Naturwissenschaften: Geologie | Geodäsie | Geowissenschaften

7.618 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Ibbeken, Hillert: Das ligurische Tongriano, eine resedimentierte Molasse des Nordapennin. Beihefte Geologisches Jahrbuch 93.

Ibbeken, Hillert: Das ligurische Tongriano, eine resedimentierte Molasse des Nordapennin. Beihefte..

14,00 €
Evans, Bernard W.; Brown, Edwin H. (eds.): Blueschists and eclogites. The Geological Society of America Memoir 164.

Evans, Bernard W.; Brown, Edwin H. (eds.): Blueschists and eclogites. The Geological Society of..

60,00 €
Howard, Arthur D: History of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Dissertation. Geological Society of America, Special papers 6.

Howard, Arthur D: History of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Dissertation. Geological Society..

14,00 €
Berry, L.G.; Thompson, R. M: X-ray powder data for ore minerals : the Peacock atlas. The Geological Society of America Memoir 85.

Berry, L.G.; Thompson, R. M: X ray powder data for ore minerals : the Peacock atlas. The Geological..

25,00 €
Anderson, Frank Marion: Upper cretaceous of the Pacific Coast. The Geological Society of America Memoir 71.

Anderson, Frank Marion: Upper cretaceous of the Pacific Coast. The Geological Society of America..

25,00 €
Grant, Richard E: Faunas and stratigraphy of the Snowy Range Formation (Upper Cambrian) in southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming. The Geological Society of America Memoir 96.

Grant, Richard E: Faunas and stratigraphy of the Snowy Range Formation (Upper Cambrian) in..

25,00 €
Hess, H. H: Stillwater igneous complex, Montana : a quantitative mineralogical study. The Geological Society of America Memoir 80.

Hess, H. H: Stillwater igneous complex, Montana : a quantitative mineralogical study. The..

19,00 €
Eiken, Ola (ed.): Seismic atlas of western Svalbard : a selection of regional seismic transects. Norsk Polarinstitutt Meddelelser 130.

Eiken, Ola (ed.): Seismic atlas of western Svalbard : a selection of regional seismic transects..

30,00 €
Muir-Wood, Helen ; Cooper, G. Arthur: Morphology, classification and life habits of the Productoidea (Brachiopoda). The Geological Society of America Memoir 81.

Muir Wood, Helen ; Cooper, G. Arthur: Morphology, classification and life habits of the..

20,00 €
Stumm, Erwin C: Silurian and Devonian corals of the falls of the Ohio. The Geological Society of America Memoir 93.

Stumm, Erwin C: Silurian and Devonian corals of the falls of the Ohio. The Geological Society of..

35,00 €
Downie, Charles ; Sarjeant, William Antony S: Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. The Geological Society of America Memoir 94.

Downie, Charles ; Sarjeant, William Antony S: Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and..

15,00 €
Nelson, Samuel J: Ordovician paleontology of the northern Hudson Bay Lowland. The Geological Society of America Memoir 90.

Nelson, Samuel J: Ordovician paleontology of the northern Hudson Bay Lowland. The Geological..

14,00 €
Hahn, Gerhard: Trilobiten der unteren Pericyclus-Stufe (Unterkarbon) aus dem Kohlenkalk Belgiens. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana lethaea 44, S. 209-249, S. 347-379, S. 459-487.

Hahn, Gerhard: Trilobiten der unteren Pericyclus Stufe (Unterkarbon) aus dem Kohlenkalk Belgiens..

15,00 €
Miller, Arthur K.; Furnish, W. M: Permian Ammonoids of the Guadalupe mountain region and adjacent areas. Geological Society of America Special papers 26.

Miller, Arthur K.; Furnish, W. M: Permian Ammonoids of the Guadalupe mountain region and adjacent..

20,00 €
Ulrich, Edward Oscar; Cooper, G. Arthur: Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopada. Geological Society of America, Special papers 13.

Ulrich, Edward Oscar; Cooper, G. Arthur: Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopada. Geological Society of..

35,00 €
Medaris, L. Gordon ; Byers, C. W. et al. (eds.): Proterozoic geology: selected papers from an International Proterozoic Symposium. The Geological Society of America Memoir 161.

Medaris, L. Gordon ; Byers, C. W. et al. (eds.): Proterozoic geology: selected papers from an..

25,00 €
Matthews, Vincent (ed.): Laramide folding associated with basement block faulting in the Western United States. The Geological Society of America Memoir 151.

Matthews, Vincent (ed.): Laramide folding associated with basement block faulting in the Western..

36,00 €
Miller, David M; Todd, V R.; Howard, K A (eds.): Tectonic and stratigraphic studies in the eastern Great Basin. The Geological Society of America Memoir 157.

Miller, David M; Todd, V R.; Howard, K A (eds.): Tectonic and stratigraphic studies in the eastern..

50,00 €
Wold, Richard J.; William J. Hinze (eds.): Geology and tectonics of the Lake Superior Basin. The Geological Society of America Memoir 156.

Wold, Richard J.; William J. Hinze (eds.): Geology and tectonics of the Lake Superior Basin. The..

30,00 €
Wanless, Harold R: Pennsylvanian Correlations in the Eastern Interior and Appalachian coal fields. Geological Society of America, Special papers 17.

Wanless, Harold R: Pennsylvanian Correlations in the Eastern Interior and Appalachian coal fields..

25,00 €
Eckel, Edwin Butt: The Geological Society of America : life history of a learned society. The Geological Society of America Memoir 155.

Eckel, Edwin Butt: The Geological Society of America : life history of a learned society. The..

16,00 €
Kindle, Edward Martin; Miller, Arthur K: Bibliographic index of North American Devonian Cephalopoda. Geological Society of America, Special papers 23.

