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217 Artikel gefunden


Nagel, Ulrich, Siegfried Ritzkowski und Ekkehard Schunke: Geologisches und orohydrographisches Blockbild der Umgebung von Dransfeld (b. Göttingen). [= Forschungen zur niedersächsischen Landeskunde, Bd. 114].

Nagel, Ulrich, Siegfried Ritzkowski und Ekkehard Schunke: Geologisches und orohydrographisches..

6,00 €
Guenther, Ekke W: Sedimentpetrographische Untersuchung von Lössen. Zur Gliederung d. Eiszeitalters u.z. Einordnung paläolith. Kulturen. (T. 1., Methodische Grundlagen mit Erläuterungen an Profilen). (Fundamenta : Reihe B ; Bd. 1).

Guenther, Ekke W: Sedimentpetrographische Untersuchung von Lössen. Zur Gliederung d. Eiszeitalters..

10,00 €
Broili, F. (u.a.) (Hrsg.): Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie in Verbindung mit dem Neuen Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie, Geologie u. Paläontologie. Jahrgang 1937. Abtl. B: Geologie und Paläontologie.

Broili, F. (u.a.) (Hrsg.): Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie in Verbindung..

52,00 €
Schelle, A. Kaspar: Elementare Ableitung und Berechnung der einfachen Krystallpolyeder: Abt. 1: Tesserales System. Programm der K. B. Studienanstalt zu Kempten 1871/72.

Schelle, A. Kaspar: Elementare Ableitung und Berechnung der einfachen Krystallpolyeder: Abt. 1:..

24,00 €
Leonhard, G.; Geinitz, H. B. (Hrsg.): Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, Jahrgang 1875, Heft 5.

Leonhard, G.; Geinitz, H. B. (Hrsg.): Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und..

35,00 €
Maglio, Vincent J.; Ricca, Anthony B: Dental and skeletal morphology of the earliest elephants. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 1, Wiskunde, Natuurkunde, Scheikunde, Aardkunde, Technische

Maglio, Vincent J.; Ricca, Anthony B: Dental and skeletal morphology of the earliest elephants..

16,00 €
MacDonald, Gordon J.; Sertorio, Luigi (eds.): Global climate and ecosystem change. NATO ASI series. Series B, Physics 240.

MacDonald, Gordon J.; Sertorio, Luigi (eds.): Global climate and ecosystem change. NATO ASI series..

70,00 €
Saunders, John B. & Engesser, Burkart: Dinosaurier aus China.

Saunders, John B. & Engesser, Burkart: Dinosaurier aus China.

11,00 €
Cornelius H. P.; Plöchinger , B: Der Tennengebirgs-N-Rand mit seinen Manganerzen und die Berge im Bereich des Lammertales. Sonderdruck aus: Jahrb. Geol. Bundesanst. 95, 145-225.

Cornelius H. P.; Plöchinger , B: Der Tennengebirgs N Rand mit seinen Manganerzen und die Berge im..

9,00 €
Breimer, Albert ; Macurda, Donald B: The phylogeny of the fissiculate blastoids. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 1, Wiskunde, Natuurkunde, Scheikunde, Aardkunde, Technische Wetenschappen

Breimer, Albert ; Macurda, Donald B: The phylogeny of the fissiculate blastoids. Verhandelingen der..

36,00 €
Tristram, H. B: Scenes in the East : consisting of twelve coloured photographic views of places mentioned in the Bible, with descriptive letter-press.

Tristram, H. B: Scenes in the East : consisting of twelve coloured photographic views of places..

65,00 €
Nekhoroshev, B.; Gallwitz, H.; Liebus, A: Die Fauna des deutschen Unterkarbons 3. Abhandlungen der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt N.F. 141.

Nekhoroshev, B.; Gallwitz, H.; Liebus, A: Die Fauna des deutschen Unterkarbons 3. Abhandlungen der..

14,00 €
Bosscha Erdbrink, P: On the distribution in time and space of three giraffid genera with turolian representatives at maragheh in N.W. Iran. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, ser. B, vol. 80.

