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860 Artikel gefunden


Caire, A.; A. Coutelle; D. Obert: Tectonique des extrémités de la chaine des Babors (Algérie). Sonderdruck aus: Bull. Soc. Geol. France 10, 658-678.

Caire, A.; A. Coutelle; D. Obert: Tectonique des extrémités de la chaine des Babors (Algérie)..

9,00 €
Ruttner, W.A.; Ruttner-Kolisko, A: Some data on the hydrology of the Tabas - Shirgesht - Ozbak-kuh Area (East Iran). Aus. Jahrb. Geol. Bundesanst. 115, 1-48.

Ruttner, W.A.; Ruttner Kolisko, A: Some data on the hydrology of the Tabas Shirgesht Ozbak kuh..

9,00 €
Baldacci, F.; A. Cerrina Feroni: Sul significato delle ofioliti metamorfiche nelle formazioni detritiche triassiche (Verrucano) in rapporto all'evoluzione embrionale della geosinclinale appenninica : Nota preliminare..

Baldacci, F.; A. Cerrina Feroni: Sul significato delle ofioliti metamorfiche nelle formazioni..

9,00 €
Aubouin, Jean et al: Esquisse de la geologie de la Grece. Sonderdruck aus: Livre a la Mémoire du Prof. Paul Fallot, l'évolution paléogéographique et structurale des domaines méditerranéens et alpins d'Europe II, 583-610.

Aubouin, Jean et al: Esquisse de la geologie de la Grece. Sonderdruck aus: Livre a la Mémoire du..

9,00 €
Castellarin, A; Sartori, R: I ciclotemi carbonatici infraliassici di S. Massenza (Trento). Sonderdruck aus: Giorn Geologia 30, 221- 248.

Castellarin, A; Sartori, R: I ciclotemi carbonatici infraliassici di S. Massenza (Trento)..

9,00 €
Caire, A: Phénomènes tectoniques de biseautage et de rabotage dans le tell algérien. Sonderdruck aus: Rev. geogr. phys. Geol. Dynam. 5, 299-325.

Caire, A: Phénomènes tectoniques de biseautage et de rabotage dans le tell algérien. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Hara, Ikuo: A note on "Concentric" folding of multilayered rocks. Aus. Journal Sc. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. C, Vol. 5, 217-239.

Hara, Ikuo: A note on "Concentric" folding of multilayered rocks. Aus. Journal Sc. Hiroshima Univ..

9,00 €
Beugnies, A. et al: Contribution a l'etude des phengites. Sonderdruck aus: Bull. Soc. Belge Geol. Paleont. Hydrol. 77, 95-146.

Beugnies, A. et al: Contribution a l'etude des phengites. Sonderdruck aus: Bull. Soc. Belge Geol..

9,00 €
Aubouin, Jean; Boselliini, A.; Cousin, Michel: Sur la paleogeographie de la Venetie au Jurassique. Sonderdruck aus: Memorie Geopaleontologiche dell'Universita di Ferrara 1, 147-158.

Aubouin, Jean; Boselliini, A.; Cousin, Michel: Sur la paleogeographie de la Venetie au Jurassique..

9,00 €
Cassinis, Giuseppe ; Alberto Castellarin: Il significato delle linee della Gallinera e delle Giudicarie sud nella geologia dell'Adamello e zone circostanti = The significance of the Gallinera and south Giudicarie lines in the geology of the Adamello and a

Cassinis, Giuseppe ; Alberto Castellarin: Il significato delle linee della Gallinera e delle..

9,00 €
Brandner, Rainer ; Flügel, Erik et al: The Northern margin of the Schlern/Sciliar - Rosengarten/Catinaccio Platform. Guidebook excursion A.

Brandner, Rainer ; Flügel, Erik et al: The Northern margin of the Schlern/Sciliar..

17,00 €
Hadding, Assar: A survey of the pre-quaternary sedimentary rocks of Sweden; IV: Glauconite and Glauconitic rocks. Meddelanden fran Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 51.

Hadding, Assar: A survey of the pre quaternary sedimentary rocks of Sweden; IV: Glauconite and..

25,00 €
Hadding, Assar: A survey of the pre-quaternary sedimentary rocks of Sweden; I. A Survey of the Pre-Quaternary Rocks of Sweden; II: The Paleozoic and Mesozoic Conglomerates of Sweden. Meddelanden fran Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 32.

Hadding, Assar: A survey of the pre quaternary sedimentary rocks of Sweden; I. A Survey of the Pre..

25,00 €
Pamic, Jakob ; Lanphere, Marvin A. ; MacKee, Edwin: Radiometric ages of metamorphic and associated igneous rocks of the Slavonian mountains in the southern part of the Pannonian basin, Yugoslavia. Sonderdruck aus: Acta geologica 18,2, 13-39.

Pamic, Jakob ; Lanphere, Marvin A. ; MacKee, Edwin: Radiometric ages of metamorphic and associated..

9,00 €
Scharbert, Heinz: Die eklogitischen Gesteine des südlichen Großvenedigergebiets (Osttirol). Sonderdruck aus: Jb. Geol. B.-A. Wien 97, 39-63.

