
2.092 Artikel gefunden


Veiga, Hugo Beirão da (ed.): Fluid dynamics. Lecture notes in mathematics 1047.

Veiga, Hugo Beirão da (ed.): Fluid dynamics. Lecture notes in mathematics 1047.

15,00 €
Safarevic, Igor R. (Red.): Algebraische Flächen. Mathematik und ihre Anwendungen in Physik und Technik 31.

Safarevic, Igor R. (Red.): Algebraische Flächen. Mathematik und ihre Anwendungen in Physik und..

9,00 €
The Paris Logic Group (ed.): Logic Colloquium '85. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 122.

The Paris Logic Group (ed.): Logic Colloquium '85. Studies in logic and the foundations of..

75,00 €
Berge, Claude; Ghouila-Houri, Alain: Programmes, jeux et réseaux de transport.

Berge, Claude; Ghouila-Houri, Alain: Programmes, jeux et réseaux de transport.

29,00 €
Nishida, Takaaki; Mimura, M.; Fujii, H. (eds.): Patterns and waves : qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential equations. Studies in mathematics and its applications 18.

Nishida, Takaaki; Mimura, M.; Fujii, H. (eds.): Patterns and waves : qualitative analysis of..

175,00 €
Marcus, R.B.; Dorn, G.J.W.; Weingartner, P. (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science VII. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 114.

Marcus, R.B.; Dorn, G.J.W.; Weingartner, P. (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science..

60,00 €
Rootselaar, Bob van ; Staal, Frits (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science III. Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science 3.

Rootselaar, Bob van ; Staal, Frits (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science III. Logic..

15,00 €
Benthem, Johan van: Language in action : categories, lambdas and dynamic logic. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 130.

Benthem, Johan van: Language in action : categories, lambdas and dynamic logic. Studies in logic..

29,00 €
Stroyan, K. D. ; Bayod, José Manuel: Foundations of infinitesimal stochastic analysis. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 119.

Stroyan, K. D. ; Bayod, José Manuel: Foundations of infinitesimal stochastic analysis. Studies in..

46,00 €
Dalen, Dirk van; Lascar, D.; Smiley, T. J. (eds,): Logic Colloquium '80. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 108.

Dalen, Dirk van; Lascar, D.; Smiley, T. J. (eds,): Logic Colloquium '80. Studies in logic and the..

85,00 €
Paris, J.B.; Wilkie, A. J.; Wilmers, G.M. (eds.): Logic Colloquium ?84. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 120.

Paris, J.B.; Wilkie, A. J.; Wilmers, G.M. (eds.): Logic Colloquium ?84. Studies in logic and the..

35,00 €
Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter et al. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '87. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 129.

Ebbinghaus, Heinz Dieter et al. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '87. Studies in logic and the foundations..

150,00 €
Drake, Frank R.; Truss, J. K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '86. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 124.

Drake, Frank R.; Truss, J. K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '86. Studies in logic and the foundations of..

45,00 €
Petkov, Vesselin: Scattering theory for hyperbolic operators. Studies in mathematics and its applications 21.

Petkov, Vesselin: Scattering theory for hyperbolic operators. Studies in mathematics and its..

90,00 €
Fortin, Michel; Glowinski, Roland: Augmented Lagrangian methods : applications to the numerical solution of boundary-value problems. Studies in mathematics and its applications 15.

Fortin, Michel; Glowinski, Roland: Augmented Lagrangian methods : applications to the numerical..

170,00 €
Godunov, Sergej K.; Ryabenkii, V. S: Difference schemes : an introduction to the underlying theory. Studies in mathematics and its applications 19.

Godunov, Sergej K.; Ryabenkii, V. S: Difference schemes : an introduction to the underlying theory..

50,00 €
Aubin, Jean-Pierre: Mathematical methods of game and economic theory. Studies in mathematics and its applications 7. Rev. ed.

Aubin, Jean Pierre: Mathematical methods of game and economic theory. Studies in mathematics and..

