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834 Artikel gefunden


Kollmann, Heinz A ; Herbert Summesberger: Excursions to Coniacian-Maastrichtian in the Austrian Alps : 4. Meeting.

Kollmann, Heinz A ; Herbert Summesberger: Excursions to Coniacian Maastrichtian in the Austrian..

25,00 €
Leonardi, Piero ; Rossi, Daniele ; Sacerdoti, M: Ricerche geologico-petrografiche sulle vulcaniti paleozoiche del Trentino sudorientale. Sonderdruck aus: Rendiconti della Societa mineralogica italiana. A.17, 379-391.

Leonardi, Piero ; Rossi, Daniele ; Sacerdoti, M: Ricerche geologico petrografiche sulle vulcaniti..

9,00 €
Finsterwalder, Sebastian; Blümcke, A. ; Hess, H: Der Vernagtferner, seine Geschichte und seine Vermessung in den Jahren 1888 und 1889, Anhang: Die Nachmessungen am Vernagtferner..

Finsterwalder, Sebastian; Blümcke, A. ; Hess, H: Der Vernagtferner, seine Geschichte und seine..

19,00 €
Marshall, J. A. et al: Modeling radiation forces acting on TOPEX/Poseidon for precision orbit determination. NASA Technical Memorandum 104564.

Marshall, J. A. et al: Modeling radiation forces acting on TOPEX/Poseidon for precision orbit..

25,00 €
Veit, Erwin: Geophysik und Bau des Untergrundes des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Jahrb. A 27, 409-428.

Veit, Erwin: Geophysik und Bau des Untergrundes des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Kahn, W. D.; Felsenreger, T.L: Signal analysis and error analysis studies for a Geopotential Research Mission. NASA Technical Memorandum 83970.

Kahn, W. D.; Felsenreger, T.L: Signal analysis and error analysis studies for a Geopotential..

15,00 €
Luthcke, S. B. ; Marshall, J. A: Nonconservative force model parameter estimation strategy for TOPEX/Poseidon precision orbit determination. NASA technical memorandum 104575.

Luthcke, S. B. ; Marshall, J. A: Nonconservative force model parameter estimation strategy for..

15,00 €
Dinesen, Arne; Michelsen, Olaf; Lieberkind, K: A survey of the Paleocene and Eocene deposits of Jylland and Fyn. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse 1.

Dinesen, Arne; Michelsen, Olaf; Lieberkind, K: A survey of the Paleocene and Eocene deposits of..

25,00 €
Graber, Michael A: Analysis of daily latitude variations. NASA Technical Memorandum 79585.

Graber, Michael A: Analysis of daily latitude variations. NASA Technical Memorandum 79585.

10,00 €
Graber, Michael A: Analysis of star pair latitudes. NASA Technical Memorandum 79593.

Graber, Michael A: Analysis of star pair latitudes. NASA Technical Memorandum 79593.

10,00 €
Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results on a doleritic sill of Deccan Trap age in the Sonhat Coal Basin, India. Sonderdruck aus: Tectonophysics 22, 335-353.

Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results on a doleritic sill of Deccan Trap age in the Sonhat Coal..

9,00 €
Wells, William C. (Ed.): Spaceborne gravity gradiometers : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the OSSA Geodynamics Branch and held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, February 28-March 2, 1983. NASA conference publication 2305.

Wells, William C. (Ed.): Spaceborne gravity gradiometers : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by..

35,00 €
Musen, Peter: The exterior tidal potential acting on a satellite. Preprint.

Musen, Peter: The exterior tidal potential acting on a satellite. Preprint.

15,00 €
Rao, Desiraju B; Stephen D Steenrod; B V Sanchez: A method of calculating the total flow from a given sea surface topography. NASA technical memorandum 87799.

Rao, Desiraju B; Stephen D Steenrod; B V Sanchez: A method of calculating the total flow from a..

15,00 €
Yeh Chen: A preliminary discussion on postsedimentary differentiation and its relation to mineralization : viewed from some of China's sandstone-type copper deposits and related mineral deposits.

Yeh Chen: A preliminary discussion on postsedimentary differentiation and its relation to..

15,00 €
Gaetani, Maurizio: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Alps : a review. Sonderdruck aus: Coy Squyres (Ed.): Geology of Italy, S. 377-402.

Gaetani, Maurizio: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Alps : a review. Sonderdruck aus: Coy..

9,00 €
Kahn, W D ; S M Klosko; W T Wells: Mean gravity anomalies from a combination of Apollo/ATS 6 and GEOS 3/ATS 6 SST Tracking Campaigns. NASA technical Memorandum 82120.

Kahn, W D ; S M Klosko; W T Wells: Mean gravity anomalies from a combination of Apollo/ATS 6 and..

15,00 €
Ogniben, Leo: Le argille scagliose ed i sedimenti messiniani a sinistra del Trionto (Rossano, Cosenza). Sonderdruck aus: Geologica romana 1, 257-282.

