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855 Artikel gefunden


Földtani közlöny : kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat 8, 3-4.

Földtani közlöny : kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat 8, 3-4.

30,00 €
Földtani közlöny : kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat 8, 5-6.

Földtani közlöny : kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat 8, 5-6.

30,00 €
Holland, Thomas Henry: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 8, a. India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan; b. Burma (Birmanie); c. Ceylon (Ceylan).

Holland, Thomas Henry: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 8, a..

20,00 €
Földtani közlöny : kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat 8, 1-2.

Földtani közlöny : kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat 8, 1-2.

30,00 €
Stuart, A. J: The history of the mammal fauna during the Ipswichian/Last interglacial in England. Sonderdruck aus: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences ; number 945 = volume 276, 221-250.

Stuart, A. J: The history of the mammal fauna during the Ipswichian/Last interglacial in England..

15,00 €
Burgel, Guy: Mobilite Geographique et Mobilite Sociale - Etude socio-geographique - La Condition Industrielle a Athenes 2.

Burgel, Guy: Mobilite Geographique et Mobilite Sociale Etude socio geographique La Condition..

120,00 €
Price, R.A.; Mountjoy, E.W: Geologic structure of the Canadian Rocky Mountains between Bow and Athabasca Rivers - a progress report. Sonderdruck aus: Geological Association of Canada, spec. pap. 6, 7-25.

Price, R.A.; Mountjoy, E.W: Geologic structure of the Canadian Rocky Mountains between Bow and..

12,00 €
Macar, Paul: Principes de géomorphologie normale étude des formes du terrain des régions a climat humide.

Macar, Paul: Principes de géomorphologie normale étude des formes du terrain des régions a..

16,00 €
Nordhoff, Charles: California. for health, pleasure, and residence : a book for travellers and settlers.

Nordhoff, Charles: California. for health, pleasure, and residence : a book for travellers and..

40,00 €
Wanless, Harold R: Pennsylvanian geology of a part of the Southern Appalachian coal field. The Geological Society of America Memoir 13.

Wanless, Harold R: Pennsylvanian geology of a part of the Southern Appalachian coal field. The..

25,00 €
Riaz, A. de: Contribution à l'étude du système Crétacé dans les Alpes-Maritimes. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin d. l. Soc. Géologique de France 3 ser., 27, 411-435.

Riaz, A. de: Contribution à l'étude du système Crétacé dans les Alpes Maritimes. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Adams, Frank Dawson: Notes to accompany a tabulation of the Igneous Rocks based on the system of Prof. H. Rosenbusch. Sonderdruck aus: Canadian record of science, September, 1891, 464-469.

Adams, Frank Dawson: Notes to accompany a tabulation of the Igneous Rocks based on the system of..

9,00 €
Jaworowski, Zbigniew; Segalstad, T. V.; Hisdal, V: Atmospheric CO2 and global warming : a critical review. Norsk Polarinstitutt Meddelelser 119. 2. rev. ed.

Jaworowski, Zbigniew; Segalstad, T. V.; Hisdal, V: Atmospheric CO2 and global warming : a critical..

50,00 €
Glennie, E.A: A report on the values of gravity in the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34. Scientific Reports. Volume I. No. 4.

Glennie, E.A: A report on the values of gravity in the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. The John..

16,00 €
Gannett, Henry: A manual of topographic methods. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey 22.

Gannett, Henry: A manual of topographic methods. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey..

19,00 €
Hooghiemstra, Henry: Vegetational and climatic history of the high plain of Bogotá, Colombia : A continuous record of the last 3.5 million years. Dissertationes botanicae 79. The Quaternary of Colombia 10.

Hooghiemstra, Henry: Vegetational and climatic history of the high plain of Bogotá, Colombia : A..

140,00 €
Johnson, Douglas: Stream sculpture on the Atlantic slope : a study in the evolution of Appalachian rivers.

Johnson, Douglas: Stream sculpture on the Atlantic slope : a study in the evolution of Appalachian..

