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215 Artikel gefunden


Clerck, F. De; Beutelspacher, A.; Buekenhout, F.; Doyen, J.; Thas, J. A.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P. (Hg.): Finite Geometry and Combinatorics. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 191]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 1993.

Clerck, F. De; Beutelspacher, A.; Buekenhout, F.; Doyen, J.; Thas, J. A.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P..

24,00 €
Shrikhande, Mohan S.; Sane, Sharad S: Quasi-Symmetric Designs. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 164]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 1991.

Shrikhande, Mohan S.; Sane, Sharad S: Quasi Symmetric Designs. [= London Mathematical Society..

12,00 €
Johnson, D. L: Topics in the Theory of Group Presentations. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 42]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 1980.

Johnson, D. L: Topics in the Theory of Group Presentations. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture..

30,00 €
Wilson, Robin J.; Watkins, John J: Graphs. An Introductory Approach. A First Course in Discrete Mathematics. Based on The Open University course Graphs, Networks and Design
 New York - Chichester - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1989 /

Wilson, Robin J.; Watkins, John J: Graphs. An Introductory Approach. A First Course in Discrete..

34,00 €
Griess, Robert L: Twelve Sporadic Groups. [= Springer Monographs in Mathematics]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York u. a., Springer, 1998.

Griess, Robert L: Twelve Sporadic Groups. [= Springer Monographs in Mathematics] Berlin..

32,00 €
Aldous, Joan M.; Wilson, Robin J: Graphs and Applications. An Introdutory Approch. With 644 illustrations by Steve Best
 London - Berlin - Heidelberg u. a., Springer, 2000.

Aldous, Joan M.; Wilson, Robin J: Graphs and Applications. An Introdutory Approch. With 644..

15,00 €
Korfhage, Robert R: Discrete Computational Structures. Second edition
 New York - London u. a., Academic Press, 1984.

Korfhage, Robert R: Discrete Computational Structures. Second edition New York London u. a..

15,00 €
Knobloch, Eberhard: Zur Genese der Fehlertheorie. Sonderdruck aus: A. Heinekamp, W. Lenzen, M. Schneider (Eds.), Mathesis rationis. Festschrift für Heinrich Schepers, S. 301-327.

Knobloch, Eberhard: Zur Genese der Fehlertheorie. Sonderdruck aus: A. Heinekamp, W. Lenzen, M..

9,00 €
Borel, A.; Carter, R.; Curtis, C. W.; Iwahori, N.; Springer, T. A.; Steinberg, R: Seminar on Algebraic Groups and Related Finite Groups. [= Lecture Notes in Mathematics 131]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Springer-Verlag, 1970.

Borel, A.; Carter, R.; Curtis, C. W.; Iwahori, N.; Springer, T. A.; Steinberg, R: Seminar on..

12,00 €
Evans, Anthony B: Orthomorphism Graphs of Groups. [= Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1535]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York u. a., Springer-Verlag, (1992).

Evans, Anthony B: Orthomorphism Graphs of Groups. [= Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1535] Berlin..

18,00 €
Balakrishnan, R.; Ranganathan, K: A Textbook of Graph Theory. With 200 Figures. [= Universitext]
 New York, Springer, 1999 / (2000).

Balakrishnan, R.; Ranganathan, K: A Textbook of Graph Theory. With 200 Figures. [= Universitext]..

12,00 €
Fellmann, E. A: Über einige mathematische Sujets im Briefwechsel Leonhard Eulers mit Johann Bernoulli. Sonderdruck aus: Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel 92, 139-160.

Fellmann, E. A: Über einige mathematische Sujets im Briefwechsel Leonhard Eulers mit Johann..

9,00 €
Fellmann, E. A: The "Principia" and continental mathematicians. Sonderdruck aus: Notes & records : the Royal Society journal of the history of science 42, S. 13-34.

Fellmann, E. A: The "Principia" and continental mathematicians. Sonderdruck aus: Notes & records :..

9,00 €
Trachtenbrot, B. A: Wieso können Automaten rechnen? Mit 19 Abbildungen
 Berlin, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1959.

