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188 Artikel gefunden


Lyell, Charles; Winkler, T. C: De geologische bewijzen voor de oudheid van het menschelijke geslacht : en aanmerkingen op de leer van het onstaan der soorten door verandering.

Lyell, Charles; Winkler, T. C: De geologische bewijzen voor de oudheid van het menschelijke..

90,00 €
Schmid, Bastian: Grundriß der Mineralogie und Geologie für höhere Lehranstalten und zum Selbstunterricht.

Schmid, Bastian: Grundriß der Mineralogie und Geologie für höhere Lehranstalten und zum..

15,00 €
Sargent, Epes; Cunnington, Willliam H: The wonders of the Arctic world : a history of all researches and discoveries in the frozen regions of the north, together with a complete and reliable history of the polaris expedition under the late Captain C. F. H

Sargent, Epes; Cunnington, Willliam H: The wonders of the Arctic world : a history of all..

45,00 €
DuBois, G. C: Geologisch-bergmännische Skizzen aus Surinam. Das Prospectieren auf Goldseifen und die Abbaumethoden goldhaltiger Seifen.

DuBois, G. C: Geologisch bergmännische Skizzen aus Surinam. Das Prospectieren auf Goldseifen und..

43,00 €
Zerefos, C. S. / Ghazi, A. (Edit.): Atmospheric ozone : proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium held in Halkidiki, Greece, 3-7 September 1984. (Mit handschriftlicher Widmung des Autors A. Ghazi).

Zerefos, C. S. / Ghazi, A. (Edit.): Atmospheric ozone : proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone..

14,00 €
Laube, Gustav C: Schildkrötenreste aus der Böhmischen Braunkohlenformation. Abhandlungen des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins für Böhmen "Lotos" Bd. 1, H. 1.

Laube, Gustav C: Schildkrötenreste aus der Böhmischen Braunkohlenformation. Abhandlungen des..

30,00 €
Haller von Königsfelden, F.F: Beschreibung der Stadt Como und des Comer-Sees mit dessen Umgebungen. Ein Handbuch für deutsche Reisende.

Haller von Königsfelden, F.F: Beschreibung der Stadt Como und des Comer Sees mit dessen..

650,00 €
Königliche Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie (Hg.): Programm der Königlichen Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Studienjahr 1903-1904
 Berlin, C. Feister'sche Buchdruckerei, 1904.

Königliche Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie (Hg.): Programm der Königlichen..

34,00 €
Shanks, Wayne C: Cameron Volume on Unconventional Mineral Deposits
 New York, Society of Mining Engineers of The American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1983.

Shanks, Wayne C: Cameron Volume on Unconventional Mineral Deposits New York, Society of Mining..

30,00 €
Naboko, S. I. (Hg.): Hydrothermal Mineral-Forming Solutions in the Areas of Active Volcanism. Translated from Russian. Published for the United States Departmen of the Interior and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C
 New Delhi, Amerind Publ

Naboko, S. I. (Hg.): Hydrothermal Mineral Forming Solutions in the Areas of Active Volcanism..

20,00 €
Wagner, C. W: Sur les ostracodes du Quaternaire récent des Pays-Bas et leur utilisation dans l'étude géologique des dépôts Holocènes.

Wagner, C. W: Sur les ostracodes du Quaternaire récent des Pays Bas et leur utilisation dans..

20,00 €
Katsikatsu, Georgiu C: Geologike melete perioches Basiliku-Ithomes, Messenias = Geological study of the Vassilikon-Ithomi area (Messenia, Peloponessus). Geologikai kai geophysikai meletai 21,1.

Katsikatsu, Georgiu C: Geologike melete perioches Basiliku Ithomes, Messenias = Geological study of..

30,00 €
Georgii, H. W. ; Jaeschke, Wolfgang (eds.): Chemistry of the unpolluted and polluted troposphere. NATO advanced study institutes series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences 96.

