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3.584 Artikel gefunden


Martin, C F ; R Kolenkiewicz: Calibration validation for the GEOS 3 altimeter. NASA Technical Memorandum 80710.

Martin, C F ; R Kolenkiewicz: Calibration validation for the GEOS 3 altimeter. NASA Technical..

15,00 €
Mather, R. S.; Rizos, C.; Morrison, T: On the unification of geodetic levelling datums using satellite altimetry. NASA technical Memorandum 79533.

Mather, R. S.; Rizos, C.; Morrison, T: On the unification of geodetic levelling datums using..

15,00 €
Marsh, James G. et al: Gravity anomalies near the east pacific rise with wavelength shorter than 3300 KM Recovered from GEOS-3 / ATS-6 Satellite-To-Satellite Doppler Tracking Data. NASA Technical Memorandum 79553.

Marsh, James G. et al: Gravity anomalies near the east pacific rise with wavelength shorter than..

35,00 €
Kolenkiewicz, Ronald; Chreston F Martin: SEASAT altimeter height calibration. NASA Technical Memorandum 82040.

Kolenkiewicz, Ronald; Chreston F Martin: SEASAT altimeter height calibration. NASA Technical..

15,00 €
Marsh, James G.; Williamson, Ronald G: Precision orbit computations for starlette.  Preprint.

Marsh, James G.; Williamson, Ronald G: Precision orbit computations for starlette. Preprint.

15,00 €
Kahn, W D; JW Siry, RD Brown, WT Wells: Ocean gravity and geoid determination. Preprint.

Kahn, W D; JW Siry, RD Brown, WT Wells: Ocean gravity and geoid determination. Preprint.

15,00 €
Sittig, Eberhard: Zur geologischen Charakterisierung des Moldanubikums am Oberrhein (Schwarzwald). Sonderdruck aus: Oberrheinische Geologische Abhandlungen 18, 119-161.

Sittig, Eberhard: Zur geologischen Charakterisierung des Moldanubikums am Oberrhein (Schwarzwald)..

9,00 €
Skala, Wolfdietrich: Sedimentologische Untersuchungen an den Heisdorf-Schichten (Unter-Devon, Ober-Emsium) der Eifeler Kalkmulden-Zone. Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana lethaea 55, 259-323.

Skala, Wolfdietrich: Sedimentologische Untersuchungen an den Heisdorf Schichten (Unter Devon, Ober..

9,00 €
Veit, Erwin: Geophysik und Bau des Untergrundes des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Jahrb. A 27, 409-428.

Veit, Erwin: Geophysik und Bau des Untergrundes des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Marsh, James G. et al: Detailed gravimetric geoid confirmation of short wavelength features of sea surface topography detected by the Skylab S-193 altimeter in the Atlantic Ocean. Preprint.

Marsh, James G. et al: Detailed gravimetric geoid confirmation of short wavelength features of sea..

15,00 €
Kahn, W D et al: Performance analysis of the spaceborne laser ranging system. NASA Technical Memorandum 80330.

Kahn, W D et al: Performance analysis of the spaceborne laser ranging system. NASA Technical..

15,00 €
Kahn, W. D.; Felsenreger, T.L: Signal analysis and error analysis studies for a Geopotential Research Mission. NASA Technical Memorandum 83970.

Kahn, W. D.; Felsenreger, T.L: Signal analysis and error analysis studies for a Geopotential..

15,00 €
Kahn, W. D.; Cohen, S. C. (Eds.): Geodynamics Branch research report, 1983.

Kahn, W. D.; Cohen, S. C. (Eds.): Geodynamics Branch research report, 1983.

40,00 €
Luthcke, S. B. ; Marshall, J. A: Nonconservative force model parameter estimation strategy for TOPEX/Poseidon precision orbit determination. NASA technical memorandum 104575.

Luthcke, S. B. ; Marshall, J. A: Nonconservative force model parameter estimation strategy for..

15,00 €
Schroll, E: Die Metallprovinz der Ostalpen im Lichte der Geochemie. Sonderdruck aus: Geologische Rundschau 79, 479-493.

Schroll, E: Die Metallprovinz der Ostalpen im Lichte der Geochemie. Sonderdruck aus: Geologische..

9,00 €
Mather, Ronald S. ; Coleman, Robert ; Hirsch, B: The analysis of temporal variations in regional models of the Sargasso Sea from GEOS-3 altimetry. NASA technical memorandum 79549.

Mather, Ronald S. ; Coleman, Robert ; Hirsch, B: The analysis of temporal variations in regional..

15,00 €
Masther, R. S: The analysis of GEOS-3 altimeter data in the Tasman and Coral Seas. NASA technical memorandum, 78032.

