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836 Artikel gefunden


Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick: Mesozoic fossils vol. I, pt. 4: On some additional or imperfectly understood fossils from the Cretaceous rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands, with a revised list of the species from these rocks.

Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick: Mesozoic fossils vol. I, pt. 4: On some additional or imperfectly..

40,00 €
Nekhoroshev, B.; Gallwitz, H.; Liebus, A: Die Fauna des deutschen Unterkarbons 3. Abhandlungen der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt N.F. 141.

Nekhoroshev, B.; Gallwitz, H.; Liebus, A: Die Fauna des deutschen Unterkarbons 3. Abhandlungen der..

14,00 €
Kidson, C ; A Heyworth: The Quaternary deposits of the Somerset Levels. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 9, 217-235.

Kidson, C ; A Heyworth: The Quaternary deposits of the Somerset Levels. Quarterly Journal of..

9,00 €
Ayala Castañares, Agustín; Seiglie, George A: Nummoloculina heimi Bonet en el Cretácico Inferior de Cuba + Stomiosphaera cardiiformis sp. nov. del Cretácico Superior de Cuba. Paleontología mexicana 12.

Ayala Castañares, Agustín; Seiglie, George A: Nummoloculina heimi Bonet en el Cretácico Inferior..

11,00 €
Contribuciones a la paleobotánica del Jurásico de México 44.

Contribuciones a la paleobotánica del Jurásico de México 44.

24,00 €
Chermette, A: Les gisements de chromite au Togo. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Direction des Mines 11, 14-31.

Chermette, A: Les gisements de chromite au Togo. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Direction des..

11,00 €
Lillegraven, Jason A: Latest cretaceous mammals of upper part of Edmonton formation of Alberta, Canada, and review of marsupial-placental dichotomy in mammalian evolution. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 50 (Vertebrata 12).

Lillegraven, Jason A: Latest cretaceous mammals of upper part of Edmonton formation of Alberta..

21,00 €
Reeside, John B: Cephalopods from the lower part of the Cody shale of Oregon Basin, Wyoming. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 150 A.

Reeside, John B: Cephalopods from the lower part of the Cody shale of Oregon Basin, Wyoming. US..

16,00 €
Seiglie, George A. ; Ayala Castañares, Agustin: Sistematica y bioestratigrafia de los foraminiferos grandes del Cretacico Superior (Campaniano y Maastrichtiano) de Cuba + Foraminiferos grandes..

Seiglie, George A. ; Ayala Castañares, Agustin: Sistematica y bioestratigrafia de los..

20,00 €
Maheshwari, Hari K.; Bose, M. N.; Kar, R. K: Palaeozoic Sporae Dispersae from Congo. VIII: The Kibamba River (Lukuga Coalfield Area), IX: Ombela and Lokandu Regions (Lualaba River), X: Microfossils from a Cliff Section at the Confluence of Lufupa and Mush

Maheshwari, Hari K.; Bose, M. N.; Kar, R. K: Palaeozoic Sporae Dispersae from Congo. VIII: The..

50,00 €
Peeters, L: Contribution a la géologie des terrains anciens du Rùanda-Urundi et du Kivu. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 16.

Peeters, L: Contribution a la géologie des terrains anciens du Rùanda Urundi et du Kivu. Annalen..

26,00 €
Eardley, A. J: Aerial photographs : their use and interpretation.

Eardley, A. J: Aerial photographs : their use and interpretation.

16,00 €
Formanek, H P; Heinz A Kollmann; W Medwenitsch: Beitrag zur Geologie der Schladminger Tauern im Bereich von Untertal und Obertal (Steiermark, Oesterreich). Sonderdruck aus: Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 54, 27-53.

Formanek, H P; Heinz A Kollmann; W Medwenitsch: Beitrag zur Geologie der Schladminger Tauern im..

9,00 €
Brébion, P. et al: Cinq contributions a la paléontologie de la région cotière d'Angole et du Congo. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 68.

Brébion, P. et al: Cinq contributions a la paléontologie de la région cotière d'Angole et du..

19,00 €
Gautier, A.; Hooijer, Dirk; Lepersonne, Jacques: Fossil fresh water mollusca of the lake Albert-lake Edward Rift (Uganda) + Miocene mammalia of Congo, a correction + Revision of the fauna and stratigraphy of the fosiliferous localities of the lake Albert-

Gautier, A.; Hooijer, Dirk; Lepersonne, Jacques: Fossil fresh water mollusca of the lake Albert..

