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859 Artikel gefunden


Bayer, Ulf; Seilacher, Adolf (eds.): Sedimentary and evolutionary cycles. Lecture notes in earth sciences 1.

Bayer, Ulf; Seilacher, Adolf (eds.): Sedimentary and evolutionary cycles. Lecture notes in earth..

19,00 €
Louis, Pierre: Contribution géophysique a la connaissance géologique de bassin du Lac Tchad. 2 vol. Dissertation. Mémoires ORSTOM 42.

Louis, Pierre: Contribution géophysique a la connaissance géologique de bassin du Lac Tchad. 2..

35,00 €
Ground water in water resources planning : proceedings of a symposium, Koblenz, Federal Republic of Germany, 28 August - 3 September 1983, vol. 2.

Ground water in water resources planning : proceedings of a symposium, Koblenz, Federal Republic of..

65,00 €
Rusconi, Carlos: Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza 10.

Rusconi, Carlos: Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza 10.

30,00 €
Brzobohatý, R. (ed.): Miscellanea micropalaeontologica : a memorial volume dedicated to the 18th European Colloquy on Micropaleontology. Knihovnicka zemního plynu a nafty 4.

Brzobohatý, R. (ed.): Miscellanea micropalaeontologica : a memorial volume dedicated to the 18th..

20,00 €
Haas, János et al: Alsó-triász alapszelvények a dunántúli-középhegységben = Lower triassic key sections in the transdanubian mid-mountains. A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet Évkönyve 65,2.

Haas, János et al: Alsó triász alapszelvények a dunántúli középhegységben = Lower triassic..

40,00 €
Waterhouse, J. B: The classification and descriptions of permian Spiriferidae (Brachiopoda) from New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: Palaeontographica 129, Abt. A, 1-94.

Waterhouse, J. B: The classification and descriptions of permian Spiriferidae (Brachiopoda) from..

24,00 €
Snider, Luther Crocker: Part I. The geology of a portion of northeastern Oklahoma : Part II. The paleontology of the Chester group in Oklahoma. Dissertation.

Snider, Luther Crocker: Part I. The geology of a portion of northeastern Oklahoma : Part II. The..

20,00 €
Alden, William C.; Leighton, Morris M: The Iowan drift : a review of the evidences of the Iowan stage of glaciation; a co-pperative study for the U.S. Geological Survey and the Iowa Geological Survey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Iowa Geological Survey

Alden, William C.; Leighton, Morris M: The Iowan drift : a review of the evidences of the Iowan..

14,00 €
Morrison, John A: Alisar: a unit of land occupance in the Kanak Su Basin of Central Anatolia. Dissertation.

Morrison, John A: Alisar: a unit of land occupance in the Kanak Su Basin of Central Anatolia..

45,00 €
Rittenhouse, Gordon: Geology of a portion of the Savant Lake area, Ontario. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Geology 44, S. 451-478.

Rittenhouse, Gordon: Geology of a portion of the Savant Lake area, Ontario. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Meinzer, Oscar Edward: The occurrence of ground water in the United States : with a discussion of principles. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: United States Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 489.

Meinzer, Oscar Edward: The occurrence of ground water in the United States : with a discussion of..

19,00 €
Hudson, G. Donald: Augusta County, Virginia : a study of patterns. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Hudson, G. Donald: Augusta County, Virginia : a study of patterns. Dissertation (Teildruck).

19,00 €
Wolfanger, Louis Albert: The major soil divisions of the United States : a pedologic-geographic survey. Dissertation.

Wolfanger, Louis Albert: The major soil divisions of the United States : a pedologic geographic..

40,00 €
Logan, William Newton: A North American epicontinental Sea of jurassic age. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of geology, April-May, 1900, S., 241-273.

Logan, William Newton: A North American epicontinental Sea of jurassic age. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Wiedenmayer, Carl: Geologie der Juraketten zwischen Balsthal und Wangen a. A. (Abschnitte der Weissenstein- und Farisberg-Graiterykette). Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Beiträge zur geologischen Karte der Schweiz N.F., 48,3 = 78,3.

Wiedenmayer, Carl: Geologie der Juraketten zwischen Balsthal und Wangen a. A. (Abschnitte der..

19,00 €
Waters, A. E: Placer concentrates of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdrcuk aus: J. B. Mertie, Mineral deposits of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts, Alaska, S. 163-246.

Waters, A. E: Placer concentrates of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Knight, S. H: The Fountain and the Casper formations of the Laramie basin : a study on genesis of sediments. Dissertation.

Knight, S. H: The Fountain and the Casper formations of the Laramie basin : a study on genesis of..

19,00 €
Wheeler, Girard Emory: The West Wall of the New England Triassic Lowland : a study of Triassic border structure and geomorphology. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 56.

