Naturwissenschaften: Geologie | Geodäsie | Geowissenschaften

7.948 Artikel gefunden


Engelenburg, E: Hyetographie van Nederland. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde 29.

Engelenburg, E: Hyetographie van Nederland. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van..

24,00 €
Piérard, H.; Brébion, Ph. ; Freneix, Suzanne: Observations sur le Crétacé supérieur de la région située entre Bulu Zambi et Bololo sur la rive nord..

Piérard, H.; Brébion, Ph. ; Freneix, Suzanne: Observations sur le Crétacé supérieur de la..

35,00 €
Annals of the South African Museum 31,1.

Annals of the South African Museum 31,1.

35,00 €
Annals of the South African Museum 22,1.

Annals of the South African Museum 22,1.

35,00 €
Annals of the South African Museum 28,4.

Annals of the South African Museum 28,4.

25,00 €
Retgers, Jan Willem: De samenstelling van het duinzand van Nederland. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde 29,4.

Retgers, Jan Willem: De samenstelling van het duinzand van Nederland. Verhandelingen der..

24,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 31.

Palaeontologia Africana 31.

30,00 €
Brooks, Alfred H: The geography and geology of Alaska : a summary of existing knowledge. United States Geological Survey, Series B, Descriptive geology 75 = Series F, Geography 46 = Professional paper 45.

Brooks, Alfred H: The geography and geology of Alaska : a summary of existing knowledge. United..

50,00 €
Emmer, Johannes (red.): Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins [Alpen-vereins] 25.

Emmer, Johannes (red.): Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins [Alpen..

16,00 €
Andrews, S. Mahala: The discovery of fossil fishes in Scotland up to 1845 : With checklist of Agassiz's figured specimens. Royal Scottish Museum studies.

Andrews, S. Mahala: The discovery of fossil fishes in Scotland up to 1845 : With checklist of..

15,00 €
Bemmelen, Willem van: Naar hooge toppen en diepe kraters.

Bemmelen, Willem van: Naar hooge toppen en diepe kraters.

40,00 €
Annales de paléontologie 36.

Annales de paléontologie 36.

45,00 €
Miller, Victor Clyde; Miller, Calvin F: Photogeology. International series in the earth sciences.

Miller, Victor Clyde; Miller, Calvin F: Photogeology. International series in the earth sciences.

20,00 €
Bourcart, Jacques: Géographie du fond des mers : étude du relief des océans.

Bourcart, Jacques: Géographie du fond des mers : étude du relief des océans.

16,00 €
Bless, Martin J. M. ; Jordan, Hanspeter: Ostracodes of the family hollinellidae. Mededelingen van de Rijks Geologische Dienst. Serie C. V, Palaeontologie : Microfauna 3, Carboniferous 1.

Bless, Martin J. M. ; Jordan, Hanspeter: Ostracodes of the family hollinellidae. Mededelingen van..

24,00 €
Emmer, Johannes (red.): Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins [Alpen-vereins] 23.

Emmer, Johannes (red.): Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins [Alpen..

34,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 36.

Palaeontologia Africana 36.

30,00 €
Borrello, Angel V: Recursos minerales de la República Argentina, 3: Combustibles sólidos minerales.Revista del Instituto nacional de investigación de las ciencias naturales y Museo argentino..

Borrello, Angel V: Recursos minerales de la República Argentina, 3: Combustibles sólidos..

40,00 €
Transactions of the  Edinburgh Geological Society 16,2.

Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society 16,2.

16,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 38.

Palaeontologia Africana 38.

30,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 35.

Palaeontologia Africana 35.

30,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 32.

Palaeontologia Africana 32.

30,00 €
Schubert, Richard: Die fossilen Foraminiferen des Bismarckarchipels und einiger angrenzender Inseln. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien 20,4.

Schubert, Richard: Die fossilen Foraminiferen des Bismarckarchipels und einiger angrenzender..