Masther, R. S: The analysis of GEOS 3 altimeter data in the Tasman and Coral Seas. NASA technical..

15,00 €
Dinesen, Arne; Michelsen, Olaf; Lieberkind, K: A survey of the Paleocene and Eocene deposits of Jylland and Fyn. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse 1.

Dinesen, Arne; Michelsen, Olaf; Lieberkind, K: A survey of the Paleocene and Eocene deposits of..

25,00 €
Liu, Han-Shou: Gravity tectonics and seismic gaps in the mantle. Preprint.

Liu, Han-Shou: Gravity tectonics and seismic gaps in the mantle. Preprint.

15,00 €
Sanchez, B. V. ; Rao, D. B. ; Steenrod, St. D: Objective analysis of tidal fields in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. NASA technical memorandum 87773.

Sanchez, B. V. ; Rao, D. B. ; Steenrod, St. D: Objective analysis of tidal fields in the Atlantic..

15,00 €
Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results from some panchet clay beds, Karanpura coalfield. Northeastern India. Sonderdruck aus: Tectonophysics 21, 79 - 92.

Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results from some panchet clay beds, Karanpura coalfield..

9,00 €
Sanchez, B.V: The enhanced nodal equilibrium ocean tide and polar motion. NASA - Technical Memorandum 80592.

Sanchez, B.V: The enhanced nodal equilibrium ocean tide and polar motion. NASA Technical..

15,00 €
Graber, Michael A: Analysis of daily latitude variations. NASA Technical Memorandum 79585.

Graber, Michael A: Analysis of daily latitude variations. NASA Technical Memorandum 79585.

10,00 €
Avé Lallemant, H.G: Petrology, petrofabrics, and structural geology of the Sierra de Outes - Muros Region (Prov. La Coruna, Spain. Sonderdruck aus: Leidse Geol. Mededelingen 33, 147-175.

Avé Lallemant, H.G: Petrology, petrofabrics, and structural geology of the Sierra de Outes Muros..

9,00 €
Sitter, L. U. de ; Boschma, D: Explanation of the geological map of the Palaeozoic of the Southern Cantabrian Mountains : 1:50000 Sheet 1 Pisuerga. Sonderdruck aus: Leidse geologische mededelingen 31, 191-238.

Sitter, L. U. de ; Boschma, D: Explanation of the geological map of the Palaeozoic of the Southern..

15,00 €
Graber, Michael A: Analysis of star pair latitudes. NASA Technical Memorandum 79593.

Graber, Michael A: Analysis of star pair latitudes. NASA Technical Memorandum 79593.

10,00 €
Sanchez, B.V: Lateral density variations in elastic earth models from an extended minimum energy approach. NASA - Technical Memorandum 80742.

Sanchez, B.V: Lateral density variations in elastic earth models from an extended minimum energy..

15,00 €
Helmig, Harm Moed: The geology of the Valderrueda, Tejerina, Ocejo and Sabero coal basins (Cantabrian mountains, Spain). Sonderdruck aus: Leidse geologische mededelingen 32, 79-149.

Helmig, Harm Moed: The geology of the Valderrueda, Tejerina, Ocejo and Sabero coal basins..

15,00 €
Sittig, Eberhard: Synsedimentäre Rutschungen im Unterkarbon des Südschwarzwaldes. Sonderdruck aus: Oberrhein. Geol. Abh. 12, 81-94.

Sittig, Eberhard: Synsedimentäre Rutschungen im Unterkarbon des Südschwarzwaldes. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results on a doleritic sill of Deccan Trap age in the Sonhat Coal Basin, India. Sonderdruck aus: Tectonophysics 22, 335-353.

Klootwijk, C.T: Palaeomagnetic results on a doleritic sill of Deccan Trap age in the Sonhat Coal..

9,00 €
Ogniben, Leo: Temi di geologia siciliana e calabrese nei lavori 1962-63 dell'Istituto di geologia di Catania. Sonderdruck aus: Notiziario de La ricerca scientifica 4, 1079-1095.

Ogniben, Leo: Temi di geologia siciliana e calabrese nei lavori 1962 63 dell'Istituto di geologia..

9,00 €
Schulz, Oskar: Synsedimentäre Fe-Anreicherung in der Innsbrucker Quarzphyllitzone am Beispiel der Sideritlagerstätte Eisenklar, Mölstal (Tuxer Voralpen). Sonderdruck aus: Veröff. Mus. Ferdinandeum 57, 103-117.

Schulz, Oskar: Synsedimentäre Fe Anreicherung in der Innsbrucker Quarzphyllitzone am Beispiel der..