Georgii, H. W. ; Jaeschke, Wolfgang (eds.): Chemistry of the unpolluted and polluted troposphere..

30,00 €
Emmons, R. C: The universal stage (with five axes of rotation). The Geological Society of America Memoir 8.

Emmons, R. C: The universal stage (with five axes of rotation). The Geological Society of America..

24,00 €
Fox-Strangways, C. E: The geology of the country north and east of Harrogate : explanation of sheet 62 (93 N.W. old series). Memoirs of the Geological Survey, England and Wales. 2. ed.

Fox Strangways, C. E: The geology of the country north and east of Harrogate : explanation of sheet..

19,00 €
Willebrand, Jürgen; Anderson, David L.T. (eds.): Large-scale transport processes in oceans and atmosphere. NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences 190.

Willebrand, Jürgen; Anderson, David L.T. (eds.): Large scale transport processes in oceans and..

24,00 €
Vaughan, Robin A. (ed.): Remote sensing applications in meteorology and climatology. NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences 201.

Vaughan, Robin A. (ed.): Remote sensing applications in meteorology and climatology. NATO ASI..

20,00 €
Guarascio, M.; David, M.; Huijbregts, C. (eds.): Advanced geostatistics in the mining industry. NATO advanced study institutes series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences 24.

Guarascio, M.; David, M.; Huijbregts, C. (eds.): Advanced geostatistics in the mining industry..

40,00 €
Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden under Befäl af C. A. Virgin Åren 1851 - 1853 : Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser ; tredje delen: Fysik.

Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden under Befäl af C. A. Virgin Åren 1851..

40,00 €
Fagg, Christopher C.; Hutchings, Geoffrey E: An introduction to regional surveying.

Fagg, Christopher C.; Hutchings, Geoffrey E: An introduction to regional surveying.

25,00 €
Stadträume im Wandel.

Stadträume im Wandel.

15,00 €
Zoller, H.; Schindler, C: Postglaziale Gletscherstände und Klimaschwankungen im Gotthardmassiv und Vorderrheingebiet. Sonderdruck aus: Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel 77, 97-164.

Zoller, H.; Schindler, C: Postglaziale Gletscherstände und Klimaschwankungen im Gotthardmassiv und..

19,00 €
Kidson, C ; A Heyworth: The Quaternary deposits of the Somerset Levels. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 9, 217-235.

Kidson, C ; A Heyworth: The Quaternary deposits of the Somerset Levels. Quarterly Journal of..

9,00 €
Elmi, S.; Atrops, F.; Mangold, C: Les zones d'ammonites du Domérien-Callovien de l'Algérie occidentale. 1e partie, Domérien-Toarcien; Sonderdruck aus: Documents des laboratoires de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de Lyon 61.

Elmi, S.; Atrops, F.; Mangold, C: Les zones d'ammonites du Domérien Callovien de l'Algérie..

25,00 €
Imlay, Ralph W: Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian) ammonites from eastern Oregon and California. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 593,C.

Imlay, Ralph W: Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian) ammonites from eastern Oregon and..

16,00 €
Moore, Raymond C., Jeffords, R M.; Miller, T H: Morphological Features of Crinoid Columns + Classification and Nomenclature of Fossil Crinoids Based on Studies of Dissociated Parts of Their Columns + Ontogenetic Development in Late Pennsylvanian Crinoid C

Moore, Raymond C., Jeffords, R M.; Miller, T H: Morphological Features of Crinoid Columns +..

14,00 €
Paleontología mexicana 40.

Paleontología mexicana 40.

24,00 €
Fieremans, C.; Dupont, Henri: Contribution à l'étude pétrographique de la brèche Kimberlitique de Bakwanga + Contribution à l'étude des faciès du Waulsortien de Waulsort. Mémoires de l'Institut géologique de l'Université de Louvain 24 in 1.