36,00 €
Bäckström, Sven A. ; Nagy, Jenö: Depositional history and fauna of a Jurassic phosphorite conglomerate (the Brentskardhaugen Bed) in Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 183.

Bäckström, Sven A. ; Nagy, Jenö: Depositional history and fauna of a Jurassic phosphorite..

16,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 12.

Palaeontologia Africana 12.

45,00 €
Gordon, Mackenzie: California carboniferous cephalopods. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 483-A.

Gordon, Mackenzie: California carboniferous cephalopods. US Department of the Interior, US..

19,00 €
Murphy, Michael A: Aptian and Albian Tetragonitidae (ammonoidea) from northern California. University of California publications in geological sciences 70.

Murphy, Michael A: Aptian and Albian Tetragonitidae (ammonoidea) from northern California..

19,00 €
Krause, F. F.; Rowell, A. J: Distribution and systematics of the inarticulate brachiopods of the Ordovician carbonate mud mound of Meiklejohn Peak, Nevada. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 61.

Krause, F. F.; Rowell, A. J: Distribution and systematics of the inarticulate brachiopods of the..

11,00 €
Berman, David S: A small skull of the Lower Permian reptile Diadectes from the Washington formation, Dunkard group, West Virginia. Annals of Carnegie Museum 43,3.

Berman, David S: A small skull of the Lower Permian reptile Diadectes from the Washington..

9,00 €
Denaeyer, Marcel E.; Schellinck, F; Coppez, A: Recueil d'analyses des laves du fossé tectonique de l'Afrique Centrale (Kivu, Rwanda, Toro Ankole). Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor..

Denaeyer, Marcel E.; Schellinck, F; Coppez, A: Recueil d'analyses des laves du fossé tectonique de..

26,00 €
Maillieux, Eugène: Contribution a la connaissance de quelques brachiopodes et pélécypodes dévoniens. Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 70.

Maillieux, Eugène: Contribution a la connaissance de quelques brachiopodes et pélécypodes..

15,00 €
Mamgain, V. D.; Sastry, M. V. A: The Upper Cretaceous microfauna of the Spiti and Niti areas of the Himalaya. Palaeontologia Indica N.S. 43.

Mamgain, V. D.; Sastry, M. V. A: The Upper Cretaceous microfauna of the Spiti and Niti areas of the..

19,00 €
Olsson, Axel A: Pustularias (Jenneria) in the American neogene. Notulae naturae/The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 403.

Olsson, Axel A: Pustularias (Jenneria) in the American neogene. Notulae naturae/The Academy of..

9,00 €
Vaes, J. F: A Study of the metamorphism of the roan sediments at the Musoshi copper deposit and its consequences. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 43.

Vaes, J. F: A Study of the metamorphism of the roan sediments at the Musoshi copper deposit and its..

35,00 €
Vernon-Chamberlain, Valerie E. ; Snelling, N. J: Age and isotope studies on the arena granites of S. W. Uganda. Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 73.

Vernon Chamberlain, Valerie E. ; Snelling, N. J: Age and isotope studies on the arena granites of..

19,00 €
Waleffe, A: Etude géologique du sud-est du Burundi (Régions du Mosso et du Nkoma). Annalen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Reeks in 8° = Série in 8°. Geologische wetenschappen = Sciences géologiques 48.

Waleffe, A: Etude géologique du sud est du Burundi (Régions du Mosso et du Nkoma). Annalen..

45,00 €
Davies, A. Morley (ed.): Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 13, 1893-1894.

Davies, A. Morley (ed.): Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 13, 1893-1894.

85,00 €
Vening Meinesz, Felix A: Tables for regional and local isostatic reduction (airy system) for gravity values : T = 20 km, 30 km and 40 km, R = 0 km, 29,05 km, 58,10 km, 116,20 km, 174,30 km and 232,40 km. Publications of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission

Vening Meinesz, Felix A: Tables for regional and local isostatic reduction (airy system) for..

24,00 €
Pether, John: A new Austromegabalanus (Cirrepedia, Balanidae) from the Pliocene of Namaqualand, Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 99.1.

Pether, John: A new Austromegabalanus (Cirrepedia, Balanidae) from the Pliocene of Namaqualand..

11,00 €
Long, Albert G: Calathopteris heterophylla gen. et sp. nov., a lower carboniferous pteridosperm bearing two kinds of petioles. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,15.