30,00 €
Bensoussan, A.; Lions, J.-L.; Papanicolaou, G: Asymptotic analysis for periodic structures. Studies in mathematics and its applications 5.

Bensoussan, A.; Lions, J. L.; Papanicolaou, G: Asymptotic analysis for periodic structures. Studies..

60,00 €
Calogero, Francesco; Degasperis, Antonio: Spectral transform and solitons 1: tools to solve and investigate nonlinear evolution equations. Studies in mathematics and its applications 13.

Calogero, Francesco; Degasperis, Antonio: Spectral transform and solitons 1: tools to solve and..

75,00 €
Lolli, Gabriele; Longo, G.; Marcja, A. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '82. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 112.

Lolli, Gabriele; Longo, G.; Marcja, A. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '82. Studies in logic and the..

75,00 €
Troelstra, Anne S.; Dalen, Dirk van (eds.): The L. E. J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 110.

Troelstra, Anne S.; Dalen, Dirk van (eds.): The L. E. J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium. Studies in..

75,00 €
Fraïssé, Roland: Theory of relations. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 118.

Fraïssé, Roland: Theory of relations. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 118.

65,00 €
Babin, Anatolij V. ; Visik, Marko I: Attractors of evolution equations. Studies in mathematics and its applications 25.

Babin, Anatolij V. ; Visik, Marko I: Attractors of evolution equations. Studies in mathematics and..

160,00 €
Boffa, M.; Dalen, Dirk van; McAloon, K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '78. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 97.

Boffa, M.; Dalen, Dirk van; McAloon, K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '78. Studies in logic and the..

49,00 €
Addison, J.W.; Henkin, L.; Tarski, A. (eds.): The theory of models. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. 4. print.

Addison, J.W.; Henkin, L.; Tarski, A. (eds.): The theory of models. Studies in logic and the..

30,00 €
Ferro, Ruggero et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the colloquium / Logic Colloquium '88 : held in Padova, Italy, August 22 - 31, 1988. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 127.

Ferro, Ruggero et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the colloquium / Logic Colloquium '88 : held in..

130,00 €
Bensoussan, Alain: Stochastic control by functional analysis methods. Studies in mathematics and its applications 11.

Bensoussan, Alain: Stochastic control by functional analysis methods. Studies in mathematics and..

175,00 €
Fitting, Melvin: Fundamentals of generalized recursion theory. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 105.

Fitting, Melvin: Fundamentals of generalized recursion theory. Studies in logic and the foundations..

190,00 €
Eiselt, Horst A.; Frajer, Helmut von: Operations research handbook : standard algorithms and methods with examples.

Eiselt, Horst A.; Frajer, Helmut von: Operations research handbook : standard algorithms and..

19,00 €
Temam, Roger: Navier-Stokes equations : theory and numerical analysis. Studies in mathematics and its applications 2.

Temam, Roger: Navier Stokes equations : theory and numerical analysis. Studies in mathematics and..

35,00 €
Metakides, George (ed.): Patras Logic Symposion : proceedings of the Logic Symposium held at Patras, Greece, August 18 - 22, 1980. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 109.

Metakides, George (ed.): Patras Logic Symposion : proceedings of the Logic Symposium held at..

30,00 €
Cohen, Laurence Jonathan et al. (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science VI.

Cohen, Laurence Jonathan et al. (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science VI.

35,00 €
Kernevez, Jean-Pierre: Enzyme mathematics. Studies in mathematics and its applications 10.

Kernevez, Jean-Pierre: Enzyme mathematics. Studies in mathematics and its applications 10.

90,00 €
Bergstra, J. A. ; Heering, J. ; Klint, Paul (eds.): Algebraic specification. ACM Press frontiers series.

Bergstra, J. A. ; Heering, J. ; Klint, Paul (eds.): Algebraic specification. ACM Press frontiers..

29,00 €
Elgot, Calvin C: Selected papers.

Elgot, Calvin C: Selected papers.

