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Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh - Earth Sciences 71,1.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh - Earth Sciences 71,1.

20,00 €
Stanley, George D: Paleoecology, structure, and distribution of triassic coral buildups in Western North America. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 65.

Stanley, George D: Paleoecology, structure, and distribution of triassic coral buildups in Western..

14,00 €
Lakhanpal, Rajendra Nath; Sinha, Udai Prakash: Cenozoic plants from Congo I: Fossil woods from the Miocene of Lake Albert. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 64.

Lakhanpal, Rajendra Nath; Sinha, Udai Prakash: Cenozoic plants from Congo I: Fossil woods from the..

30,00 €
Cahen, Lucien et al: Three contributions to the geochronology and petrogenesis of granitic rocks in the copperbelt of Zambia and Southeast Katanga province, Republic of..

Cahen, Lucien et al: Three contributions to the geochronology and petrogenesis of granitic rocks in..

30,00 €
Long, Albert G: Further Observations on lower carboniferous seeds and cupules. Transactions/The Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,12.

Long, Albert G: Further Observations on lower carboniferous seeds and cupules. Transactions/The..

14,00 €
Cahen, Lucien ; Delhal, J. ; Deutsch, S: Rubidium strontium geochronology of some granitic rocks from the Kibaran Belt (Central Katanga, Rep. of the Congo)..

Cahen, Lucien ; Delhal, J. ; Deutsch, S: Rubidium strontium geochronology of some granitic rocks..

24,00 €
Maheshwari, Hari K.; Bose, M. N.; Kar, R. K: Palaeozoic Sporae Dispersae from Congo. VIII: The Kibamba River (Lukuga Coalfield Area), IX: Ombela and Lokandu Regions (Lualaba River), X: Microfossils from a Cliff Section at the Confluence of Lufupa and Mush

Maheshwari, Hari K.; Bose, M. N.; Kar, R. K: Palaeozoic Sporae Dispersae from Congo. VIII: The..

50,00 €
Vanderyst, Hyac: Les roches oolithiques du système schisto-calcareux dans le Congo occidental. Institut Royal Colonial Belge, Section des Sciences Naturelles et Médicales. Collection in 4° = Verzameling in 4°, tome 1, fasc. 2.

Vanderyst, Hyac: Les roches oolithiques du système schisto calcareux dans le Congo occidental..

16,00 €
Raucq, Paul: Contribution à la connaissance du Système de la Bushimay (Congo Belge). Annales du Musée R. du Congo Belge. Série in 8° = Reeks in 8. Sciences géologiques = Geologische wetenschappen 18.

Raucq, Paul: Contribution à la connaissance du Système de la Bushimay (Congo Belge). Annales du..

29,00 €
Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrographie 23.

Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrographie 23.

25,00 €
Peeters, L: Contribution a la géologie des terrains anciens du Rùanda-Urundi et du Kivu. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 16.

Peeters, L: Contribution a la géologie des terrains anciens du Rùanda Urundi et du Kivu. Annalen..

26,00 €
Saint Seine, Pierre de: Poissons fossiles de l'etage de Stanleyville (Congo Belge), P. 1: La faune des argilites et schistes bitumuneux. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor..

Saint Seine, Pierre de: Poissons fossiles de l'etage de Stanleyville (Congo Belge), P. 1: La faune..

35,00 €
Beattie, John Carruthers: Report of magnetic survey of South Africa.

Beattie, John Carruthers: Report of magnetic survey of South Africa.

35,00 €
Knoblich, Klaus: Über die Grundwasserverhältnisse im Stadtgebiet Stuttgart. Dissertation. Arbeiten aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut d. Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart. N. F. 47.

Knoblich, Klaus: Über die Grundwasserverhältnisse im Stadtgebiet Stuttgart. Dissertation..

10,00 €
Eardley, A. J: Aerial photographs : their use and interpretation.

Eardley, A. J: Aerial photographs : their use and interpretation.

16,00 €
Hakes, William G: Trace fossils and depositional environment of four clastic units, upper Pennsylvanian megacyclothems, northeastern Kansas. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 63.

Hakes, William G: Trace fossils and depositional environment of four clastic units, upper..

