen, Emil: Die Motive in Auerbachs Dorfgeschichten. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Weter, Winifred Elberta: Encouragement of literary production in Greece from Homer to Alexander. Dissertation.

Weter, Winifred Elberta: Encouragement of literary production in Greece from Homer to Alexander..

25,00 €
Spek, Cornelis van der: The church and the churchman in English dramatic literature before 1642. Dissertation.

Spek, Cornelis van der: The church and the churchman in English dramatic literature before 1642..

20,00 €
Bennett, Kathryn Seymour: The motivation of exits in Greek and Latin comedy. Dissertation.

Bennett, Kathryn Seymour: The motivation of exits in Greek and Latin comedy. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Cumings, Edgar Crowther: Woman in the life and work of Theodor Mundt. Dissertation.

Cumings, Edgar Crowther: Woman in the life and work of Theodor Mundt. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Kidder, George Vincent: The description of characters in Vergil's Aeneid. Dissertation.

Kidder, George Vincent: The description of characters in Vergil's Aeneid. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Dennison, Walter: The epigraphic sources of the writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Archaelogy 2, S. 26 - 70.

Dennison, Walter: The epigraphic sources of the writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus..

15,00 €
Greiner, Trudi: Der literarische Verkehr zwischen der deutschen und welschen Schweiz seit 1848. Dissertation.

Greiner, Trudi: Der literarische Verkehr zwischen der deutschen und welschen Schweiz seit 1848..

12,00 €
Lessing, Otto Eduard: Schillers Einfluß auf Grillparzer : eine literarhistorische Studie. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin 54, 83-204.

Lessing, Otto Eduard: Schillers Einfluß auf Grillparzer : eine literarhistorische Studie..

30,00 €
Donker, Roelof Jan: Studiën over de Wielandsage. Dissertation.

Donker, Roelof Jan: Studiën over de Wielandsage. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Hoed, Petronella Maria den: Hemingsr??mur. Dissertation.

Hoed, Petronella Maria den: Hemingsr??mur. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Meader, Clarence Linton: A Study of the latin pronouns is and hic. Dissertation.

Meader, Clarence Linton: A Study of the latin pronouns is and hic. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Sherburn, George Wiley: The early popularity of Milton's minor poems. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philogogy 17.

Sherburn, George Wiley: The early popularity of Milton's minor poems. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

15,00 €
Brotherton, Blanche: The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Brotherton, Blanche: The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Meulenbroek, Bernardus Lambertus: Metriek en rhythmiek in Augustinus' Cassiciacum-dialogen. Dissertation.

Meulenbroek, Bernardus Lambertus: Metriek en rhythmiek in Augustinus' Cassiciacum dialogen..

20,00 €
O'Connor, Margaret Brown: Religion in the plays of Sophocles. Dissertation.

O'Connor, Margaret Brown: Religion in the plays of Sophocles. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Elden, Wallace Stedman: The conditional period in the writings of Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Dissertation.

Elden, Wallace Stedman: The conditional period in the writings of Quintus Horatius Flaccus..

25,00 €
Snijders, Zuster Cherubine: Het Latijn der brieven van Lupus van Ferrières, middeleeuws humanist. Dissertation.

Snijders, Zuster Cherubine: Het Latijn der brieven van Lupus van Ferrières, middeleeuws humanist..

15,00 €
d'Angremond, Thomas Hendrik: P. C. Hooft's Achilles en Polyxena : met inleiding, aantekeningen en woordenlijst. Dissertation.

d'Angremond, Thomas Hendrik: P. C. Hooft's Achilles en Polyxena : met inleiding, aantekeningen en..

15,00 €
Ferguson, Alice Catherine: The manuscripts of Propertius. Dissertation.

Ferguson, Alice Catherine: The manuscripts of Propertius. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Aliesch, Peter: Studien zu Thomas Hardy's Prosastil Dissertation.

Aliesch, Peter: Studien zu Thomas Hardy's Prosastil Dissertation.

