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223 Artikel gefunden


Hendey, Q B: The Melkbos site : an upper Pleistocene fossil occurrence in the south-western Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 52.4, S. 89-119.

Hendey, Q B: The Melkbos site : an upper Pleistocene fossil occurrence in the south western Cape..

14,00 €
Klein, R. G: Ungulate mortality and sedimentary facies in the late tertiary varswater formation, Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 84.6, S. 233-254.

Klein, R. G: Ungulate mortality and sedimentary facies in the late tertiary varswater formation..

14,00 €
Hendey, Q. B. ; Cooke, H. B: Kolpochoerus paiceae (Mammalia, Suidae) from Skurwerug, near Saldanha, South Africa, and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Annals of the South African Museum 97.2, S. 9-56.

Hendey, Q. B. ; Cooke, H. B: Kolpochoerus paiceae (Mammalia, Suidae) from Skurwerug, near Saldanha..

16,00 €
Scott, L.; Klein, R. G: A hyena-accumulated bone-assemblage from late holocene deposits at deelpan, Orange Free State. Annals of the South African Museum 86.6, S. 212-227.

Scott, L.; Klein, R. G: A hyena accumulated bone assemblage from late holocene deposits at deelpan..

14,00 €
Tankard, Anthony J: Pleistocene history and coastal morphology of the Ysterfontein-Elands Bay Area, Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 69.5, S. 73-119.

Tankard, Anthony J: Pleistocene history and coastal morphology of the Ysterfontein Elands Bay Area..

19,00 €
Hendey, Q B ; A W Gentry: A review of the geology and palaeontology of the Plio/Pleistocene deposits at Langebaanweg, Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 56.2, S. 75-117.

Hendey, Q B ; A W Gentry: A review of the geology and palaeontology of the Plio/Pleistocene..

19,00 €
Zaborski, P. M. P: Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from south-east Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 41,2, S. 32-66.

Zaborski, P. M. P: Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from south east Nigeria. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
Rawson, Peter Franklin: Lower cretaceous ammonites from north-east England : the Hauterivian genus Simbirskites. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,2, S. 25-86.

Rawson, Peter Franklin: Lower cretaceous ammonites from north east England : the Hauterivian genus..

14,00 €
Howarth, Michael Kingsley: The shell structure of the Liassic ammonite family Dactylioceratidae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 26,2, S. 48-66.

Howarth, Michael Kingsley: The shell structure of the Liassic ammonite family Dactylioceratidae..

14,00 €
Spath, Leonard F: A new tithonian ammonioid fauna from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 1,4, S. 93-146.

Spath, Leonard F: A new tithonian ammonioid fauna from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq. Bulletin of the..

14,00 €
Palmer, Charles P: The British lower jurassic species of the bivalve genus Cardinia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 26,1, S. 1-44.

Palmer, Charles P: The British lower jurassic species of the bivalve genus Cardinia. Bulletin of..

11,00 €
Howarth, Michael K: Cretaceous ammonites and nautiloids from Angola. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 10,10, S. 335-412.

Howarth, Michael K: Cretaceous ammonites and nautiloids from Angola. Bulletin of the British Museum..

12,00 €
Abbass, Houssein Loutfy: The english Cretaceous Turritellidae and Mathildidae (Gastropoda). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 7,6, S. 176-196.

Abbass, Houssein Loutfy: The english Cretaceous Turritellidae and Mathildidae (Gastropoda)..

16,00 €
Wright, Claud W: The ammonites of the English Chalk Rock (Upper Turonian). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 31,4, S. 281-332.

Wright, Claud W: The ammonites of the English Chalk Rock (Upper Turonian). Bulletin of the British..

12,00 €
Wright, Claud W.; Kennedy, William James: Origin, evolution and systematics of the dwarf Acanthoceratid Protacanthoceras Spath, 1923 (Cretaceous Ammonoidea). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 34,2, S. 66-107.

Wright, Claud W.; Kennedy, William James: Origin, evolution and systematics of the dwarf..

19,00 €
Zaborski, P. M: Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Calabar region, South-East Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 39,1, S. 1-72.

Zaborski, P. M: Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Calabar region, South East Nigeria. Bulletin of..

12,00 €
Howarth, Michael K: Cenomanian and Turonian ammonites from the Novo Redondo area, Angola. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 39,2, S. 73-105.

Howarth, Michael K: Cenomanian and Turonian ammonites from the Novo Redondo area, Angola. Bulletin..

11,00 €
Owen, H. G: The ammonite zonal sequence and ammonite taxonomy in the Douvilleiceras mammillatum superzone (Lower Albian) in Europe. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 44,3, S. 178 - 231.

Owen, H. G: The ammonite zonal sequence and ammonite taxonomy in the Douvilleiceras mammillatum..

16,00 €
Bates, Denis Edwin Beeching: Some early Arenig brachiopods and trilobites from Wales. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 18,1.

Bates, Denis Edwin Beeching: Some early Arenig brachiopods and trilobites from Wales. Bulletin of..

11,00 €
Klein, Richard G: Environmental and ecological implications of large mammals from upper pleistocene and holocene sites in southern Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 81,7.