14,00 €
Formanek, H P; Heinz A Kollmann; W Medwenitsch: Beitrag zur Geologie der Schladminger Tauern im Bereich von Untertal und Obertal (Steiermark, Oesterreich). Sonderdruck aus: Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 54, 27-53.

Formanek, H P; Heinz A Kollmann; W Medwenitsch: Beitrag zur Geologie der Schladminger Tauern im..

9,00 €
Brébion, P. et al: Cinq contributions a la paléontologie de la région cotière d'Angole et du Congo. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 68.

Brébion, P. et al: Cinq contributions a la paléontologie de la région cotière d'Angole et du..

19,00 €
Jones, Louis et al: Déterminations astronomiques et planimétriques. Annales du Musée R. du Congo Belge. Série in 8° = Reeks in 8. Sciences géologiques = Geologische wetenschappen 21.

Jones, Louis et al: Déterminations astronomiques et planimétriques. Annales du Musée R. du Congo..

12,00 €
Bitter, Peter H. von: Environmental control of conodont distribution in the Shawnee Group (Upper Pennsylvanian) of Eastern Kansas. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 59.

Bitter, Peter H. von: Environmental control of conodont distribution in the Shawnee Group (Upper..

14,00 €
Frey, Robert W: Paleoecology and depositional environment of Fort Hays Limestone Member, Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous), West-Central Kansas. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 58 (Cretaceous 3).

Frey, Robert W: Paleoecology and depositional environment of Fort Hays Limestone Member, Niobrara..

14,00 €
Parodiz, Juan J: The Tertiary non-marine Mollusca of South America. Annals of Carnegie Museum 40.

Parodiz, Juan J: The Tertiary non-marine Mollusca of South America. Annals of Carnegie Museum 40.

26,00 €
Grekoff, Nicolas: Ostracodes du Bassin du Congo 1: Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé inférieur du Nord du Bassin. Annales du Musée R. du Congo Belge. Série in 8° = Reeks in 8. Sciences géologiques = Geologische wetenschappen 19.

Grekoff, Nicolas: Ostracodes du Bassin du Congo 1: Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé inférieur du..

14,00 €
Gautier, A.; Hooijer, Dirk; Lepersonne, Jacques: Fossil fresh water mollusca of the lake Albert-lake Edward Rift (Uganda) + Miocene mammalia of Congo, a correction + Revision of the fauna and stratigraphy of the fosiliferous localities of the lake Albert-

Gautier, A.; Hooijer, Dirk; Lepersonne, Jacques: Fossil fresh water mollusca of the lake Albert..

36,00 €
Sonklar, Karl Edler von Innstädten: Allgemeine Orographie : die Lehre von den Relief-Formen der Erdoberfläche.

Sonklar, Karl Edler von Innstädten: Allgemeine Orographie : die Lehre von den Relief Formen der..

40,00 €
Mapes, Royal H: Carboniferous and permian bactritoidea (cephalopoda) in North America. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 64.

Mapes, Royal H: Carboniferous and permian bactritoidea (cephalopoda) in North America. University..

14,00 €
Grekoff, Nicolas: Ostracodes du Bassin du Congo 3: Tertiaire.. Annales du Musée R. du Congo Belge. Série in 8° = Reeks in 8. Sciences géologiques = Geologische wetenschappen 22.

Grekoff, Nicolas: Ostracodes du Bassin du Congo 3: Tertiaire.. Annales du Musée R. du Congo Belge..

16,00 €
Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 15,1.

Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 15,1.

19,00 €
Newton, Geoffrey Bruce: Rhabdomesid bryozoans of the Wreford Megacyclothem (Wolfcampian) (Permian) of Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma. niversity of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles ; 56 (Bryozoa 2).

Newton, Geoffrey Bruce: Rhabdomesid bryozoans of the Wreford Megacyclothem (Wolfcampian) (Permian)..

16,00 €
Jentzsch, Alfred: Beiträge zur Seenkunde 5.

Jentzsch, Alfred: Beiträge zur Seenkunde 5.

12,00 €
Jámborné Kness, Mária: Magyarország eocén kori alveolinái = Alvéolines éocénes de la Hongrie. Geologica Hungarica. Series palaeontologica 40.

