Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

3.951 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Campbell, Charles Boyle: Concerning the pronominal antecedent and the form of the accompanying relative pronoun in modern German prose. Dissertation.

Campbell, Charles Boyle: Concerning the pronominal antecedent and the form of the accompanying..

20,00 €
Brown, Hazel Louise: Extemporary speech in antiquity. Dissertation.

Brown, Hazel Louise: Extemporary speech in antiquity. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Chamberlin, Willis Arden: Periodic and loose sentences in Schiller's historical works. Dissertation.

Chamberlin, Willis Arden: Periodic and loose sentences in Schiller's historical works..

24,00 €
Krapp, George Philip: The legend of Saint Patrick's purgatory : its later literary history. Dissertation.

Krapp, George Philip: The legend of Saint Patrick's purgatory : its later literary history..

30,00 €
Radford, Robert Somerville: Personification and the use of abstract subjects in the attic orators and Thukydides, part 1. Dissertation.

Radford, Robert Somerville: Personification and the use of abstract subjects in the attic orators..

20,00 €
Hancock, John Leonard: Studies in Stichomythia. Dissertation.

Hancock, John Leonard: Studies in Stichomythia. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Holmberg, Arne: Studien zur Terminologie und Technik der rhetorischen Beweisführung bei lateinischen Schriftstellern. Dissertation.

Holmberg, Arne: Studien zur Terminologie und Technik der rhetorischen Beweisführung bei..

25,00 €
Haussmann, William A: German-American hymnology, 1683 - 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Americana Germanica 2 (Reprint No. 20).

Haussmann, William A: German American hymnology, 1683 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

35,00 €
Tolman, Judson Allen: A study of the sepulchral inscriptions in Buecheler's "Carmina Epigraphica Latina". Dissertation.

Tolman, Judson Allen: A study of the sepulchral inscriptions in Buecheler's "Carmina Epigraphica..

25,00 €
Robinson, David Moore tity: Ancient Sinope, an Historical account : with a prosopographia Sinopensis and an appendix of inscriptions. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American journal pf philology 27, S. 125 - 153, 245 - 279, 294 - 333.

Robinson, David Moore tity: Ancient Sinope, an Historical account : with a prosopographia..

50,00 €
Myers, Walter Raleigh: The technique of bridging gaps in the action of German drama since Gottsched : part first: until the death of Lessing. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 8.

Myers, Walter Raleigh: The technique of bridging gaps in the action of German drama since Gottsched..

20,00 €
Decharme, Paul: Goethe et Frédérique Brion. Dissertation.

Decharme, Paul: Goethe et Frédérique Brion. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Macarthur, John Robertson: The first Part of Sir John Oldcastle : A historical drama by Michael Drayton, Anthony Munday, Richhard Hathway and Robert Wilson : Ed. with an introd., critical text, and notes. Dissertation.

Macarthur, John Robertson: The first Part of Sir John Oldcastle : A historical drama by Michael..

30,00 €
Paschal, George Washington: A study of Quintus of Smyrna. Dissertation.

Paschal, George Washington: A study of Quintus of Smyrna. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Vos, Bert John: The diction and rime-technic of Hartmann von Aue. Dissertation.

Vos, Bert John: The diction and rime-technic of Hartmann von Aue. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Claassen, Peter A: The fate-question in the dramas and dramatical concepts of Schiller in contrast to the real so-called fate-dramas. Dissertation.

Claassen, Peter A: The fate question in the dramas and dramatical concepts of Schiller in contrast..

25,00 €
Rietmann, Oskar: William Lisle Bowles (1762 - 1850) : eine Begleitstudie zur Entstehung der englischen Romantik und zur Kulturgeschichte. Dissertation.

Rietmann, Oskar: William Lisle Bowles (1762 1850) : eine Begleitstudie zur Entstehung der..

9,00 €
Gingerich, Solomon F: Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning : a study in human freedom. Dissertation.

Gingerich, Solomon F: Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning : a study in human freedom. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Keller, Alfred: Die literarischen Beziehungen zwischen den Erstlingsdramen Klingers und Schillers : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Sturms und Drangs. Dissertation.

Keller, Alfred: Die literarischen Beziehungen zwischen den Erstlingsdramen Klingers und Schillers :..

19,00 €
Breitenbach, H.P: The De Compositione of Dionysius of Halicarnassus considered with reference to the rhetoric of Aristotle. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Classical Philology 6, S. 163-179.

Breitenbach, H.P: The De Compositione of Dionysius of Halicarnassus considered with reference to..

12,00 €
Mohrmann, Christine: Die Altchristliche Sondersprache in den Sermones des hl. Augustin. Erster Teil. Dissertation.

Mohrmann, Christine: Die Altchristliche Sondersprache in den Sermones des hl. Augustin. Erster..

35,00 €
Gough, Charles Edward: The life and characters of Sir Thomas Overbury. Dissertation.

Gough, Charles Edward: The life and characters of Sir Thomas Overbury. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Bloch, Alfred: Zur Geschichte einiger suppletiver Verba im Griechischen. Dissertation.

Bloch, Alfred: Zur Geschichte einiger suppletiver Verba im Griechischen. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Bohn, William Edward: The development of John Dryden's literary criticism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 22, S. 56 - 139.

Bohn, William Edward: The development of John Dryden's literary criticism. Dissertation..

