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1.933 Artikel gefunden


Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 22.

Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 22.

16,00 €
Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 16.

Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 16.

16,00 €
Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 23.

Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 23.

16,00 €
Fernandes, A. ; Fernandes, Rosette: Sur la caryosystématique du sous-genre Ajax spach du genre Narcissus L.

Fernandes, A. ; Fernandes, Rosette: Sur la caryosystématique du sous genre Ajax spach du genre..

25,00 €
Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 21.

Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 21.

16,00 €
Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 15.

Morot, Louis (ed.): Journal de Botanique 7, no. 15.

16,00 €
Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 36.

Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 36.

20,00 €
Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 38.

Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 38.

16,00 €
Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 9.

Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 9.

20,00 €
Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 32.

Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 32.

20,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 94, no. 1-6 (complete).

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 94, no. 1-6 (complete).

50,00 €
Les Naturalistes Belges 49,1.

Les Naturalistes Belges 49,1.

9,00 €
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 99, no. 1-6 (complete).

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 99, no. 1-6 (complete).

50,00 €
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 98, no. 1-6 (complete).

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 98, no. 1-6 (complete).

50,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 66, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 66, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 3.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 3.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 1.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 1.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 69, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 69, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 67, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 67, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 68, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 68, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 1.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 1.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 5.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 5.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 58, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 58, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 5.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 5.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 66, 1.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 66, 1.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 4.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 4.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 4.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 4.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 2.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 2.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 57, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 57, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 4.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 4.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 5.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 5.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 6.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 56, 6.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 6.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 64, 6.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 66, 2.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 66, 2.

15,00 €
Bolòs i Capdevila, Oriol de ; Romo, Àngel M. (eds): Atlas corològic de la flora vascular dels Països Catalans. Vol. 2. Mapes 104 - 306.

Bolòs i Capdevila, Oriol de ; Romo, Àngel M. (eds): Atlas corològic de la flora vascular dels..

14,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 6.

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 65, 6.

15,00 €
Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 61, 1-6 (complete).

Mycologia - Official Organ of the Mycological Society of America 61, 1-6 (complete).

45,00 €
Pearson, H H W: List of the plants collected in the Percy Sladen Memorial Expeditions, 1908-9, 1910-11, September , 1911 - Notes on the localities visited by the Percy Sladen Memorial Expedition to the Khamiesberg, Giftberg, and Oliphant's River Mountains

Pearson, H H W: List of the plants collected in the Percy Sladen Memorial Expeditions, 1908 9, 1910..

20,00 €
Koorders, Sijfert Hendrik: Opmerkingen over eene Buitenzorgsche Kritiek op mijne Exkursionsflora von Java.

Koorders, Sijfert Hendrik: Opmerkingen over eene Buitenzorgsche Kritiek op mijne Exkursionsflora..

24,00 €
Annals of the South African Museum 9, part VI.

Annals of the South African Museum 9, part VI.

20,00 €
The American Midland Naturalist 12,2.

The American Midland Naturalist 12,2.

14,00 €
Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 31.

Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -tiere 31.

20,00 €
Ooststroom, Simon Jan van: A monograph of the genus Evolvulus. Dissertation.

Ooststroom, Simon Jan van: A monograph of the genus Evolvulus. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Wagner, Warren L.; Herbst, D. R.; Sohmer, S. H: Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai'i, vol. 2. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special publication 83.

Wagner, Warren L.; Herbst, D. R.; Sohmer, S. H: Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai'i, vol. 2..

40,00 €
Dingaan, M.N. V. ; Du Preez, P. J: The phytosociology of the succulent dwarf shrub communities that occour in the "Valley of Seven Dams" area, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 18,3.

Dingaan, M.N. V. ; Du Preez, P. J: The phytosociology of the succulent dwarf shrub communities that..

14,00 €
Eckhardt, H C ; N Van Rooyen; George J Bredenkamp: Wetland plant communities of the Vrede-Memel-Warden area, north-eastern Orange Free State. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 9,8.

Eckhardt, H C ; N Van Rooyen; George J Bredenkamp: Wetland plant communities of the Vrede Memel..

9,00 €