9,00 €
Wells, William C. (Ed.): Spaceborne gravity gradiometers : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the OSSA Geodynamics Branch and held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, February 28-March 2, 1983. NASA conference publication 2305.

Wells, William C. (Ed.): Spaceborne gravity gradiometers : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by..

35,00 €
Musen, Peter: The exterior tidal potential acting on a satellite. Preprint.

Musen, Peter: The exterior tidal potential acting on a satellite. Preprint.

15,00 €
Danielopol, Dan; R. Schmidt; E. Schultze (Hrsg.): Contributions to the paleolimnology of the Trumer Lakes (Salzburg) and the lakes Mondsee, Attersee and Traunsee (Upper Austria).

Danielopol, Dan; R. Schmidt; E. Schultze (Hrsg.): Contributions to the paleolimnology of the Trumer..

30,00 €
Habart, F: Erläuterungen zur geologischen Karte für den Wasserbau bedeutsamer Schichtglieder der ostösterreichischen Molassezone, des Tertiärs des Wiener Beckens, des Nord  und Mittelburgenlandes und..

Habart, F: Erläuterungen zur geologischen Karte für den Wasserbau bedeutsamer Schichtglieder der..

19,00 €
Kopf; Manfred; Siegfried Grosse , Klaus Sonntag: Dichtebestimmungen an Gesteinen des Westerzgebirges / Ergebnisse der Gravimetermessungen im Westerzgebirge. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 110.

Kopf; Manfred; Siegfried Grosse , Klaus Sonntag: Dichtebestimmungen an Gesteinen des..

14,00 €
Culiberg, Metka: Late glacial vegetation in Slovenija. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Razred za Naravoslovne Vede Dela/Opera 29 / Bioloski Institut Jovana Hadzija 10.

Culiberg, Metka: Late glacial vegetation in Slovenija. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti..

19,00 €
Musen, Peter: On the tidal oscillations of the liquid core of the earth. NASA technical paper 1223.

Musen, Peter: On the tidal oscillations of the liquid core of the earth. NASA technical paper 1223.

25,00 €
Mauritsch, H. et al: Geophysikalische Messungen im Raum Stillfried an der March, NÖ, zur Klärung urgeschichtlicher Fragen.  Sonderdruck aus: Forssch. Stillfried 4/Veröff. Österr. Arbeitsgem. UFG 13/14, 163-168.

Mauritsch, H. et al: Geophysikalische Messungen im Raum Stillfried an der March, NÖ, zur Klärung..

9,00 €
NASA Geodynamics Program: Annual Report for 1981. NASA Technical Memorandum 85126.

NASA Geodynamics Program: Annual Report for 1981. NASA Technical Memorandum 85126.

15,00 €
Ray, R D ; B V Sanchez: Radial deformation of the earth by oceanic tidal loading. NASA technical memorandum, 100743.

Ray, R D ; B V Sanchez: Radial deformation of the earth by oceanic tidal loading. NASA technical..

15,00 €
Masther, R. S: The earth's gravity field and ocean dynamics. NASA Technical Memorandum 79540.

Masther, R. S: The earth's gravity field and ocean dynamics. NASA Technical Memorandum 79540.

15,00 €
Rao, Desiraju B; Stephen D Steenrod; B V Sanchez: A method of calculating the total flow from a given sea surface topography. NASA technical memorandum 87799.

Rao, Desiraju B; Stephen D Steenrod; B V Sanchez: A method of calculating the total flow from a..

15,00 €
Yeh Chen: A preliminary discussion on postsedimentary differentiation and its relation to mineralization : viewed from some of China's sandstone-type copper deposits and related mineral deposits.

Yeh Chen: A preliminary discussion on postsedimentary differentiation and its relation to..

15,00 €
Wildberger, Andres; Heli Badoux,; Walter K Nabholz: Zur Karst-Hydrogeologie im Gebiet des Rawilpasses (Berner Oberland und Wallis). Sonderdruck aus: Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 71, 277-292.

Wildberger, Andres; Heli Badoux,; Walter K Nabholz: Zur Karst Hydrogeologie im Gebiet des..

9,00 €
Kühn, Othmar: Korallen aus dem Helvetien von Österreich. Sonderdruck aus: Sitzungsber math -nat Kl Akad Wiss Wien 174, 279-313.

Kühn, Othmar: Korallen aus dem Helvetien von Österreich. Sonderdruck aus: Sitzungsber math nat..

9,00 €
Gaetani, Maurizio: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Alps : a review. Sonderdruck aus: Coy Squyres (Ed.): Geology of Italy, S. 377-402.

Gaetani, Maurizio: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Alps : a review. Sonderdruck aus: Coy..

9,00 €