11,00 €
Lesquereux, Leo: The flora of the Dakota group : a posthumous work. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey 17.

Lesquereux, Leo: The flora of the Dakota group : a posthumous work. Monographs of the United States..

40,00 €
Bally, A. W.; Gordy, P. L.; Stewart, G. A: Structure, seismic data, and orogenic evolution of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Sonderdruck aus: Canadian Petroleum Geology Bulletin 14, 337-381.

Bally, A. W.; Gordy, P. L.; Stewart, G. A: Structure, seismic data, and orogenic evolution of the..

19,00 €
Davies, Gordon L: The earth in decay : A history of British geomorphology, 1578-1878.

Davies, Gordon L: The earth in decay : A history of British geomorphology, 1578-1878.

35,00 €
Heath, R. A.; Cresswell, M. M. (eds.): Tsunami Research Symposium 1974. Papers and abstracts of papers pres. to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Tsunami Committee Meeting and Symposium Wellington, New Zealand, 29 January to 1 February 197

Heath, R. A.; Cresswell, M. M. (eds.): Tsunami Research Symposium 1974. Papers and abstracts of..

25,00 €
Rémy, Paul A: Grottes de Corse. Sonderdruck aus: Annales de spéléologie 5, 1-47.

Rémy, Paul A: Grottes de Corse. Sonderdruck aus: Annales de spéléologie 5, 1-47.

16,00 €
Kulm, LaVerne D. et al. (eds.): Nazca plate: crustal formation and Andean convergence : a volume dedicated to George P. Woollard. The Geological Society of America Memoir 154.

Kulm, LaVerne D. et al. (eds.): Nazca plate: crustal formation and Andean convergence : a volume..

45,00 €
Chorley, R. J.; Beckinsale, R. P.; Dunn, A. J: The history of the study of landforms or the development of geomorphology; Vol. 1: Geomorphology before Davis; vol. 2: The life and work of William Morris Davis (2 Bände, komplett).

Chorley, R. J.; Beckinsale, R. P.; Dunn, A. J: The history of the study of landforms or the..

30,00 €
Ross, Charles A: Standard Wolfcampian series (Permian), Glass Mountains, Texas. The Geological Society of America Memoir 88.

Ross, Charles A: Standard Wolfcampian series (Permian), Glass Mountains, Texas. The Geological..

20,00 €
Hess, H. H: Stillwater igneous complex, Montana : a quantitative mineralogical study. The Geological Society of America Memoir 80.

Hess, H. H: Stillwater igneous complex, Montana : a quantitative mineralogical study. The..

19,00 €
Eiken, Ola (ed.): Seismic atlas of western Svalbard : a selection of regional seismic transects. Norsk Polarinstitutt Meddelelser 130.

Eiken, Ola (ed.): Seismic atlas of western Svalbard : a selection of regional seismic transects..

30,00 €
Miller, David M; Todd, V R.; Howard, K A (eds.): Tectonic and stratigraphic studies in the eastern Great Basin. The Geological Society of America Memoir 157.

Miller, David M; Todd, V R.; Howard, K A (eds.): Tectonic and stratigraphic studies in the eastern..

50,00 €
Eckel, Edwin Butt: The Geological Society of America : life history of a learned society. The Geological Society of America Memoir 155.

Eckel, Edwin Butt: The Geological Society of America : life history of a learned society. The..

16,00 €
Shand, Samuel James: Eruptive rocks : their genesis, composition, classification, and their relation to ore-deposits ; with a chapter on meteorites. 3. ed.

Shand, Samuel James: Eruptive rocks : their genesis, composition, classification, and their..

15,00 €
Kendrew, W. G: Climate : a treatise on the principles of weather and climate.

Kendrew, W. G: Climate : a treatise on the principles of weather and climate.

9,00 €
Thompson, Morris M: Maps for America : cartographic products of the U. S. Geological Survey and others; a centennial volume, 1879 - 1977.

Thompson, Morris M: Maps for America : cartographic products of the U. S. Geological Survey and..

