Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

5.835 Artikel gefunden


Mulfinger, George Abraham: Ferdinand Kürnbergers Roman "Der Amerikamüde", dessen Quellen und Verhältnis zu Lenaus Amerikareise. Dissertation.

Mulfinger, George Abraham: Ferdinand Kürnbergers Roman "Der Amerikamüde", dessen Quellen und..

30,00 €
Eggert, Carl Edgar: The Middle Low German version of the legend of Mary Magdalen. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Germanic Philology Press 1902, S. 132 - 215.

Eggert, Carl Edgar: The Middle Low German version of the legend of Mary Magdalen. Dissertation..

30,00 €
Allen, Philip Schuyler: Wilhelm Müller and the German Volkslied. Dissertation.

Allen, Philip Schuyler: Wilhelm Müller and the German Volkslied. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Seiler, Otto: The sources of Tho. Shadwell's comedy "Bury Fair". Dissertation.

Seiler, Otto: The sources of Tho. Shadwell's comedy "Bury Fair". Dissertation.

35,00 €
Wittner, Otto: Moritz Hartmanns Jugend. Dissertation (Kap. 1-3, Teildruck).

Wittner, Otto: Moritz Hartmanns Jugend. Dissertation (Kap. 1-3, Teildruck).

16,00 €
Horner, Karl: Quaestiones Salaminiae. Dissertation.

Horner, Karl: Quaestiones Salaminiae. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Dieperink, Gerrit Jan: Studien zum Valentin und Namelos : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der literarischen Beziehungen zwischen Flandern, Mittel- und Niederdeutschland und Schweden zur Zeit der Hanse. Dissertation.

Dieperink, Gerrit Jan: Studien zum Valentin und Namelos : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der..

15,00 €
Korteling, Jacomina: Mysticism in Blake and Wordsworth. Dissertation.

Korteling, Jacomina: Mysticism in Blake and Wordsworth. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Stuyver, Wilhelmina: Deutsche expressionistische Dichtung im Lichte der Philosophie der Gegenwart. Dissertation.

Stuyver, Wilhelmina: Deutsche expressionistische Dichtung im Lichte der Philosophie der Gegenwart..

20,00 €
Rietveld, Willem: De metriek in Cæsar's geschriften. Dissertation.

Rietveld, Willem: De metriek in Cæsar's geschriften. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Gutzwiller, Hans: Die Neujahrsrede des Konsuls Claudius Mamertinus vor dem Kaiser Julian : Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Dissertation.

Gutzwiller, Hans: Die Neujahrsrede des Konsuls Claudius Mamertinus vor dem Kaiser Julian : Text..

25,00 €
Boer, Pieter Johan Cornelis de: Rijklof Michael van Goens (1748-1810) en zijn verhouding tot de literatuur van West-Europa. Dissertation.

Boer, Pieter Johan Cornelis de: Rijklof Michael van Goens (1748 1810) en zijn verhouding tot de..

25,00 €
Braaksma, Michiel Henderikus: Travel and literature : an attempt at a literary appreciation of English travel-books about Persia, from the middle ages to the present day. Dissertation.

Braaksma, Michiel Henderikus: Travel and literature : an attempt at a literary appreciation of..

40,00 €
Verkoren, Lucas: A Study of Shelley's 'Defence of poetry' : its origin, textual history, sources and significance. Dissertation.

Verkoren, Lucas: A Study of Shelley's 'Defence of poetry' : its origin, textual history, sources..

20,00 €
Littmann, Hildegad: Das dichterische Bild in der Lyrik George Merediths und Thomas Hardys im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Weltanschauung. Dissertation.

Littmann, Hildegad: Das dichterische Bild in der Lyrik George Merediths und Thomas Hardys im..

20,00 €
Küffer, Georg: Goethe und der Humor Dissertation.

Küffer, Georg: Goethe und der Humor Dissertation.

16,00 €
Steiner, Hans: Die Ge'îm in den Psalmen. Dissertation.

Steiner, Hans: Die Ge'îm in den Psalmen. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Helm, Rudolf: De P. Papinii Statii Thebaide. Dissertation.