Long, Albert G: Calathopteris heterophylla gen. et sp. nov., a lower carboniferous pteridosperm..

9,00 €
Long, Albert G: Psalixochlaena berwickense sp.nov., a lower Carboniferous fern from Berwickshire. Transactions/The Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,23.

Long, Albert G: Psalixochlaena berwickense sp.nov., a lower Carboniferous fern from Berwickshire..

11,00 €
Barnard, Peter D. W. ; Long, Albert G: Triradioxylon - a new genus of lower carboniferous petrified stems and petioles together with a review of the classification of early Pterophytina. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,10.

Barnard, Peter D. W. ; Long, Albert G: Triradioxylon a new genus of lower carboniferous petrified..

9,00 €
Gygi, Reinhart A: Die vertikale Verbreitung der Ammonitengattungen Glochiceras, Creniceras und Bukowskites im Späten Jura der Nordschweiz und im angrenzenden Süddeutschland. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde..

Gygi, Reinhart A: Die vertikale Verbreitung der Ammonitengattungen Glochiceras, Creniceras und..

9,00 €
Maier, Wolfgang: Two new skulls of Parapapio antiquus from Taung and a suggested phylogenetic arrangement of the genus Parapapio. Annals of the South African Museum 59,1.

Maier, Wolfgang: Two new skulls of Parapapio antiquus from Taung and a suggested phylogenetic..

11,00 €
Hoffmann, Karl: Die Stratigraphie, Paläogeographie und Ammonitenführung des Unter-Pliensbachium (Carixium, Lias gamma) in Nordwest-Deutschland. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe A, H. 55.

Hoffmann, Karl: Die Stratigraphie, Paläogeographie und Ammonitenführung des Unter Pliensbachium..

40,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 7.

Palaeontologia Africana 7.

45,00 €
Young, J A T: The Terraces of Glen Feshie, Inverness-shire. Transactions/The Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,22.

Young, J A T: The Terraces of Glen Feshie, Inverness shire. Transactions/The Royal Society of..

11,00 €
Long, Albert G: Rowleya trifurcata sp.nov., a simple petrified vascular plant from the lower coal measures (Westphalian A) of Lancashire. Transactions/The Royal Society of Edinburgh 69,20.

Long, Albert G: Rowleya trifurcata sp.nov., a simple petrified vascular plant from the lower..

11,00 €
Vening Meinesz, Felix A: Kort overzicht der kartografie.

Vening Meinesz, Felix A: Kort overzicht der kartografie.

14,00 €
Végh, Sándor: A Déli Bakony raeti képzödményeinek Földtana = Geologie der rhätischen Bildungen des südlichen Bakonygebirges in Ungarn. Geologica Hungarica. Series geologica 14.

Végh, Sándor: A Déli Bakony raeti képzödményeinek Földtana = Geologie der rhätischen..

20,00 €
Kretzoi, Miklós: A Villányi hegység alsó-pleisztocén gerinces-faunái = Die altpleistozänen Wirbeltierfaunen des Villányer Gebirges. Geologica Hungarica. Series palaeontologica 27.

Kretzoi, Miklós: A Villányi hegység alsó pleisztocén gerinces faunái = Die altpleistozänen..

30,00 €
Pocock, T. N: Plio-pleistocene fossil mammalian microfauna of southern Africa : a preliminary report including description of two new fossil muroid genera (Mammalia, Rodentia). Palaeontologia Africana 26,7.

Pocock, T. N: Plio pleistocene fossil mammalian microfauna of southern Africa : a preliminary..

9,00 €
Vries, H. M. de (ed.): The importance of Java seen from the air : a book devoted to the interests of the island of Java.

Vries, H. M. de (ed.): The importance of Java seen from the air : a book devoted to the interests..

35,00 €
Maurin, A. F. ; Raasch, G. O: Early-frasnian stratigraphy, Kakwa-Cecilia Lakes, British Columbia, Canada. Compagnie Française des Pétroles, Notes et mémoires 10.

Maurin, A. F. ; Raasch, G. O: Early frasnian stratigraphy, Kakwa Cecilia Lakes, British Columbia..

25,00 €
Black, Craig C: A review of the North American Tertiary sciuridae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 130,3.

Black, Craig C: A review of the North American Tertiary sciuridae. Bulletin of the Museum of..

29,00 €
Palaeontologia Africana 11.

Palaeontologia Africana 11.

45,00 €
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