Bosscha Erdbrink, P: On the distribution in time and space of three giraffid genera with turolian..

9,00 €
Imlay, Ralph W.; Jones, David Lawrence: Ammonites from the Buchia zones in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 647-B.

Imlay, Ralph W.; Jones, David Lawrence: Ammonites from the Buchia zones in northwestern California..

14,00 €
Reeside, John B: Cephalopods from the lower part of the Cody shale of Oregon Basin, Wyoming. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 150 A.

Reeside, John B: Cephalopods from the lower part of the Cody shale of Oregon Basin, Wyoming. US..

16,00 €
Reeside, John B: The cephalopods of the Eagle sandstone and related formations in the western interior of the United States. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional paper 151.

Reeside, John B: The cephalopods of the Eagle sandstone and related formations in the western..

20,00 €
Bloos, Gerd: Frühe Arietitidae (Ammonoidea) aus dem Hettangium (Angulata-Zone, Unt. Lilas) von Württemberg (SW-Deutschland). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 219.

Bloos, Gerd: Frühe Arietitidae (Ammonoidea) aus dem Hettangium (Angulata Zone, Unt. Lilas) von..

14,00 €
Bloos, Gert: Ammonites marmoreus Oppel (Schlotheimiidae) im unteren Lias (angulata-Zone, depressa-Subzone) von Württemberg (Südwestdeutschland). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 141.

Bloos, Gert: Ammonites marmoreus Oppel (Schlotheimiidae) im unteren Lias (angulata Zone, depressa..

11,00 €
Riegraf, Wolfgang: Belemniten-Fanghäkchen (Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) aus der Psilonotenbank (Unterer Jura, tiefstes Hettangium) von Südwestdeutschland. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 239.

Riegraf, Wolfgang: Belemniten Fanghäkchen (Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) aus der Psilonotenbank (Unterer..

11,00 €
Schlatter, Rudolf: Über phylogenetische Beziehungen zwischen Psiloceras psilonotum (QUENSTEDT) und Psiloceras calliphyllum (NEUMAYR) (Ammonoidea). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 218.

Schlatter, Rudolf: Über phylogenetische Beziehungen zwischen Psiloceras psilonotum (QUENSTEDT) und..

9,00 €
Schweigert, Günter: Neues über Oxydiscites Dacqué (Oberjura, Ammonitina, Streblitinae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 232.

Schweigert, Günter: Neues über Oxydiscites Dacqué (Oberjura, Ammonitina, Streblitinae)..

9,00 €
Urlichs, Max: Trachyceras Laube 1869 (Ammonoidea) aus dem Unterkarn (Obertrias) der Dolomiten (Italien). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 217.

Urlichs, Max: Trachyceras Laube 1869 (Ammonoidea) aus dem Unterkarn (Obertrias) der Dolomiten..

9,00 €
Warth, Manfred: Vorkommen von "Perna" keuperina BLANCKENHORN (Lamellibranchiata) in der Rottweiler Bank (Stubensandstein, Nor, Trias) von Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 212.

Warth, Manfred: Vorkommen von "Perna" keuperina BLANCKENHORN (Lamellibranchiata) in der Rottweiler..

9,00 €
Bluck, B. J: Sedimentation in some Scottish Rivers of Low Sinuosity. Transactions/The Royal Society of Edingburgh 69,18.

Bluck, B. J: Sedimentation in some Scottish Rivers of Low Sinuosity. Transactions/The Royal Society..

14,00 €
Gygi, Reinhart A: Die vertikale Verbreitung der Ammonitengattungen Glochiceras, Creniceras und Bukowskites im Späten Jura der Nordschweiz und im angrenzenden Süddeutschland. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde..

Gygi, Reinhart A: Die vertikale Verbreitung der Ammonitengattungen Glochiceras, Creniceras und..

9,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: The evolution and dispersal of the Monachinae (Mammalia: Pinnipedia). Annals of the South African Museum 59,5.

Hendey, Q. B: The evolution and dispersal of the Monachinae (Mammalia: Pinnipedia). Annals of the..