40,00 €
Helbronner, Paul: Tables générales des quatorze éléments de la description géomètrique détaillées des Alpes Francaises. Sonderdruck aus: Description géométrique détaillée des Alpes françaises 12.

Helbronner, Paul: Tables générales des quatorze éléments de la description géomètrique..

200,00 €
Pinto, Irajá Damiani; Pinto de Ornellas, Lilia: A new brackishwater ostracode Cyprideis riograndensis Pinto et Ornellas, sp. nov., from southern Brazil and its ontogenetic carapace development. Escola de Geologia de Porto Alegre Pubicação Especial 20.

Pinto, Irajá Damiani; Pinto de Ornellas, Lilia: A new brackishwater ostracode Cyprideis..

29,00 €
Amsden, Thomas W: Late Ordovician and Early Silurian articulate brachiopods from Oklahoma southwestern Illinois, and eastern Missouri. Oklahoma Geological Survey bulletin 119.

Amsden, Thomas W: Late Ordovician and Early Silurian articulate brachiopods from Oklahoma..

14,00 €
Breman, Evert: The distribution of ostracodes in the bottom sediments of the Adriatic Sea. Dissertation Amsterdam.

Breman, Evert: The distribution of ostracodes in the bottom sediments of the Adriatic Sea..

25,00 €
Pinto, Irajá Damiano ; Sanguinetti, Yvonne T: A complete revision of the Genera Bisulcocypris and Theriosynoecum (Ostracoda) with the world geographical and stratigraphical distribution (including..

Pinto, Irajá Damiano ; Sanguinetti, Yvonne T: A complete revision of the Genera Bisulcocypris and..

24,00 €
Lehman, Jean-Pierre (dir.): Annales de paléontologie. Invertébrés 53.

Lehman, Jean-Pierre (dir.): Annales de paléontologie. Invertébrés 53.

30,00 €
Senft, Ferdinand: Synopsis der Mineralogie und Geognosie, ein Handbuch für höhere Lehranstalten 3,2+1. 1. Abtheilung: Mineralogie; 2. Abtheilung: Geognosie. Synopsis der drei Naturreiche.

Senft, Ferdinand: Synopsis der Mineralogie und Geognosie, ein Handbuch für höhere Lehranstalten..

40,00 €
Bassler, Ray S: The early paleozoic bryozoa of the Baltic provinces. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 77.

Bassler, Ray S: The early paleozoic bryozoa of the Baltic provinces. Smithsonian Institution..

15,00 €
Lehman, Jean-Pierre (dir.): Annales de paléontologie: les invertébrés 54.

Lehman, Jean-Pierre (dir.): Annales de paléontologie: les invertébrés 54.

45,00 €
Cooper, Michael R: The cretaceous stratigraphy of South-central Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 66,5.

Cooper, Michael R: The cretaceous stratigraphy of South central Africa. Annals of the South African..

14,00 €
Henderson, R. A: Cenozoic spatangoid echinoids from New Zealand. New Zealand. Dep. of Scient. and Industrial Research. Geol. Survey Branch. Palaeontological Bulletin 46.

Henderson, R. A: Cenozoic spatangoid echinoids from New Zealand. New Zealand. Dep. of Scient. and..

30,00 €
Schoep, Alfred: 1. Le poids specifique et la composition chimique de la becquerelite et de la schoepite. 2. Les minereaux du gite cuprifere de Tantara. 3. La Vandenbrandeite un nouveau mineral uransfere. Annales du Musee du Congo Belge. A ; Ser. 1,1,3.

Schoep, Alfred: 1. Le poids specifique et la composition chimique de la becquerelite et de la..

16,00 €
Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd. 1, Lfg. 5.

Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd..

19,00 €
Schneider, Erwin; Limberg, W: Einige Bemerkungen zum Südwestblatt des Nepal Ost Kartenwerkes: Tamba Kosi Likhu Khola + Die Namen auf der Karte Tamba Kosi Likhu..

