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13 Artikel gefunden


Zitt, Jiri; Michalik, Jozef: Upper Jurassic crinoids in the West Carpathian Klippen Belt. Sonderdruck aus: Geologica Carpathica, 35: 601-629.

Zitt, Jiri; Michalik, Jozef: Upper Jurassic crinoids in the West Carpathian Klippen Belt..

14,00 €
Michalik, Jozef; Sotak, J: Lower cretaceous shallow marine buildups in the Western Carpathians and their relationship to pelagic facies. Sonderdruck aus: Cretaceous Research 11, 211-227.

Michalik, Jozef; Sotak, J: Lower cretaceous shallow marine buildups in the Western Carpathians and..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef: Paläogeographische Studie des Räts [Rhäts] der Krízna Decke des Strázov-Gebirges und einiger anliegender Gebiete. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Zbornik 24, 123-140.

Michalik, Jozef: Paläogeographische Studie des Räts [Rhäts] der Krízna Decke des Strázov..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef: A paleoenvironmental and paleoecological analysis of the West Carpathian part of the Northern Tethyan Nearshore Region in the latest triassic time. Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Ital. Paleont. 85, 1048-1064.

Michalik, Jozef: A paleoenvironmental and paleoecological analysis of the West Carpathian part of..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef: Zur Paläogeographie der rätischen Stufe des westlichen Teils der Krizna-Decke in den Westkarpaten. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Zbornik 25, 257-285.

Michalik, Jozef: Zur Paläogeographie der rätischen Stufe des westlichen Teils der Krizna Decke in..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef; Kovac, Michal: On some problems of palinspastic reconstructions and ceno-mesozoic paleogeographical development of the western Carpathians. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Zbornik 33, 481-507.

Michalik, Jozef; Kovac, Michal: On some problems of palinspastic reconstructions and ceno mesozoic..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef: Some remarks on developmental and structural interpretation of the northwestern part of the Male Karpaty Mts. (West Carpathians). Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Zbornik 35, 489-504.

Michalik, Jozef: Some remarks on developmental and structural interpretation of the northwestern..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef; Vasicek, Zdenek: Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Czechoslovakian Western Carpathians. Sonderdruck aus: J. Wiedmann (Ed.): Cretaceous of the Western Tethys. Proc. 3rd Intern. Cretaceous Symp. 1987, 505-523.

Michalik, Jozef; Vasicek, Zdenek: Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleogeography of the..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef: To the paleogeographic, paleotectonic and paleoclimatic development of the West Carpathian Area in teh uppermost triassic. Aus. Symp. Paleogeogr. Evolution West Carpathian, GUDS, 189-211.

Michalik, Jozef: To the paleogeographic, paleotectonic and paleoclimatic development of the West..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef; Rehakova, D.; Halasova, E: K stratigrafii hranicných jursko-kriedových súvrství v doline Hlboc (Vysocka jednotka kriznanskeho prikrovu, Male Karpaty). Sonderdruck aus: Knihovnicka Zemniho plynu a nafty 9a, 183-204.

Michalik, Jozef; Rehakova, D.; Halasova, E: K stratigrafii hranicných jursko kriedových..

9,00 €
Michalik, Jozef; Vasicek, Zdenek: To the early mid Cretaceous West Carpathian development: the age and environmental position of the 'Skalica breccia'. Sonderdruck aus: Geol. Zbornik 35, 559-581.

Michalik, Jozef; Vasicek, Zdenek: To the early mid Cretaceous West Carpathian development: the age..

9,00 €
Gazdzicki, Andrzej; Jozef Michalik: Uppermost Triassic sequences of the Choc nappe (Hronic) in the West Carpathians of Slovakia and Poland. Sonderdruck aus: Acta Geol. Polonica Vol. 30, 61-76.

Gazdzicki, Andrzej; Jozef Michalik: Uppermost Triassic sequences of the Choc nappe (Hronic) in the..

12,00 €
Roniewicz, Ewa; Michalik, Jozef: A new Triassic scleractinian coral from the High Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians, Czecho-Slovakia). Sonderdruck aus: Geologica Carpathica Vol. 42, S. 157-162.

Roniewicz, Ewa; Michalik, Jozef: A new Triassic scleractinian coral from the High Tatra Mountains..

14,00 €
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