30,00 €
Trösch, Ernst: J. K. Lavater, H. Zschokke und die Helvetische Revolution. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Trösch, Ernst: J. K. Lavater, H. Zschokke und die Helvetische Revolution. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Mood, James R: Some figurative usages of venire and ire. Dissertation.

Mood, James R: Some figurative usages of venire and ire. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Stoecklin, Adèle: Die Schilderung der Natur im deutschen Minnesang und im älteren deutschen Volkslied - Teilpublikation. Dissertation.

Stoecklin, Adèle: Die Schilderung der Natur im deutschen Minnesang und im älteren deutschen..

40,00 €
Snavely, Guy Everett: The Aesopic Fables in the mireoir historical of Jehan de Vignay. Dissertation.

Snavely, Guy Everett: The Aesopic Fables in the mireoir historical of Jehan de Vignay..

40,00 €
Meier, Hans: Dr. Samuel Johnsons Stellung zu den literarischen Fragen seiner Zeit. Dissertation.

Meier, Hans: Dr. Samuel Johnsons Stellung zu den literarischen Fragen seiner Zeit. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Foster, Frederick M: The divisions in the plays of Plautus.and Terence. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Studies in language and literature 1,3.

Foster, Frederick M: The divisions in the plays of Plautus.and Terence. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Royster, James Finch: A middle English treatise on the ten commandments : text, notes and introduction. Dissertation.

Royster, James Finch: A middle English treatise on the ten commandments : text, notes and..

30,00 €
Scheuermann, Elisabeth: Studien zu den Romanen von Theodor Hermann Pantenius und ihrer Technik. Dissertation.

Scheuermann, Elisabeth: Studien zu den Romanen von Theodor Hermann Pantenius und ihrer Technik..

25,00 €
Berg, George Olaf: Metaphor and comparison in the dialogues of Plato. Dissertation.

Berg, George Olaf: Metaphor and comparison in the dialogues of Plato. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Schenk, Theodor: Charles Shadwell : His comedy the Fair Quaker of Deal. Dissertation.

Schenk, Theodor: Charles Shadwell : His comedy the Fair Quaker of Deal. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Marti, Marta: "Gottes Zukunft" von Heinrich von Neustadt : Quellenforschungen. Dissertation.

Marti, Marta: "Gottes Zukunft" von Heinrich von Neustadt : Quellenforschungen. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Lewin, Benjamin: Prolegomena zu einer neuen Ausgabe vom Sendschreiben des Rabbi Scherira Gaon. Dissertation.

Lewin, Benjamin: Prolegomena zu einer neuen Ausgabe vom Sendschreiben des Rabbi Scherira Gaon..

40,00 €
Tellenbach, Alfred: Rob. Howard's Comedy "The Committee'' and "Teague," an Irish Stage-Type. Dissertation.

Tellenbach, Alfred: Rob. Howard's Comedy "The Committee'' and "Teague," an Irish Stage Type..

19,00 €
Heck, Ethel: The sources of Richard Cumberland's comedy, The Choleric Man. Dissertation.

Heck, Ethel: The sources of Richard Cumberland's comedy, The Choleric Man. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Lenström, Carl Julius; Malmström, Bernhard Elis: Marlowe's Faustus. 4 Del. Dissertation.

Lenström, Carl Julius; Malmström, Bernhard Elis: Marlowe's Faustus. 4 Del. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Schrag, Andrew Dante: Situation und Charaktere in der Dorfgeschichte bei Immermann, Auerbach, Rank und Gotthelf. Dissertation.

Schrag, Andrew Dante: Situation und Charaktere in der Dorfgeschichte bei Immermann, Auerbach, Rank..

24,00 €
Wharey, James B: A study of the sources of Bunyan's allegories with special reference to Deguileville's Pilgrimage of man. Dissertation.

Wharey, James B: A study of the sources of Bunyan's allegories with special reference to..

25,00 €
Wüest, Curt: Heinrich Zschokke, Heinrich Pestalozzi und Heinrich von Kleist : eine kritische Biographie Heinrich Zschokke's. Dissertation.

Wüest, Curt: Heinrich Zschokke, Heinrich Pestalozzi und Heinrich von Kleist : eine kritische..

24,00 €
Mohr, Fritz: Die Dramen des Valentin Boltz. Dissertation.

Mohr, Fritz: Die Dramen des Valentin Boltz. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Chruzander, Karl Georg: De elocutione panegyricorum veterum Gallicanorum quaestiones. Dissertation.

Chruzander, Karl Georg: De elocutione panegyricorum veterum Gallicanorum quaestiones. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Lenström, Carl Julius; Schulzen, Niclas Fredrik: Marlowe's Faustus. 7 Del. Dissertation.

Lenström, Carl Julius; Schulzen, Niclas Fredrik: Marlowe's Faustus. 7 Del. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Lenström, Carl Julius; Lyth, Anton Julius: Marlowe's Faustus. 5 Del. Dissertation.

Lenström, Carl Julius; Lyth, Anton Julius: Marlowe's Faustus. 5 Del. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Lademann, Wilhelm: De titulis atticis quaestiones orthographicae et grammaticae. Dissertation.

Lademann, Wilhelm: De titulis atticis quaestiones orthographicae et grammaticae. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Sidey, Thomas K: The participle in Plautus, Petronius, and Apuleius. Dissertation.

Sidey, Thomas K: The participle in Plautus, Petronius, and Apuleius. Dissertation.

24,00 €