11,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: The age of the fossils from Baard's Quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 75,1.

Hendey, Q. B: The age of the fossils from Baard's Quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of the..

14,00 €
Sidder, Gary B. (ed.): Geology and mineral deposits of the Venezuelan Guayana Shield. US Geological Survey bulletin 2124.

Sidder, Gary B. (ed.): Geology and mineral deposits of the Venezuelan Guayana Shield. US Geological..

30,00 €
Kräusel, Richard: Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stormers in den Wüsten Ägyptens, IV. Die fossilen Floren Ägyptens, 3. Die fossilen Pflanzen Ägyptens. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen..

Kräusel, Richard: Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stormers in den Wüsten Ägyptens, IV..

24,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: Preliminary report on the Miocene vertebrates from Arrisdrift, South West Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 76,1.

Hendey, Q. B: Preliminary report on the Miocene vertebrates from Arrisdrift, South West Africa..

16,00 €
Wildeman, Emile de: Etudes de systématique et de géographie botaniques sur la flore du Bas-et du Moyen-Congo, vol. 2,1-3 (complete). Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. B, Botanique. Série 5, Congo-Kasai 2.

Wildeman, Emile de: Etudes de systématique et de géographie botaniques sur la flore du Bas et du..

95,00 €
Annals of the South African Museum 28,4.

Annals of the South African Museum 28,4.

25,00 €
Brooks, Alfred H: The geography and geology of Alaska : a summary of existing knowledge. United States Geological Survey, Series B, Descriptive geology 75 = Series F, Geography 46 = Professional paper 45.

Brooks, Alfred H: The geography and geology of Alaska : a summary of existing knowledge. United..

50,00 €
Hendey, Q B: Paleoecology of the Late Tertiary fossil occurrences in "E" quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa, and a reinterpretation of their geolgical context. Annals of the South African Museum 84,1.

Hendey, Q B: Paleoecology of the Late Tertiary fossil occurrences in "E" quarry, Langebaanweg..

16,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: Agriotherium (Mammalia, ursidae) from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and relationships of the genus. Annals of the South African Museum 81,1.

Hendey, Q. B: Agriotherium (Mammalia, ursidae) from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and relationships..

24,00 €
Waterhouse, J. B: Permian brachiopods of New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey paleontological bulletin 35.

Waterhouse, J. B: Permian brachiopods of New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey paleontological..

29,00 €
Clark, John B.; Dawson, Mary R.; Wood, Albert E: Fossil mammals from the lower pliocene of Fish Lake Valley, Nevada. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,2.

Clark, John B.; Dawson, Mary R.; Wood, Albert E: Fossil mammals from the lower pliocene of Fish..

11,00 €
Brough, Margaret C.; Brough, J: Studies on early tetrapods. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences no. 776 = vol. 252.

Brough, Margaret C.; Brough, J: Studies on early tetrapods. Philosophical transactions of the Royal..

15,00 €
Chowdhury, T. Roy: A new metoposaurid amphibian from the Upper Triassic Maleri formation of Central India. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences no. 761 = vol. 250.

Chowdhury, T. Roy: A new metoposaurid amphibian from the Upper Triassic Maleri formation of Central..

26,00 €
Sissons, J. B. ; Smith, D. E: Raised Shorelines associeted with the Perth Readvance in the Forth Valley and their relation to glacial isostasy. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,8.

Sissons, J. B. ; Smith, D. E: Raised Shorelines associeted with the Perth Readvance in the Forth..

24,00 €
Bailey, E. B.; McCallien, W. J: Serpentine lavas, the Ankara mélange and the Anatolian thrusth. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 62,2.

Bailey, E. B.; McCallien, W. J: Serpentine lavas, the Ankara mélange and the Anatolian thrusth..

19,00 €
Muizon, C de ; Q B Hendey: Late Tertiary seals of the South Atlantic Ocean. Annals of the South African Museum 82.3, S. 91-128.

Muizon, C de ; Q B Hendey: Late Tertiary seals of the South Atlantic Ocean. Annals of the South..

