Naturwissenschaften: Botanik

3.060 Artikel gefunden


University of California Publications in Botany 18, 1935-1947.

University of California Publications in Botany 18, 1935-1947.

50,00 €
University of California Publications in Botany 26, 1952-1953.

University of California Publications in Botany 26, 1952-1953.

50,00 €
Wickens, Gerald E: The flora of Jebel Marra (Sudan Republic) and its geographical affinities. Kew bulletin. Additional series 5.

Wickens, Gerald E: The flora of Jebel Marra (Sudan Republic) and its geographical affinities. Kew..

25,00 €
University of California Publications in Botany 16, 1929-1932.

University of California Publications in Botany 16, 1929-1932.

50,00 €
Breteler, Franciscus J. (ed.): The Connaraceae : a taxonomic study with emphasis on Africa. Agricultural University Wageningen papers 89,6.

Breteler, Franciscus J. (ed.): The Connaraceae : a taxonomic study with emphasis on Africa..

75,00 €
Bie, S. de: Wildlife resources of the West African Savanna. Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 91,2.

Bie, S. de: Wildlife resources of the West African Savanna. Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural..

55,00 €
Beltman, Hendrina Alberta: Vegetative Strukturen der Parmeliaceae und ihre Entwicklung. Dissertation.

Beltman, Hendrina Alberta: Vegetative Strukturen der Parmeliaceae und ihre Entwicklung..

24,00 €
Wessels Boer, Jan Gerard: The geonomoid palms. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 58,1.

Wessels Boer, Jan Gerard: The geonomoid palms. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie..

20,00 €
Radde, Gustav: Grundzüge der Pflanzenverbreitung in den Kaukasusländern von der unteren Wolga über den Manytsch-Scheider bis zum Scheitelfläche Hocharmeniens. Die Vegetation der Erde 3.

Radde, Gustav: Grundzüge der Pflanzenverbreitung in den Kaukasusländern von der unteren Wolga..

70,00 €
Forti, Giorgio et al. (eds.): Photosynthesis, two centuries after its discovery by Joseph Priestley : proceedings of the IInd International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Stresa, june 24 - 29, 1971 ; Vol. 3: Photosynthesis and evolution.

Forti, Giorgio et al. (eds.): Photosynthesis, two centuries after its discovery by Joseph Priestley..

90,00 €
Sosef, Marcus S: Studies in Begoniaceae 5: Refuge Begonias : taxonomy, phylogeny and historical biogeography of Begonia sect., Loasibegonia and sect. Scutobegonia in relation to glacial rain forest refuges in Africa. Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural

Sosef, Marcus S: Studies in Begoniaceae 5: Refuge Begonias : taxonomy, phylogeny and historical..

65,00 €
Koning, J. de: Checklist of vernacular plant names in Mozambique . Wageningen Agricultural University papers 93,2.

Koning, J. de: Checklist of vernacular plant names in Mozambique . Wageningen Agricultural..

50,00 €
Donk, M. A: Check list of European polypores. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 62.

Donk, M. A: Check list of European polypores. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie..

20,00 €
Lindeman, Jan Christiaan: The vegetation of the coastal region of Suriname. Botanical results of the scientific Suriname expedition 1948/49 1.

Lindeman, Jan Christiaan: The vegetation of the coastal region of Suriname. Botanical results of..

15,00 €
The Garden - Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 107, part 1-10.

The Garden - Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 107, part 1-10.

14,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 131, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 131, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 132, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 132, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 133, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 133, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 134, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 134, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 153, H. 1-6 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 153, H. 1-6 (complete).

25,00 €
McCormick, Jack: The living forest.

McCormick, Jack: The living forest.

10,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 144, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 144, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 151, H. 1-6 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 151, H. 1-6 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 140, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 140, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 148, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 148, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 149, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 149, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 150, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 150, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 147, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 147, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 152, H. 1-6 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 152, H. 1-6 (complete).

25,00 €
Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat à Bruxelles, tables generales vol. I-XXV = Bulletin van de Rijksplantentuin Brussel, algemeine inhoudstfel I-XXV.

Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat à Bruxelles, tables generales vol. I XXV = Bulletin van de..

25,00 €
Yarnell, S.H: Cytogenetics of the vegetable crops. II Crucifers. The Botanical Review Vol 22 No 2.

Yarnell, S.H: Cytogenetics of the vegetable crops. II Crucifers. The Botanical Review Vol 22 No 2.

14,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 135, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 135, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 146, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 146, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 136, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 136, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Paul, Karl Heinz: Morphologie und Vegetation der Kurischen Nehrung, 1: Gestaltung der Bodenformen in ihrer Abhängigkeit von der Pflanzendecke. Nova acta Leopoldina N.F., 96 = Bd. 13,96.

Paul, Karl Heinz: Morphologie und Vegetation der Kurischen Nehrung, 1: Gestaltung der Bodenformen..

12,00 €
Hales, Stephen: Vegetable Staticks. History of sciences library.

Hales, Stephen: Vegetable Staticks. History of sciences library.

16,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 142, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 142, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 138, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 138, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 141, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 141, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 139, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 139, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Segal, Samuel: Ecological notes on wall vegetation.  Dissertation Amsterdam.

Segal, Samuel: Ecological notes on wall vegetation. Dissertation Amsterdam.

30,00 €
Stoddart, David R.; Johannes. R. E. (eds.): Coral reefs : research methods. Monographs on oceanographic methodology 5.

Stoddart, David R.; Johannes. R. E. (eds.): Coral reefs : research methods. Monographs on..

25,00 €
Lewis, Patricia: British wild flowers (Kew series).

Lewis, Patricia: British wild flowers (Kew series).

11,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 145, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 145, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 143, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 143, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Romo i Díez, Àngel M: Flora i vegetació del Montsec (Pre-Pirineus Catalans) : premi Pius Fonti i Quer, 1984. Arxius de la Secció de Ciències 90.

Romo i Díez, Àngel M: Flora i vegetació del Montsec (Pre Pirineus Catalans) : premi Pius Fonti i..

150,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 137, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 137, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Smith, Lyman B: The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 33.

Smith, Lyman B: The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Contributions from the United States National..

25,00 €