Jámborné Kness, Mária: Magyarország eocén kori alveolinái = Alvéolines éocénes de la..

24,00 €
Engel, Theodor: Die wichtigsten Gesteinsarten der Erde : nebst vorausgeschickter Einführung in die Geologie : für Freunde der Natur. 2. verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage.

Engel, Theodor: Die wichtigsten Gesteinsarten der Erde : nebst vorausgeschickter Einführung in die..

10,00 €
Bäckström, Sven A. ; Nagy, Jenö: Depositional history and fauna of a Jurassic phosphorite conglomerate (the Brentskardhaugen Bed) in Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 183.

Bäckström, Sven A. ; Nagy, Jenö: Depositional history and fauna of a Jurassic phosphorite..

16,00 €
Tåning, Åge Vedel: List of supplementary pelagic stations in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dana-report 26.

Tåning, Åge Vedel: List of supplementary pelagic stations in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic..

14,00 €
Greve, Svend: Echo soundings : an analysis of the results. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dana-report 14.

Greve, Svend: Echo soundings : an analysis of the results. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic..

25,00 €
Emmer, Johannes (red.): Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins [Alpen-vereins] 24.

Emmer, Johannes (red.): Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins [Alpen..

34,00 €
Billard, Pierre: Le Cameroun fédéral, vol. 1: Essai de géographie physique + vol. 2: Essai de géographie humaine et économique.

Billard, Pierre: Le Cameroun fédéral, vol. 1: Essai de géographie physique + vol. 2: Essai de..

50,00 €
Du Toit, Alex L: The fossil flora of the Upper Karroo beds. Annals of the South African Museum 22,2.

Du Toit, Alex L: The fossil flora of the Upper Karroo beds. Annals of the South African Museum..

35,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 12.

Palaeontologia Africana 12.

45,00 €
Gordon, Mackenzie: California carboniferous cephalopods. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 483-A.

Gordon, Mackenzie: California carboniferous cephalopods. US Department of the Interior, US..

19,00 €
Fieremans, C.; Dupont, Henri: Contribution à l'étude pétrographique de la brèche Kimberlitique de Bakwanga + Contribution à l'étude des faciès du Waulsortien de Waulsort. Mémoires de l'Institut géologique de l'Université de Louvain 24 in 1.

Fieremans, C.; Dupont, Henri: Contribution à l'étude pétrographique de la brèche Kimberlitique..

45,00 €
Neves, R. et al: Palynological correlations within the lower Carboniferous of Scotland and Northern England. Transactions/The Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,2.

Neves, R. et al: Palynological correlations within the lower Carboniferous of Scotland and Northern..

19,00 €
Dailey, Donald H. ; Popenoe, Willis Parkison: Mollusca from the upper Cretaceous Jalama formation, Santa Barbara County, California. University of California publications in geological sciences 65.

Dailey, Donald H. ; Popenoe, Willis Parkison: Mollusca from the upper Cretaceous Jalama formation..

14,00 €
Murphy, Michael A: Aptian and Albian Tetragonitidae (ammonoidea) from northern California. University of California publications in geological sciences 70.

Murphy, Michael A: Aptian and Albian Tetragonitidae (ammonoidea) from northern California..

19,00 €
Moore, Raymond C. ; Strimple, Harrell L: Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) Crinoids from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 60 (Echinodermata 12).

Moore, Raymond C. ; Strimple, Harrell L: Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) Crinoids from Arkansas..

16,00 €
Cobban, William Aubrey ; Scott, Glenn Robert: Multinodose scaphitid cephalopods from the lower part of the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks in the conterminous United States. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 483-E.

Cobban, William Aubrey ; Scott, Glenn Robert: Multinodose scaphitid cephalopods from the lower part..

14,00 €
Stainforth, R. M. et al: Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index forms. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 62.

Stainforth, R. M. et al: Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index..

19,00 €
Krause, F. F.; Rowell, A. J: Distribution and systematics of the inarticulate brachiopods of the Ordovician carbonate mud mound of Meiklejohn Peak, Nevada. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 61.

Krause, F. F.; Rowell, A. J: Distribution and systematics of the inarticulate brachiopods of the..

11,00 €