Literaturwissenschaft | Philologie

4.002 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Schokker, Roelof: Bilderdijk en Duitschland. Dissertation.

Schokker, Roelof: Bilderdijk en Duitschland. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Hollingsworth, John Emory: Antithesis in the attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeus. Dissertation.

Hollingsworth, John Emory: Antithesis in the attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeus. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Eskridge, James Burnette: The Influence of Cicero upon Augustine in the development of his oratorical theory for the training of the ecclesiastical orator. Dissertation.

Eskridge, James Burnette: The Influence of Cicero upon Augustine in the development of his..

20,00 €
Dutton, Emily Helen: Studies in Greek prepositional phrases dia, apo, ek, eis, en. Dissertation.

Dutton, Emily Helen: Studies in Greek prepositional phrases dia, apo, ek, eis, en. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Conrad, Clinton C: The technique of continuous action in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Conrad, Clinton C: The technique of continuous action in Roman comedy. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Jessen, Myra Richards: Goethe als Kritiker der Lyrik : Beiträge zu seiner Ästhetik und seiner Theorie. Dissertation.

Jessen, Myra Richards: Goethe als Kritiker der Lyrik : Beiträge zu seiner Ästhetik und seiner..

35,00 €
Hulliger, Ernst: Studien zur Romantik in der Literatur der deutschen Schweiz. Dissertation.

Hulliger, Ernst: Studien zur Romantik in der Literatur der deutschen Schweiz. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Jong, Albert Cornelis de: H. L. Spiegels Hertspiegel I uitgegeven en taalkundig toegelicht door. Dissertation.

Jong, Albert Cornelis de: H. L. Spiegels Hertspiegel I uitgegeven en taalkundig toegelicht door..

10,00 €
Scherpbier, Herman: Milton in Holland : a study in the literary relations of England and Holland before 1730. Dissertation.

Scherpbier, Herman: Milton in Holland : a study in the literary relations of England and Holland..

14,00 €
Bryne, Eva A. W: The Maid of Honour by Philip Massinger. Ed. with introduction. Dissertation.

Bryne, Eva A. W: The Maid of Honour by Philip Massinger. Ed. with introduction. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Langbroek, Maarten: Liebe und Freundschaft bei Klopstock und im niederländischen empfindsamen Roman. Dissertation.

Langbroek, Maarten: Liebe und Freundschaft bei Klopstock und im niederländischen empfindsamen..

10,00 €
Stockholm, Johanne M: Philip Massinger: The Great Duke of Florence - edited with introduction and notes. Dissertation.

Stockholm, Johanne M: Philip Massinger: The Great Duke of Florence edited with introduction and..

30,00 €
Reesink, Hendrika Johanna: L'Angleterre et la littérature anglaise dans les trois plus anciens périodiques français de Hollande de 1684 à 1709. Dissertation.

Reesink, Hendrika Johanna: L'Angleterre et la littérature anglaise dans les trois plus anciens..

19,00 €
Nakarai, Toyozo W: A study of the impact of Buddhism upon Japanese life as revealed in the odes of the Kokin-shu. Dissertation.

Nakarai, Toyozo W: A study of the impact of Buddhism upon Japanese life as revealed in the odes of..

30,00 €
Hershkowitz, Harry: Democratic ideas in Turgenev's works. Dissertation.

Hershkowitz, Harry: Democratic ideas in Turgenev's works. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Schild, Erich: Die dramaturgische Rolle der Sklaven bei Plautus und Terenz. Dissertation.

Schild, Erich: Die dramaturgische Rolle der Sklaven bei Plautus und Terenz. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Hublard, Marie-Jeanne: L'attitude religieuse de Pierre Loti. Dissertation.

Hublard, Marie-Jeanne: L'attitude religieuse de Pierre Loti. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Ravenel, Florence Leftwich: La vie Seint Edmund le Rei : an Anglo-Norman poem of the twelfth century by Dens Piramus. Dissertation.

Ravenel, Florence Leftwich: La vie Seint Edmund le Rei : an Anglo Norman poem of the twelfth..

45,00 €
Voegelin, Walter: Die Diabole bei Lysias. Dissertation.

Voegelin, Walter: Die Diabole bei Lysias. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Searles, Helen MacGaffey: A lexicographical study of the Greek inscriptions. Dissertation.

Searles, Helen MacGaffey: A lexicographical study of the Greek inscriptions. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Walker, Arthur Tappan: The sequence of tenses in latin. A study based on Caesar's Gallic war. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Kansas University Quartely VII.

Walker, Arthur Tappan: The sequence of tenses in latin. A study based on Caesar's Gallic war..

25,00 €
Votaw, Clyde W: The use of the infinitive in Biblical Greek. Dissertation.

Votaw, Clyde W: The use of the infinitive in Biblical Greek. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Linscott, Henry Farrar: The Latin third declension : a study in metaplasm and syncretism. Dissertation.

Linscott, Henry Farrar: The Latin third declension : a study in metaplasm and syncretism..

25,00 €
Asada, Eiji: The Hebrew text of Zechariah 1-8, compared with the different ancient versions. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures 12.

Asada, Eiji: The Hebrew text of Zechariah 1 8, compared with the different ancient versions..