Fieremans, C.; Dupont, Henri: Contribution à l'étude pétrographique de la brèche Kimberlitique..

45,00 €
Moore, Raymond C. ; Strimple, Harrell L: Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) Crinoids from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 60 (Echinodermata 12).

Moore, Raymond C. ; Strimple, Harrell L: Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) Crinoids from Arkansas..

16,00 €
Black, Craig C: A review of the North American Tertiary sciuridae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 130,3.

Black, Craig C: A review of the North American Tertiary sciuridae. Bulletin of the Museum of..

29,00 €
Bless, Martin J. M. ; Jordan, Hanspeter: Ostracodes of the family hollinellidae. Mededelingen van de Rijks Geologische Dienst. Serie C. V, Palaeontologie : Microfauna 3, Carboniferous 1.

Bless, Martin J. M. ; Jordan, Hanspeter: Ostracodes of the family hollinellidae. Mededelingen van..

24,00 €
McLean, Adam C: A Gravity Survey in Ayrshire and Its Geological Interpretation. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,10.

McLean, Adam C: A Gravity Survey in Ayrshire and Its Geological Interpretation. Transactions of the..

24,00 €
Brough, Margaret C.; Brough, J: Studies on early tetrapods. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences no. 776 = vol. 252.

Brough, Margaret C.; Brough, J: Studies on early tetrapods. Philosophical transactions of the Royal..

15,00 €
McLean, Adam C., Iftikhar R. Qureshi: Regional Gravity Anomalies in the Western Midland Valley of Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,11.

McLean, Adam C., Iftikhar R. Qureshi: Regional Gravity Anomalies in the Western Midland Valley of..

24,00 €
d'Audretsch, F. C. et al: Economic geological investigation of NE Vogelkop (Western New Guniea) : carried out by the "Foundation Geological Investigation Netherlands New Guinea" 1959 - 1962. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouw

d'Audretsch, F. C. et al: Economic geological investigation of NE Vogelkop (Western New Guniea) :..

20,00 €
Heide, Simon van der: Les lamellibranches limniques du terrain houiller du Limbourg du sud (Pays Bas). Mededelingen van de Geologische Stichting. Serie C. IV, Palaeontologie 3, Carboon 1.

Heide, Simon van der: Les lamellibranches limniques du terrain houiller du Limbourg du sud (Pays..

20,00 €
Deleau, Paul C: Les Bassins houillers du Sud Oranais dans la région de Colomb Béchar   Abadla ; Livre 1: Stratigraphie Sédimentation Paléogéographie. Bulletin..

Deleau, Paul C: Les Bassins houillers du Sud Oranais dans la région de Colomb Béchar Abadla ;..

25,00 €
Jongmans, Willem Joseph; Deleau, Paul C: Les Bassins houillers du Sud Oranais dans la région de Colomb Béchar   Abadla ; Livre 2: Contribution..

Jongmans, Willem Joseph; Deleau, Paul C: Les Bassins houillers du Sud Oranais dans la région de..

20,00 €
Muizon, C de ; Q B Hendey: Late Tertiary seals of the South Atlantic Ocean. Annals of the South African Museum 82.3, S. 91-128.

Muizon, C de ; Q B Hendey: Late Tertiary seals of the South Atlantic Ocean. Annals of the South..

16,00 €
Buge, Émile: Les Bryozoaires du Néogène de l'ouest de la France et leur signification stratigraphique et paléobiologique. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Série C, Géologie 6.

Buge, Émile: Les Bryozoaires du Néogène de l'ouest de la France et leur signification..

25,00 €
Freer, Paul C. (ed.): The Philippine journal of science 4, Section A: General Science.

Freer, Paul C. (ed.): The Philippine journal of science 4, Section A: General Science.

45,00 €
Staalduinen, C. J. van: Geology of the area between the Luna and Torio rivers, southern Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 49,2, 167-205.

Staalduinen, C. J. van: Geology of the area between the Luna and Torio rivers, southern Cantabrian..