Trachtenbrot, B. A: Wieso können Automaten rechnen? Mit 19 Abbildungen Berlin, Deutscher Verlag..

15,00 €
Barlotti, A. (Hg.): Finite Geometric Structures and Their Applications. [= Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C. I. M. E.) II Ciclo. Bressanone 18-27 Giugno 1972]
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12,00 €
Buckley, Fred; Harary, Frank: Distance in Graphs
 Redwood u. a., Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1989.

Buckley, Fred; Harary, Frank: Distance in Graphs Redwood u. a., Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1989.

64,00 €
Batten, Lynn Margaret: Combinatorics of finite geometries
 Cambridge u. a., University Press, 1986.

Batten, Lynn Margaret: Combinatorics of finite geometries Cambridge u. a., University Press, 1986.

27,00 €
Albert, A. Adrian; Sandler, Reuben: An Introduction to Finite Projective Planes. [= Athena Series - Selected Topics in Mathematics]
 New York - Chicago - San Francisco - Atlanta u. a., Holt Rinehart and Winston, (1968).

Albert, A. Adrian; Sandler, Reuben: An Introduction to Finite Projective Planes. [= Athena Series..

10,00 €
Lawrence, Dennis: A Catalog of Special Plane Curves
 New York, Dover Publications, 1972.

Lawrence, Dennis: A Catalog of Special Plane Curves New York, Dover Publications, 1972.

10,00 €
Gelfond, A. O: Transcendental & Algebraic Numbers. Translated fro the First Russian Edition by Leo F. Boron
 New York, Dover Publications, (1960).

Gelfond, A. O: Transcendental & Algebraic Numbers. Translated fro the First Russian Edition by Leo..

17,00 €
Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Thas, J. A: General Galois Geometries. [=Oxford Mathematical Monographs]
 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991.

Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Thas, J. A: General Galois Geometries. [=Oxford Mathematical Monographs]..

84,00 €
Metsch, Klaus: Linear Spaces with Few Lines. [= Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1490]
 Berlin u. a., Springer-Verlag, 1991.

Metsch, Klaus: Linear Spaces with Few Lines. [= Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1490] Berlin u. a..

17,00 €
Laywine, Charles F.; Mullen, Gary L: Discrete Mathematics Using Latin Squares
 New York - Chichester u. a., John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

Laywine, Charles F.; Mullen, Gary L: Discrete Mathematics Using Latin Squares New York..

244,00 €
Mathews, Jon und R.L. Walker

Mathews, Jon und R.L. Walker

29,95 €
Kalushnin, L.A

Kalushnin, L.A

16,95 €
Chintschin, A. J. et al: Arbeiten zur Informationstheorie 1. Mathematische Forschungsberichte 4.

Chintschin, A. J. et al: Arbeiten zur Informationstheorie 1. Mathematische Forschungsberichte 4.

29,00 €
Kilp, Mati; Knauer, Ulrich; Michalev, Aleksandr V.; Skornjakov, Lev A: Acts over Monoids. A bibliographical Survey of Publications 1975 - 1981. Literaturbericht mit Bibliographie zur Darstellungstheorie von Monoiden. Berichtszeitraum 1975 - 1981

Kilp, Mati; Knauer, Ulrich; Michalev, Aleksandr V.; Skornjakov, Lev A: Acts over Monoids. A..

10,00 €
Payne, S. E.; Thas, J. A: Finite generalized quadrangles. [= Research Notes in Mathematics 110]
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28,00 €
Lovász, L; Pelikán, J.; Vesztergombi, K: Discrete Mathematics. Elementary and Beyond. With 95 Illustrations
 New York - Berlin u. a., Springer, (2003).

Lovász, L; Pelikán, J.; Vesztergombi, K: Discrete Mathematics. Elementary and Beyond. With 95..

18,00 €
Bruck, Richard Hubert: A Survey of Binary Systems. [= Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete - Neue Folge - Heft 20]
 Berlin - Göttingen - Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 1958.

Bruck, Richard Hubert: A Survey of Binary Systems. [= Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer..