45,00 €
Roby, Norbert: Lois polynomes et Lois formelles en théorie des modules. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. 3, S. 213-348.

Roby, Norbert: Lois polynomes et Lois formelles en théorie des modules. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

20,00 €
American Journal of Mathematics 40,3.

American Journal of Mathematics 40,3.

25,00 €
American Journal of Mathematics 28,1.

American Journal of Mathematics 28,1.

25,00 €
Schmidt, Hermann: Ausgewählte höhere Kurven. Für Schüler der oberen Klassen und Studenten der ersten Semester. 256 Seiten, 220 Strichzeichnungen. 1.-5. Tausend
 Wiesbaden, Kesselringsche Verlagsbuchhandlung [Kesselring], März 1949.

Schmidt, Hermann: Ausgewählte höhere Kurven. Für Schüler der oberen Klassen und Studenten der..

24,00 €
Chevalley, Claude: Theory of Lie Groups I. Eighth printing [of the 1946 edition]. [= Princeton Mathematical Series Vol. 8]
 Princeton, University Press, 1970.

Chevalley, Claude: Theory of Lie Groups I. Eighth printing [of the 1946 edition]. [= Princeton..

24,00 €
Seneta, E: Non-negative Matrices. An Introduction to Theory and Applications. A Halsted Press Book. First published
 New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1973.

Seneta, E: Non negative Matrices. An Introduction to Theory and Applications. A Halsted Press Book..

35,00 €
Perlis, Sam: Theory of Matrices. Second printing
 Cambridge, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, March 1956.

Perlis, Sam: Theory of Matrices. Second printing Cambridge, Addison Wesley Publishing Company..

12,00 €
Baur, Arnold: Einführung in die Projektive Geometrie. [1] Teil 1. Die projektive Verwandtschaft; homogene Koordination. [2] Teil 2. Kurven höherer Ordnung und Klasse. [= Mathematische Arbeitshefte 14 und 15]
 Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, [1960].

Baur, Arnold: Einführung in die Projektive Geometrie. [1] Teil 1. Die projektive Verwandtschaft;..

15,00 €
Menger, Karl: Neuere Methoden und Probleme der Geometrie. Separatabdruck. [= Verhandlungen des Internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses Zürich 1932. Erste Band. Bericht und Allgemeine Vorträge]
 Zürich - Leipzig, Orell Füssli Verlag, 1932.

Menger, Karl: Neuere Methoden und Probleme der Geometrie. Separatabdruck. [= Verhandlungen des..

18,00 €
Frobenius, G: [1] Über den Fermatschen [Fermat'schen] Satz. [2] Über die mit einer Matrix vertauschbaren Matrizen. [= Sitzungsberichte der königlisch preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu..

Frobenius, G: [1] Über den Fermatschen [Fermat'schen] Satz. [2] Über die mit einer Matrix..

18,00 €
Frobenius, G: Über das Trägheitsgesetz der quadratischen Formen. II. [= Sitzungsberichte der königlisch preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1906 XXXVIII]
 Berlin, Königlich Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1906.

Frobenius, G: Über das Trägheitsgesetz der quadratischen Formen. II. [= Sitzungsberichte der..

18,00 €
Kronecker, L: [1] Die Decomposition der Systeme von n² Grössen und ihre Anwendung auf die Theorie der Invarianten. [2] Über orthogonale Systeme. [3] Über die..

Kronecker, L: [1] Die Decomposition der Systeme von n² Grössen und ihre Anwendung auf die Theorie..

38,00 €
Lange, Julius: Geschichte des Feuerbachschen Kreises. Mit 2 Figurentafeln. [= Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Jahresbericht der Friedrichs-Werderschen Ober-Realschule zu Berlin = Programm No. 114]
 Berlin, R. Gaertners Verlagsbuchhandlung Hermann Heyfelder,

Lange, Julius: Geschichte des Feuerbachschen Kreises. Mit 2 Figurentafeln. [= Wissenschaftliche..

14,00 €