19,00 €
Beekman, A. A: Nederland als polderland : beschrijving van den eigenaardigen toestand der belangrijkste helft van ons land ; tevens bevattende de topografie van dat gedeelte met de voornaamste détails, toegelicht door kaarten en teekeningen. 2. dr.

Beekman, A. A: Nederland als polderland : beschrijving van den eigenaardigen toestand der..

20,00 €
McKee, Edwin Dinwiddie (ed.): A study of global sand seas : prepared in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 1052.

McKee, Edwin Dinwiddie (ed.): A study of global sand seas : prepared in cooperation with the..

30,00 €
Angel, Martin: A Voyage of Discovery: George Deacon 70th Anniversary Volume. Suppl. Deep-sea research and oceanographic abstracts.

Angel, Martin: A Voyage of Discovery: George Deacon 70th Anniversary Volume. Suppl. Deep sea..

20,00 €
Rowe, Richard Burton: A study of the paleodevonian formations of Maryland. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Rowe, Richard Burton: A study of the paleodevonian formations of Maryland. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Ohern, Daniel Webster: A contribution to the lower devonian faunas of Maryland. Dissertation.

Ohern, Daniel Webster: A contribution to the lower devonian faunas of Maryland. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Moodie, Roy Lee: A Contribution to a monograph of the extinct Amphibia od North America : new forms the carboniferous. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of geology 17, S. 39 - 82.

Moodie, Roy Lee: A Contribution to a monograph of the extinct Amphibia od North America : new forms..

14,00 €
Schilling, Gábor: A Bodzaforduló. Dissertation.

Schilling, Gábor: A Bodzaforduló. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Tornquist, A: Führer durch das Oberitalienische Seengebirge. Sammlung geologischer Führer 9. Geologischer Führer durch Ober-Italien I: Das Gebirge der ober-italienischen Seen.

Tornquist, A: Führer durch das Oberitalienische Seengebirge. Sammlung geologischer Führer 9..

19,00 €
Visser, A. D: Elsevier's Dictionary of soil mechanics : In 4 languages. English/American, French, Dutch and German. Comp. and arr. on English alphabetical base. 2. impr.

Visser, A. D: Elsevier's Dictionary of soil mechanics : In 4 languages. English/American, French..

19,00 €
Emery, Kenneth O: The sea off Southern California : a modern habitat of petroleum.

Emery, Kenneth O: The sea off Southern California : a modern habitat of petroleum.

25,00 €
Larsen, Leonard H.; Prinz, M.; Manson, V. (eds.): Igneous and metamorphic geology : a volume in honor of Arie Poldervaart.  The Geological Society of America Memoir 115.

Larsen, Leonard H.; Prinz, M.; Manson, V. (eds.): Igneous and metamorphic geology : a volume in..

20,00 €
O'Neill, J. J.; Chipman, Kenneth G.; Coxe, John R: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 -19, vol. 11: Geology and geography; Part A: The Geology of the Arctic Coast of Canada; West of the Kent Peninsula; part B: Geographical Notes on the Arctic C

O'Neill, J. J.; Chipman, Kenneth G.; Coxe, John R: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913..

20,00 €
Bayer, Ulf; Seilacher, Adolf (eds.): Sedimentary and evolutionary cycles. Lecture notes in earth sciences 1.

Bayer, Ulf; Seilacher, Adolf (eds.): Sedimentary and evolutionary cycles. Lecture notes in earth..

19,00 €
Louis, Pierre: Contribution géophysique a la connaissance géologique de bassin du Lac Tchad. 2 vol. Dissertation. Mémoires ORSTOM 42.

Louis, Pierre: Contribution géophysique a la connaissance géologique de bassin du Lac Tchad. 2..

35,00 €
Ground water in water resources planning : proceedings of a symposium, Koblenz, Federal Republic of Germany, 28 August - 3 September 1983, vol. 2.

Ground water in water resources planning : proceedings of a symposium, Koblenz, Federal Republic of..

65,00 €
Rusconi, Carlos: Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza 10.

Rusconi, Carlos: Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza 10.

30,00 €
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