16,00 €
Best, Peter B: Records of the pygmy killer whale, Feresa attenuata, from Southern Africa, with notes on behaviour in captivity. Annals of the South African Museum 57.1, S. 1-14.

Best, Peter B: Records of the pygmy killer whale, Feresa attenuata, from Southern Africa, with..

14,00 €
Best, Peter B: A dolphin (Stenella attenuata) from Durban, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 52.5, S. 121-135.

Best, Peter B: A dolphin (Stenella attenuata) from Durban, South Africa. Annals of the South..

14,00 €
Hendey, Q B: The Pliocene fossil occurrences in "E" quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 69.9, S. 215-247.

Hendey, Q B: The Pliocene fossil occurrences in "E" quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of..

16,00 €
Hendey, Q B; H Hendey: New Quaternary fossil sites near Swartklip, Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 52.2, S. 43-73.

Hendey, Q B; H Hendey: New Quaternary fossil sites near Swartklip, Cape Province. Annals of the..

14,00 €
Hendey, Q B: The Melkbos site : an upper Pleistocene fossil occurrence in the south-western Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 52.4, S. 89-119.

Hendey, Q B: The Melkbos site : an upper Pleistocene fossil occurrence in the south western Cape..

14,00 €
Hendey, Q. B. ; Cooke, H. B: Kolpochoerus paiceae (Mammalia, Suidae) from Skurwerug, near Saldanha, South Africa, and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Annals of the South African Museum 97.2, S. 9-56.

Hendey, Q. B. ; Cooke, H. B: Kolpochoerus paiceae (Mammalia, Suidae) from Skurwerug, near Saldanha..

16,00 €
Hendey, Q B ; A W Gentry: A review of the geology and palaeontology of the Plio/Pleistocene deposits at Langebaanweg, Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 56.2, S. 75-117.

Hendey, Q B ; A W Gentry: A review of the geology and palaeontology of the Plio/Pleistocene..

19,00 €
Sass, Daniel B: Some aspects of the paleontology, stratigraphy, and sedimentation of the Corry sandstone of northwestern Pennsylvania. Bulletins of American paleontology 41, no. 192.

Sass, Daniel B: Some aspects of the paleontology, stratigraphy, and sedimentation of the Corry..

30,00 €
Tomczyk, Henryk: Problem stratygrafii ordowiku i syluru w Polsce w swietle ostatnich badan = Voprosy stratigrafii ordowika i silura v Pol'se b svete novejsich issledovanij = Stratigraphic problems of the Ordovician and Silurian in Poland in the light of r

Tomczyk, Henryk: Problem stratygrafii ordowiku i syluru w Polsce w swietle ostatnich badan =..

30,00 €
Gibson, Lee B: Upper Devonian Ostracoda from the Cerro Gordo formation of Iowa. Bulletins of American paleontology 35, no. 154.

Gibson, Lee B: Upper Devonian Ostracoda from the Cerro Gordo formation of Iowa. Bulletins of..

20,00 €
Bolli, Hans M: Planktonic Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B. W. I. Bulletins of American paleontology 39, no. 179.

Bolli, Hans M: Planktonic Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B. W. I. Bulletins of..

20,00 €
Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,4.

Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co..

16,00 €
Anderson, R. Ernest: Geology of the Wadi? 'Atf (Sheet 17/43 A) and Mayza' (Sheet 17/43 B) Quadrangles, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mineral resources bulletin 25.

Anderson, R. Ernest: Geology of the Wadi? 'Atf (Sheet 17/43 A) and Mayza' (Sheet 17/43 B)..

35,00 €
Schindewolf, O. H. (Hrsg.): Palaeontographica - Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit, Abteilung B: Paläophytologie. Bd. 95, 1.-3. Lieferung.

Schindewolf, O. H. (Hrsg.): Palaeontographica Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit..

30,00 €
Caster, Kenneth Edward; Dresser, Hugh: Contributions to knowledge of the Brazilian Paleozoic, 1 A: Introductory survey of the Brazilian Carboniferous; B: Notes on some brachiopods..