Schneider, Erwin; Limberg, W: Einige Bemerkungen zum Südwestblatt des Nepal Ost Kartenwerkes:..

11,00 €
Vincent, Emile; Dollo, Louis; Leriche, Maurice: La faune paléocene de Landana. Matériaux pour la paléontologie du Bas-et-Moyen-Congo. Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. A, Minéralogie, géologie, paléontologie. Série 3, Paléontologie T. 1, Fasc. 1.

Vincent, Emile; Dollo, Louis; Leriche, Maurice: La faune paléocene de Landana. Matériaux pour la..

40,00 €
Travaux des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon, nouvelle série 11.

Travaux des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon, nouvelle série 11.

30,00 €
Tobler, August: Kaarten [Korte] beschrijving der petroleumterreinen gelegen inhet zuidoostellik deel der residentie Djambi (Sumatra).

Tobler, August: Kaarten [Korte] beschrijving der petroleumterreinen gelegen inhet zuidoostellik..

100,00 €
Kozlowski, Roman: Les Brachiopodes gothlandiens de la Podolie polonaise (Ramienionogi gotlandzkie Polskiego Podola). Palaeontologia Polonica 1.

Kozlowski, Roman: Les Brachiopodes gothlandiens de la Podolie polonaise (Ramienionogi gotlandzkie..

45,00 €
Structure of typical American oil fields : a symposium on the relation of oil accumulation to structure, vol. 1-3 (complete).

Structure of typical American oil fields : a symposium on the relation of oil accumulation to..

50,00 €
Dana, James Dwight: Manual of geology: treating of the principle of the science with special reference to American geological history. 4. ed.

Dana, James Dwight: Manual of geology: treating of the principle of the science with special..

20,00 €
Dana, Edward Salisbury; Ford, William Ebenezer: A textbook of mineralogy, with an extended treatise on crystallography and physical mineralogy. 4. ed., rev. and enlarged, 17. print.

Dana, Edward Salisbury; Ford, William Ebenezer: A textbook of mineralogy, with an extended treatise..

24,00 €
Hendey, Q B: Paleoecology of the Late Tertiary fossil occurrences in "E" quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa, and a reinterpretation of their geolgical context. Annals of the South African Museum 84,1.

Hendey, Q B: Paleoecology of the Late Tertiary fossil occurrences in "E" quarry, Langebaanweg..

16,00 €
Biernat, Gertruda: Middle Devonian Orthoidea of the Holy Cross Mountains and their ontogeny (Orthoidea Srodkowo-Dewonskie z Gór Swietokrzyskich i ich ontogeneza). Palaeontologia Polonica 10.

Biernat, Gertruda: Middle Devonian Orthoidea of the Holy Cross Mountains and their ontogeny..

24,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: Agriotherium (Mammalia, ursidae) from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and relationships of the genus. Annals of the South African Museum 81,1.

Hendey, Q. B: Agriotherium (Mammalia, ursidae) from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and relationships..

24,00 €
Annals of the South African Museum 12,8.

Annals of the South African Museum 12,8.

30,00 €
Reyment, Richard A: Studies on Nigerian Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary ostracoda, Pt. 2: Danian, Paleocene, and Eocene ostracoda. Stockholm contributions in geology 10.

Reyment, Richard A: Studies on Nigerian Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary ostracoda, Pt. 2:..

19,00 €
Avery, Diana M: Micromammals as palaeoenvironmental indicators and an interpretation of the late quaternary in the Southern Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 85,2.

Avery, Diana M: Micromammals as palaeoenvironmental indicators and an interpretation of the late..

24,00 €
Olson, Storrs L: Early pliocene procellariiformes (aves) from Langebaanweg, south-western Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 95,3.

Olson, Storrs L: Early pliocene procellariiformes (aves) from Langebaanweg, south western Cape..