11,00 €
Habbema, Diederikus Marius Elbertus: An appreciation of Colley Cibber, actor and dramatist together with a reprint of his play "The Careless Husband". Dissertation.

Habbema, Diederikus Marius Elbertus: An appreciation of Colley Cibber, actor and dramatist together..

15,00 €
Buckley, George T: Rationalism in sixteenth century English literature. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Buckley, George T: Rationalism in sixteenth century English literature. Dissertation (Teildruck).

20,00 €
Haas, Cornelis E. de: Nature and the country in English poetry of the first half of the eighteenth century. Dissertation.

Haas, Cornelis E. de: Nature and the country in English poetry of the first half of the eighteenth..

25,00 €
Colditz, Carl Otto: Wolfgang Menzel als Literaturkritiker. Dissertation.

Colditz, Carl Otto: Wolfgang Menzel als Literaturkritiker. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Stow, Harry Lloyd: The violation of the dramatic illusion in the comedies of Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Stow, Harry Lloyd: The violation of the dramatic illusion in the comedies of Aristophanes..

35,00 €
Hand, Wayland Debs: The Schnaderhüpfel : an Alpine folk lyrik. Dissertation.

Hand, Wayland Debs: The Schnaderhüpfel : an Alpine folk lyrik. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Hardaway, Richard Travis: The revision of C. F. Meyer's Novellen : an interpretation of the variants between the texts of the Deutsche Rundschau and of the book. Dissertation.

Hardaway, Richard Travis: The revision of C. F. Meyer's Novellen : an interpretation of the..

20,00 €
Fredén, Gustaf: Friedrich Menius und das Repertoire der englischen Komödianten in Deutschland. Dissertation.

Fredén, Gustaf: Friedrich Menius und das Repertoire der englischen Komödianten in Deutschland..

40,00 €
Klitzke, Carl Paul: The German household poem. Dissertation.

Klitzke, Carl Paul: The German household poem. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Ruud, Martin Brown: An essay toward a history of Shakespeare in Norway. Dissertation.

Ruud, Martin Brown: An essay toward a history of Shakespeare in Norway. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Hugill, William Meredith: Panhellenism in Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Hugill, William Meredith: Panhellenism in Aristophanes. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Meagher, Luanne: The Gellius manuscript of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

Meagher, Luanne: The Gellius manuscript of Lupus of Ferrières. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Hutchins, Lucy: The position of demonstrative adjectives in Plautus and Terence. Dissertation.

Hutchins, Lucy: The position of demonstrative adjectives in Plautus and Terence. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Loth, Helen Edna: A study of the lexicography of the Casus Sancti Galli of Ekkehardus IV. Dissertation.

Loth, Helen Edna: A study of the lexicography of the Casus Sancti Galli of Ekkehardus IV..

35,00 €
Fuchs, Edward A. H: Studies in the Dresdener Heldenbuch : an edition of Wolfdietrich K. Dissertation.

Fuchs, Edward A. H: Studies in the Dresdener Heldenbuch : an edition of Wolfdietrich K..

19,00 €
Brugsma, Rebecca Pauline Christine: The beginnings of the Irish revival, part I. Dissertation.

Brugsma, Rebecca Pauline Christine: The beginnings of the Irish revival, part I. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Griffith, Dudley David: The origin of the Griselda story. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of Washington publications in language and literature 8,1.

Griffith, Dudley David: The origin of the Griselda story. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University..

19,00 €
Arlt, Gustave Otto: Acquaintance with older German literature in the eighteenth century. Dissertation.

Arlt, Gustave Otto: Acquaintance with older German literature in the eighteenth century..

24,00 €
Coffman, Bertha Reed: The influence of English literature on Friedrich Hagedorn. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 12,5/8/11, S. 121-132, 179-196, 11-33.

Coffman, Bertha Reed: The influence of English literature on Friedrich Hagedorn. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Borregaard, Meta Catherine: The epithet in English and Scottish, Spanish and Danish popular ballads. Dissertation.

Borregaard, Meta Catherine: The epithet in English and Scottish, Spanish and Danish popular..