Caster, Kenneth Edward; Dresser, Hugh: Contributions to knowledge of the Brazilian Paleozoic, 1 A:..

20,00 €
Gasche, Ernst: Cephalopoden aus dem Hydasp (der untersten Mitteltrias) der Nördlichen Kalkalpen Oberösterreichs. Sonderdruck aus: Zentralbl. f. Min. etc. Jahrg. 1938, Abt. B, No. 6, 207-224.

Gasche, Ernst: Cephalopoden aus dem Hydasp (der untersten Mitteltrias) der Nördlichen Kalkalpen..

9,00 €
Perry, D G ; B D E Chatterton: Late Early Triassic Brachiopod and Conodont Fauna, Thaynes Formation, Southeastern Idaho. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Paleontology 53, 307-319.

Perry, D G ; B D E Chatterton: Late Early Triassic Brachiopod and Conodont Fauna, Thaynes..

9,00 €
Rubidge, B S; J S Brink: Preliminary survey of the extent and nature of the pleistocene sedimentary deposits at Florisbad, South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum  5,5.

Rubidge, B S; J S Brink: Preliminary survey of the extent and nature of the pleistocene sedimentary..

14,00 €
Holland, Thomas Henry: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 8, a. India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan; b. Burma (Birmanie); c. Ceylon (Ceylan).

Holland, Thomas Henry: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 8, a..

20,00 €
Stuart, A. J: The history of the mammal fauna during the Ipswichian/Last interglacial in England. Sonderdruck aus: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences ; number 945 = volume 276, 221-250.

Stuart, A. J: The history of the mammal fauna during the Ipswichian/Last interglacial in England..

15,00 €
Beydoun, Ziad R. ; Greenwood, J. E. G. W: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie, Fascicule 10 b 2: Protectorate d*Aden et Dhufar.

Beydoun, Ziad R. ; Greenwood, J. E. G. W: Lexique Stratigraphique International, Volume III, Asie..

45,00 €
Simoens, G. ; Mourlon, Michel: La classification décimale de Melvil Dewey appliquée aux sciences géol. pour l'élaboration de la Bibliographia geologica par le Service géol. de Belgique. Bibliographia geologica Sér. B, T. 1.

Simoens, G. ; Mourlon, Michel: La classification décimale de Melvil Dewey appliquée aux sciences..

20,00 €
Simoens, G. ; Mourlon, Michel: La classification décimale de Melvil Dewey complétée pour la partie 549-559 de la Bibliographia universalis. Bibliographia geologica Sér. B, T. 2. 2. éd.

Simoens, G. ; Mourlon, Michel: La classification décimale de Melvil Dewey complétée pour la..

25,00 €
Sewell, R. B. Seymour: An account of Horsburgh or Goifurfehendu atoll. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34. Scientific Reports. Volume I. No. 5.

Sewell, R. B. Seymour: An account of Horsburgh or Goifurfehendu atoll. The John Murray Expedition..

16,00 €
Stockdale, Paris B: Lower mississippian rocks of the east-central interior. Geological Society of America Special papers 22.

Stockdale, Paris B: Lower mississippian rocks of the east central interior. Geological Society of..

30,00 €
Bonini, W. E.; Hargraves, R. B.; Shagam, R. (eds.): The Caribbean-South American Plate boundary and regional tectonics. The Geological Society of America Memoir 162.

Bonini, W. E.; Hargraves, R. B.; Shagam, R. (eds.): The Caribbean South American Plate boundary and..

40,00 €
Smith, Robert B.; Eaton, G. P. (eds.): Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the Western Cordillera. The Geological Society of America Memoir 152.

Smith, Robert B.; Eaton, G. P. (eds.): Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the Western..

45,00 €
O'Neill, J. J.; Chipman, Kenneth G.; Coxe, John R: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 -19, vol. 11: Geology and geography; Part A: The Geology of the Arctic Coast of Canada; West of the Kent Peninsula; part B: Geographical Notes on the Arctic C

O'Neill, J. J.; Chipman, Kenneth G.; Coxe, John R: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913..