14,00 €
Reyment, Richard A: Studies on Nigerian Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary ostracoda, Pt. 1: Senonian and Maestrichtian ostracoda. Stockholm contributions in geology 7.

Reyment, Richard A: Studies on Nigerian Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary ostracoda, Pt. 1:..

19,00 €
Friis, Achton: Im Grönlandeis mit Mylius-Erichsen : die Danmark-Expedition 1906 - 1908.

Friis, Achton: Im Grönlandeis mit Mylius-Erichsen : die Danmark-Expedition 1906 - 1908.

35,00 €
Wisniewska, Marja: Les Rhynchonellidés du Jurassique sup. de Pologne (Rhynchonellidae górnej jury w Polsce). Palaeontologia Polonica 2,1.

Wisniewska, Marja: Les Rhynchonellidés du Jurassique sup. de Pologne (Rhynchonellidae górnej jury..

29,00 €
Killisch, Winfried Friedrich: Räumliche Mobilität. Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Theorie der räumlichen Mobilität u. Analyse des Mobilitätsverhaltens der Bevölkerung in den Kieler Sanierungsgebieten. Habilitationsschrift. Kieler geographische..

Killisch, Winfried Friedrich: Räumliche Mobilität. Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Theorie der..

9,00 €
Kellogg, Remington: Description of the skull of Pomatodelphis Inaequalis Allen. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 121,1.

Kellogg, Remington: Description of the skull of Pomatodelphis Inaequalis Allen. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
Waterhouse, J. B: Permian brachiopods of New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey paleontological bulletin 35.

Waterhouse, J. B: Permian brachiopods of New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey paleontological..

29,00 €
Simpson, George Gaylord: Tertiary penguins from the Duinefontein Site, Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 79,1.

Simpson, George Gaylord: Tertiary penguins from the Duinefontein Site, Cape Province, South Africa..

14,00 €
Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No. 93.

Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No..

9,00 €
Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No. 89.

Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No..

9,00 €
Clark, John B.; Dawson, Mary R.; Wood, Albert E: Fossil mammals from the lower pliocene of Fish Lake Valley, Nevada. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,2.

Clark, John B.; Dawson, Mary R.; Wood, Albert E: Fossil mammals from the lower pliocene of Fish..

11,00 €
Simpson, George Gaylord: Notes on variation in penguins and on fossil penguins from the Pliocene of Langebaanweg, Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 69,4.

Simpson, George Gaylord: Notes on variation in penguins and on fossil penguins from the Pliocene of..

14,00 €
Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No. 98.

Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No..

9,00 €
Fink, Julius: Nomenklatur und Systematik der Bodentypen Oesterreichs. Mitelungen der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Heft 13.

Fink, Julius: Nomenklatur und Systematik der Bodentypen Oesterreichs. Mitelungen der..

14,00 €
Simpson, George Gaylord: A new genus of late tertiary penguin from Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 78,1.

Simpson, George Gaylord: A new genus of late tertiary penguin from Langebaanweg, South Africa..

14,00 €
Revista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 86,3.

Revista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 86,3.

20,00 €
Vandercammen, Antoine: Essai d'étude statistique des Cyrtospirifer du Frasnien de la Belgique. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 145.

Vandercammen, Antoine: Essai d'étude statistique des Cyrtospirifer du Frasnien de la Belgique..

34,00 €
Avery, Graham: Late holocene use of penguin skins : evidence from a coastal shell midden at Steenbras Bay, Lüderitz Peninsula, South West Africa-Namibia. Annals of the South African Museum 96,3.

Avery, Graham: Late holocene use of penguin skins : evidence from a coastal shell midden at..

14,00 €
Olson, Storrs L: An early pliocene marine avifauna from Duinefontein, Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 95,4.

Olson, Storrs L: An early pliocene marine avifauna from Duinefontein, Cape Province, South Africa..

14,00 €
Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No. 88.