10,00 €
Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1955. Nr. 28.

Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1955. Nr. 28.

25,00 €
Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1954, Nr. 27.

Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1954, Nr. 27.

25,00 €
Freer, Paul C. (ed.): The Philippine journal of science 5, Section A. Chemical and Geological Sciences and the Industries.

Freer, Paul C. (ed.): The Philippine journal of science 5, Section A. Chemical and Geological..

45,00 €
Whatley, Robin C: Scottish Callovian and Oxfordian Ostracoda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,6.

Whatley, Robin C: Scottish Callovian and Oxfordian Ostracoda. Bulletin of the British Museum..

15,00 €
Overstreet, William C. et al: Tertiary laterite of the As Sarat Mountains Asir province Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mineral resources bulletin 21.

Overstreet, William C. et al: Tertiary laterite of the As Sarat Mountains Asir province Kingdom of..

35,00 €
Dubertret; Daniel; Bender: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 10 c 1: Liban, Syrie, Jordanie.

Dubertret; Daniel; Bender: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 10 c..

35,00 €
Williams, Stanley / Montaigne, Fen: Der Feuerberg. Wie ich den Ausbruch des Vulkans Galeras überlebte.

Williams, Stanley / Montaigne, Fen: Der Feuerberg. Wie ich den Ausbruch des Vulkans Galeras..

6,00 €
Süssmilch, C. A: An introduction to the geology of New South Wales. 3rd ed., rev. and enl.

Süssmilch, C. A: An introduction to the geology of New South Wales. 3rd ed., rev. and enl.

50,00 €
Raphael, C. Nicholas: Future dredging quantities in the Great Lakes. EPA / Office of Research and Development ; Office of Research and Monitoring. 660 / 3-74-29.

Raphael, C. Nicholas: Future dredging quantities in the Great Lakes. EPA / Office of Research and..

45,00 €
Holland, Thomas Henry: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 8, a. India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan; b. Burma (Birmanie); c. Ceylon (Ceylan).

Holland, Thomas Henry: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 8, a..

20,00 €
Stuart, A. J: The history of the mammal fauna during the Ipswichian/Last interglacial in England. Sonderdruck aus: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences ; number 945 = volume 276, 221-250.

Stuart, A. J: The history of the mammal fauna during the Ipswichian/Last interglacial in England..

15,00 €
Klein, W. C: Tektonische und stratigrafische Beobachtungen am Südwestrande des limburgischen Kohlenreviers . Mededeelingen van de Rijksopsporing van Delftstoffen 5.

Klein, W. C: Tektonische und stratigrafische Beobachtungen am Südwestrande des limburgischen..

25,00 €
Thompson, M. L.; Wheeler, H. E.; Hazzard, J. C: Permian Fusulinids of Cafornia. The Geological Society of America Memoir 17.

Thompson, M. L.; Wheeler, H. E.; Hazzard, J. C: Permian Fusulinids of Cafornia. The Geological..

26,00 €
Harington, C. R. (ed.): Canada's missing dimension : science and history in the Canadian arctic islands, I + II (complete).

Harington, C. R. (ed.): Canada's missing dimension : science and history in the Canadian arctic..

100,00 €
Kraft, John C: Morphologic and systematic relationships of some Middle Ordovician Ostracoda. The Geological Society of America Memoir 86.

Kraft, John C: Morphologic and systematic relationships of some Middle Ordovician Ostracoda. The..

15,00 €
Stumm, Erwin C: Silurian and Devonian corals of the falls of the Ohio. The Geological Society of America Memoir 93.

Stumm, Erwin C: Silurian and Devonian corals of the falls of the Ohio. The Geological Society of..

35,00 €
Medaris, L. Gordon ; Byers, C. W. et al. (eds.): Proterozoic geology: selected papers from an International Proterozoic Symposium. The Geological Society of America Memoir 161.