25,00 €
Berry, George Ricker: The letters of the RM2 collection in the British Museum, with transliteration, notes and glossar. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Hebraica 11.

Berry, George Ricker: The letters of the RM2 collection in the British Museum, with..

30,00 €
Walker, Dean A: The semitic negative : with special reference to the negative in Hebrew. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures 12.

Walker, Dean A: The semitic negative : with special reference to the negative in Hebrew..

25,00 €
Lussky, Alfred Edwin: Tieck's approach to romanticism. Dissertation.

Lussky, Alfred Edwin: Tieck's approach to romanticism. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Brown, George Dobbin: Syllabification and accent in the Paradise Lost. Dissertation.

Brown, George Dobbin: Syllabification and accent in the Paradise Lost. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Johnston, George Wesley: The Querolus : a syntactical and stylistic study. Dissertation.

Johnston, George Wesley: The Querolus : a syntactical and stylistic study. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Gihl, Gunnar: Sigtuna och Norrsunda : Tvenne antikvariskt-topografiska manuskript af Martinus Aschaneus, utgifna och kommenterade. Dissertation.

Gihl, Gunnar: Sigtuna och Norrsunda : Tvenne antikvariskt topografiska manuskript af Martinus..

25,00 €
McManaway, James Gilmer: The plays of Philip Massinger : stage history and adaptations, 1660-1722. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English literary history , S. 276-304.

McManaway, James Gilmer: The plays of Philip Massinger : stage history and adaptations, 1660 1722..

20,00 €
Du Bois, Arthur Edwin: The beginnings of tragic comedy in the drama of the nineteenth century. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH 1, S. 163-196.

Du Bois, Arthur Edwin: The beginnings of tragic comedy in the drama of the nineteenth century..

10,00 €
Koller, Kathrine: Studies in Colin Clout's come home againe. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH 1, 37-60.

Koller, Kathrine: Studies in Colin Clout's come home againe. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Bourne, Ella: A Study of Tibur, historical, literary and epigraphical, from the earliest times to the close of the Roman Empire. Dissertation.

Bourne, Ella: A Study of Tibur, historical, literary and epigraphical, from the earliest times to..

25,00 €
Triggs, Oscar Lovell: The assembly of gods or the accord of reason and sensuality in the fear of death by John Lydgate. Dissertation.

Triggs, Oscar Lovell: The assembly of gods or the accord of reason and sensuality in the fear of..

30,00 €
Pickard, John: The relative position of actors and chorus in the greek theatre of the fifth Century. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Philology 14.

Pickard, John: The relative position of actors and chorus in the greek theatre of the fifth..

19,00 €
Eerden, Albert, van: Eine Beschreibung der Parzivalhandschrift G[sigma] und anderer Stücke des Codex Germanicus 6 der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek. Dissertation. Ottendorfer memorial series of Germanic monographs 24.

Eerden, Albert, van: Eine Beschreibung der Parzivalhandschrift G[sigma] und anderer Stücke des..

40,00 €
Evers, Helene M: Critical Edition of the Discours de la vie de Pierre de Ronsard par Claude Binet. Dissertation.

Evers, Helene M: Critical Edition of the Discours de la vie de Pierre de Ronsard par Claude Binet..

20,00 €
Pfister, Arnold: Das deutsche Speculum humanae salvationis (Spiegel menschlicher Behaltnis) : Basel: Bernhard Richel, 31. August 1476 und der frühe Basler Inkunabelholzschnitt. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Pfister, Arnold: Das deutsche Speculum humanae salvationis (Spiegel menschlicher Behaltnis) :..

25,00 €
Spring, Gerald Max: The vitalism of Count de Gobineau. Dissertation.

Spring, Gerald Max: The vitalism of Count de Gobineau. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Claflin, Edith Frances: The syntax of the Boeotian dialect inscriptions. Dissertation.

Claflin, Edith Frances: The syntax of the Boeotian dialect inscriptions. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Forman, Lewis Leaming: The difference between the genitive and dative used with epi to denote superposition. Dissertation.

Forman, Lewis Leaming: The difference between the genitive and dative used with epi to denote..

24,00 €
Ritchie, Mary H: A study of conditional and temporal causes in Pliny the Younger. Dissertation.

Ritchie, Mary H: A study of conditional and temporal causes in Pliny the Younger. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Miles, Louis Wardlaw: King Alfred in literature. Dissertation.

Miles, Louis Wardlaw: King Alfred in literature. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Haggett, Arthur Sewall: A comparison of Apollonius Rhodius with Homer in prepositional usage. Dissertation.

Haggett, Arthur Sewall: A comparison of Apollonius Rhodius with Homer in prepositional usage..

25,00 €
Foote, Theodore Clinton: The Ephod: Its form and use. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of biblical literature 21.

Foote, Theodore Clinton: The Ephod: Its form and use. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of..

20,00 €
Eckels, William Alexander: Hoste [oste] as an index of style in the orators. Dissertation.

Eckels, William Alexander: Hoste [oste] as an index of style in the orators. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Long, Omera Floyd: On the usage of quotiens and quotienscunque in different periods of latin. Dissertation.

Long, Omera Floyd: On the usage of quotiens and quotienscunque in different periods of latin..

20,00 €