29,00 €
Doorn, Cornelis van: An Investigation into the Character of Jonathan Swift. Dissertation.

Doorn, Cornelis van: An Investigation into the Character of Jonathan Swift. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Soet, Frans Dirk de: Puritan and royalist literature in the seventeenth century. Dissertation.

Soet, Frans Dirk de: Puritan and royalist literature in the seventeenth century. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Wilkins, Eliza Gregory: "Know thyself" in Greek and Latin literature. Dissertation.

Wilkins, Eliza Gregory: "Know thyself" in Greek and Latin literature. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Elliott, Robert Dale: Transition in the Attic orators. Dissertation.

Elliott, Robert Dale: Transition in the Attic orators. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Hamblin, Frank Russell: The development of allegory in the classical pastoral. Dissertation.

Hamblin, Frank Russell: The development of allegory in the classical pastoral. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Beardslee, John Walter: The use of physis in fifth-century Greek literature. Dissertation.

Beardslee, John Walter: The use of physis in fifth-century Greek literature. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Kiel, Anna Hendrika: Jesaias Rompler von Löwenhalt, ein Dichter des Frühbarock. Dissertation.

Kiel, Anna Hendrika: Jesaias Rompler von Löwenhalt, ein Dichter des Frühbarock. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Meek, Theophile James: Old Babylonian business and legal documents (the RFH collection). Dissertation. Sonderdruck mit Ergänzungen aus: The American Journal of Semitic Languages 33, S. 203-244.

Meek, Theophile James: Old Babylonian business and legal documents (the RFH collection)..

19,00 €
Maynard, John Arthur: Studies in religious texts from Assur. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 34, S. 21 - 59.

Maynard, John Arthur: Studies in religious texts from Assur. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The..

19,00 €
Schilling, Wilhelmina Christina Antonia: Een proeve van stilistiek bij Ruusbroec "den Wonderbare". Dissertation.

Schilling, Wilhelmina Christina Antonia: Een proeve van stilistiek bij Ruusbroec "den Wonderbare"..

20,00 €
Eller, Henry Matrau: Studies in atto koinou in Ovid. Dissertation.

Eller, Henry Matrau: Studies in atto koinou in Ovid. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Fields, Donald Eugene: The technique of exposition in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Fields, Donald Eugene: The technique of exposition in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Japikse, Cornelia G. H: The dramas of Alfred Lord Tennyson. Dissertation.

Japikse, Cornelia G. H: The dramas of Alfred Lord Tennyson. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Abenius, Margit: Stilstudier i Kellgrens prosa. Dissertation.

Abenius, Margit: Stilstudier i Kellgrens prosa. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Overman, Antoinette Arnolda: An Investigation into the character of Fanny Burney. Dissertation.

Overman, Antoinette Arnolda: An Investigation into the character of Fanny Burney. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Laan, Johannes Ernst van der: Goethe in de nederlandsche letterkunde. Dissertation.

Laan, Johannes Ernst van der: Goethe in de nederlandsche letterkunde. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Zbinden, Ernst Otto: Mrs. Mary Manleys Leben und dramatische Tätigkeit. Dissertation.

Zbinden, Ernst Otto: Mrs. Mary Manleys Leben und dramatische Tätigkeit. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Koets, Christiaan Coenraad: Female characters in the works of Anthony Trollope. Dissertation.

Koets, Christiaan Coenraad: Female characters in the works of Anthony Trollope. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Allmen, Oskar von: Das Kind in der epischen Dichtung der Griechen. Dissertation.

Allmen, Oskar von: Das Kind in der epischen Dichtung der Griechen. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Mossberg, Karl-Åke: Studia Sidoniana critica et semasiologica. Dissertation.

Mossberg, Karl-Åke: Studia Sidoniana critica et semasiologica. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Norberg, Dag: In registrum Gregorii Magni studia critica. Dissertation.

Norberg, Dag: In registrum Gregorii Magni studia critica. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Jenzer, Annemarie: Wandlungen in der Auffassung der Frau im ionischen Epos und in der attischen Tragödie bis auf Sophokles. Dissertation.

