Naturwissenschaften: Botanik

3.060 Artikel gefunden


Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 143, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 143, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 145, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 145, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Stoddart, David R.; Johannes. R. E. (eds.): Coral reefs : research methods. Monographs on oceanographic methodology 5.

Stoddart, David R.; Johannes. R. E. (eds.): Coral reefs : research methods. Monographs on..

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 139, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 139, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 141, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 141, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 138, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 138, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 142, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 142, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 136, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 136, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 146, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 146, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 135, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 135, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat à Bruxelles, tables generales vol. I-XXV = Bulletin van de Rijksplantentuin Brussel, algemeine inhoudstfel I-XXV.

Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat à Bruxelles, tables generales vol. I XXV = Bulletin van de..

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 152, H. 1-6 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 152, H. 1-6 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 147, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 147, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 150, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 150, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 149, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 149, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 148, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 148, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 140, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 140, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 151, H. 1-6 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 151, H. 1-6 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 144, H. 1-5 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 144, H. 1-5 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 153, H. 1-6 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 153, H. 1-6 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 134, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 134, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 133, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 133, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 132, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 132, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 131, H. 1-3 (complete).

Planta - An International Journal of Plant Biology 131, H. 1-3 (complete).

25,00 €
Wickens, Gerald E: The flora of Jebel Marra (Sudan Republic) and its geographical affinities. Kew bulletin. Additional series 5.

Wickens, Gerald E: The flora of Jebel Marra (Sudan Republic) and its geographical affinities. Kew..

25,00 €
The Garden - Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 103, part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 (10 H.).

The Garden Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 103, part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 (10..

25,00 €
Omino, Elizabeth: A contribution to the leaf anatomy and taxonomy of Apocynaceae in Africa : the leaf anatomy of Apocynaceae in East Africa; a monograph of Pleiocarpinae. Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 96,1; Series of revisions of

Omino, Elizabeth: A contribution to the leaf anatomy and taxonomy of Apocynaceae in Africa : the..

25,00 €
Wieringa, J. J: Monopetalanthus exit. : a systematic study of Aphanocalyx, Bikinia, Icuria, Michelsonia and Tetraberlinia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae). Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 99,4.

Wieringa, J. J: Monopetalanthus exit. : a systematic study of Aphanocalyx, Bikinia, Icuria..

25,00 €
Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat à Bruxelles 4.

Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat à Bruxelles 4.

25,00 €
Viguier, René: Recherches anatomiques sur la classification des Araliacées. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique et biologie végétable ; sér. 9, v. 4.

Viguier, René: Recherches anatomiques sur la classification des Araliacées. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Lefèvre, Marcel: Monographie des espèces d'eau douce du genre peridinium. Dissertation. Archives de botanique 2.

Lefèvre, Marcel: Monographie des espèces d'eau douce du genre peridinium. Dissertation. Archives..

25,00 €
Erlandsson, Stellan: Dendro-chronological studies. Dissertation. Stockholms Högskolas Geokronol. Inst. Data 23.

Erlandsson, Stellan: Dendro chronological studies. Dissertation. Stockholms Högskolas Geokronol..

25,00 €
Fries, Thore C. E: Botanische Untersuchungen im nördlichsten Schweden : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der alpinen und subalpinen Vegetation in Torne Lappmark. Dissertation. Vetenskapliga och praktiska undersökningar i Lappland 2.

Fries, Thore C. E: Botanische Untersuchungen im nördlichsten Schweden : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis..

25,00 €
Tengwall, Tor Åke: Die Vegetation des Sarekgebietes : erste Abteilung. Dissertation. Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen des Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland 3,4, S. 269 - 435.

Tengwall, Tor Åke: Die Vegetation des Sarekgebietes : erste Abteilung. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Ravasini, Ruggero: Die Feigenbäume Italiens und ihre Beziehungen zu einander. Dissertation.

Ravasini, Ruggero: Die Feigenbäume Italiens und ihre Beziehungen zu einander. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Koenig, Renate (ed.): Polyhedral virions with monopartite RNA genomes. The plant viruses 3.

Koenig, Renate (ed.): Polyhedral virions with monopartite RNA genomes. The plant viruses 3.

25,00 €
Hoog, G.S. de; Smith, M.Th.; Weijman, ACM. (eds.): The expanding realm of yeast-like fungi : proceedings of an international symposium, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 3 - 7 August 1987. CBS symposia series 1; Studies in mycology 30.

Hoog, G.S. de; Smith, M.Th.; Weijman, ACM. (eds.): The expanding realm of yeast like fungi :..

25,00 €
Urban, Ignaz: Monographia loasacearum. Nova Acta. Abh. der Kaiserl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Bd. 76. Nr. 1.

Urban, Ignaz: Monographia loasacearum. Nova Acta. Abh. der Kaiserl. Leop. Carol. Deutschen Akademie..

25,00 €
Kuhnholtz-Lordat, Georges: L'écran vert. Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. N.S. Sér. B. Botanique 9.

Kuhnholtz Lordat, Georges: L'écran vert. Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. N.S..

25,00 €
Feekes, Willem: De ontwikkeling van de natuurlijke vegetatie in de Wieringermeer-Polder de eerste groote droogmakerij van de Zuiderzee. Dissertation.

Feekes, Willem: De ontwikkeling van de natuurlijke vegetatie in de Wieringermeer Polder de eerste..

25,00 €
Hunter, George William: Studies on the Caryophyllaeidae of North America. Dissertation. Illinois biological monographs 11,4.

Hunter, George William: Studies on the Caryophyllaeidae of North America. Dissertation. Illinois..

25,00 €
Hamann, Ole: Plant communities of the Galápagos Islands. Dansk botanisk arkiv 34,2.

Hamann, Ole: Plant communities of the Galápagos Islands. Dansk botanisk arkiv 34,2.

25,00 €
Leloup, Eugène: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique 2/3: Coelentérés hydropolypes..

Leloup, Eugène: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA..

25,00 €
Bolòs, Oriol de et al: Atlas corològic de la flora vascular dels Països Catalans 5.

Bolòs, Oriol de et al: Atlas corològic de la flora vascular dels Països Catalans 5.

25,00 €
Israelson, Gunnar: The freshwater florideae of Sweden : studies on their taxonomy. Dissertation. Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses 6,1.

Israelson, Gunnar: The freshwater florideae of Sweden : studies on their taxonomy. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Arnborg, Tore: Granberget : en växtbiologisk undersökning av ett sydlappländkst granskogsomr°ade med särskild hänsyn till skogstyper och föringring. Dissertation. Norrländskt handbibliotek 14.

Arnborg, Tore: Granberget : en växtbiologisk undersökning av ett sydlappländkst..

25,00 €
Silveira, Rafael: Organos productores de las plantas fanerogamas. Dissertation.

Silveira, Rafael: Organos productores de las plantas fanerogamas. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Welten, Max: Physiologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen über den Wasserhaushalt der Pflanzen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wasserabgabewiderstände. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Planta 20, S. . 45 - 165.

Welten, Max: Physiologisch ökologische Untersuchungen über den Wasserhaushalt der Pflanzen mit..

25,00 €