Ogniben, Leo: Le argille scagliose ed i sedimenti messiniani a sinistra del Trionto (Rossano..

9,00 €
Haas, János: A "Kösseni medence" kialakulása és fejlödése a Dunántúli-középhegységben = Formation and evolution of the "Kössen Basin" in the Transdanubian Renge. Aus. Földtani Közlöny 123, 9-54.

Haas, János: A "Kösseni medence" kialakulása és fejlödése a Dunántúli középhegységben =..

9,00 €
Vecsei, A; W. Frisch, M. Pirzer,  A. Wetzel: Origin and Tectonic Significance of Radiolarian Chert in the Austroalpine Rifted Continental Margin. Sonderdruck aus: James R. Hein, Jelena A. Obradovic (Eds.): Siliceous Deposits of the Tethys and Pacific Regi

Vecsei, A; W. Frisch, M. Pirzer, A. Wetzel: Origin and Tectonic Significance of Radiolarian Chert..

9,00 €
Lerch, F J; S M Klosko; G B Patel: A refined gravity model from Lageos (GEM-L2). NASA Technical Memorandum 84986.

Lerch, F J; S M Klosko; G B Patel: A refined gravity model from Lageos (GEM L2). NASA Technical..

15,00 €
Estes, Ronald H: A computer software system for the generation of global ocean tides including self-gravitation and crustal loading effects. Preprint.

Estes, Ronald H: A computer software system for the generation of global ocean tides including self..

15,00 €
Graber, M A: An information theory approach to the density of the earth. NASA technical memorandum 78034.

Graber, M A: An information theory approach to the density of the earth. NASA technical memorandum..

15,00 €
Ende, Cornelis van den: Palaeomagnetism of permian red beds of the Dome de Barrot - (S. France) : a detailed investigation of palaeosecular variation and magnetic susceptibility. Dissertation.

Ende, Cornelis van den: Palaeomagnetism of permian red beds of the Dome de Barrot (S. France) : a..

16,00 €
Putney, Barbara H; Joseph E. Brownd, R A. Gomez: Recursive partitional inversion of large (1500 x 1500) symmetric matrices. Preprint.

Putney, Barbara H; Joseph E. Brownd, R A. Gomez: Recursive partitional inversion of large (1500 x..

15,00 €
Rau, A; M Tongiorgi: Considerazioni preliminari sulla geologicadella parte meridionale dei Monti Pisani (Versante SW). Sonderdruck aus: Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana 5, 300-314.

Rau, A; M Tongiorgi: Considerazioni preliminari sulla geologicadella parte meridionale dei Monti..

9,00 €
Kesling, R.V. et al.; JM Fini, RV Kesling: Growth in Two Populations of the Crinoid Eucalyptocrinites crassus. Observations on Evolution of Calycine Appendages in the Crinoid Gilbertsocrinus. A Cystoid Plate from the Lower Part of the Petoskey Formation.

Kesling, R.V. et al.; JM Fini, RV Kesling: Growth in Two Populations of the Crinoid..

14,00 €
Cita, Maria Bianca: Contribution a la connaissance du Domerien-type. Sonderdruck aus: Comptes rendus et memoires / Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des Sciences naturelles, physiques et mathematiques S. 173-188.

Cita, Maria Bianca: Contribution a la connaissance du Domerien type. Sonderdruck aus: Comptes..

9,00 €
Guillaume, A: La partie septentrionale du faisceau de Syam - étude de détail. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la carte géologique de la France 58, 49-64.

Guillaume, A: La partie septentrionale du faisceau de Syam étude de détail. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Waldron, John W.F: Evolution of carbonate platforms on a margin of the Neotethys ocean : Isparta angle, southwestern Turkey. Sonderdruck aus: Acligae Geol. Helv. 77, 553-581.

Waldron, John W.F: Evolution of carbonate platforms on a margin of the Neotethys ocean : Isparta..

9,00 €
Kröll, A.; Wessely, G: Neue Erkenntnisse über Molasse, Flysch und Kalkalpen auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Bohrung Urmannsau I. Sonderdruck aus: Erdoel-Erdgas-Zeitschr. 83, 342-353.

Kröll, A.; Wessely, G: Neue Erkenntnisse über Molasse, Flysch und Kalkalpen auf Grund der..

9,00 €
Kröll, A., Schimunek, K. & Wessely, G: Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen bei der Exploration in der Kalkalpenzone in Österreich. Sonderdruck aus: Erdoel-Erdgas-Zeitschr. 97, 134-148.

Kröll, A., Schimunek, K. & Wessely, G: Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen bei der Exploration in der..

9,00 €
Obenholzner, Johannes H: Triassic volcanogenic sediments from the Southern Alps (Italy, Austria, Yugoslavia) - a contribution to the "Pietra verde" problem. Sonderdruck aus: Sedimentary Geology 74, 157-171.