Wheeler, Girard Emory: The West Wall of the New England Triassic Lowland : a study of Triassic..

10,00 €
Warburg, Elsa: The trilobites of the Leptaena limestone in Dalarne : With a discussion of the zoological position and the classification of the trilobita. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bull. of the Geol. Instit. of Upsala 17.

Warburg, Elsa: The trilobites of the Leptaena limestone in Dalarne : With a discussion of the..

70,00 €
Quick, B. E: A comparative study of the distribution of the climax association in southern Michigan. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Papers of the Michigan Academy of science, arts, and letters 3, S. 211-243.

Quick, B. E: A comparative study of the distribution of the climax association in southern..

14,00 €
Guild, Frank Nelson: A microscopic study of the silver ores and their associated minerals. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Economic Geology 12, S. 297 - 353.

Guild, Frank Nelson: A microscopic study of the silver ores and their associated minerals..

19,00 €
Callaghan, Eugene: A contribution to the structural geology of Central Massachusetts / by Eugene Callaghan. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 33, S. . 27 - 75.

Callaghan, Eugene: A contribution to the structural geology of Central Massachusetts / by Eugene..

19,00 €
Del-Negro, Walter: Neue Vorstellungen über den Bau der Ostalpen. Sonderdruck aus: JB. Geol. B. A. 105, 1-18.

Del Negro, Walter: Neue Vorstellungen über den Bau der Ostalpen. Sonderdruck aus: JB. Geol. B. A..

9,00 €
Berglund, Björn E ; Gunnar Digerfeldt: A palaeoecological study of the late-glacial lake at Torreberga, Scania, South Sweden. Sonderdruck aus: Oikos 21, 98-128.

Berglund, Björn E ; Gunnar Digerfeldt: A palaeoecological study of the late glacial lake at..

9,00 €
Wilmarth, M. Grace: The geologic time classification of the United States Geological Survey compared with other classifications : accompanied by the original definitions of era, period and epoch terms ; a compilation. United States Geological Survey, Depa

Wilmarth, M. Grace: The geologic time classification of the United States Geological Survey..

9,00 €
Popescu Voitesti, Ion: Contributions à l'étude stratigraphique du nummulitique de la dépression gétique Roumanie occidentale. Dissertation. Contient les propositions données par la Faculté pour la..

Popescu Voitesti, Ion: Contributions à l'étude stratigraphique du nummulitique de la dépression..

19,00 €
Sturani, C.; Kerkhove, C: Sur la terminaison sud orientale de la nappe du Flysch a Helminthoides a proximité du massif de l'Argentera (versant italien du..

Sturani, C.; Kerkhove, C: Sur la terminaison sud orientale de la nappe du Flysch a Helminthoides a..

9,00 €
Brouwer, Hendrik A: Contributions à la géologie de la Corse. Sonderdruck aus: Geologie en Mijnbouw (NW Ser.) 19, 1-12.

Brouwer, Hendrik A: Contributions à la géologie de la Corse. Sonderdruck aus: Geologie en..

9,00 €
Ellenberger, Francois: Trias a facies brianconnais de la Vanoise et des Alpes occidentales. Memoires du Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Miieres 15. Sonderdruck.

Ellenberger, Francois: Trias a facies brianconnais de la Vanoise et des Alpes occidentales..

9,00 €
Barbier, Reynold et al: Problemes paleogeographiques et structuraux dans les zones internes des Alpes Occidentales entre Savoie et Mediterranee. Sonderdruck aus: Livre a la memoire du professeur Paul Fallot II, 331-377.

Barbier, Reynold et al: Problemes paleogeographiques et structuraux dans les zones internes des..

9,00 €
Borza, Karol; Köhler, E.; Samuel, O: Nove stratigraficke a tektonicke poznatky o badl Skalica. Sonderdruck aus: Geologicke prace 72, 97-112.

Borza, Karol; Köhler, E.; Samuel, O: Nove stratigraficke a tektonicke poznatky o badl Skalica..

9,00 €
Szulc, Joachim: The Upper Silesian Muschelkalk - a gerneral setting. + Adam Bodzioch, Tarnow Opolski. Sonderdruck aus: Hans Hagdorn (Ed.): Muschelkalk - a field guide, 61-80.

Szulc, Joachim: The Upper Silesian Muschelkalk a gerneral setting. + Adam Bodzioch, Tarnow..

9,00 €
Zanche, Vittorio ed; Gianolla, Piero et al: A Middle Triassic back-stepping carbonate platform in the Dolomites (Italy) : sequence stratigraphy and biochronostratigraphy. Sonderdruck aus: Memorie di Scienze Geologiche ol. 47, 135 - 155.

Zanche, Vittorio ed; Gianolla, Piero et al: A Middle Triassic back stepping carbonate platform in..