16,00 €
Blyth, T. S.; Robertson, E. F: Algebra through practice Book 5. Groups. First published
 Cambridge u. a., Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Blyth, T. S.; Robertson, E. F: Algebra through practice Book 5. Groups. First published Cambridge..

24,00 €
Rowlatt, P. A: Group Theory and Elementary Particles. First published. [= Mathematical Physics Series]
 London, Longmans Green and Co, 1966.

Rowlatt, P. A: Group Theory and Elementary Particles. First published. [= Mathematical Physics..

28,00 €
Cameron, P. J.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Hughes, D. R: Finite Geometries and Designs. Proceedings of the Second Isle of Thorns Conference 1980. First published. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 49]
 Cambridge u. a., Cambridge University Pre

Cameron, P. J.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Hughes, D. R: Finite Geometries and Designs. Proceedings of..

22,00 €
Kordemski, Boris A: Köpfchen, Köpfchen! Mathematik zur Unterhaltung.

Kordemski, Boris A: Köpfchen, Köpfchen! Mathematik zur Unterhaltung.

17,00 €
Bronstein, I. N. & Semendjajew, K. A: Taschenbuch der Mathematik.

Bronstein, I. N. & Semendjajew, K. A: Taschenbuch der Mathematik.

14,00 €
Barth, Friedrich, Paul Mühlbauer Friedrich Nikol u. a

Barth, Friedrich, Paul Mühlbauer Friedrich Nikol u. a

7,95 €
Wilson, Norman Richard: A certain type of isoperimetric problem, in particular, the solid of maximum attraction. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada ; 3d ser., vol. 1, S. 39 - 84.

Wilson, Norman Richard: A certain type of isoperimetric problem, in particular, the solid of..

15,00 €
Rouse, Louis J: A contribution to the question of linar dependence in linear integral equations. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Tohoku mathematical journal 10.

Rouse, Louis J: A contribution to the question of linar dependence in linear integral equations..

14,00 €
Grant, Elmer Daniel: Motion of a flexible cable in a vertical plane. Dissertation.

Grant, Elmer Daniel: Motion of a flexible cable in a vertical plane. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Boyce, Moffatt Grier: An Envelope Theorem and Necessary Conditions for a Problem of Mayor with Variable End Points. Dissertation.

Boyce, Moffatt Grier: An Envelope Theorem and Necessary Conditions for a Problem of Mayor with..

19,00 €
Gibbens, Gladys Elizabeth Corson: A Comparison of different line-geometric representations for functions of a complex variable. Dissertation.

Gibbens, Gladys Elizabeth Corson: A Comparison of different line geometric representations for..

16,00 €
Shively, Levi Stephen: A new basis for the metric theory of congruences. Dissertation.

Shively, Levi Stephen: A new basis for the metric theory of congruences. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Krebs, A: Konstruktionen gleichschenklicher Dreiecke mit Hilfe von Kurven höherer Ordnung. Dissertation.

Krebs, A: Konstruktionen gleichschenklicher Dreiecke mit Hilfe von Kurven höherer Ordnung..

25,00 €
Magee, Gordon Richard: Conjugate nets of ruled surfaces in a congruence. Dissertation.

Magee, Gordon Richard: Conjugate nets of ruled surfaces in a congruence. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Wren, Frank Lynwood: A new theory of parametric problems in the calculus of variations. Dissertation.

Wren, Frank Lynwood: A new theory of parametric problems in the calculus of variations..

19,00 €
Gore, Greenville D: Surfaces associated with a congruence. Dissertation.

Gore, Greenville D: Surfaces associated with a congruence. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Hagen, Beatrice Liberty: Quintuples of three-dimensional varieties in a four-dimensional linear space. Dissertation.

Hagen, Beatrice Liberty: Quintuples of three dimensional varieties in a four dimensional linear..

19,00 €
Barnett, Isaac Albert: Differential equations with a continuous infinitude of variables. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: merican journal of mathematics 44, S. 172 - 190.

Barnett, Isaac Albert: Differential equations with a continuous infinitude of variables..

19,00 €
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