Scharbert, Heinz: Die eklogitischen Gesteine des südlichen Großvenedigergebiets (Osttirol)..

9,00 €
Kumpera, Otakar: Contribución a la geología de la sierra de Nipe. Universidad de Oriente, Serie Technologia y ciencias 1.

Kumpera, Otakar: Contribución a la geología de la sierra de Nipe. Universidad de Oriente, Serie..

20,00 €
Norris, D. K.; Bally, A. W: Field Excursion, A25-C25: Coal, Oil, Gas and Industrial Mineral Deposits of the Interior Plains, Foothills and Rocky Mountains of Alberta and British Columbia, 1972, International Geological Congress, Montreal, Quebec.

Norris, D. K.; Bally, A. W: Field Excursion, A25 C25: Coal, Oil, Gas and Industrial Mineral..

25,00 €
Eade, Kenneth Edgar ; Fahrig, W. F: Geochemical evolutionary trends of continental plates ; A preliminary study of the Canadian shield.  Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 179.

Eade, Kenneth Edgar ; Fahrig, W. F: Geochemical evolutionary trends of continental plates ; A..

24,00 €
Young, G. A.; Uglow, William Lawrence: The Iron Ores of Canada. Vol. I: British Columbia and Yukon. Economic Geology Series 3.

Young, G. A.; Uglow, William Lawrence: The Iron Ores of Canada. Vol. I: British Columbia and Yukon..

15,00 €
Ferriere, Jacky; A Mariotti: Precisions sur la paleogeographie des Alpes meridionales: la "sous-zone subtridentine" (Val di Non, Ouest des Dolomites de Brenta, provinces de Trento et Bolzano, Italie). Sonderdruck aus: Bull. Soc. Geol. France 13, 298-314.

Ferriere, Jacky; A Mariotti: Precisions sur la paleogeographie des Alpes meridionales: la "sous..

9,00 €
Ground water in water resources planning : proceedings of a symposium, Koblenz, Federal Republic of Germany, 28 August - 3 September 1983, vol. 1.

Ground water in water resources planning : proceedings of a symposium, Koblenz, Federal Republic of..

65,00 €
Klikushin, V.G: Crinoids of the Genus Austinocrinus LORIOL in the USSR. Sonderdruck aus: Palaeonotographica Abt. A Bd. 180, 159-192.

Klikushin, V.G: Crinoids of the Genus Austinocrinus LORIOL in the USSR. Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Hagenguth, Gerd et al: Beiträge zur Geologie, Mineralogie und Geochemie der Pb/Zn-Vererzungen Annaberg und Schwarzenberg (Niederösterreich). Sonderdruck aus: Jahrb. Geol. B.-A., Bd.125, Heft 1-2, 155-218.

Hagenguth, Gerd et al: Beiträge zur Geologie, Mineralogie und Geochemie der Pb/Zn Vererzungen..

14,00 €
Itzhaki, Y; Z Reiss; A Issar; K Klug; P Merling: Contributions to the study of the pleistocene in the coastal plain of Israel + Notes on foraminifera from Israel : 10. Recent foraminifera from the mediterranean and red sea coasts of Israel. Bulletin / Geo

Itzhaki, Y; Z Reiss; A Issar; K Klug; P Merling: Contributions to the study of the pleistocene in..

25,00 €
Kollmann, Heinz A ; Herbert Summesberger: Excursions to Coniacian-Maastrichtian in the Austrian Alps : 4. Meeting.

Kollmann, Heinz A ; Herbert Summesberger: Excursions to Coniacian Maastrichtian in the Austrian..

25,00 €
Leonardi, Piero ; Rossi, Daniele ; Sacerdoti, M: Ricerche geologico-petrografiche sulle vulcaniti paleozoiche del Trentino sudorientale. Sonderdruck aus: Rendiconti della Societa mineralogica italiana. A.17, 379-391.

Leonardi, Piero ; Rossi, Daniele ; Sacerdoti, M: Ricerche geologico petrografiche sulle vulcaniti..

9,00 €
Finsterwalder, Sebastian; Blümcke, A. ; Hess, H: Der Vernagtferner, seine Geschichte und seine Vermessung in den Jahren 1888 und 1889, Anhang: Die Nachmessungen am Vernagtferner..

Finsterwalder, Sebastian; Blümcke, A. ; Hess, H: Der Vernagtferner, seine Geschichte und seine..

19,00 €
Marshall, J. A. et al: Modeling radiation forces acting on TOPEX/Poseidon for precision orbit determination. NASA Technical Memorandum 104564.

Marshall, J. A. et al: Modeling radiation forces acting on TOPEX/Poseidon for precision orbit..

25,00 €
Veit, Erwin: Geophysik und Bau des Untergrundes des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Jahrb. A 27, 409-428.

Veit, Erwin: Geophysik und Bau des Untergrundes des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Kahn, W. D.; Felsenreger, T.L: Signal analysis and error analysis studies for a Geopotential Research Mission. NASA Technical Memorandum 83970.

Kahn, W. D.; Felsenreger, T.L: Signal analysis and error analysis studies for a Geopotential..