Klein, Richard G: Environmental and ecological implications of large mammals from upper pleistocene..

19,00 €
Klein, Richard G: Patterns of ungulate mortality and ungulate mortality profiles from Langebaanweg (Early Pliocene) and Elandsfontein (Middle Pleistocene), south-western Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 90,2.

Klein, Richard G: Patterns of ungulate mortality and ungulate mortality profiles from Langebaanweg..

16,00 €
Muizon, Christian de: Phocid phylogeny and dispersal. Annals of the South African Museum 89,2.

Muizon, Christian de: Phocid phylogeny and dispersal. Annals of the South African Museum 89,2.

19,00 €
Ewer, R. F: The fossil pigs of Florisbad. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 1,10.

Ewer, R. F: The fossil pigs of Florisbad. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 1,10.

14,00 €
Bender, P.A: A reconsideration of the fossil suid, Potamochoeroides Shaw, from the Makapansgat limeworks, Potgietersruf, Northern Transvaal. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 8,1.

Bender, P.A: A reconsideration of the fossil suid, Potamochoeroides Shaw, from the Makapansgat..

12,00 €
Longbottom, A. E: New tertiary pycnodonts from the Tilemsi valley, Republic of Mali. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,1.

Longbottom, A. E: New tertiary pycnodonts from the Tilemsi valley, Republic of Mali. Bulletin of..

19,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 35,3: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 35,3: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Brunton, Charles Howard Campbell: Silicified brachiopods from the visean of country Fermanagh, Ireland (III): Rhynchonellids, spiriferids and terebratulids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,2.

Brunton, Charles Howard Campbell: Silicified brachiopods from the visean of country Fermanagh..

24,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,5: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,5: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Strachan, Isles: The Ordovician graptolites of the Shelve district, Shropshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,1.

Strachan, Isles: The Ordovician graptolites of the Shelve district, Shropshire. Bulletin of the..

19,00 €
Lewis, D. N: The Cretaceous echinoid Boletechinus, with notes on the phylogeny of the Glyphocyphidae and Temnopleuridae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,2.

Lewis, D. N: The Cretaceous echinoid Boletechinus, with notes on the phylogeny of the..

16,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,4: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,4: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,5.

Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

14,00 €
Cocks, L. R. et al: The Llandovery series of the type area. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,3.

Cocks, L. R. et al: The Llandovery series of the type area. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

16,00 €
Whybrow, P. J. (ed.): Miocene geology and palaeontology of Ad Dabtiyah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 41,4.

Whybrow, P. J. (ed.): Miocene geology and palaeontology of Ad Dabtiyah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Collins, Joseph S. ; Mellen, Frederic F: Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi, eastern gulf region, U.S.A. : 1. Palaeontology; 2. Geology. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,6.

Collins, Joseph S. ; Mellen, Frederic F: Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and..

11,00 €
Dean, William T: The Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and faunas of the Taurus Mountains near Beysehir, Turkey, part 2: The trilobites of the Seydisehir formation (Ordovician). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,1.

Dean, William T: The Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and faunas of the Taurus Mountains near..

11,00 €
Gentry, Alan William: The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion fauna. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,6.

Gentry, Alan William: The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion fauna..

14,00 €
Crompton, Alfred W: The dentitions and relationships of the southern African Triassic mammals, Erythrotherium parringtoni and Megazostrodon rudnerae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 24,7.

Crompton, Alfred W: The dentitions and relationships of the southern African Triassic mammals..

16,00 €
Scrutton, Colin Thomas: Palaeozoic coral faunas from Venezuela, 1: Silurian and permocarboniferous corals from the Mérida Andes. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,5.

Scrutton, Colin Thomas: Palaeozoic coral faunas from Venezuela, 1: Silurian and permocarboniferous..

10,00 €
Cray, Peter E: Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds (Upper Eocene) of southern England. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,1.

Cray, Peter E: Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds..

16,00 €
Owen, Ellis Frederic: A revision of the brachiopod subfamily Kingeninae Elliott. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,2.

Owen, Ellis Frederic: A revision of the brachiopod subfamily Kingeninae Elliott. Bulletin of the..

24,00 €
Boulter, Michael Charles: A palynological study of two of the Neogene plant beds in Derbyshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,7.

Boulter, Michael Charles: A palynological study of two of the Neogene plant beds in Derbyshire..

11,00 €
Patterson, Colin: Two upper cretaceous salmoniform fishes from the Lebanon. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,5.

Patterson, Colin: Two upper cretaceous salmoniform fishes from the Lebanon. Bulletin of the British..

24,00 €
Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,4.

Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co..

16,00 €
Jolly, Clifford J: The classification and natural history of theropithecus (simopithecus)(Andrews, 1916), baboons of the African plio-pleistocene. Dissertation. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,1.

Jolly, Clifford J: The classification and natural history of theropithecus (simopithecus)(Andrews..

34,00 €
Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,4.

Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin..

19,00 €
Cocks, Leonard Robert Morrison: Silurian brachiopods of the superfamily Plectambonitacea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,4.

Cocks, Leonard Robert Morrison: Silurian brachiopods of the superfamily Plectambonitacea. Bulletin..

11,00 €
Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,2.

Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
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