Helm, Rudolf: De P. Papinii Statii Thebaide. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Schröder, Pieter Hendrik: Parodieën in de Nederlandse letterkunde. Dissertation.

Schröder, Pieter Hendrik: Parodieën in de Nederlandse letterkunde. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Flickinger, Roy Caston: Plutarch as a source of information on the Greek theater. Dissertation.

Flickinger, Roy Caston: Plutarch as a source of information on the Greek theater. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Kooiman-van Middendorp, Gerarda Maria: The hero in the feminine novel. Dissertation.

Kooiman-van Middendorp, Gerarda Maria: The hero in the feminine novel. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Baumann, Hanny Elisabeth: Die bildende Kunst im deutschen Bildungsroman. Dissertation.

Baumann, Hanny Elisabeth: Die bildende Kunst im deutschen Bildungsroman. Dissertation.

9,00 €
Johnson, Allan Chester: A comparative Study in selected chapters in the syntax of Isaeus, Isocrates and the Attic Psephismata preceding 300 B. C. Dissertation.

Johnson, Allan Chester: A comparative Study in selected chapters in the syntax of Isaeus, Isocrates..

30,00 €
Kellerman, Ivy: On the Syntax of some prepositions in the Greek dialects. Dissertation.

Kellerman, Ivy: On the Syntax of some prepositions in the Greek dialects. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Kelly, Fred T: The strophic structure of Habakkuk. Dissertation.

Kelly, Fred T: The strophic structure of Habakkuk. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Frank, Tenney: Attraction of mood in early Latin. Dissertation.

Frank, Tenney: Attraction of mood in early Latin. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Penick, Daniel Allen: Herodotos in the Greek renascence. Dissertation.

Penick, Daniel Allen: Herodotos in the Greek renascence. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Rufener, Rudolf: Die syntaktische Struktur der Distichen in der römischen Elegie. Dissertation.

Rufener, Rudolf: Die syntaktische Struktur der Distichen in der römischen Elegie. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Wirth, Johann: Moscheroschs Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald : Verhältnis der Ausgaben zu einander und zur Quelle ; nebst einem biographischen Anhang. Dissertation.

Wirth, Johann: Moscheroschs Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald : Verhältnis der Ausgaben zu..

35,00 €
Golther, Wolfgang: Die Gralssage bei Wolfram von Eschenbach : Rede zur Feier des 28. Februar 1910.

Golther, Wolfgang: Die Gralssage bei Wolfram von Eschenbach : Rede zur Feier des 28. Februar 1910.

14,00 €
Fricke, Emil: Der Einfluss Shakespeares auf Alfred de Mussets Dramen. Dissertation.

Fricke, Emil: Der Einfluss Shakespeares auf Alfred de Mussets Dramen. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Preiswerk, Rudolf: De inventione orationum Ciceronianarum. Dissertation.

Preiswerk, Rudolf: De inventione orationum Ciceronianarum. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Bode, Christoph: Intellektualismus und Entfremdung. Das Bild des Intellektuellen in den frühen Romanen Aldous Huxleys. Dissertation. Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft 294.

Bode, Christoph: Intellektualismus und Entfremdung. Das Bild des Intellektuellen in den frühen..

9,00 €
Seidlin, Oskar: Der Theaterkritiker Otto Brahm. Studien zur Literatur der Moderne 6. 2. Aufl.

Seidlin, Oskar: Der Theaterkritiker Otto Brahm. Studien zur Literatur der Moderne 6. 2. Aufl.

10,00 €
Gosse, Edmund: Tallemant des Réaux or the art of miniature biography. The Zaharoff lecture 1925.

Gosse, Edmund: Tallemant des Réaux or the art of miniature biography. The Zaharoff lecture 1925.

19,00 €
Helm, Rudolf: Der Lyriker Horaz : Rede.

Helm, Rudolf: Der Lyriker Horaz : Rede.

9,00 €
French, John C: The problem of the two prologues to Chaucer's legend of good women. Dissertation.

French, John C: The problem of the two prologues to Chaucer's legend of good women. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Goepp, Philip H: The old English Apollonius of Tyre. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH : a journal of English literary history 5, S. 150 - 172.

Goepp, Philip H: The old English Apollonius of Tyre. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH..