Medaris, L. Gordon ; Byers, C. W. et al. (eds.): Proterozoic geology: selected papers from an..

25,00 €
Greig, D. C. et al: Geology of the country around Church Stretton, Craven Arms, Wenlock Edge and Brown Clee (explanation of one-inch geological sheet 166, new series). Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales.

Greig, D. C. et al: Geology of the country around Church Stretton, Craven Arms, Wenlock Edge and..

14,00 €
McKee, Edwin Dinwiddie; Gutschick, Raymond C: History of the Redwall limestone of northern Arizona. The Geological Society of America Memoir 114.

McKee, Edwin Dinwiddie; Gutschick, Raymond C: History of the Redwall limestone of northern Arizona..

25,00 €
Montenat, Christian; Barrier, Pascal; Francou, C: Oural ypaji urali. Documents et travaux de l'IGAL. Mémoire hors série 1.

Montenat, Christian; Barrier, Pascal; Francou, C: Oural ypaji urali. Documents et travaux de..

25,00 €
O'Neill, J. J.; Chipman, Kenneth G.; Coxe, John R: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 -19, vol. 11: Geology and geography; Part A: The Geology of the Arctic Coast of Canada; West of the Kent Peninsula; part B: Geographical Notes on the Arctic C

O'Neill, J. J.; Chipman, Kenneth G.; Coxe, John R: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913..

20,00 €
Jaanusson, Valdar et al. [Hrsg.]: Lower wenlock faunal and floral dynamics : Vattenfallet section, Gotland.Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning. Serie C, Avhandlingar och uppsatser 762.

Jaanusson, Valdar et al. [Hrsg.]: Lower wenlock faunal and floral dynamics : Vattenfallet section..

12,00 €
Alden, William C.; Leighton, Morris M: The Iowan drift : a review of the evidences of the Iowan stage of glaciation; a co-pperative study for the U.S. Geological Survey and the Iowa Geological Survey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Iowa Geological Survey

Alden, William C.; Leighton, Morris M: The Iowan drift : a review of the evidences of the Iowan..

14,00 €
Hörner, Nils Gustaf: Brattforsheden : ett Värmländskt randdeltekomplex och dess dyner. Dissertation. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Ser C., N:O 342, Arsbok 20, 1926, N:O 3.

Hörner, Nils Gustaf: Brattforsheden : ett Värmländskt randdeltekomplex och dess dyner..

25,00 €
Hussey, Russell C: The Richmond formation of Michigan. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Contributions from the Museum of Geology, University of Michigan publications 2, S. 113-187.

Hussey, Russell C: The Richmond formation of Michigan. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Contributions..

15,00 €
Bequaert, Joseph C; F M Carpenter: The Nemestrinidae of the Miocene of Florissant, Colorado, and their relations to the recent fauna. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Paleontology 10, 395-409.

Bequaert, Joseph C; F M Carpenter: The Nemestrinidae of the Miocene of Florissant, Colorado, and..

9,00 €
Sturani, C.; Kerkhove, C: Sur la terminaison sud orientale de la nappe du Flysch a Helminthoides a proximité du massif de l'Argentera (versant italien du..

Sturani, C.; Kerkhove, C: Sur la terminaison sud orientale de la nappe du Flysch a Helminthoides a..

9,00 €
Dal Piaz, G. V., J. C. Hunziker e G. Martinotti: La zona Sesia-Lanzo e l'evoluzione tettonico-metamorfica delle Alpi nordoccidentali interne. Sonderdruck aus: Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana 11, 433-460.

Dal Piaz, G. V., J. C. Hunziker e G. Martinotti: La zona Sesia Lanzo e l'evoluzione tettonico..

9,00 €
Hesse, Reinhard; Schmidt-Thomé, Paul: Neue Jodwasser-Vorkommen im Bereich der bayerischen Alpenrand-Strukturen bei Bad Tölz (aufgrund von Tiefbohrungen 1957 - 1967). Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Jahrb. C 11, 31-66.