Obenholzner, Johannes H: Triassic volcanogenic sediments from the Southern Alps (Italy, Austria..

9,00 €
Kropfitsch, M.; Schouppé, A: Revision der Tabulaten aus dem Paläozoikum von Graz Teil I: Thamnoporen und- Striatoporen. Sonderdruck aus: Mitteil. Naturwiss. Ver. Steiermark 83, 90-117.

Kropfitsch, M.; Schouppé, A: Revision der Tabulaten aus dem Paläozoikum von Graz Teil I:..

9,00 €
Voo, R. van der; Zijderveld, J. D. A: Paleomagnetism in the western mediterranean area. Sonderdruck aus: Verhandelingen v. h. Geol.-Mijnbouwk. Genootschap v. Nederland en Kolonien 26, 121-138.

Voo, R. van der; Zijderveld, J. D. A: Paleomagnetism in the western mediterranean area. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Colette, B. J: On the origin of schistosity, I. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet A 'dam B 61, 121-139.

Colette, B. J: On the origin of schistosity, I. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet A 'dam B..

9,00 €
Davoudzadeh, M.; Schmidt, K: A review of the Mesozoic Paleogeography and Paleotectonic evolution of Iran. Sonderdruck aus: N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 168, 182-207.

Davoudzadeh, M.; Schmidt, K: A review of the Mesozoic Paleogeography and Paleotectonic evolution of..

9,00 €
Eysinga, F W B Van: Stratigraphic terminology and nomenclature; A guide for editors and authors. Sonderdruck aus: Earth Science Reviews 6, 267-288.

Eysinga, F W B Van: Stratigraphic terminology and nomenclature; A guide for editors and authors..

9,00 €
Stingl, Volkmar; Krois, Peter: Marine fan delta development in a Paleogene interior-alpine basin: The basal Häring beds (Tyrol, Austria). Sonderdruck aus: N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh, 427-442.

Stingl, Volkmar; Krois, Peter: Marine fan delta development in a Paleogene interior alpine basin:..

9,00 €
Königsson, Lars-König: Dröstorps Mose - A study of the Morphology and Stratigraphy of an Alvara Fen on Öland and the Vegetational History of the Alvar. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Fören. Förhandel. 84-88-118.

Königsson, Lars König: Dröstorps Mose A study of the Morphology and Stratigraphy of an Alvara..

9,00 €
Seltmann, R.; Frischbutter, A.; Just, G: Beitrag zur Mikrostrukturuntersuchung an Kataklasiten. Sonderdruck aus: Zeitschr. Geol. Wiss. 18, 965-976.

Seltmann, R.; Frischbutter, A.; Just, G: Beitrag zur Mikrostrukturuntersuchung an Kataklasiten..

9,00 €
Marsh, J. G. et al: A new gravitational model for the Earth from satellite tracking data: GEM-T1. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Geophysical Research 93, 6169-6215.

Marsh, J. G. et al: A new gravitational model for the Earth from satellite tracking data: GEM T1..

14,00 €
Ziegler, Peter A: Evolution of sedimentary basins in north-west Europe. Sonderdruck aus: L.V. Illing, G.D. Hobson (Eds.): Petroleum geology of the continental shelf of north-west Europe, Conference on Petroleum Geology of the Continental Shelf of North-We

Ziegler, Peter A: Evolution of sedimentary basins in north west Europe. Sonderdruck aus: L.V..

9,00 €
Keppie, J. D: Analysis of a mica subfabric. Sonderdruck aus: Scottish Journal of Geology 5, 171-186.

Keppie, J. D: Analysis of a mica subfabric. Sonderdruck aus: Scottish Journal of Geology 5, 171..

9,00 €
Frank, Wolfgang et al: Relations between metamorphism and orogeny in a typical section of the Indian Himalayas : NW-Himalaya: S-Lahul, Kulu; Himachal Prandesh; first comprehensive report. Sonderdruck aus: Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitt

Frank, Wolfgang et al: Relations between metamorphism and orogeny in a typical section of the..

9,00 €
Sanchez, B.V. et al: Objective Analysis for Tides in a Closed Basin. Aus. Marine Geodesy 9, 71-91.

Sanchez, B.V. et al: Objective Analysis for Tides in a Closed Basin. Aus. Marine Geodesy 9, 71-91.

9,00 €
Frisch, W.; A. Al-Shanti: Ophiolite belts and the collision of island arcs in the Arabian Shield. Sonderdruck aus: Tectonophysics 43, 293-306.

Frisch, W.; A. Al Shanti: Ophiolite belts and the collision of island arcs in the Arabian Shield..

9,00 €
Tex, E. den: A pre-variscan continental rift system in NW Spain. Aus. Krystalinikum 24, 19-31.

Tex, E. den: A pre-variscan continental rift system in NW Spain. Aus. Krystalinikum 24, 19-31.

9,00 €