Spencer, L. J. (ed.): The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society 19, No..

9,00 €
Olson, Storrs L: Early Pliocene grebes, button quail, and kingfishers from south western Cape Province, South Africa (aves: Podicipedidae, Turnicidae, Halcyonidae). Annals of the South African Museum 104,4.

Olson, Storrs L: Early Pliocene grebes, button quail, and kingfishers from south western Cape..

14,00 €
Pajaud, Daniel: Monographie des Thécidées (Brachiopodes). Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France ; nouvelle série, tome 49 = no 112.

Pajaud, Daniel: Monographie des Thécidées (Brachiopodes). Mémoires de la Société Géologique..

39,00 €
Vissering, Gerard: Geweldige natuurkrachten.

Vissering, Gerard: Geweldige natuurkrachten.

20,00 €
Krebs, Bernard: Die Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen 19: Ticinosuchus ferox nov. gen. nov. sp. Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen 81.

Krebs, Bernard: Die Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen 19: Ticinosuchus ferox nov. gen. nov. sp..

20,00 €
Pugin, Louis: Ammonites préalpines : étude critique des Lytoceratina du Dogger. Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen 80.

Pugin, Louis: Ammonites préalpines : étude critique des Lytoceratina du Dogger. Schweizerische..

24,00 €
Krebs, Bernard: Ein Steneosaurus-Rest aus dem Oberen Jura von Dielsdorf, Kt. Zürich, Schweiz. Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen 79.

Krebs, Bernard: Ein Steneosaurus Rest aus dem Oberen Jura von Dielsdorf, Kt. Zürich, Schweiz..

14,00 €
Christ, Hans Andreas: Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Malm von Westsizilien. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen 77.

Christ, Hans Andreas: Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Malm von Westsizilien..

30,00 €
Beaumont, Gérard de: Contribution á l'étude du genre Cephalogale Jourdan (Carnivora). Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen 82.

Beaumont, Gérard de: Contribution á l'étude du genre Cephalogale Jourdan (Carnivora)..

31,00 €
Favre, Ernest: Recherches géologiques dans la partie centrale de la chaîne du Caucase. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 27,1.

Favre, Ernest: Recherches géologiques dans la partie centrale de la chaîne du Caucase. Neue..

20,00 €
Salée, Achille: Contribution à l'étude des polypiers du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique : le genre Caninia. Nouveaux mémoires de la Société Belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie. Série in-4°,3.

Salée, Achille: Contribution à l'étude des polypiers du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique :..

24,00 €
Reed, Frederick Richard Cowper: The lower palaeozoic Faunas of the Southern Shan States. Palaeontologia Indica N.S. 21,3.

Reed, Frederick Richard Cowper: The lower palaeozoic Faunas of the Southern Shan States..

45,00 €
Kober, Leopold: Der Deckenbau der östlichen Nordalpen. Sonderdruck aus: Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Denkschriften 88, S. 345-396.

Kober, Leopold: Der Deckenbau der östlichen Nordalpen. Sonderdruck aus: Akademie der..

15,00 €
Mohr, Hans: Versuch einer tektonischen Auflösung des Nordostsporns der Zentralalpen. Sonderdruck aus: Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Denkschriften 88, S. 633-652.

Mohr, Hans: Versuch einer tektonischen Auflösung des Nordostsporns der Zentralalpen. Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Choffat, Paul: Etude stratigraphique et paléontologique des terrains jurassiques du Portugal, Livr. 1. Le Lias et le Dogger au nord du Tage.

Choffat, Paul: Etude stratigraphique et paléontologique des terrains jurassiques du Portugal..

36,00 €
McLean, Adam C: A Gravity Survey in Ayrshire and Its Geological Interpretation. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,10.

McLean, Adam C: A Gravity Survey in Ayrshire and Its Geological Interpretation. Transactions of the..

