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187 Artikel gefunden


Heyligers, P. C: Vegetation and soil of a white-sand savanna in Suriname. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 54,3.

Heyligers, P. C: Vegetation and soil of a white sand savanna in Suriname. Verhandelingen der..

15,00 €
Germeraad, J. H. ; Muller, J: A computer-based numerical coding system for the description of pollen grains and spores, I. General & II. Appendix (complete).

Germeraad, J. H. ; Muller, J: A computer based numerical coding system for the description of..

50,00 €
Donk, M. A: Check list of European polypores. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 62.

Donk, M. A: Check list of European polypores. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie..

20,00 €
Breteler, Franciscus J. (ed.): The Connaraceae : a taxonomic study with emphasis on Africa. Agricultural University Wageningen papers 89,6.

Breteler, Franciscus J. (ed.): The Connaraceae : a taxonomic study with emphasis on Africa..

75,00 €
Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (ed.): Series of revisions of Apocynaceae, XXXVII, XXXVIII and pollination of Apocynaceae. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 94,3.

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (ed.): Series of revisions of Apocynaceae, XXXVII, XXXVIII and pollination of..

20,00 €
Rowles, William Francis: How to make and manage a garden.

Rowles, William Francis: How to make and manage a garden.

30,00 €
Leeuwenberg, A. J. M: Series of revisions of Apocynaceae XLIV (44): Craspidospermum Boj. ex A. DC., Gonioma E. Mey., Mascarenhasia A. DC., Petchia Livera, Plectaneia Thou., and Stephanostegia Baill. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 97,2.

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M: Series of revisions of Apocynaceae XLIV (44): Craspidospermum Boj. ex A. DC..

26,00 €
Omino, Elizabeth: A contribution to the leaf anatomy and taxonomy of Apocynaceae in Africa : the leaf anatomy of Apocynaceae in East Africa; a monograph of Pleiocarpinae. Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 96,1; Series of revisions of

Omino, Elizabeth: A contribution to the leaf anatomy and taxonomy of Apocynaceae in Africa : the..

25,00 €
Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. ; Dilst, F. J. H. van: Series of revisions of Apocynaceae. Part XLIX-L. Carissa L. & Key to Apocynaceae in continental Africa. Wageningen University papers 2001,1.

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. ; Dilst, F. J. H. van: Series of revisions of Apocynaceae. Part XLIX L..

35,00 €
Wieringa, J. J: Monopetalanthus exit. : a systematic study of Aphanocalyx, Bikinia, Icuria, Michelsonia and Tetraberlinia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae). Dissertation. Wageningen Agricultural University papers 99,4.

Wieringa, J. J: Monopetalanthus exit. : a systematic study of Aphanocalyx, Bikinia, Icuria..

25,00 €
Vincent, Frank: The Plant World its Romances and Realities - a reading-book of botany.

Vincent, Frank: The Plant World its Romances and Realities - a reading-book of botany.

19,00 €
Steyn, Pieter S.; Vleggaar, Robert (eds.): Mycotoxins and phycotoxins : a collection of invited papers. Bioactive molecules 1.

Steyn, Pieter S.; Vleggaar, Robert (eds.): Mycotoxins and phycotoxins : a collection of invited..

150,00 €
Weber-van Bosse, A: Etude sur les algues parasites des paresseux. Sonderdruck aus: Natuurkundige verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem 3,5,1.

Weber van Bosse, A: Etude sur les algues parasites des paresseux. Sonderdruck aus: Natuurkundige..

12,00 €
Beijerinck, M. W: Verzamelde geschriften van M. W. Beijerinck ter gelegenheid van zijn 70sten verjaardag, Deel 1-6 (komplett).

Beijerinck, M. W: Verzamelde geschriften van M. W. Beijerinck ter gelegenheid van zijn 70sten..

60,00 €
Koorders Schumacher, A: Systematisches Verzeichnis der zum Herbar Koorders gehörenden, in Niederländisch Ostindien, besonders in den Jahren 1888   1903 gesammelten Phanerogamen und Pteridophyten..