Hesse, Reinhard; Schmidt Thomé, Paul: Neue Jodwasser Vorkommen im Bereich der bayerischen..

9,00 €
Kahn, W. D.; Cohen, S. C.; Boccucci, B. S: Geodynamics Branch Annual Report - 1984. NASA technical memorandum 86223.

Kahn, W. D.; Cohen, S. C.; Boccucci, B. S: Geodynamics Branch Annual Report 1984. NASA technical..

40,00 €
Richter, D.; Müller, C.; Mihm, A: Die faziellen Beziehungen zwischen Parnass- und Pindos-Zone sowie die Vulkanite im Gebiet nördlich von Eratini (Kontinentalgriechenland). Aus. Zeitschr. Dtsch. Geol. Gesell. 142, 67-86.

Richter, D.; Müller, C.; Mihm, A: Die faziellen Beziehungen zwischen Parnass und Pindos Zone..

9,00 €
Egeler, C G ; Otto Jan Simon: Orogenic evolution of the Betic Zone, Betic Cordilleras, Spain, with emphasis on the nappe structures. Sonderdruck aus: Geologie en mijnbouw 48, 296-305.

Egeler, C G ; Otto Jan Simon: Orogenic evolution of the Betic Zone, Betic Cordilleras, Spain, with..

9,00 €
Hara, Ikuo; Paulitsch, P: c-Axis Fabrics of Quartz in Buckled Quartz Veins. Sonderdruck aus: N. Jb. Miner. Abh. 115, 31-53.

Hara, Ikuo; Paulitsch, P: c Axis Fabrics of Quartz in Buckled Quartz Veins. Sonderdruck aus: N. Jb..

9,00 €
Danz, C. F. ; Fuchs, Caspar Friedrich: Physisch-medicinische Topogaphie des Kreises Schmalkalden, Preisschrift. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg Bd. 6.

Danz, C. F. ; Fuchs, Caspar Friedrich: Physisch medicinische Topogaphie des Kreises Schmalkalden..

200,00 €
Hewett, D. F. ; Lupton, C. T: Anticlines in the southern part of the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming : a preliminary report on the occurrence of oil. United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior Bulletin 656.

Hewett, D. F. ; Lupton, C. T: Anticlines in the southern part of the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming : a..

15,00 €
McAdoo, David C: Geoid anomalies in the vicinity of subduction zones. NASA Technical Memorandum 80678.

McAdoo, David C: Geoid anomalies in the vicinity of subduction zones. NASA Technical Memorandum..

15,00 €
McAdoo, David C: On the compensation of geoid anomalies due to subducting slabs. NSA Technical Memorandum TM 82157.

McAdoo, David C: On the compensation of geoid anomalies due to subducting slabs. NSA Technical..

15,00 €
Rubincam, David Parry: Tidal parameters derived from the perturbations in the orbital inclinations of the BE-C, GEOS-1, and GEOS-11 satellites. Preprint.

Rubincam, David Parry: Tidal parameters derived from the perturbations in the orbital inclinations..

30,00 €
McAdoo, David C ; Chreston F Martin: SEASAT observations of lithospheric flexure seaward of trenches. NASA Technical Memorandum 85046.

McAdoo, David C ; Chreston F Martin: SEASAT observations of lithospheric flexure seaward of..

15,00 €
Wegmann, C. E: Tectonic patterns at different levels. Alex. L. du Toit memorial lectures 8/Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa 66, Annex.

Wegmann, C. E: Tectonic patterns at different levels. Alex. L. du Toit memorial lectures..

19,00 €
Friedlaender, C.; Niggli, P: Beitrag zur Petrographie der Vogesen. Sonderdruck aus: Schweizerische mineralogisch-petrographische Mitteilungen 11, 365-411.