Kindle, Edward Martin; Miller, Arthur K: Bibliographic index of North American Devonian..

16,00 €
Hatcher, Robert D.; H. Williams; I. Zietz (eds): Contributions to the tectonics and geophysics of mountain chains. The Geological Society of America Memoir 158.

Hatcher, Robert D.; H. Williams; I. Zietz (eds): Contributions to the tectonics and geophysics of..

30,00 €
Anderson, Frank Marion: Lower cretaceous deposits in California and Oregon. Geological Society of America, Special papers 16.

Anderson, Frank Marion: Lower cretaceous deposits in California and Oregon. Geological Society of..

60,00 €
Northrop, Stuart Alvord: Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Silui?an Rocks of the Port Daniel-Black Cape Region, Gaspé. Geological Society of America, Special papers 21.

Northrop, Stuart Alvord: Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Silui?an Rocks of the Port Daniel..

40,00 €
Page, Lincoln Ridler (ed.): Contributions to the stratigraphy of New England. The Geological Society of America Memoir 148.

Page, Lincoln Ridler (ed.): Contributions to the stratigraphy of New England. The Geological..

40,00 €
Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 33.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 33.

80,00 €
Bassler, R. S. ; Kellett, Betty: Bibliographic Index of Paleozoic Ostracoda. Geological Society of America Special papers 1.

Bassler, R. S. ; Kellett, Betty: Bibliographic Index of Paleozoic Ostracoda. Geological Society of..

20,00 €
Stockdale, Paris B: Lower mississippian rocks of the east-central interior. Geological Society of America Special papers 22.

Stockdale, Paris B: Lower mississippian rocks of the east central interior. Geological Society of..

30,00 €
Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 51.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 51.

60,00 €
Axelrod, Daniel I: Role of volcanism in climate and evolution. Geological Society of America Special papers 185. reprint.

Axelrod, Daniel I: Role of volcanism in climate and evolution. Geological Society of America..

24,00 €
Raasch, Gilbert O: Cambrian Merostomata. Geological Society of America Special papers 19.

Raasch, Gilbert O: Cambrian Merostomata. Geological Society of America Special papers 19.

35,00 €
Henderson, Junius: Fossil non-marine mollusca of North America. Geological Society of America Special papers 3.

Henderson, Junius: Fossil non marine mollusca of North America. Geological Society of America..

25,00 €
Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 34.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 34.

80,00 €
Bonini, W. E.; Hargraves, R. B.; Shagam, R. (eds.): The Caribbean-South American Plate boundary and regional tectonics. The Geological Society of America Memoir 162.

Bonini, W. E.; Hargraves, R. B.; Shagam, R. (eds.): The Caribbean South American Plate boundary and..

40,00 €
Medaris, L. Gordon (ed.): Early Proterozoic geology of the Great Lakes region. The Geological Society of America Memoir 160.

Medaris, L. Gordon (ed.): Early Proterozoic geology of the Great Lakes region. The Geological..

35,00 €
Horsfield, Brenda ; Stone, Peter Bennet: The great ocean business.

Horsfield, Brenda ; Stone, Peter Bennet: The great ocean business.

9,00 €
Smith, Robert B.; Eaton, G. P. (eds.): Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the Western Cordillera. The Geological Society of America Memoir 152.

Smith, Robert B.; Eaton, G. P. (eds.): Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the Western..

45,00 €
Hirschberg, Julius: Hellas-Fahrten.

Hirschberg, Julius: Hellas-Fahrten.

40,00 €
Wedekind, Rudolf: Über die Grundlagen und Methoden der Biostratigraphie.

Wedekind, Rudolf: Über die Grundlagen und Methoden der Biostratigraphie.

15,00 €
Kennett, James P. (ed.): The Miocene ocean: paleoceanography and biogeography. The Geological Society of America Memoir 163.

Kennett, James P. (ed.): The Miocene ocean: paleoceanography and biogeography. The Geological..

45,00 €
Miller, Arthur K: Devonian Ammonoids of America. Geological Society of America, Special papers 14.

Miller, Arthur K: Devonian Ammonoids of America. Geological Society of America, Special papers 14.

30,00 €
Rathbun, Mary J: Fossil crustacea of the atlantic and gulf coastal plain. Geological Society of America, Special papers 2.

Rathbun, Mary J: Fossil crustacea of the atlantic and gulf coastal plain. Geological Society of..

45,00 €
Stewart, Grace Anne: Middle devonian corals of Ohio. Geological Society of America Special papers 8.

Stewart, Grace Anne: Middle devonian corals of Ohio. Geological Society of America Special papers..

30,00 €
Merriam, Charles Warren: Devonian stratigraphy and paleontology of the Roberts mountains region, Nevada. Geological Society of America Special papers 25.

Merriam, Charles Warren: Devonian stratigraphy and paleontology of the Roberts mountains region..

30,00 €
Twenhofel, William Henry: Geology and paleontology of the Mingan Islands, Quebec. Geological Society of America Special papers 11.

Twenhofel, William Henry: Geology and paleontology of the Mingan Islands, Quebec. Geological..

45,00 €
Hayes, Albert Orion; Howell, Benjamin Franklin: Geology of Saint John, New Brunswick. Geological Society of America Special papers 5.

Hayes, Albert Orion; Howell, Benjamin Franklin: Geology of Saint John, New Brunswick. Geological..

35,00 €
Shand, Samuel James: Eruptive rocks : their genesis, composition, classification, and their relation to ore-deposits ; with a chapter on meteorites. 3. ed.

Shand, Samuel James: Eruptive rocks : their genesis, composition, classification, and their..

15,00 €