15,00 €
Kurrelmeyer, Carrie May: The economy of actors in Plautus. Dissertation.

Kurrelmeyer, Carrie May: The economy of actors in Plautus. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Ball, Lewis Franklin: Studies in the structure of the minor English renaissance epics. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH 1, S. 63 - 89.

Ball, Lewis Franklin: Studies in the structure of the minor English renaissance epics..

15,00 €
Lemmi, Charles William: The classic Deities in Bacon : a study in mythological symbolism. Dissertation.

Lemmi, Charles William: The classic Deities in Bacon : a study in mythological symbolism..

35,00 €
Starck, Adolf Taylor: Der Alraun : ein Beitrag zur Pflanzensagenkunde. Dissertation.

Starck, Adolf Taylor: Der Alraun : ein Beitrag zur Pflanzensagenkunde. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Schneider, John Philip: The prose style of Richard Rolle of Hampole with special reference to its Euphuistic tendencies. Dissertation.

Schneider, John Philip: The prose style of Richard Rolle of Hampole with special reference to its..

30,00 €
Ramsay, Robert L. [Hrsg.]: Magnyfycence : a moral play by John Skelton. Dissertation. Early English Text Society 98.

Ramsay, Robert L. [Hrsg.]: Magnyfycence : a moral play by John Skelton. Dissertation. Early English..

40,00 €
Walterhouse, Roger R: Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, and the Western local color story : a study in the origins of popular fiction. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Walterhouse, Roger R: Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, and the Western local color story : a study in..

25,00 €
Routh, James Edward: Two studies on the ballad theory of the Beowulf together with an introductory sketch of opinion. Dissertation.

Routh, James Edward: Two studies on the ballad theory of the Beowulf together with an introductory..

30,00 €
Meredith, Clement Orestes: The partes orationis as discussed by Virgilius Maro Grammaticus : with some observations upon his inflection and syntax. Dissertation.

Meredith, Clement Orestes: The partes orationis as discussed by Virgilius Maro Grammaticus : with..

20,00 €
Elderkin, George Wicker: Aspects of the speech in the later Greek epic. Dissertation.

Elderkin, George Wicker: Aspects of the speech in the later Greek epic. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Neill, Kerby: The Faerie Queene and the Mary Stuart controversy : a portion of Spenser and the literature of the Elizabethan succession; a study in historical allegory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of english literary history 2.2, S. 192-

Neill, Kerby: The Faerie Queene and the Mary Stuart controversy : a portion of Spenser and the..

20,00 €
Friedrich, Walter George: The Stella of Astrophel : a portion of the Astrophel elegies ; a collection of poems on the death of Sir Philip Sidney (1595) ; a critical edition. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English lit. history 3,2, S. 114

Friedrich, Walter George: The Stella of Astrophel : a portion of the Astrophel elegies ; a..

15,00 €
Lovett, David: Shakespeare's characters in eighteenth-century criticism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of english literary history 2,3, S. 267-289.

Lovett, David: Shakespeare's characters in eighteenth century criticism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

20,00 €
Miller, Frances Schouler: The historic sense in 18th century English literature. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English literary history 5,1, S. 71-92.

Miller, Frances Schouler: The historic sense in 18th century English literature. Dissertation..

12,00 €
Sanderlin, George William: The influence of Milton and Wordsworth on the early Victorian sonnet : a portion of the sonnet in English literature, 1800-1850. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English literary history 5,3, S. 225-251.

Sanderlin, George William: The influence of Milton and Wordsworth on the early Victorian sonnet : a..

15,00 €
Houghton, Herbert Pierrepont: Moral significance of animals as indicated in Greek proverbs. Dissertation.

Houghton, Herbert Pierrepont: Moral significance of animals as indicated in Greek proverbs..

25,00 €
Baden, William Wilson: The principal figures of language and figures of thought in Isaeus and the Guardianship-speeches of Demosthenes. Dissertation.

Baden, William Wilson: The principal figures of language and figures of thought in Isaeus and the..

20,00 €
Kern, James W: Ana and kata in composition and with case. Dissertation.

Kern, James W: Ana and kata in composition and with case. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Canter, Howard Vernon: The infinitive construction in Livy. Dissertation.