Koorders Schumacher, A: Systematisches Verzeichnis der zum Herbar Koorders gehörenden, in..

40,00 €
Dorety, Helen A: The seedling of Ceratozamia Dissertation.  Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 46, S. 204-220.

Dorety, Helen A: The seedling of Ceratozamia Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette..

12,00 €
Hague, Stella Mary: A morphological study of Diospyros virginiana. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: the Botanical gazette 52, S. 34-44.

Hague, Stella Mary: A morphological study of Diospyros virginiana. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Eckerson, Sophia: A physiological and chemical study of after-ripening.Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: the Botanical gazette 55, S. 286-299.

Eckerson, Sophia: A physiological and chemical study of after ripening.Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Puymaly, A. de: Recherches sur les algues vertes aériennes. Dissertation.

Puymaly, A. de: Recherches sur les algues vertes aériennes. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Gates, Reginald Ruggles: A study of reduction in Oenothera rubrinervis. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical gazette 46.

Gates, Reginald Ruggles: A study of reduction in Oenothera rubrinervis. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

15,00 €
Wéber, Desider: Beiträge zur Anatomie einiger pharmakognostisch wichtiger Samen udn Früchte (Hibiscus Abelmoschus L.   Dracocephalum Royleanum Benth.   Polanisia icosandra A..

Wéber, Desider: Beiträge zur Anatomie einiger pharmakognostisch wichtiger Samen udn Früchte..

19,00 €
Hehn, Victor: Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere in ihrem Übergang aus Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie in das übrige Europa. Historisch linguistische Skizzen. 8. Aufl., neu..

Hehn, Victor: Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere in ihrem Übergang aus Asien nach Griechenland und..

20,00 €
Engler, A.; Prantl, K: Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigsten Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen. Teil 1, Abt. 1. Myxothallophyta. Fungi, einschließlich der als..

Engler, A.; Prantl, K: Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigsten..

180,00 €
Macoun, James Melville; Holm, Herman Theodor: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 -18, vol. 5: botany, part A: Vascular plants.

Macoun, James Melville; Holm, Herman Theodor: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 18..

9,00 €
Nannfeldt, John A: Studien ueber die Morphologie und Systematik der nicht-lichenisierten inoperculaten Discomyceten. Dissertation. Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis 4,8,2.

Nannfeldt, John A: Studien ueber die Morphologie und Systematik der nicht lichenisierten..

30,00 €
Benum, Peter: The flora of Troms Fylke : a floristic and phytogeographical survey of the vascular flora of Troms Fylke in Northern Norway. Tromsø Museums skrifter 6.

Benum, Peter: The flora of Troms Fylke : a floristic and phytogeographical survey of the vascular..

30,00 €
Hedberg, Olov: Afroalpine vascular plants : a taxonomic revision. Dissertation. Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses 15,1.

Hedberg, Olov: Afroalpine vascular plants : a taxonomic revision. Dissertation. Symbolae botanicae..

35,00 €
Odum, Howard T. ; Pigeon, Robert F. (eds.): A tropical rain forest : a study of irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico. Book 2. Secs. D-F.

Odum, Howard T. ; Pigeon, Robert F. (eds.): A tropical rain forest : a study of irradiation and..

40,00 €
Odum, Howard T. ; Pigeon, Robert F. (eds.): A tropical rain forest : a study of irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico. Book 3. Secs. G - I.

Odum, Howard T. ; Pigeon, Robert F. (eds.): A tropical rain forest : a study of irradiation and..

40,00 €
Abdallah, Moustafa S. ; Wit, H. C. D. de: The Resedaceae : a taxonomical revision of the family (final instalment. Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, Nederland 78,14.

Abdallah, Moustafa S. ; Wit, H. C. D. de: The Resedaceae : a taxonomical revision of the family..

40,00 €
Wells, M J et al: A catalogue of problem plants in southern Africa : incorporating The National Weed List of South Africa. Memoirs of the Botanical survey of South Africa 53.

