
1.758 Artikel gefunden


Garrod, Charles: Ted Lewis and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Ted Lewis and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Richard Maltby  and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Richard Maltby and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Jan Garber and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Jan Garber and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Frankie Carle and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Frankie Carle and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Del Courtney and his orchestra; Gray Gordon and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Del Courtney and his orchestra; Gray Gordon and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Bob Chester and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Bob Chester and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Brethour, Ross, Charles Garrod and Edward Novitsky: Ralph Marterie and his orchestra. [Ralph Matire].

Brethour, Ross, Charles Garrod and Edward Novitsky: Ralph Marterie and his orchestra. [Ralph..

18,00 €
Hall, George: Jan Savitt and  his orchestra. [2 Hefte].

Hall, George: Jan Savitt and his orchestra. [2 Hefte].

27,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Louis Prima and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Louis Prima and his orchestra.

12,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Louis Jordan and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Louis Jordan and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: John Kirby and his orchestra. / Andy Kirk and his orchestra. [2 Bände gebunden in 1].

Garrod, Charles: John Kirby and his orchestra. / Andy Kirk and his orchestra. [2 Bände gebunden in..

18,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Joe Venuti and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Joe Venuti and his orchestra.

15,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Jack Teagarden and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Jack Teagarden and his orchestra.

29,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Chick Webb and his orchestra including Ella Fitzgerald and her orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Chick Webb and his orchestra including Ella Fitzgerald and her orchestra.

18,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Charlie Barnet and his orchestra. 1933 - 1973.

Garrod, Charles: Charlie Barnet and his orchestra. 1933 - 1973.

21,00 €
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon; Das offizielle Buch zum 50. Jubiläum.

Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon; Das offizielle Buch zum 50. Jubiläum.

34,99 €
Garrod, Charles und Bill Korst: Georgie Auld and His Orchestra. A Joyce Record club publication.

Garrod, Charles und Bill Korst: Georgie Auld and His Orchestra. A Joyce Record club publication.

18,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Tex Beneke and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Tex Beneke and his orchestra.

14,00 €
Garrod, Charles: Mitchell Ayres and his orchestra.

Garrod, Charles: Mitchell Ayres and his orchestra.

14,00 €
Ulman, Rick and Michael Melford (ed.): Hillbilly Jazz : a background.

Ulman, Rick and Michael Melford (ed.): Hillbilly Jazz : a background.

22,00 €
Schreiber, Erika (Hrsg.) und Horst (Ill.) Räcke: Kunterbunter Kontrapunkt. Kirchen- und anderes Musikalisches.

Schreiber, Erika (Hrsg.) und Horst (Ill.) Räcke: Kunterbunter Kontrapunkt. Kirchen und anderes..

5,00 €
Bruyninckx, W[alter]: The vocalists 1917 - 1986 : singers & crooners ; jazz : Vol. 1 - 4. [vol. 4: 1917 - 1988].

Bruyninckx, W[alter]: The vocalists 1917 1986 : singers & crooners ; jazz : Vol. 1 4. [vol. 4:..

145,00 €
Salemann, Dieter: A discography of Page Cavanaugh. The recorded works and activities of the pianist/singer/arranger/bandleader for the last 55 years.

Salemann, Dieter: A discography of Page Cavanaugh. The recorded works and activities of the..

22,00 €
Astrup, Arne: The John Haley Sims (Zoot Sims) discography / Supplement [2 Hefte].

Astrup, Arne: The John Haley Sims (Zoot Sims) discography / Supplement [2 Hefte].

18,00 €
Zeiss, Karl [Red.]: Ehrengabe dramatischer Dichter und Komponisten: Sr. Exzellenz dem Grafen Nikolaus von Seebach zum zwanzigjährigen Intendanten-Jubiläum.

Zeiss, Karl [Red.]: Ehrengabe dramatischer Dichter und Komponisten: Sr. Exzellenz dem Grafen..

15,00 €
Mozart, Leopold: Gründliche Violinschule. Faksimile-Nachdruck der 3. Auflage, Augsburg 1789. Mit e. Geleitwort v. David Oistrach, erl. u. komm. v. Hans Rudolf Jung.

Mozart, Leopold: Gründliche Violinschule. Faksimile Nachdruck der 3. Auflage, Augsburg 1789. Mit..