19,00 €
Kockel, C.W.; P. Schmidt-Thomé u. A. Custodis: Der Falkensteinzug im östlichen Allgäu. Sonderdruck aus: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Beil.-Bd. 76 B, S, 161-191.

Kockel, C.W.; P. Schmidt Thomé u. A. Custodis: Der Falkensteinzug im östlichen Allgäu..

14,00 €
Sassi, F. P. ; Zirpoli, G: Sulla distribuzione di sillimanite nel basamento austroalpino a sud della Finestra dei Tauri. Aus. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. Vol. 92, 831-839.

Sassi, F. P. ; Zirpoli, G: Sulla distribuzione di sillimanite nel basamento austroalpino a sud..

12,00 €
Zanferrari, A.; Bollettinari, G. et al: Evoluzione Neotettonica dell Italia Nord- Orientale. Sonderdruck aus: Memorie di Science Geoloiche, Vol. XXXV, 355- 376.

Zanferrari, A.; Bollettinari, G. et al: Evoluzione Neotettonica dell Italia Nord Orientale..

20,00 €
Sassi, F. P. ; Zanferrari, Adriano ; Zirpoli, G: Aspetti dinamici dell'evento "Caledoniano" nell'Austroalpino a sud della finestra dei Tauri. Sonderdruck aus: Memorie del Museo Tridentino de Scienze Naturali Vol. 20, 3-32.

Sassi, F. P. ; Zanferrari, Adriano ; Zirpoli, G: Aspetti dinamici dell'evento "Caledoniano"..

14,00 €
Recherches sur la fracturation naturelle des roches 1969-1972. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin Sciences Geologie 26, 91-218.

Recherches sur la fracturation naturelle des roches 1969 1972. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin Sciences..

19,00 €
Langel, Robert A: MAGSAT preliminary results. Sonderdruck aus: Geophysical research letters, v. 9, no. 4,  239-378.

Langel, Robert A: MAGSAT preliminary results. Sonderdruck aus: Geophysical research letters, v. 9..

15,00 €
Fülöp, Joszef: A Villanyi-Hegyseg kretaidöszaki kepzödmenyei - Les formations cretacees de la montagne de Villany. Geologica Hungarica, Ser. Geologica Tom. 15.

Fülöp, Joszef: A Villanyi Hegyseg kretaidöszaki kepzödmenyei Les formations cretacees de la..

20,00 €
Graciansky, Pierre Charles De: Le probleme des "couloured melanges" a propos de formations chaotiques associees aux ophiolites de lycie occidentale (Turquie). Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Geogr. Physique Geol. Dynamique 15, 555-566.

Graciansky, Pierre Charles De: Le probleme des "couloured melanges" a propos de formations..

9,00 €
Gosen, W.v.; Buggisch, W: A west-east transect across the Precordillera (Argentina). Sonderdruck aus: Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 1597-1614.

Gosen, W.v.; Buggisch, W: A west east transect across the Precordillera (Argentina). Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
McCarthy, Bruce: Trace Fossils from a Permian Shoreface-Foreshore Environment, Eastern Australia. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Paleontology 53, 345-366.

McCarthy, Bruce: Trace Fossils from a Permian Shoreface Foreshore Environment, Eastern Australia..

9,00 €
Roure, Francois ; Rene Blanchet: A geological transect between the Klamath Mountains and the Pacific Ocean (Southwestern Oregon): A model for paleosubductions. Sonderdruck aus: Tectonophysics 91, 53-72.

Roure, Francois ; Rene Blanchet: A geological transect between the Klamath Mountains and the..

9,00 €
Richter, D.; Müller, C.; Mihm, A: Die faziellen Beziehungen zwischen Parnass- und Pindos-Zone sowie die Vulkanite im Gebiet nördlich von Eratini (Kontinentalgriechenland). Aus. Zeitschr. Dtsch. Geol. Gesell. 142, 67-86.

Richter, D.; Müller, C.; Mihm, A: Die faziellen Beziehungen zwischen Parnass und Pindos Zone..

9,00 €
Lieberman, Henry M: The suitability of the Raibl sequence as a stratotype of the Carnian Stage and the Julian Substage of the Triassic. Sonderdruck aus: Newsl. Stratigr. Bd. 9, S. 35-42.

Lieberman, Henry M: The suitability of the Raibl sequence as a stratotype of the Carnian Stage and..

14,00 €
Stukalina, Galina A: Crinoids. Sonderdruck aus: The Silurian-Devonian Baundary, IUGS Ser. A, No. 5, 333-336.

Stukalina, Galina A: Crinoids. Sonderdruck aus: The Silurian Devonian Baundary, IUGS Ser. A, No. 5..

9,00 €
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