Jenzer, Annemarie: Wandlungen in der Auffassung der Frau im ionischen Epos und in der attischen..

35,00 €
Gierke, Wilhelm: Johann Gottlieb Schummel und seine Romane : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Literatur und Pädagogik im 18. Jahrhundert. Dissertation.

Gierke, Wilhelm: Johann Gottlieb Schummel und seine Romane : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der..

25,00 €
Gustafson, Alrik: Österling's "Arrival" as landscapsdiktare : from Årets visor (1907) to Blommande träd (1910). Dissertation (Teildruck).

Gustafson, Alrik: Österling's "Arrival" as landscapsdiktare : from Årets visor (1907) to..

20,00 €
Gallacher, Stuart Albert: "Der uns das Liedlein sang" : a characteristic ending in fifteenth-and sixteenth-century poetry. Dissertation.

Gallacher, Stuart Albert: "Der uns das Liedlein sang" : a characteristic ending in fifteenth and..

30,00 €
Lidell, Hilding: Studier i Johannes Messenius dramer. Dissertation.

Lidell, Hilding: Studier i Johannes Messenius dramer. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Greenwood, Sam Lee: Geographical allusion in Attic tragedy. Dissertation.

Greenwood, Sam Lee: Geographical allusion in Attic tragedy. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Haar, Dirk van der: Richard Stanyhurst's Aeneis. Dissertation.

Haar, Dirk van der: Richard Stanyhurst's Aeneis. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Tol, Johannes Fredericus Josephus van: Het boek van Sidrac in de Nederlanden (Met tekstuitg. naar Ms. Marshall 28 der Bodleyan Library te Oxford). Dissertation.

Tol, Johannes Fredericus Josephus van: Het boek van Sidrac in de Nederlanden (Met tekstuitg. naar..

90,00 €
Akkerman, Jan: Studien zum Karlmeinet : der dritte Abschnitt der Kompilation und sein Vehältnis zum ersten. Dissertation.

Akkerman, Jan: Studien zum Karlmeinet : der dritte Abschnitt der Kompilation und sein Vehältnis..

25,00 €
Erdman Schmidt, Anna Johanna: Syr Tryamowre : a metrical romance ; with introduction, glossary and notes. Dissertation.

Erdman Schmidt, Anna Johanna: Syr Tryamowre : a metrical romance ; with introduction, glossary and..

25,00 €
Harder, Johannes Hendrik: Observations on some tendencies of sentiment and ethics chiefly in minor poetry and essay in the eighteenth century until the execution of Dr. W. Dodd in 1777. Dissertation.

Harder, Johannes Hendrik: Observations on some tendencies of sentiment and ethics chiefly in minor..

20,00 €
Heberle, Johannes Arnoldus: Hugo von Hofmannsthal : Beobachtungen über seinen Stil. Dissertation.

Heberle, Johannes Arnoldus: Hugo von Hofmannsthal : Beobachtungen über seinen Stil. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Duparc, Else Atie: Vrouwenfiguren in de werken van Menander. Dissertation.

Duparc, Else Atie: Vrouwenfiguren in de werken van Menander. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Presser, Jacob: Das Buch "De tribus impostoribus" (von den drei Betrügern). Dissertation.

Presser, Jacob: Das Buch "De tribus impostoribus" (von den drei Betrügern). Dissertation.

50,00 €
Tazelaar, Christiaan: De Jeugd van Groen 1801-1827. Dissertation.

Tazelaar, Christiaan: De Jeugd van Groen 1801-1827. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Makkink, Henri Jacob: Philip Massinger and John Fletcher : a comparison. Dissertation.

Makkink, Henri Jacob: Philip Massinger and John Fletcher : a comparison. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Dekker, Gerrit: Die invloed van Keats en Shelley in Nederland gedurende die negentiende eeu. Dissertation.

Dekker, Gerrit: Die invloed van Keats en Shelley in Nederland gedurende die negentiende eeu..

45,00 €