15,00 €
Luthcke, S. B. ; Marshall, J. A: Nonconservative force model parameter estimation strategy for TOPEX/Poseidon precision orbit determination. NASA technical memorandum 104575.

Luthcke, S. B. ; Marshall, J. A: Nonconservative force model parameter estimation strategy for..

15,00 €
Dinesen, Arne; Michelsen, Olaf; Lieberkind, K: A survey of the Paleocene and Eocene deposits of Jylland and Fyn. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse 1.

Dinesen, Arne; Michelsen, Olaf; Lieberkind, K: A survey of the Paleocene and Eocene deposits of..

25,00 €
Graber, Michael A: Analysis of daily latitude variations. NASA Technical Memorandum 79585.

Graber, Michael A: Analysis of daily latitude variations. NASA Technical Memorandum 79585.

10,00 €
Graber, Michael A: Analysis of star pair latitudes. NASA Technical Memorandum 79593.

Graber, Michael A: Analysis of star pair latitudes. NASA Technical Memorandum 79593.

10,00 €
Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results on a doleritic sill of Deccan Trap age in the Sonhat Coal Basin, India. Sonderdruck aus: Tectonophysics 22, 335-353.

Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results on a doleritic sill of Deccan Trap age in the Sonhat Coal..

9,00 €
Wells, William C. (Ed.): Spaceborne gravity gradiometers : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the OSSA Geodynamics Branch and held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, February 28-March 2, 1983. NASA conference publication 2305.

Wells, William C. (Ed.): Spaceborne gravity gradiometers : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by..

35,00 €
Musen, Peter: The exterior tidal potential acting on a satellite. Preprint.

Musen, Peter: The exterior tidal potential acting on a satellite. Preprint.

15,00 €
Rao, Desiraju B; Stephen D Steenrod; B V Sanchez: A method of calculating the total flow from a given sea surface topography. NASA technical memorandum 87799.

Rao, Desiraju B; Stephen D Steenrod; B V Sanchez: A method of calculating the total flow from a..

15,00 €
Yeh Chen: A preliminary discussion on postsedimentary differentiation and its relation to mineralization : viewed from some of China's sandstone-type copper deposits and related mineral deposits.

Yeh Chen: A preliminary discussion on postsedimentary differentiation and its relation to..

15,00 €
Gaetani, Maurizio: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Alps : a review. Sonderdruck aus: Coy Squyres (Ed.): Geology of Italy, S. 377-402.

Gaetani, Maurizio: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Alps : a review. Sonderdruck aus: Coy..

9,00 €
Kahn, W D ; S M Klosko; W T Wells: Mean gravity anomalies from a combination of Apollo/ATS 6 and GEOS 3/ATS 6 SST Tracking Campaigns. NASA technical Memorandum 82120.

Kahn, W D ; S M Klosko; W T Wells: Mean gravity anomalies from a combination of Apollo/ATS 6 and..

15,00 €
Ogniben, Leo: Le argille scagliose ed i sedimenti messiniani a sinistra del Trionto (Rossano, Cosenza). Sonderdruck aus: Geologica romana 1, 257-282.

Ogniben, Leo: Le argille scagliose ed i sedimenti messiniani a sinistra del Trionto (Rossano..

9,00 €
Haas, János: A "Kösseni medence" kialakulása és fejlödése a Dunántúli-középhegységben = Formation and evolution of the "Kössen Basin" in the Transdanubian Renge. Aus. Földtani Közlöny 123, 9-54.

Haas, János: A "Kösseni medence" kialakulása és fejlödése a Dunántúli középhegységben =..

9,00 €
Vecsei, A; W. Frisch, M. Pirzer,  A. Wetzel: Origin and Tectonic Significance of Radiolarian Chert in the Austroalpine Rifted Continental Margin. Sonderdruck aus: James R. Hein, Jelena A. Obradovic (Eds.): Siliceous Deposits of the Tethys and Pacific Regi

Vecsei, A; W. Frisch, M. Pirzer, A. Wetzel: Origin and Tectonic Significance of Radiolarian Chert..

9,00 €
Lerch, F J; S M Klosko; G B Patel: A refined gravity model from Lageos (GEM-L2). NASA Technical Memorandum 84986.

Lerch, F J; S M Klosko; G B Patel: A refined gravity model from Lageos (GEM L2). NASA Technical..

15,00 €
Estes, Ronald H: A computer software system for the generation of global ocean tides including self-gravitation and crustal loading effects. Preprint.

Estes, Ronald H: A computer software system for the generation of global ocean tides including self..

15,00 €
Graber, M A: An information theory approach to the density of the earth. NASA technical memorandum 78034.

Graber, M A: An information theory approach to the density of the earth. NASA technical memorandum..

15,00 €
Ende, Cornelis van den: Palaeomagnetism of permian red beds of the Dome de Barrot - (S. France) : a detailed investigation of palaeosecular variation and magnetic susceptibility. Dissertation.

Ende, Cornelis van den: Palaeomagnetism of permian red beds of the Dome de Barrot (S. France) : a..

16,00 €