24,00 €
Haack, Hermann: Schriften zur Kartographie. A. Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. Ergänzungsheft 275.

Haack, Hermann: Schriften zur Kartographie. A. Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes'..

12,00 €
Brough, Margaret C.; Brough, J: Studies on early tetrapods. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences no. 776 = vol. 252.

Brough, Margaret C.; Brough, J: Studies on early tetrapods. Philosophical transactions of the Royal..

15,00 €
Chowdhury, T. Roy: A new metoposaurid amphibian from the Upper Triassic Maleri formation of Central India. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences no. 761 = vol. 250.

Chowdhury, T. Roy: A new metoposaurid amphibian from the Upper Triassic Maleri formation of Central..

26,00 €
Long, Albert G: A Petrified Lower Carboniferous Lepidodendron showing Rooting Organs identified with Calamopsis Solms-Laubach. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,3.

Long, Albert G: A Petrified Lower Carboniferous Lepidodendron showing Rooting Organs identified..

24,00 €
Wahlert, John H: The cranial foramina of protrogomorphous rodents : an anatomical and phylogenetic study. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,8.

Wahlert, John H: The cranial foramina of protrogomorphous rodents : an anatomical and phylogenetic..

16,00 €
Bell, J. D: Granites and associated rocks of the eastern part of the western Redhills complex, Isle of Skye. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,13.

Bell, J. D: Granites and associated rocks of the eastern part of the western Redhills complex, Isle..

24,00 €
Sissons, J. B. ; Smith, D. E: Raised Shorelines associeted with the Perth Readvance in the Forth Valley and their relation to glacial isostasy. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,8.

Sissons, J. B. ; Smith, D. E: Raised Shorelines associeted with the Perth Readvance in the Forth..

24,00 €
Long, Albert G: Some Lower Carboniferous Fructifications from Berwickshire, Together with a Theoretical Account of the Evolution of Ovules, Cupules, and Carpels. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,14.

Long, Albert G: Some Lower Carboniferous Fructifications from Berwickshire, Together with a..

24,00 €
Whitfield, R. P: Republication of descriptions of Lower carboniferous Crinoidea from the Hall collection now in the American Museum of natural history, with illustrations of the original type specimens not heretofore figured. Memoirs of the American Museu

Whitfield, R. P: Republication of descriptions of Lower carboniferous Crinoidea from the Hall..

25,00 €
Skelhorn, R. R. ; Elwell, R. W. D: The structure and form of the granophyric quartz-dolerite intrusion, centre II, Ardnamurchan, Argyllshire. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,12.

Skelhorn, R. R. ; Elwell, R. W. D: The structure and form of the granophyric quartz dolerite..

24,00 €
Dingle, R. V: Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ostracoda from South-East Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 96,5.

Dingle, R. V: Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ostracoda from South East Africa. Annals of the..

29,00 €
Bailey, E. B.; McCallien, W. J: Serpentine lavas, the Ankara mélange and the Anatolian thrusth. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 62,2.

Bailey, E. B.; McCallien, W. J: Serpentine lavas, the Ankara mélange and the Anatolian thrusth..

19,00 €
Dingle, R. V: The Campanian and Maastrichtian ostracoda of south-east Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 85,1.

Dingle, R. V: The Campanian and Maastrichtian ostracoda of south east Africa. Annals of the South..

24,00 €
McLean, Adam C., Iftikhar R. Qureshi: Regional Gravity Anomalies in the Western Midland Valley of Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,11.

McLean, Adam C., Iftikhar R. Qureshi: Regional Gravity Anomalies in the Western Midland Valley of..

24,00 €
Buxtorf, August; Schwarz, Otto P: Hundert Jahre Schweizerische Geologische Kommission : Organ der Schweizerischen Naturforsch. Gesellschaft 1860 - 1960.

Buxtorf, August; Schwarz, Otto P: Hundert Jahre Schweizerische Geologische Kommission : Organ der..

11,00 €