Canter, Howard Vernon: The infinitive construction in Livy. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Hope, Edward William: The language of parody : a study in the diction of Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Hope, Edward William: The language of parody : a study in the diction of Aristophanes..

25,00 €
Salis, Arnold, von: De Doriensium ludorum in comoedia Attica vestigiis. Dissertation.

Salis, Arnold, von: De Doriensium ludorum in comoedia Attica vestigiis. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Zeeveld, William Gordon: The influence of Hall on Shakepeare's English historical plays : a portion of Edward Hall ; a study of sixteenth century historiography in England. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of English Literary History 3,

Zeeveld, William Gordon: The influence of Hall on Shakepeare's English historical plays : a portion..

15,00 €
Allgöwer, Walther: Gemeinschaft, Vaterland und Staat im Werk Hölderlins. Dissertation.

Allgöwer, Walther: Gemeinschaft, Vaterland und Staat im Werk Hölderlins. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Parmenter, Mary: Spenser's "Twelve Aeglogves proportionable to the twelve monethes" ; a portion of Colin Clout and Hobbinoll: a reconsideration of the relationship of Edmund Spenser and Gabreil Harvey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of Engl

Parmenter, Mary: Spenser's "Twelve Aeglogves proportionable to the twelve monethes" ; a portion of..

15,00 €
Perkinson, Richard Henry: Topographical comedy in the seventeenth century and a restoration "Improvement" of Doctor Faustus. Dissertation (Teildruck).  Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of Engl. lit. History 3, S. 271-324.

Perkinson, Richard Henry: Topographical comedy in the seventeenth century and a restoration..

15,00 €
Lang, Varley Howe: Crabbe and the eighteenth century : A portion of some aspects of George Crabbe's realism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, journal of english literary history 5, S. 305-335.

Lang, Varley Howe: Crabbe and the eighteenth century : A portion of some aspects of George Crabbe's..

15,00 €
Schweizer, Hans: Aberglaube und Zauberei bei Theokrit. Dissertation.

Schweizer, Hans: Aberglaube und Zauberei bei Theokrit. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Walter, Georg: De Lycophrone Homeri imitatore. Dissertation.

Walter, Georg: De Lycophrone Homeri imitatore. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Poultney, James Wilson: The syntax of the genitive case in Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Poultney, James Wilson: The syntax of the genitive case in Aristophanes. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Bement, Newton S: The conditional sentence from Commynes to Malherbe. Dissertation. Supplement to The Romanic review  1931.

Bement, Newton S: The conditional sentence from Commynes to Malherbe. Dissertation. Supplement to..

15,00 €
Richards, Edward Ames: Hudibras in the burlesque tradition. Dissertation.

Richards, Edward Ames: Hudibras in the burlesque tradition. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Nyikos, Lajos: Athenaeus quo consilio quibusque usus subsidiis dipnosophistarum libros composuerit. Dissertation.

Nyikos, Lajos: Athenaeus quo consilio quibusque usus subsidiis dipnosophistarum libros composuerit..

30,00 €
Watson, Harold Francis: The sailor in English fiction and drama : 1550 - 1800. Dissertation.

Watson, Harold Francis: The sailor in English fiction and drama : 1550 - 1800. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Eicken-Iselin, Eva: Interpretationen und Untersuchungen zum Aufbau der Sophokleischen Rheseis. Dissertation.

Eicken Iselin, Eva: Interpretationen und Untersuchungen zum Aufbau der Sophokleischen Rheseis..

19,00 €
Hoffman, Harold Leroy: An Odyssey of the soul : Shelley's Alastor. Dissertation.

Hoffman, Harold Leroy: An Odyssey of the soul : Shelley's Alastor. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Fleig, Hans: Die Schweiz im Schrifttum der deutschen Befreiungszeit 1813 - 1817. Dissertation.

Fleig, Hans: Die Schweiz im Schrifttum der deutschen Befreiungszeit 1813 - 1817. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Anstensen, Ansten: The proverb in Ibsen : proverbial sayings and citations as elemets in his style. Dissertation.

Anstensen, Ansten: The proverb in Ibsen : proverbial sayings and citations as elemets in his style..