20,00 €
Waterhouse, J. B: The classification and descriptions of permian Spiriferidae (Brachiopoda) from New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: Palaeontographica 129, Abt. A, 1-94.

Waterhouse, J. B: The classification and descriptions of permian Spiriferidae (Brachiopoda) from..

24,00 €
Waters, A. E: Placer concentrates of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdrcuk aus: J. B. Mertie, Mineral deposits of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts, Alaska, S. 163-246.

Waters, A. E: Placer concentrates of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Quick, B. E: A comparative study of the distribution of the climax association in southern Michigan. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Papers of the Michigan Academy of science, arts, and letters 3, S. 211-243.

Quick, B. E: A comparative study of the distribution of the climax association in southern..

14,00 €
Del-Negro, Walter: Neue Vorstellungen über den Bau der Ostalpen. Sonderdruck aus: JB. Geol. B. A. 105, 1-18.

Del Negro, Walter: Neue Vorstellungen über den Bau der Ostalpen. Sonderdruck aus: JB. Geol. B. A..

9,00 €
Bergler, Hermann: Geologische Untersuchungen an der Keuper-Lias-Grenze im Gebiete zwischen Weißenburg i. B. und Allersberg. Dissertation.

Bergler, Hermann: Geologische Untersuchungen an der Keuper Lias Grenze im Gebiete zwischen..

24,00 €
Porter, J. B.; R. J. Durley: An Investigation of the Coals of Canada With Reference to their Economic Qualities. Vol. III.

Porter, J. B.; R. J. Durley: An Investigation of the Coals of Canada With Reference to their..

19,00 €
Bourbon, M. et al: Mesozoic evolution of the Western Alps: birth and development of part of the spreading oceanic Tethys and of ist European continental margin. Sonderdruck aus: B. Biju-Duval, L. Montadert (Eds.): Structural history of the mediterranean b

Bourbon, M. et al: Mesozoic evolution of the Western Alps: birth and development of part of the..

9,00 €
Bertelsen, Finn: Lithostratigraphy and depositional history of the Danish Triassic. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Ser. B, No. 4.

Bertelsen, Finn: Lithostratigraphy and depositional history of the Danish Triassic. Danmarks..

25,00 €
Kockel, C.W.; P. Schmidt-Thomé u. A. Custodis: Der Falkensteinzug im östlichen Allgäu. Sonderdruck aus: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Beil.-Bd. 76 B, S, 161-191.

Kockel, C.W.; P. Schmidt Thomé u. A. Custodis: Der Falkensteinzug im östlichen Allgäu..

14,00 €
Hudson, John Douglas; Palframan, David F B: The ecology and preservation of the Oxford Clay fauna at Woodham, Buckinghamshire. Sonderdruck aus: Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol. 124, 387-418.

Hudson, John Douglas; Palframan, David F B: The ecology and preservation of the Oxford Clay fauna..

15,00 €
Kahn, W. D.; Cohen, S. C.; Boccucci, B. S: Geodynamics Branch Annual Report - 1984. NASA technical memorandum 86223.

Kahn, W. D.; Cohen, S. C.; Boccucci, B. S: Geodynamics Branch Annual Report 1984. NASA technical..

40,00 €
Bremner, D. L. ; Leake, B. E: The geology of the Roundstone ultrabasic complex, Connemara. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy : Sect B., Biological, geological and chemical science ; 80, 20, 396-433.

Bremner, D. L. ; Leake, B. E: The geology of the Roundstone ultrabasic complex, Connemara..

12,00 €
Bodenhausen, J.W.A.; Spijer, S.B: On the nappe structure of the Balagne (N.W. Corsica). Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen, Series B, Geology, 65, 35-45.

Bodenhausen, J.W.A.; Spijer, S.B: On the nappe structure of the Balagne (N.W. Corsica). Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Gugenberger, Odomar: Über eine neue Conularia und das Vorkommen von Hyolithes in den-Cardita-Schichten von Laundsdorf (Kärnten). Aus. Centralbl. f. Min. etc. Abt. B, No. 4, 190-192.