Wells, M J et al: A catalogue of problem plants in southern Africa : incorporating The National..

50,00 €
Weber-van Bosse, A: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique 6/1: Algues. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique : Hors série.

Weber van Bosse, A: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL..

20,00 €
Wulff, E.V: An introduction to historical plant geography. A New series of plant science books 10.

Wulff, E.V: An introduction to historical plant geography. A New series of plant science books 10.

24,00 €
Stober, James Palm: A comparative study of winter and summer leaves of various herbs. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 63, S. 89-109.

Stober, James Palm: A comparative study of winter and summer leaves of various herbs. Dissertation..

14,00 €
McCormick, Florence Anna: A study of symphyogyna aspera. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 58, S. 401-418.

McCormick, Florence Anna: A study of symphyogyna aspera. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The..

12,00 €
Link, George Konrad Karl: A physiological study of two strains of Fusarium in their causal relation to tuber rot and wilt of potato. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 62, S. 169-209.

Link, George Konrad Karl: A physiological study of two strains of Fusarium in their causal relation..

14,00 €
Gano, Laura Campbell: A study in physiographic ecology in northern Florida. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanica gazette 63, S. 337-372.

Gano, Laura Campbell: A study in physiographic ecology in northern Florida. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Studhalter, Richard A: Germination of spores and development of juvenile thallus of Riella Americana. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical Gazette 92, S. 172-191.

Studhalter, Richard A: Germination of spores and development of juvenile thallus of Riella..

12,00 €
Leonian, Leon H: A study of factors promoting pycnidia-formation in some Sphaeropsidales. Dissertation. Sonderdrck aus:  American journal of botany 11, S. 19-50.

Leonian, Leon H: A study of factors promoting pycnidia formation in some Sphaeropsidales..

12,00 €
Povah, Alfred Hubert William: A critical study of certain species of Mucor. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 44, S. 241-259, 287-313.

Povah, Alfred Hubert William: A critical study of certain species of Mucor. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Schertz, Frank Milton: A chemical and physiological study of mottling of leaves. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 71, S. 81-130.

Schertz, Frank Milton: A chemical and physiological study of mottling of leaves. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Matzke, Edwin Bernard: A morphologic study of the variations in stellaria aquatica with special reference to symmetry and sterility. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the torrey botanical club 56, S. 471 - 534.

Matzke, Edwin Bernard: A morphologic study of the variations in stellaria aquatica with special..

15,00 €
Lyon, Florence May: A study of the sporangia and gametophytes of selaginella apus and selaginella rupestris. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical gazette S. 124-141, 170-194.

Lyon, Florence May: A study of the sporangia and gametophytes of selaginella apus and selaginella..

15,00 €
Land, W. I. G: A morphological study of thuja. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical gazette 36, S. 249 - 259.

Land, W. I. G: A morphological study of thuja. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical gazette 36..

14,00 €
Porterfield, Willard Merritt: A study of the grand period of growth in bamboo. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 55, S. 327-405.

Porterfield, Willard Merritt: A study of the grand period of growth in bamboo. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Trelease, Sam F: The relation of salt proportions and concentrations to the growth of young wheat plants in nutrient solutions containing a chloride. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Philippine Journal of Science 17, S. 527-603.

Trelease, Sam F: The relation of salt proportions and concentrations to the growth of young wheat..

15,00 €
Patterson, Paul M: A developmental study of Dumortiera hirsuta (SW.) Nees. Dissertation. Sonderdrcuk aus: Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 49, S. 122-150.

Patterson, Paul M: A developmental study of Dumortiera hirsuta (SW.) Nees. Dissertation..

14,00 €
McLean, Forman T: A preliminary study of climatic conditions in Maryland, as related to plant growth. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Physiological Researches 2, S. 129 - 208.

McLean, Forman T: A preliminary study of climatic conditions in Maryland, as related to plant..

15,00 €
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