8,00 €
Matteo Carcassi; Erwin Schwarz-Reiflingen [Hrsg.]: 20 ausgewählte Walzer für Gitarre oder Laute. [Gitarre-Archiv No. 3].

Matteo Carcassi; Erwin Schwarz Reiflingen [Hrsg.]: 20 ausgewählte Walzer für Gitarre oder Laute..

8,00 €
Bartók, Béla: Gyermekeknek III-IV; Apró darabok kezdo zongorázóknak (oktávfogás nélkül) / Für Kinder - Kleine Klavierstücke für Anfänger (ohne Oktaven-Spannung).

Bartók, Béla: Gyermekeknek III IV; Apró darabok kezdo zongorázóknak (oktávfogás nélkül) /..

8,00 €
Buchner, Alexander: Franz Liszt in Böhmen.

Buchner, Alexander: Franz Liszt in Böhmen.

12,00 €
Steane, Ed (editor): HIP - the jazz record digest. Volume 7 - 10.

Steane, Ed (editor): HIP - the jazz record digest. Volume 7 - 10.

35,00 €
Stephan Schulz
 Detlef A. Ott: What a wonderful world
 Als Louis Armstrong durch den Osten tourte.

Stephan Schulz Detlef A. Ott: What a wonderful world Als Louis Armstrong durch den Osten tourte.

25,00 €
Rusch, Bob (ed.): Cadence. The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 16, no. 1 - 12.

Rusch, Bob (ed.): Cadence. The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 16, no. 1..

85,00 €
Rusch, Bob (ed.): Cadence. The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 15, no. 1 - 12.

Rusch, Bob (ed.): Cadence. The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 15, no. 1..

80,00 €
Rusch, Bob (ed.): Cadence. The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 14, no. 1 - 12.

Rusch, Bob (ed.): Cadence. The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 14, no. 1..

75,00 €
Wolfgang Pfister: Die Bamberger Symphoniker
 50 Jahre Orchesterkultur in Bamberg.

Wolfgang Pfister: Die Bamberger Symphoniker 50 Jahre Orchesterkultur in Bamberg.

39,99 €
Jablonski, Edward: Harold Arlen. Happy with the Blues. New introduction and supplementary song list by the author.

Jablonski, Edward: Harold Arlen. Happy with the Blues. New introduction and supplementary song list..

25,00 €
Horricks, Raymond and Alun Morgan: Count Basie and his orchestra. Its music and its musicians.

Horricks, Raymond and Alun Morgan: Count Basie and his orchestra. Its music and its musicians.

35,00 €
Ewert, Hans W: Jazz Bazaar. Heft 1 - 13 [gebunden in 2].

Ewert, Hans W: Jazz Bazaar. Heft 1 - 13 [gebunden in 2].

70,00 €
Faszination Oper. Compactothèque.

Faszination Oper. Compactothèque.

4,00 €
Beethoven. Seine Musik, sein Leben.

Beethoven. Seine Musik, sein Leben.

10,00 €
Musik im Abendland. Prozesse und Stationen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.

Musik im Abendland. Prozesse und Stationen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.

44,00 €
Unsere Lieder herausgegeben von Dr. Wichern (4. Auflage).

Unsere Lieder herausgegeben von Dr. Wichern (4. Auflage).

150,00 €
Tänze und Lieder zur altwestfälischen Bauernhochzeit.

Tänze und Lieder zur altwestfälischen Bauernhochzeit.

17,00 €
Die Waldlieder.

Die Waldlieder.

49,00 €
Walker, Edward S. and Richard J. Johnson: Elsie Carlisle. 1) with a different style. / 2) A discography. [2 volumes].

Walker, Edward S. and Richard J. Johnson: Elsie Carlisle. 1) with a different style. / 2) A..

29,00 €
Middleton, Tony: Joe Daniels. A discography.

Middleton, Tony: Joe Daniels. A discography.

25,00 €
Clutten, Michael N. and Syd R. Gallichan: George Chisholm. Discography. Eurojazz Discos no. 41.

Clutten, Michael N. and Syd R. Gallichan: George Chisholm. Discography. Eurojazz Discos no. 41.

27,00 €
Bielderman, Gerald: Nat Gonella. Discography. 1930 - 1998. Eurojazz Discos no. 148.

Bielderman, Gerald: Nat Gonella. Discography. 1930 - 1998. Eurojazz Discos no. 148.

27,00 €
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