Gugenberger, Odomar: Über eine neue Conularia und das Vorkommen von Hyolithes in den Cardita..

9,00 €
Senarclens-Grancy, Walter: Zur Grundgebirgs- und Quartärgeologie der Deferegger Alpen und ihrer Umgebung; Zusammenfassung u. Vortragsreferat. Sonderdruck aus: Verh. Geol. B.-A. Sh. G., 246-255.

Senarclens Grancy, Walter: Zur Grundgebirgs und Quartärgeologie der Deferegger Alpen und ihrer..

9,00 €
Breimer, A.; G. Ubaghs: A critical comment on the classification of the pelmatozoam echinoderms I and II. Sonderdruck aus: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie voor Wetenschappen, proceedings, series B. 77:398-417.

Breimer, A.; G. Ubaghs: A critical comment on the classification of the pelmatozoam echinoderms I..

14,00 €
Plöchinger, B: Die Gosaumulde von Grünbach und der Neuen Welt (N.-Ö.). Sonderdruck aus: Jb. Geol. B. A., Bd. 104, 359-441.

Plöchinger, B: Die Gosaumulde von Grünbach und der Neuen Welt (N. Ö.). Sonderdruck aus: Jb..

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Guitard, G.; Geyssant, J.; Laumonier, B: Les plissements hercyniens tardifs dans le Paléozoïque inférieur du versant nord du Canigou. 1re partie: analyse geometrique et chronologie..

Guitard, G.; Geyssant, J.; Laumonier, B: Les plissements hercyniens tardifs dans le Paléozoïque..

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Marshall, R. B: Spirit leveling in West Virginia : 1896 to 1915, inclusive; Spirit leveling in Maine : 1899 - 1915;  Spirit leveling in Louisiana : 1903 to 1915, inclusive; Spirit leveling in Georgia : 1896 to 1914, inclusive; Spirit leveling in Arkansas

Marshall, R. B: Spirit leveling in West Virginia : 1896 to 1915, inclusive; Spirit leveling in..

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Kraus, E: Die Einheit der Erdinnenkräfte. Sonderdruck aus: Neues Jb. f. Mineralogie, Geologie u. Paläontologie73 B, 404-464.

Kraus, E: Die Einheit der Erdinnenkräfte. Sonderdruck aus: Neues Jb. f. Mineralogie, Geologie u..

12,00 €
Plöchinger, Benno: Die Ergebnisse der geologischen Neuaufnahme des Anninger-Gebietes (Niederösterreich). Sonderdruck aus: Jahrb. Geol. B.-A. 122, 429-453.

Plöchinger, Benno: Die Ergebnisse der geologischen Neuaufnahme des Anninger Gebietes..

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Tessensohn, Franz: Lineare und zentrische Elemente im geologischen Bau Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Geologisches Jahrbuch/Reihe B 20, 57-95.

Tessensohn, Franz: Lineare und zentrische Elemente im geologischen Bau Islands. Sonderdruck aus:..

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Drever, HI; MacDonald, JG: Some New Data on "Kylitic" Sills and Associated Picrites in Ayrshire, Scotland. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Sect. B, 70, 31-48.

Drever, HI; MacDonald, JG: Some New Data on "Kylitic" Sills and Associated Picrites in Ayrshire..

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Mahel, Michal: Geologie des Gebirges Stratenská hornatina. Geologické práce 48 b.

Mahel, Michal: Geologie des Gebirges Stratenská hornatina. Geologické práce 48 b.

30,00 €
Challinor, A B ; S K Skwarko: Jurassic belemnites from Sula Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia. Publications of the Geological Research and Development Centre., Paleontology series no. 3.

Challinor, A B ; S K Skwarko: Jurassic belemnites from Sula Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia..

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Barron, B J; Erwin Scheibner; E N Slansky: A dismembered ophiolite suite at Port Macquarie, New South Wales. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales 18, 69-102.

Barron, B J; Erwin Scheibner; E N Slansky: A dismembered ophiolite suite at Port Macquarie, New..

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