30,00 €
Clark, Eleanor Grace: The Pembroke plays : A study in the Marlowe canon. Dissertation.

Clark, Eleanor Grace: The Pembroke plays : A study in the Marlowe canon. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Tuve, Rosemond: Seasons and months : studies in a tradition of middle English poetry. Dissertation.

Tuve, Rosemond: Seasons and months : studies in a tradition of middle English poetry. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Heffner, Ray: The Earl of Essex in Elizabethan literature. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH 1.

Heffner, Ray: The Earl of Essex in Elizabethan literature. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Schoemaker, William Ross: The use of ruah in the Old Testament and Pneuma in the New Testament. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of biblical literature 1904, S. 14 - 67.

Schoemaker, William Ross: The use of ruah in the Old Testament and Pneuma in the New Testament..

20,00 €
Gray, Charles Henry: Lodowick Carliell : his life, a discussion of his plays, and "The deserving favourite". Dissertation.

Gray, Charles Henry: Lodowick Carliell : his life, a discussion of his plays, and "The deserving..

35,00 €
Marsh, George L: Sources and analogues of "the Flower and the Leaf". Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 4.

Marsh, George L: Sources and analogues of "the Flower and the Leaf". Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

25,00 €
Dignan, Frank W: The idle actor in Aeschylus. Dissertation.

Dignan, Frank W: The idle actor in Aeschylus. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Misener, Geneva: The Meaning of [gar]. Dissertation.

Misener, Geneva: The Meaning of [gar]. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Gunnerson, William Cyrus: History of u-stems in Greek. Dissertation.

Gunnerson, William Cyrus: History of u-stems in Greek. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Slater, John Rothwell: The sources of Tyndale's version of the Pentateuch. Dissertation.

Slater, John Rothwell: The sources of Tyndale's version of the Pentateuch. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Belfrage, Sixten: Stilistiska studier över sammansättningarna i sjuttonhundratalets svenska litteratur. Dissertation.

Belfrage, Sixten: Stilistiska studier över sammansättningarna i sjuttonhundratalets svenska..

20,00 €
Merwe Scholtz, Hendrik van der: The kenning in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse poetry. Dissertation.

Merwe Scholtz, Hendrik van der: The kenning in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse poetry. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Vries, David de: Some Suggestions Concerning Regular Seasons in Art, with Special Reference to English Literature. Dissertation.

Vries, David de: Some Suggestions Concerning Regular Seasons in Art, with Special Reference to..

19,00 €
Schokker, Roelof: Bilderdijk en Duitschland. Dissertation.

Schokker, Roelof: Bilderdijk en Duitschland. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Hollingsworth, John Emory: Antithesis in the attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeus. Dissertation.

Hollingsworth, John Emory: Antithesis in the attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeus. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Eskridge, James Burnette: The Influence of Cicero upon Augustine in the development of his oratorical theory for the training of the ecclesiastical orator. Dissertation.

Eskridge, James Burnette: The Influence of Cicero upon Augustine in the development of his..

20,00 €
Dutton, Emily Helen: Studies in Greek prepositional phrases dia, apo, ek, eis, en. Dissertation.

Dutton, Emily Helen: Studies in Greek prepositional phrases dia, apo, ek, eis, en. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Conrad, Clinton C: The technique of continuous action in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Conrad, Clinton C: The technique of continuous action in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Jessen, Myra Richards: Goethe als Kritiker der Lyrik : Beiträge zu seiner Ästhetik und seiner Theorie. Dissertation.

Jessen, Myra Richards: Goethe als Kritiker der Lyrik : Beiträge zu seiner Ästhetik und seiner..

35,00 €
Hulliger, Ernst: Studien zur Romantik in der Literatur der deutschen Schweiz. Dissertation.

Hulliger, Ernst: Studien zur Romantik in der Literatur der deutschen Schweiz. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Jong, Albert Cornelis de: H. L. Spiegels Hertspiegel I uitgegeven en taalkundig toegelicht door. Dissertation.

Jong, Albert Cornelis de: H. L. Spiegels Hertspiegel I uitgegeven en taalkundig toegelicht door..

10,00 €