Friedlaender, C.; Niggli, P: Beitrag zur Petrographie der Vogesen. Sonderdruck aus: Schweizerische..

9,00 €
Czurda, Kurt ; Winder, C. G. ; Quigley, R. M: Sedimentology, mineral facies, and petrofabric of the Meaford-Dundas Formation (Upper Ordovician) in southern Ontario. Sonderdruck aus: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 10, 1790-1804.

Czurda, Kurt ; Winder, C. G. ; Quigley, R. M: Sedimentology, mineral facies, and petrofabric of the..

9,00 €
Leonardi, P.; C. Morelli et al: Sintesi geologica e geofisica riguardante l'area Veneziana e zone limitrofe. Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia 34.

Leonardi, P.; C. Morelli et al: Sintesi geologica e geofisica riguardante l'area Veneziana e zone..

14,00 €
Kraus, Ernst C: Über das tektonische Raum-Problem, behandelt am Beispiel des ligurisch-tyrrhenischen Orogens. Aus. Geol. Jahrb. 81, 221-236.

Kraus, Ernst C: Über das tektonische Raum Problem, behandelt am Beispiel des ligurisch..

9,00 €
Pieters, P E ; C Amri; U Hartono: Geologi Lembar Mar, Irian Jaya = Geology of the Mar sheet area, Irian Jaya.

Pieters, P E ; C Amri; U Hartono: Geologi Lembar Mar, Irian Jaya = Geology of the Mar sheet area..

30,00 €
Bain, J H C: Karimui, Papua New Guinea : sheet SB/55-9 inyternational index.

Bain, J H C: Karimui, Papua New Guinea : sheet SB/55-9 inyternational index.

40,00 €
Bain, J H C ; D E Mackenzie: Ramu, Papua New Guinea : sheet SB/55-5 international index.

Bain, J H C ; D E Mackenzie: Ramu, Papua New Guinea : sheet SB/55-5 international index.

40,00 €
Wendt, J: Encrusting Organisms in Deep-Sea Manganese Nodules. Sonderdruck aus: Kenneth J Hsü, Hugh C. Jenkyns: Pelagic Sediments: On Land and under the Sea, S. 437-447.

Wendt, J: Encrusting Organisms in Deep Sea Manganese Nodules. Sonderdruck aus: Kenneth J Hsü, Hugh..

9,00 €
Tesdorpf, Jürgen C: Die Entstehung der Kulturlandschaft am westlichen Bodensee. Dissertation. Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg Reihe B, 72.

Tesdorpf, Jürgen C: Die Entstehung der Kulturlandschaft am westlichen Bodensee. Dissertation..

10,00 €
Plaziat, J.-C: Contribution à l'étude stratigraphique du Lutetien continental de Corbières (au sud de Lagrasse, Aude). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la carte geologique de la France No. 278, 61, S. 225-236.

Plaziat, J. C: Contribution à l'étude stratigraphique du Lutetien continental de Corbières (au..

9,00 €
Cohen, Steven C.; Cook, Glenn R: Postsismic Viscoelastic deformation and stress, 2: stress theory and computation; dependence of displacement, strain, and stress on falut parameters. NASA Technical Memorandum 80334.

Cohen, Steven C.; Cook, Glenn R: Postsismic Viscoelastic deformation and stress, 2: stress theory..

15,00 €
Cohen, Steven C: A multilayer model of time dependent deformation following an earthquake on a strike slip fault. NASA Technical Memorandum 82174.

Cohen, Steven C: A multilayer model of time dependent deformation following an earthquake on a..

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Cohen, S. C. ; Peck, T: Catalog of reports on crustal movements and deformations. NASA Technical Memorandum 85041.

Cohen, S. C. ; Peck, T: Catalog of reports on crustal movements and deformations. NASA Technical..

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Cohen, Steven C: Computer simulation of earthquakes. Preprint.

Cohen, Steven C: Computer simulation of earthquakes. Preprint.

15,00 €
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